1983-08-11 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL THURS. , AUG. 11 , 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday, August 11 , 1983. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Bud Gibbs, Kathy Krippes, Ed Larsen, Louise Koclanis, Douglas Wehring and Don Hardt. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: Carmelo Cea Building Department: Ray Henning, Housing and Zoning Inspector Village Board Liaison: Gary Glover, Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 28, 1983 - Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. It was noted that the phrase "at Striker last week" should be striken from the first sent- ence on page 4. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Krippes, Larsen and Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Koclanis and Wehring (New Commissioners) The July 28, 1983 minutes were approved and will be placed on file. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. 450 Thorndale - Mr. Dean Morgan's request for revision of the Annexation Agreement to allow fencing on Pauline Avenue. Mr. Morgan withdrew his request because his neighbors are not agreeable to fencing their property at this time. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. True Value Hardware - Change of Face on Pylon Sign Mr. George Zimmerman presented photographs of the pylon sign. He explained that in April 1983, one of the faces that read "HARDWARE" was damaged by vandalism. When it was replaced, Mr. Zimmerman did not realize that he would need approval from the AC before changing the panel to read "TRU TEST PAINT" which is the generic brand that is made by the company. The new sign is the same size, same color and same letter style. Tru Test Paint is a part of the business and is part of the company logo. Mr. Zimmerman presented copies of the advertisments that appear in the papers showing the name True Value Hardware Store, as well as Tru Test Paint. Both terms are considered to be synonymous with True Value, although the DBA is True Value Hardware, Incorporated. Mr. Zimmerman said that most people know that they carry Hardware, but not all customers know they have a very good line of paint. Other True Value stores carry more than one line of paint, but he does not. The lettering on the new sign appears to be a different stroke, but there are more letters in Tru Test Paint than Hardware. The same company - Richard A. Nellis Company - did the sign. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the sign face change as already effected by Mr. Zimmerman, not fully understanding the Code Requirements of the Village, to read as shown now - TRU TEST PAINT - in the lower portion of the identification sign. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Ch. Hardt asked Mr. Zimmerman if he considers the word Hardware to be a descrip- tive adjective of his business as opposed to an identification of his business? His advertising copy all says "Zimmerman's True Value - - Hardware" Would Zimmerman's True Value identify the business sufficiently? Is the word "Hard- ware a form of advertising, or is it part of the business name; and how does the word Paint fit into the business name? Is it advertising? Mr. Zimmerman said he felt that True Value carries the image of the Hardware Industry. He is now negotiating with another village for a second store and they knew immediately what business he is in. Initially, more signage was re- quested when the store was opened seven years ago, but at that time reader boards were not being approved, and he agreed to lesser signage which did not include the paint, etc. Ch. Hardt pointed out that actually Hardware or Tru Test Paint is sort of an "add on" because in general people know that True Value stands for Hardware and Paint. Motion: Roll Call Vote - Aye - Gibbs Larsen Nay - Krippes Koclanis Wehring Hardt Motion Denied - 4 to 2. Com. Krippes said the reason for her vote was because the term Hardware is generic, but Tru Test Paint is advertising. She based her decision on the Sign Code requirement that signs carry "Name and Nature" of businesses. Com. Larsen noted that Sears sign reads Paint and Hardware. He questioned the justification of denying a sign on this basis. Sears name is actually Sears, Roebuck and Co. Sears Paint is made by Sears. Ch. Hardt explained the options Mr. Zimmerman has to change the sign back to Hardware, or appeal to the Village Board. The Board considers hardship and other factors when making decisions. 1'1r. Zimmerman said he would appeal . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 11 , 1983 - Page Two B. Commerce Center - Art and Son, Sign Company Mr. Arthur Holland presented signage for the Commerce Center that gives the name and telephone number of the company that will be handling the Sales and Leasing of the sites. There are signs on the lots now that are Blue and White; but do not identify Frain, Camins and Swartchild, the company that will handle new development of the center. There is one sign at the main entry to the project that is 10' x 12' and others that are 2' x 3' and 4' x 8' - - these will all be changed to maroon #505 and white. When Phase 2 is started, additional signs will be added to each lot. They will all be temporary signs. Com. Koclanis made the following motion: I move we approve the sign changes at the Commerce Center as requested by Art and Son Signs, Inc. Com. Wehring seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Wehring Koclanis Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None C. Commerce Center - Diamond Signs Mr. Jack Metzger presented a Site Plan of the Commerce Center and requested that temporary signs be approved for each lot already being upon upon that would identify the coming business. They would replace the existing signs that are on the lots and would be left up until the build- ings are up and occupied. Seven different signs were requested as per a list that accompanied the site plan for Lots 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 19, and 37. The signs would read i .e. "Future Home of WES-TECH, INC." etc. There were no questions or objections from the Commissioners except to stress the fact that the signs were temporary and would not be left up after the business sites are occupied. The AC felt the signs would help sell other property. These lots are not usually sold as investments, and therefore signs will not be put up for long periods of time. It was noted that temporary signs are permitted for one year. Owners have to apply for an extension after that time. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the 2' x 4' single face, wooden painted signs - colors blue on white with white posts - denoting "Future Home of . . . " whatever facility is to be placed on that industrial lot at the Buffalo Grove Commerce Center. Signs to be covered under the provisions of "Temporary Signage" with 1 year permits sub- ject to renewal by the Administrator. Any future businesses may be granted a similiar sign to replace the "For Lease or (cont'd) APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 11 , 1983 - Page Three Commerce Center sign motion cont'd: For Sale signs, and: That these signs shall be be removed upon the granting of the pemanent occupancy permit by the Building Department. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Koclanis Wehring Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None D. Levitt - Serendipity Model Sign Mr. Jack Metzger of Diamond Signs presented two model home signs for the Serendipity models: Ashford and Brittany. The Signs will be 11 " x 30" - Redwood stained PMS - #153 for the background and posts. And the border and letters will be PMS - #281 . The colors are Brown with the same Blue as the Entrance Sign. Signs will be in front of each model . Landscaping and lighting has been approved. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: L I move we approve the model signs for the Serendipity Model area as presented by Levitt Homes. Size to be 11 " x 30" and Colors as specified - PMS 153 and 281 ; Location as shown on the site plan. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Koclanis Wehring Hardt Motion Passed 6 to 0. Nay - None VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS May 26, 1983 - addition to minutes. Motion made by Com. Gibbs and seconded by Com. Krippes to approve the addition as presented. *Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Gibbs May 26, 1983 addition approved and will be placed on file. June 23, 1983 - Motion to approve minutes as presented was made by Com. Krippes and seconded by Com. Gibbs. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 11 , 1983 - Page Four *Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Larsen Nay - None Abstain - Gibbs Hardt Minutes of June 23, 1983 were approved and will be placed on file. *The Roll Call for the two preceding motions did not include Commissioners Koclanis and Wehring because they were appointed on August 1 , 1983. Chairman Hardt welcomed Louise Coclanis and Douglas Wehring to the Appearance Commission and introduced them to those present. A time for a Workshop to discuss the changes to the Sign Code is needed. It was decided that if the Agenda for the first September meeting (8th) is not too long, a workshop will be tentatively scheduled. Respectfully submitted, ,/ Shirley Bate's, Secretary Appearance Commission APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb August 11 , 1983 - Page Five