1983-09-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS. , SEPT. 8, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Don Hardt, the meeting was called to order by Com. L. Bud Gibbs at 7:34 P.M. on Thursday, Sept. 8, 1983 at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: C. Cea, K. Krippes, E. Larsen, L. Koclanis & L. Gibbs Commissioners Absent: D. Hardt, D. Wehring. Bldg. Department Liaison: Mr. Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Bldg. Com. Village Board Liaison: Mr. Gary Glover , Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 25, 1983 - Motion to accept the August 25, 1983 minutes as presented was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Krippes. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Krippes Cea Nay - None Abstain - Larsen Gibbs August 25, 1983 minutes were approved and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Standard Pacific - Mr. L. A. Guggemos, President made the presentation. 1 . Model Area - 3 models will be built on Lots 2, 3, and 4 at the corner of Pauline Avenue and Highland Grove Drive. Model Nos. 3640; 3630 and 3650 will be built on the above lots. They are all two-story houses. The location of signage shown on the plan was previously approved by the AC and the Village Board in Jan/Feb 1983. Signage was approved with lighting. The signage was reviewed briefly: a. Entrance sign - 2 faced with lights. b. Two parking lot signs. c. Model signs with number and name. d. Sales Office signs on Model 3640, Lot. 2. Landscaping - The Forester has objections to using Red and Sugar Maples. They do not survive in this climate. Mr. Guggemos agreed to substitute Seedless Green Ash for the Sugar Maples, listed as AS and AR. Purple White Ash will be substituted for the Red Maples on the Parkway as per Landscape Plans. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Model Area as presented; and Landscaping for the model area with the following changes: a. Seedless Green Ash will be substituted for Sugar Maples b. Purple White Ash will be substituted for Red Maples. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Krippes Larsen Cea Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Note: Signage; Lighting, Fencing and Parking Area: previously approved. 2. Sales Trailer - During construction of the model 3640, a sales trailer is requested for the corner of the parking lot. The rear of the trailer will face the corner of Highland Grove Drive and Pauline Avenue. The trailer will be Pantone #466 U. Trailer Skirt and Entry Platform will be Pantone #161C. Doors will be White. Signage to be White back- ground with Lettering and Borders - Pantone 160C, to match other signs. The time limit on sales trailers was reviewed. Permits are granted for a period of 1 year with renewal contingent upon condition and approval of the administrator. Mr. Guggemos said that the front will be landscaped with plantings that will be moved to the model area when finished. He agreed to add some balled and burlapped bushes at the rear of the trailer also. The entire area will be sodded. All lots will also be sodded, including the islands. Com. C. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Sales Trailer for Standard Pacific: Colors as specified on drawing (and minutes). Stipulation that foundation plantings be placed all the way around the trailer, which will later be moved to the model area. Signage for sales trailer as presented. No flood lights, but there is the usual doorway light. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Krippes Cea Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Gibbs APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Two 3. Exterior Color Packages - Highland Point Chart dated 8/16/83 was presented. A board with each color package was reviewed and approved with the exception of the Brick on #4, which is listed as Homestead Blend. This will be changed to Rivera. Mr. Guggemos stipulated that no substitutions will be made from the list presented. He said that the color packages have been selected because they are all very compatible. All have White trim. They all blend very well with Highland Grove. The Monotony Code will be followed. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the Exterior Color Schemes for Standard Pacific as presented with one modification: The Homestead Blend Brick on #4 will be changed to Riveria Brick. Com. Koclanis seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Cea Koclanis Larsen Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay None 4. Light Fixtures at Doors The lights at the doors of Models 3640 and 3650. Rear lights will be the same as shown for the previous models approved in Jan. '83. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the lights for Standard Pacific as presented for the entry doors. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Krippes Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None 5. Landscaping - Parkway Trees for Units 5 and 6. Mr. Guggemos said that all lots will be entirely sodded. It was noted that the replacements for the Red and Sugar Maples recommended by the Village Forester on Jan. 1 , 1979 were made when the plans were revised on April 3, 1979; i .e. - Seedless Green Ash to replace Sugar Maples and Purple White Ash to replace the Red Maples. It was noted that the Public Works Dept. actually spots the trees at planting time in accordance with the Ordinance. Trees will be 22 to 3 inch caliper. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Three Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Parkway Landscaping Plans for Units 5 and 6 with modifications as presented by Standard Pacific. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Discussion: Com. Koclanis asked why there are no trees on the island on Unit 5; or within the cul-de-sac on Unit 6? It was noted that there is a street light on the cul-de-sac on Unit 6. Also, because the Village must maintain the streets after they are dedicated, trees are not usually placed on islands, etc. The developer is required to provide parkway trees, but not other trees. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Krippes Cea Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Mr. Guggemos thanked the AC for the fine co-operation and requested a copy of the minutes for review before the Village Board Meeting on Sept. 19, 1983. B. Chatham Manor - Revision of Roof Line and New Trellis in rear. Mr. Jerome P. O'Connor, new developer of Chatham.Manor on Dundee Road, presented artist's sketches depicting the model with interior kitchens in Units B and C; and the new model with the kitchens moved to the exterior and trellises added to cover the patio area and add interest. Mr. O'Connor explained that Units B and C have been slow to sell because of the interior kitchens. Another change has been made to the stairways , which were required to have closed risers. Since that time, the Code has been changed, and open risers have been incorporated to add light as well as skylights over the entryways. some changes have been made to the front elevation. And to break up the 149 foot length of the roof, the horizontal lines have been carried on further and the materials have been carried further, making the roof look smaller. Another change that is requested is that the air conditioning units be be grouped together at the rear of the C and D units. They will be well screened. Before they were located outside of the balconies, and the noise was disturbing to owners. No balconies will be above the AC's. Mr. O'Connor said that he is requesting these changes for the remaining 8 buildings that have been approved for Units I and II . There are 2 buildings, nos. 11 & 12 in Unit I and seen from Dundee Rd. and 6 build- ings in Unit II; making a total of 56 units. Building 12 would be the New Model and the trellis would be seen from Dundee Road . The front faces North.The rear of #11 would face the East . #11 is perpendicular to Dundee Road. Neither trellis would be seen from Weidner Ct. South. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Four Mr. O'Connor said that trellises will not be added to old units and the AC units on these buildings will not be moved. The trellises will be included as common elements in the homeowner's declaration. This is the agreement that unit owners make to assure no architectural changes. The trellises will be made of cedar - 2" x 10" 's; no fiberglas can be added and the association will maintain them. Wood will be wolmanized. It was determined that the remaining 8 buildings could be grouped to- gether into a separate homeowner's association. One third of the manor homes; nos. 11, 12, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 24, and 25; will be in this group. The trellises will not be optional . The Commissioners were in agreement that it would be alright to have the new elevation in Phase II, but they did not want to see the final two buildings in Phase I allowed to be so different. There were several Chatham Manor homeowners present and they were also against the proposal . Mr. Bill Otter at 777 Weidner commented that the placement of 4 'AC's in a group would be very annoying because he is now disturbed with his neighbor's. Mr. O'Conner was open to relocating any AC that is creating a problem. Mr. Tom Moretti , 726 Hapsfield Lane asked about the upkeep of the trellises, and if it would cost the owners of Unit I more for maintainance ? It would not cost them anything because there would be different rules and a different association entirely. Mr. Otter commented about the mistake that was made when the first bal- conies were built. Outdoor wood was not used. When replacement was made, the new wood won't take paint and the stain soon washed off. He was advised that there is Olympic Stain that will work on Wolmanized wood. The AC can do nothing about this problem. Com. Cea voiced disapproval of both the aesthetic value of the trellises and the level of noise that will be created by grouping 4 AC'S together. After further discussion of the problems that could occur if the two models were mixed, straw polls were taken: The results were unanimous agreement that the new buildings that are on Dundee Road: #11 and #12, should not have the new roof line or the trellises. Com. Koclanis made the following motion: I move we approve construction of Bldgs. 11 and 12 at Chatham Manor retain the same front elevation as previously approved by the AC. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Discussion included the statement from Mr. O'Connor that they need the Sales Office to be in front on Dundee Road. There were three ori- ginal elevations: Tuder, Colonial and Rustic. Two of these styles will be included in the new buildings. He would stipulate that #11 - would be a Tudor and #12 would be the Colonial . He did not think that the new model with the exterior kitchens and skylights could be built on the old foundations. There is some 1 foot difference in the foot- print. Com. Gibbs informed Mr. O'Connor that any AC recommendation can be appealed to the Village Board. The Board considers other aspects than aesthetics, such as hardship. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Five Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Cea Koclanis Larsen Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. If an Appeal is desired, Mr. Saviano can explain procedure. Mr. O'Connor felt that possibly the new floor plan can be accomplished on the existing foundation, if they can flush the wall 1 foot. Regarding the Rear Elevation with the trellis, Mr. O' Connor presented some photographs of the actual product. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we accept the rear elevation with trellises for Lots 11 and 12; with the repositioning of the AC units as presented. Com. Larsen seconded the motion: Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Nay - Koclanis Ce a Krippes Gibbs Motion Denied - 4 to 1 . Original rear elevation can be retained. The petitioner has the right of Appeal to the Village Board. Com. Gibbs clarified these two motions. Mr. O'Connor may make the interior changes on #11 and #12, but the exterior front and rear elevations must be the same as the approved Phase I models. The building materials shall be the same as approved for Phase II . With reference to the remaining 6 lots in Unit II , the Commission had no problem with the propsoed changes to the front elevation. Com. C. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the front elevations for the lots remaining in Phase II at Chatham Manor, as presented by the petitioner; to include two models - The Tudor and The Colonial with Sky- lights. Com. Koclanis seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Cea Koclanis Larsen Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Six Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the rear elevation of Chatham Manor Phase II , including the trellises which are to be exterior quality, stained wood; and relocation of Air Conditioning units to the center of the building; Units to be screened with shrubbery. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Gibbs Nay - Koclanis Motion Passed 3 to 2. Cea The following Chatham Manor Homeowners were present: Mr. John Ridgway; 738 Hapsfield Lane Mr. Frank Heise; 732 Hapsfield Lane Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moretti ; 725 Hapsfield Lane; 520-4134 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monarch; 872 Stratford Circle; 537-8389 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Otter; 777 Weidner; 520-4969 or 693-4000 Com. Gibbs informed these residents that they can also attend the Village Board meeting on Sept. 19, 1983. They can ask questions and express opinions. One question arose concerning the compatibility of the two models and Com. Cea said that as an architect, he would say that if the buildings are grouped, there should be no problem with the different roof lines, etc. because the designs are compatible. Both models will be seen at the same time when driving into Chatham Manor from Dundee Road. Trustee Gary Glover expressed the concern of the Village Board for all residents of Buffalo Grove, and he will report to the Trustees the findings of the AC. C. Spoerlein Farm Sales Office, Landscaping, Model Area, Signage and Lighting. Mr. Rick Burton, Land Consultant Inc. made the presentation. 1 . Spoerlein Farmhouse will be used as a temporary sales office until the model is built. Mr. Burton presented photographs of the existing house and described the proposed remodeling. The House will be re-painted White; The Stairs and Porch Awning will be Forest Green; A new open porch will be constructed as an entryway. Wood poles will be used to support the proposed awning cover. Trim and Shutters will be Forrest Green. Wood used for the Porch will be Wolmanized. The Roof will be repaired where necessary. When the models are opened, this structure will again be remodeled or demolished. The parking area will be used for the model area and for the construction office. During the time the building is used as a sales office, the second story will not be used. The stairs will be sealed off with siding . Shutters will not have any diamonds. On the South elevation, there will be a new White entry door to cellar. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Seven A 2 ft. white picket fence will be added to guide people from the parking lot into the sales office. A temporary parking area will be provided on the South side of the lot. When the roadway is put in, and the models are completed, the parking lot will be removed. The farmhouse will become a part of the Commercial package and its use determined at a later date. The sidewalk will be patched if it is dangerous. All the landscaping that exists is in need of trimming and it will be cleaned up extensively. The existing trees will be saved on each side of the driveway and in back where possible. Some trees in the rear of the parking lot will be moved. They hope to save the Silver Maple in front Com Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the proposed remodeling of the Spoerlein Farmhouse as a Temporary Sales Office as submitted, with the follow- ing stipulations: 1 . Siding will be used to close off the stairway to the 2nd floor. 2. Diamonds will be removed from the window shutters. 3. Colors of House: White with Forest Green Trim. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Cea Koclanis Larsen Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. 2. Landscape Plan Mr. Burton described Phase I which will consist of 7 buildings to be located down the South side of the project and around a cul-de-sac. There have been several meetings with the residents surrounding the premises and their concerns have been considered in the landscape plan. There were some areas of concern: 1 . Lights from cars entering the project driveways; 2. The berms. T This problem was solved with the use of a grouping of Spruce; Shrubs and Shade Trees at each of the 3 streets. There will also be a berm at the end of each street as shown on the Landscape Plan. At the North a 6' Stockade fence will screen the homeowners from the Spoerlein Farm residents. The existing trees will last for at least 10 years. The other interior and perimeter land a ing is :balanced. The street trees were approved at the last meeting, Aug. 25, 1983 The project will be built from Building 1 , around the Cul-de-sac and back consecutively. Plantings were chosen because of the exposure, West, South and North. The courtyards will not be monotonous. The Honey Locust will be 35 ft. when mature, but the size of the court- yard in the 10 unit buildings will require a large tree. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Eight Mr. Burton said that even though some of the trees are listed as 2 inch caliper, when planting time comes, depending on the budget, etc. the sizes could be upgraded. He understood that 2" trees must be staked. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping Plan for Spoerlein Farm, Phase I as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Krippes Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None C. Model Area - South side of Entryway street. Originally, the driveway to the model area parking lot was to be paved in full , but it has been decided to put in a sidewalk instead. The sales office will be the four garage area of the West side of Building 1 and the doors will be changed to glass french doors. Some photographs were presented showing the type of doors. All will be operational and people will be routed though the sales office to the various models. There will be 3 furnished models : the apartment, the first floor unit & a 2-story unit. People will be directed out the door and back through the sales office. Because the units are all very different, it is unlikely that people will be looking at all three models. The siding on the Model will be Clay Beige with White trim and White doors. Landscaping of the front walk will consist of plantings that will be changed throughout the year so that there will be continuous flowering bushes. The landscaping of the courtyard and rear was described. The rear will be hydro-seeded. The parkway will be sodded and over- seeded. The front of the model area will be sodded. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscape Plan for Spoerlein Farm Model Area as presented. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Cea Krippes Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Com. Larsen noted that the island shows a tree (Autumn Purple Ash) and questioned whether this is allowed. D. Signage at Entryway and for Model Area. The annexation agreement included 3 - 120 sq. ft. signs to be located so that they meet the 500 foot limitation and all other setback re- quirements. There is a possibility that a variation will be needed if the South West sign is closer than 500 feet to the Mobil sign. #1 . At the South East corner of Property; #2. West of the Farmhouse #3. 500 feet West of the 2nd sign. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Nine All three signs will be perpendicular to the road. Plans are to erect all three signs but at the present time, #2 would have no copy. Instead, Mr. Burton requested a smaller 3' x 5' sign at the Driveway to identify the Sales/Information Center. Colors of the signs are Forest Green and Brown with White letters. The background will be Butternut Stain. The 3 large signs are double-faced. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the approve the 3 ft. by 5 ft. entrance sign as submitted by Spoerlein Farm. Com. Koclanis seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Cea Koclanis Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve Billboard No. 1 , , at East end; to be double-faced, 10' x 12' as presented, with the colors and copy as stipulated. `, Billboard #1 will have the addition of "For information call - phone no. " Com. Koclanis seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Koclanis Larsen Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve Billboard No. 3, 500 ft. West of Sign 2 (just West of the Farmhouse) 10' x 12' ; double faced as presented with the colors and copy as stipulated. Billboard #3 will have the addition of "For information call - phone no." Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Krippes Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Note: Billboard #2 will be erected 500 feet West of #1 and will be located just West of the Farmhouse. It will have no copy at this time. Developer will submit copy at a later date. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Ten Mr. Burton agreed that no changes will be made to the billboards with- out. AC approval and that changes will be painted on, not tacked on. The signs will be supported with two posts, painted out and they will be boxed. Permanent Entry Signs The Landscape Plan included a diagram of the two permanent entry signs. The copy and colors depicted on Plan dated 8/30/83. Signs will be identical ; 8' x 5' - routed on cedar; Background to be Butternut; Border Stained Chocolate Color, Border to be Forest Green. Graphics and Lettering to be White Enamel . There will be a split rail fence to match the fencing at the model , located at each side of the entry signs. The signs will be setback 15 feet from Rt. 83 and 12 feet from the interior road. Shrubs; flowers that will be changed seasonally; and 1 'large crabapple tree to be located behind each sign. The groupings will be mirror images as depicted with one 500 watt quartz light in front. There will be one 175 watt floodlight located within the plantings that will illuminate the model building. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Entry Signs for the Spoerlein Farm as submitted and as depicted on the Landscape Plans dated 8/31/83. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Krippes Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Model Area Signage There will be 1 parking sign which will be moved closer to the road. There will be 2 pedestrian crossing signs. These 3 signs will be small , 2' x 11 " on posts 4 ft. high. There will be 3 Model signs next to the front doors of the units. They will be on posts 2 ft. high. There will be 1 sales office sign attached to the building at eye level , about 5 z feet. The parking area will be asphalt, striped with curbing or bumpers. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the signage as presented for the Spoerlein Farm Model Area. Signs will be erected on 4" x 4" posts stained dark brown. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Krippes Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Eleven Lights for Model Area There will be 4 ground level ; LIP- lights located within the tree enclosures along the entryway and 1 located on the island. These will 300 watt incandescent floodlights. 2 Quartz Floodlights at Entry Signs. At the model entrance there will be 2-175 watt halide floodlights. Also, 1-175 Watt halide floodlight behind the model . They are within plantings. Lights will be on a timer, or will be co-ordinated with the sales office hours. Lights must be shielded from the road and must illuminate only the Spoerlein property. The Homeowner's Association will maintain the common area. The lights on the entrance sign will remain, but the ot. -r lights that illuminate the building are for marketing purposes and may emoved after the sales office is closed. wt �.l_ Com. Koclanis made the following motion: I move we approve the Model Area lighting for the Spoerlein Farm as presented, with the stipulation that all lights be shield- ed from the road and other property. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Cea Larsen Koclanis Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Com. Krippes made the following motion : I move we approve the erection of Sign #2 - at specified location, 10' x 12' on 2 posts. Sign to have no copy until submitted to AC . Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Krippes Koclanis Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Retaining Walls Mr. Burton presented photographs of the retaining walls. They will be 6" to 8" stones - dry laid as shown on the landscape plans. Com. Krippes made a motion to approve the retaining walls as shown in the photograph. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Koclanis Krippes Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Twelve D. Summerset (Westwood)- Full Review Mr. Ed Zale was not present. E. Majestic Mold Corp. - Full Review; Lot 13 at BG Commerce Center Mr. John Thebault and Mr. Dave Swanson made the presentation. Mr. Thebault reviewed the location. Lot 13 is adjacent to Wes Tech, and across the street from FPC and Bertsche Engineering Corp. The building will be a one story masonry structure, with 8,800 sq. ft. of space to be used for light industry. Materials will be very similiar to the 3 other buildings mentioned. Some metal accent panels will be located over the windows. A minimal parking space is needed because there will be few employees. Brick will be utility size. Colors will be consistent with existing buildings, brown with bronze metal with duronadic finish. Soffit and fascia will be either the same metal as the front panels or will be treated plywood. There will be a light at each entrance. Two lights on the parking lot side attached to the building facing the Wes Tech parking lot. Lights are not to encroach on any property. There will be one small compressor located at the rear of the building. Interior furnace located in the center of the building (E & W) and 25% of the way back, with one roof stack. Two smaller heating units will be located in the rear and will have low stacks. Doors will be painted out to match the brick. The building is mono- chromatic in tone. There will be no lighting on the North elevation. There is a very narrow drive and any lights would shine on the neigh- bors property. Mr. Thebault presented samples of two brick. The 1st choice is Ingham, a Beck Face Brick and the 2nd choice is Tierra. Natural Mortar will be used. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the building for Majestic Mold Corp. on Lot 13 at the B.G. Commerce Center, as submitted. Utility Brick either Ingham or Tierra. Com. Koclanis seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye Larsen Cea Krippes Koclanis Gibbs Motion Passed 5 to O. Nay - None Lighting Exterior lights will be located adjacent to each door as per the "Watchdog" cut sheets. Two exterior High intensity lights per the Quartzliter cut sheet, attached to the building and directed to the parking lot. Down lights per Miniliter cut sheet over the front entrance. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 Page Thirteen There will also be down lights in the soffits over the windows. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the lights for the Majestic Mold Corp. as presented: a. 2 - 150 Watt high pressure sodium lights on the East side of the building shining onto the parking lot only. b. 3 - 35 to 50 watt high pressure sodium lights to be located by each door. c. Additional down lighting, over windows and over entry way. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Koclanis Larsen Cea Krippes Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Landscaping: The Landscape Plan shows plantings across the front, at the corner and West side of the building. There will not be any plantings on the North or East side because they are a cost item and a maintainance item. With this type of building plantings are usually kept in the front area. Com. Koclanis made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping for the Majestic Mold Corp. as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Krippes Koclanis Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 1 . Nay - Larsen Mr. Thebault stipulated that if there is any exterior dumpster, it will be within a screened enclosure and it will be submitted to the AC. No formal signage is being requested, but on the brick column adjacent to the front door, the name Majestic Mold Corp. will be in 1 ' (or less) Bronze duranodic finish letters. Com. Gibbs asked that this be submitted to Dominic for AC approval . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Glover informed the AC that relative to the Standard Pacific new models, the VB approved them and also removed the restriction that certain houses had to be placed on certain lots. Any house may be built on any lot. The VB upheld the AC recommendation relative to deniel of the Zimmerman Hardware pylon sign. No decision was made to change it to Paint & Hardware. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn and Com. Koclanis seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 11 :10 P.M. Reese full submit ed, Shirley Bates ecretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 8, 1983 - Page Fourteen