1983-07-14 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , JULY 14, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday, July 14, 1983. II. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: B. Gibbs, K. Krippes and D. Hardt, Ch. - QUORUM! Commissioners Absent: M. Cea, C. Zusel and E. Larsen. Building Department Liaison: Mr. Ray Henning, Housing and Zoning Inspector III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 23, 1983 and May 26, 1983 (addition) - postponed because Commission- ers that attended the meetings are not present at this time. III. BUSINESS: A. The Bison Family Restaurant - 100 W. Dundee Road Face Change on Pylon (Striker Lanes) The owner Mrs. Paula Arhos and Mr. Art Bierman from Arrow Sign Co. , Inc. presented the proposed sign. Mr. Bierman explained that since the wall signs were changed a year ago, Mrs. Arhos has been talking with the owner of the bowling alley, Mr. Ed Main about renovating the pylon sign. Current plans are for removal of the 'man' and possible use by Shirley Garms - Pro Shop. The former Mr. Adams portion of the sign belongs to The Bison owner and will be replaced with a sign 4' x 10' - identical to the two wall signs. Yellow background with black letters outlined in Red. Mr. Bierman said that Mr. Main would have been present, but he had to have an emergency appendectomy and is still in the hospital . If the Pro Shop wants to go up on the sign, they will come in at a later date. If the Pro Shop does not want a sign, the entire can will be re- moved. The man can be removed and replaced with a blank panel until the decision is made. Mr. Bierman has submitted a price to Mrs. Garms. Ch. Hardt asked what would be seen from Dundee Road, because there are two signs one on each side of the pole. Mr. Bierman stipulated that he would finish the sides with sheet metal . The sign will be one piece, not two pieces like the wall signs. Regarding the Cocktail Lounge portion of the sign. This is a separate sign and does not belong to the Bison owners. It belongs to the owner of the Bowling Alley. He has said he will not remove that sign. The AC would prefer to have it read Buffalo Nickel , the actual name of the business. Mrs. Arhos said that sign is not part of her sign and is not connected to it. The AC has been trying to get Mr. Main to come in for over a year. The sign is illegal and the situation must be resolved. Mr. Bierman was not sure how the Cocktail Lounge sign was attached to the pylon. Mr. Bierman interceded for the Bison owners, saying that they need the sign and should not be penalized because of the situation with the owner. A portion of the sign actually belongs to Bison, both the man and the former Mr. Adams cans. Arrow Sign will install the Bison sign face and completely remove the man. Mrs. Arhos repeated her need for signage, especially since Barry's Bar-B-Q has opened. She also said she can do nothing about the Cocktail Lounge sign. When asked who removed the Mr. Adams letters, Mrs. Arhos said she had the letters removed because Mr. Adams restaurant had a bad name. She did not know that a permit is needed to change any sign; and she did not know that it was made an illegal sign. The color red was discussed because there are several other reds on the sign. Mr. Bierman said he could match any other red that the AC prefers. Com. Gibbs said he would like to see the problem of the illegal sign re- solved and he would be willing to compromise. He suggested removing the man and the cocktail lounge sign; and approve the Bison Family Restaurant sign. But, the Cocktail Lounge sign is a separate can attached to the top of the reader board, and does not belong to the Bison, but to Ed Main. Com. Krippes said she agreed with Com. Gibbs and would like to see the sign cleaned up. Because it is an illegal sign, and she feels it is wrong to condone it by allowing the cocktail portion to remain. Ch. Hardt agrees with Com. Gibbs that he feels a compromise would be the best solution. He noted that this sign is the least desirable sign in the Village, because it has no real design and does not blend with the architectural scheme of the Ranch Mart Center or the Bowling Alley. The owner has been advised that the sign has been illegal for a long time. To allow the Bison Family Restaurant sign would not make the sign any worse than it is at present, if the man is eliminated; but the big problem is with the Cocktail Lounge portion. He would compromise, but because the Cocktail Lounge sign looks like it is a part of the Bison and because the Bison does not serve liquor; he would like to see the can removed. It does not identify the Buffalo Nickel , but if it were changed to that name it would be acceptable. Mr. Bierman again offered to resolve the situation by removing the man and making the red the same shade as the top portion. Regardless of the fact that Mr. Main has not come in personally, it would help the appearance of the sign to change the restaurant portion. Ch. Hardt said that a vote can be taken and if the decision is negative, an appeal to the Village Board can be made. He would approve a compromise if the Cocktail Lounge portion is taken down. The Village Board will con- sider hardship. He is open to other suggestions from the Commissioners. After further discussion, Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we allow the face changes for the Bison Family Restaurant, as presented: a. Colors to be Red and Black Letters, on a Yellow Background. b. Two face sign, with sheet metal sides. c. Can with the man to be removed entirely. d. Sign not to exceed 10' by 3'9" as indicated on the drawing. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14, 1983 - Page Two Bison cont'd e. Comment added to the motion: The AC feels i.t would be desirable to improve the overall sign, which is illegal . Because the AC understands the postion of the petitioner, the motion is made in order to assist the Bison owner's business. Hopefully, the owner of the bowling alley will come in before the Commission and allow discussion of the ramifications and problems that have existed for over a year in the Village. Com. Krippes seconded the motion: Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Hardt, after a time of consideration.* Motion Passed 2 to 1 . Nay - Krippes Ch. Hardt made the following statement: "Although I thought that the proposed sign was not compatible with the existing pylon, I voted in favor because an illegal sign has been allowed to exist for over 1 year; and all indications being that the situation would continue if I voted 'No. ' I voted 'Yes" because the new sign is better than the illegal sign." B. Bertsche Engineering - Commerce Center - Architectural Change Mr. Mike Mc Call , Architect and Mr. John Thebault, Pres. of MTI New drawings were submitted and Mr. Mc Call explained that the original concept of a two story building has been changed to one story. The new building will be all brick - and the brick will be larger, utility size. This fits the budget better. Brick is the same as TrammellCrow building. Higher berms will be put in at the office section of the building. Signage will remain the same and all the lighting will remain the same. Roof top units will be set back 25 ft. from the front street and will not be seen from the street. The building is not being designed to be expanded at a later date. There were no other questions. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the Architectual Changes as submitted by Bertsche Engineering Corp. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. Landscaping Changes There will now be a berm in front. Sod will be used where shown on the drawing. Rear portion will be seeded. At the front corner the AC agreed that 3 Blue Spruce would be preferable to Buckthorns. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the landscaping for the Bertsche Engineering Corp. with revisions per the drawing. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14, 1983 - Page Three Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. C. Sandpiper Condos - Ground Sign Mr. Frank Miller - Action Signs, Inc. Talman Federal is taking over Sandpiper because of foreclosure and Red Carpet is the selling agent. The tacked on signs have been removed. Ch. Hardt asked how future changes would be made, because changes must be painted on. He recalled that when the sign came in, the owner was advised about the stipulation that additions may not be attached to the sign. All changes must be approved by the Appearance Commission. It is probable that Talman Federal may find a buyer and interest rates will change. The whole background is usually repainted because it is difficult to match white paint. The colors were discussed, and Ch. Hardt noted that the sign has more colors than are normally allowed. This particular sign is very unusual and was only allowed because of the economy; but the color combinations of Red on Yellow is not compatible with a residential neighborhood. Special provisions were made for this sign. The AC did not like the yellow bands that were proposed. Mr. Miller commented that hopefully, all the units would be sold and the sign removed. He said he would be able to authorize a color change. Com. Gibbs said he would approve the Red Carpet Logo in Red with lettering in Black at the top of the sign; but he would like to see the two Yellow bands changed to White with Black or Red Lettering as indicated. Mr. Miller said he felt that because of the age of the sign, it would be very difficult to match the existing White, and therefore bands would be seen, unless the whole sign was repainted. Ch. Hardt commented that the sign is very close to the road and should be kept looking good. Permits are issued under Section #14.32.020 for a period of six months with automatic extensions provided the sign is in good condition. The Commissioners agreed that the sign is not compatible with the area, but would approve the changes in name, financing and phone numbers if the background was kept White. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the sign for Sandpiper Comdominiums with the changes requested, with the following stipulations: 1 . All background to be White (NO YELLOW) . 2. Top portion will have the Red Logo and Black lettering on White background. 3. Per centages will be Black on White. 4. Telephone Nos. to be Red on White. 5. All other changes must be painted on and have the approval of the Appearance Commission. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14, 1983 - Rage Four Sandpiper continued: Motion stipulation - 6. Permit is issued under Sec. 14.32.020 - for a period of six months with extensions at the descretion of the administrator if the sign is kept in good condition. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Additional stipulations: 7. Nail holes left after removal of tacked on Red Carpet signs to be filled in. 8. Background is to be a uniform White color. Chairman Hardt informed Mr. Miller that if he agrees to the motion as made by Com. Gibbs and it does not pass, an appeal can be made to the Village Board. But if it passes and if the owners do not agree with the color changes, the sign must come back to the Appearance Commission. It was understood. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Hardt said that there will be a meeting with Mrs. Clayton on Tuesday, July 19, 1983 to interview possible candidates for a 7th Commissioner. Com. Krippes made a statement concerning the Bison sign. She said: "Again the Appearance Commission was put into the position of having to hurt the business person if it were to deny a sign." Ch. Hardt and Com. Gibbs agreed. Ch. Hardt commented that at first he was going to disagree with the sign man and the owner, but he could see what was happening. The AC has been placed in the position of having to approve an addition to the sign that is the "eyesore" to the Village. Ch. Hardt said that action must be taken on the Sign Code, regardless of the outcome of the court cases that are pending; especially concerning window neon signs. A year has passed. Clarification is needed. Decisions concerning variations and the procedure between the ZBA and the AC. Many problems! Sign packages need to be addressed. The sign problems noted: 1 . Bagels To Go - more than 1/3 of window space. 2. Shell Station has new large Car Wash Exit sign. Mr. Henning said they have been advised that a variation is necessary if they are to keep it. Ch. Hardt said that hardship would be difficult to prove for a variation. 3. Burger King needs better directional signs for the Drive-In. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14, 1983 - Page Five VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ri j1/-4-11- (34(" 1-QJ Shirley Bates, Secretary Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 14, 1983 - Page Six