1983-07-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , JULY 28, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. on Thursday, July 28, 1983 and described the function of the Appearance Commission. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Gibbs, Krippes, Larsen and Hardt. QUORUM! Commissioners Absent: Cea and Zusel Building Department Liaison: Mr. Dominic J. Saviano, Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Village Board Liaison: Mr. Gary Glover, Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 14, 1983 - Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve the July 14, 1983 minutes as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Krippes, Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Larsen Minutes of July 14, 1983 were approved and will be placed on file. Before the business was conducted, Chairman Hardt introduced Mr. Douglas R. Wehring, a prospective new commissioner. He has been interviewed by the Village President and by Chairman Hardt and he will be recommended for appointment to the Appearance Commission. Commissioner Zusel has moved and will be resigning. New commissioners will probably be appointed at the next Village Board meeting, Monday, August 1 , 1983. IV. BUSINESS A. Villa Verde Condominiums - Entrance Signs Mr. Mark Grounden, Lexington Development and Mr. Jack Metzger, Diamond Signs presented the signs which will be 22 ft. by 8 ft, and the colors will match the temporary construction sign - #341 and #376 Pantone (greens) , with white stain on the posts and background. Landscaping is already at the site and the signs will set within the plantings. The Homeowners' ,Association_will._ maintain the signs. The signs will be the same as Lexington Commons (Wheeling) . Lights are shown on the plans. They will be quartz lights mounted on the ground. They will move - up and down, but will not swivel in such a way that they can be moved to shine on the roadways. The lights will probably be on timers and will not be on after midnight. Mr. Grounden said that the purpose of the signs is for identification of the Villa Verde Condominiums and for the convenience of visitors of the residents. The reason the lights are needed is because the signs will be set back within the landscaping to comply with the Zoning Board of Appeals variation and lights will help the visability. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we accept the signs as submitted by Lexington Development Corp. for Villa Verde: a. 2 entrance signs as depicted on the site plan and as shown in the drawing, b. signs to be sandblasted wood-texture with two greens on white background, set on 6 inch white posts Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Krippes Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion passed 4 to 0. B. 450 Thorndale - Mr. Dean Morgan, Request for a change in the Annexation Agreement regarding Fence Restrictions. Mr. William Balling, Village Manager and the Village Board have requested the Appearance Commission to make a recommendation regarding modification of the approved Landscape Plan for Westwood Estates. Mr. Dean Morgan explained the reason for his request is based on the need for a safe place for his young daughter to play. He would like to fence his yard to protect her from dogs and traffic along Pauline Avenue. He plans to fence only his own property. `.r Ch. Hardt reviewed the Annexation Agreement that restricted fencing along Pauline Avenue. He recalled a similiar restriction for Weiland Road that was changed when the homeowners were granted permission to erect fences in lieu of the berms. All the fences were put in at the same time and they are all the same. Mr. James Truesdell , Village Planner has prepared a report dated May 19, 1983 detailing the procedure that was followed when the Weiland Road Landscaping Plan was amended in 1981 . The same procedure must be followed in this situa- tion: 1 . Referral by the Village Board to the Appearance Commission for a recommendation of an amendment to the landscape plan. 2. Preparation of an amended covenant, signed by all property owners that will be involved along Pauline Avenue. 3. Approval of both the Village Board and Appearance Commission. Two lots on Pauline Avenue will be affected at this time. A high berm exists on Mr. Morgan's lot and then gradually descends until it is almost level with Pauline Avenue. The houses are duplexes, so four families are involved. Mr. Morgan was very open to suggestion as to the placement of a fence. He ould put it at the top of the berm or down at the sidewalk. If it was at the top, it would greatly reduce the size of his yard. He was informed of the Zoning Ordinance that requires fences on corner lots meet the 25 foot building line setback, but could be located 1 foot from the sidewalk. Mr. Morgan felt this would really cut his yard almost in half and he would like to take a good look at the area that would be allowed. The other half of the duplex is up for sale and Mr. Morgan did now know how the present owner would feel about fencing his portion of the lot. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 28, 1983 - Page Two The area to the North was discussed and it is unsure whether it has been annexed and/or plated. (It was determined the following day - 7/29/83 that this area has not been annexed and there are no plans for that area.) If the rear yards of the homes were on Pauline Avenue, fences would be appropriate. It was determined that Pauline Avenue would become a collection street in the future. Ch. Hardt felt that if all the fences were the same, then he would approve a recommendation. All the owners would have to agree. He would not like to see one 6 ft. stockade fence next to a cyclone fence, etc. After further discussion, a poll of the Commissioners was taken: Com. Gibbs: Would approve a fence for Mr. Morgan with the stipulation that it would be agreeable with all three other neighbors on Pauline to put up identical fences IF and WHEN, they want a fence. Ch. Hardt did not entirely agree that he would want to allow only one fence, and would prefer to have all other owners put up identical fences. The landscape plan was designed to have the berms. If the Morgan's neighbors are not in favor of a fence, Ch. Hardt would probably not approve of only the one portion. Com. Larsen: Suggested tabling the proposal until Mr. Morgan has had an opportunity to approach his neighbors, see if they are agree- able; and if so then Com. Larsen would approve a uniform fence. Com. Krippes: All the fences should be the same. Chairman Hardt reminded Mr. Morgan that the Appearance Commission would only be making a recommendation to the Village Board. Mr. Morgan understood and felt it would be better to go to his neighbors and tell them that the Appearance Commission would require identical fencing. He also suggested some uniform landscaping as well as uniform fences. Mr. Glover recommended that Mr. Morgan not pursue the legal action needed for revising the covenant agreement for the landscaping before he has has contacted his neighbors and received an Appearance Commission recommenda- tion. Doing this will save him time and expense should the AC not make the recommendation and the Village board upheld their decision. Ch. Hardt asked Mr. Morgan if he felt he could be prepared within two weeks? Mr. Morgan said 'yes ' and he requested to be placed on the August llth AC Agenda. Com. Larsen made a motion to Table the request for revision of the Landscape Plan for Westwood Subdivision until Thursday, August 11 , 1983. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was Aye unanimously. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Saviano said that he has asked several business owners to come in because they have changed signage without AC approval : 1 . True Value - Mr. Zimmerman agreed to come in. 2. Car Wash - Exit sign was installed to replace a damaged sign. 3. Fannie May - holes have popped out where previous sign was mounted, and the owner will take care of this. A suggestion was made by Chairman Hardt to use the new TV equipment to have a record of all the Village signs. If this was done once or twice a year, the AC would have a visual record with voice identification whenever problems APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 28, 1983 - Page Three occured, the Commission could see the differences immediately, as well as the whole surrounding area. ce For instance, when the Bison restaurant came in last week, the AC was again put into a vary embarrasing position at Striker last week. It has since been determined that the Cocktail Lounge portion of the sign is attached to the Bison portion, and not the reader board section as the Commission was led to believe. Ch. Hardt said there is an urgent need to have the Workshop on the Sign Code and go ahead with the revision even though the court cases are still pend- ing. The matter should not be allowed to exist for another year. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Larsen made a motion to adjourn. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 8:40 P.M. Res lectfully submitted, -A! . Shirley Bate Secretary Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 28, 1983 - Page Four