1983-05-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , MAY 26, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER : Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday, May 26, 1983. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Krippes, Larsen and Hardt -Quorum. Commissioners Absent: Gibbs, Cea and Zusel . Building Department Liaison: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Bldg. Commissioner. Village Board Liaison: Gary Glover, Trustee III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 12, 1983 - Minutes were deferred because of absence of Commissioners who attended the meeting. April 28, 1983 minutes also deferred. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Devonshire (Extension of Ground Sign) Petitioner not present. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Barry's Bar-B-Q and Brew - 195 W. Dundee Road Color Change of Exterior Elevations Petitioner not present, but came later - after Item E. B. Arlington Toyota - 935 W. Dundee Road Face Addition to Existing Ground Sign Mr. Art Holland, Art & Son Sign Inc. and Mr. Carmin Buonaruo, New Mgr. A/T. Mr. Holland presented the proposed addition of "Reliable Used Cars to be located under the TOYOTA pylon sign. Ch. Hardt recalled that when the original pylon sign was brought in, the AC was told that the sign had to be as submitted to meet the requirements of the Toyota Corporation. Ch. Hardt inquired as to whether Toyota Corp. had changed their specifications. Mr. Buonauro said they had cleared the sign through the zone office and the addition is permissible. Ch. Hardt said it would be better to approve the addition than to have two signs. The addition would be 2' x 10' and the total area would be the maxi- mum 120 sq. ft. There were no objections from the Commissioners. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the addition to the Toyota dealership, adding "Reliable Used Cars" sign - size to be 2 ft in height by 10 ft. in length. Sign to be added to the existing pylon structure. Management to verify that Toyota will approve sign. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. C. Irving's For Red Hot Lovers - Mc Henry and Lake/Cook Rds. Side Elevation Change to Building at The Grove Mr. Irving Greensphan & Mr. David Stein presented a revised plan for the South Elevation of The Grove building. Mr. Stein described the plan to add two sets of three windows that will match the front windows of the small stores. The change has been approved by the builder and the plans were drawn by the architect that designed the buidling. Ch. Hardt read from a letter to the Building Department from Ken Tucker and Associates stipulating that: 1 . Criteria of the Grove sign package and the B. G. Sign Code must be met. 2. No signage (temporary or permanent may be placed in the windows fronting on Lake/Cook Road. 3. The landscaping on the South Elevation will be modified by Ken Tucker and Assoc. Mr. Stein said that they knew of these stipulations and understood them. Com. Krippes made the following motion. I move we approve the architectural change on the South Elevation at The Grove as submitted, with the further stipulations as noted in the letter to the Village of Buffalo Grove, attn: DS, from Ken Tucker & Associates, dated May 25, 1983. Letter attached and labeled "A" and made a part of motion. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. It was noted that Ken Tucker & Associates will submit the revised landscaping. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26, 1983 - Page Two Signage for Irving's For Red Hot Lovers at The Grove Mr. Greensphan and Mr. Stein presented signs for the front and South elevation. Ken Tucker & Associates has approved them, but they must also meet with AC approval . "Irvings" is a script and "hearts are now a part of the Irving's Logo in the words 'hot' and 'lovers. ' The heart above the 'i ' in Irving's will be a dot and not a heart with a hot dog. Irving's was submitted in Blue, and the rest of the sign - Red. Ch. Hardt noted that the signs do not meet the sign criteria for the center and the AC cannot approve at this time. The major reason is that the two signs submitted are not identical as stipulated by Ken Tucker & Associates letter of May 25, 1983 - Attachment "A". He noted that the sign criteria as designed by The Grove owners is more restrictive than the Buffalo Grove Sign Code, but that criteria will be used to re- view the sign. The sizes of the letters do not conform. A raceway can be used to erect the sign on the brick wall on the South elevation. A copy of this criteria is available to Mr. Stein if needed. A letter of approval will be necessary from Ken Tucker & Associates. Com. Larsen commented that Blue is not a good sign color because it cannot be read from a distance. Red is very good! Ch. Hardt commented that he would have a problem with the Hot Dog on the fork in the hearts. Mr. Greensphan replied that this identification is imporant and is a part of the corporation signage in all other locations. D. Bev's Hallmark - Strathmore Square Mr. John Doyle, Doyle Signs and the owner of Bev's Hallmark presented the sign which will be Red with the Hallmark script, Bev's - Helvetica. Red is #2157; construction Plexiglas; Bronze trim caps. The sign meets with the landlord's approval . The variation in letter style is OK. "Bev" appealed to the AC for the color Red because she felt it is very important. She felt the Red was more visible than White against the Beige background. She described a sign on a new store in Glen Ellen that is White and cannot be seen. She noted approval in the lease with Mr. Katz. The Hallmark store will be next to Dominick's and away from the stores al- ready located at the West end of the center. Com. Larsen had no objection to the sign. Com. Krippes said she felt that the White would be seen and added that the signs already up are visible as well as attractive. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the Hallmark sign as submitted, with the notation that the specifications of the sign criteria for that center allow for a recognized trade- name, insignia, and/or logo with approval and descretion of the landlord who stated at the last meeting of the AC, that he had intended to retain for himself the ability to approve certain colors when he wrote the sign criteria. He has stated approval of this sign. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. - APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26, 1983 - Page Three Ch. Hardt said he could not vote for Red, but the Hallmark script is OK. Based upon Mr. Frank Morelli 's comments to the Appearance Commission, Chairman Hardt felt it would be unfair for the tenants who have agreed to use White when other colors were requested: i .e. Sears - Blue, Hyatt Legal - Bronze; Quinlan and Tyson - Red & Black. Normally, variations are allowed, but in this instance the landlord, Mr. Frank Morelli was cautioned that if he stipulated White signs, the AC would not allow different colors after the first signs were up. Ch. Hardt did try to get Mr. Morelli to choose multi-colored signs, but he stipulated all white. To allow a Red sign would defeat the purpose of the Sign Code, and would not be in the best interest of the Village or the tenants. Mr. Morelli was specifically informed of the problems that could occur if he stipulated only White, but he said he did not want any other color. It appears that the Village and AC are "bad guys" when Mr. Morelli will not come in with his tenants. Strathmore Square should have all white signs, but letter styles can be different. Com. Larsen commented that the last paragraph of the sign criteria, states that variations on letters (lower case, different colors, script, etc) shall be for a specific purpose. (ie: a company that has been identified by a style of lettering in the past) and the approval of such variations shall be solely at the discretion of the landlord subject to approval by the Village. Com. Larsen added that hereby, the landlord provided for some flexibility, not directly but indirectly. Ch. Hardt noted that it has already been established that Hallmark does not require signs to be Red, and at present at Ranch Mart, the sign is Brown and Cream. The owner has stated that her reason for wanting Red is to that it will stand out. Com. Krippes said that since Mr. Morelli has stipulated that he wants all white signs; he should come in and change the sign cr&teria. It is he that is creating a hardship for his tenants. The compromise of allowing Quinlan and Tyson to have a Red Q and T was discussed; and it was noted that they were former tenants and they did agree to deviate from what was proposed. Ch. Hardt did not approve the Red. After more similiar discussion, the Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye - Larsen Nay - Krippes Hardt Motion Denied - 2 to 1 . The petitioner was informed of her right to Appeal to the Village Board; or revise the sign color to White. Com. Krippes stated that she would approve White and added that she felt the Sign Package criteria should be enforced. Mr. Saviano was doubtful if the sign could be on the Agenda to be appealed at the June 6, 1983 meeting. Mr. Doyle suggested a possible compromise would be 1 word Red and 1 word White, but Bev did not approve this suggestion and said she would appeal . She understood that if the Village Board did not grant the variation, she would have to return to the AC for approval . Ch. Hardt said the AC is not being arbitrary and reminded Bev that she know the sign package requirements, and chose to submit a Red sign. The AC has indicated that it would approve White lettering. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26, 1983 - Page Four E. Entre Computer Center - 125 W. Dundee Road Wall Sign - Country Court Jim Sefranski and Allen Costello, co-owners of Entre Computer were present. Mr. Sefranski described the business as a nationwide company, but is new to the Chicago area. This will be the first location of this very fast growing computer franchise organization. They are second largest seller of IBM Personal Computers. They focus their sales efforts on small and medium businesses, contrary to other to the hobby and home type operation. They only handle IBM equipment, and do not have Tele-video. There are no other competitors and they feel that Buffalo Grove is the ideal location. There are two techniques for attracting clientele, #1 . is location and #2 is promotion. They have the first franchise in Chicago and could have chosen from the entire Chicago Metropolitan area, but chose B. G. because of its projected growth, business as well as professional etc. They next faced the problem of promotion and the task of differentiating them- selves through initial first contact. The exterior signage will represent a big part of their promotional efforts. They have taken the Entre sales mark and working within the constraints of the sign package of Country Court, have succeeded in their efforts. However, they have had to deviate from the criteria that was set up in 1977. The sign was presented will be identical to the sales mark used on all corporate material and in local ads. The 1977 Sign Package will be violated in four areas: 1 . Fabrication of letters will be 1 piece welded aluminum - not plastic. Aluminum was chosen because of its high quality. It is better than sheet metal and has long life. 2. Construction 3. Type style does not conform with any type style currently on the sign criteria. 4. Letter height - The maximum is 20 inches, not the 18 inches as specified. This was done in order to use the corporate sales mark in its height/length dimensions - they would have had to come down to 12 inches. They are proposing only one sign, not the two as shown on the drawing. They have eliminated the sign on the right over the bay window. Koenig and Strey have approved this sign, and items 3 and 4 are absolutely critical. The sales mark, is used in nation-wide advertising and nation wide chain of franchises. They believe the construction, placement and appearance are all of the highest possible standards they can produce. Ch. Hardt affirmed that sheet metal is a better construction material , and said he has no problem with the letter style and layout. A letter was presented from Koenig and Strey approving the sign. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the left-most sign on the drawing as submitted by Entre Computer Center at The Country Court Shopping Center. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes, Larsen Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None and Hardt APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26, 1983 - Page Five A. Barry's Bar-B-Q and Brew - Color Change of Exterior Elevations Mr. John Munic requested changing the color of the brick part of the building to White to match the Stucco - Actually Off-White. The Commission has already approved changing the color of the Stucco from Peach to Off-White. Mr. Munic said he felt this change would give the building a colonial spanish type look. Ch. Hardt did not agree that it would be good to paint the brick. Maintenance would be difficult and recalled that the AC had talked about the compatibility of the brick and the roof. The off-white stucco would bring about a contrast that would be desirable. The proposal is in direct contradiction to the landscape plan with lights on the bushes. Mr. Munic said he felt the painted brick would wear well , but if the AC denied his request, he would agree. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the color change as requested for Barry's Bar-B-Q. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - None Nay - Krippes Larsen Motion Denied - 3 to 0. Hardt F. Buffalo Grove Commerce Center - Landscaping Lexington on Lake/Cook Road - Unit 2-B Rick Piggott presented the plan for Parkway Tree Planting at the Industrial Park/Unit 2. Mr. Saviano noted that approval has been received from Mr. Gregory Boysen, Director of Public Works. Mr. Rigsby will be doing these reviews henceforth. Ch. Hardt noted that the new ordinance recently enacted, specifies 2-1/2 inch caliper trees. The plan calls for this size and the species are all acceptable. The street tree planting would be verified by the Building Department or Public Works so that the trees do not interfere with driveways. Should some trees be re- moved because of this, it is asked that the trees be re-located on the property. For instance, if 212 are specified, that will be the required number. This was agreed to by Mr. Piggott. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we accept the street tree plan as submitted by the Lexington Develop- ment Corp. for the Buffalo Grove Commerce Center; along with the letter from the Public Works Department - "B" Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26, 1983 - Page Six G. Waco Electric Corp. - Lot 38 at Buffalo Grove Commerce Center Architecture/Materials/ Lighting/Landscaping L Mr. John Seyller, Gen. Mgr. reviewed the proposed building to be be erected on Lot 38 at the Commerce Center. He said the building will be a condominum concept in that two businesses will occupy it. Waco Electric will occupy 5,000 sq. feet and City-Wide Insulations from Palatine will occupy 10,000 sq. feet. Currently, Waco is located in Northbrook at the Sky Harbor Industrial Complex. They have been in business for 25 years. The plans meet with the approval of Lexington Development Corp. The building is all masonary; with bronze glass; coping ,is also bronze. Doors will match the trim. Dark anodized aluminum frames. Brick is a utility brick with standard grey mortar. Stone sills - cement color. Lot 37 is South of Lots 38/39. Mr. Seyller said there are three other identical buildings in the Wauconda area. There will be one compressor on the roof, toward the front of the bldg. There will be an interior furnace room. The compressor will be painted out to match the building. There will be interior downspouts. City-Wide is basically a warehouse, with a small amount of office space. Waco will have approximately 2,000 sq. feet of office space. The iron railing at the dock will be painted to match the building. There has never been a problem with them because they are good quality. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the Architecture and Materials as presented with the following stipulations: 1 . Roof top compressor will be painted out to match the building. 2. Railings at dock will be painted dark anodized brown. 3. Bumpers will also be painted dark anodized brown. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None LIGHTING Two types of light fixtures were presented. There will be no pole lights. All Wall Pack light fixtures by Perimaliter - High pressure sodium vapor bulbs - 150 Watts. It was stipulated that there will be a light at every door as per the Code requirements. Only one light will be necessary at the dock area. Light will not extend over the property line. Lights will be on a timer, and will probably not be left on all night unless required by the Code or Police Dept. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the lighting for the Waco Electric Corp. as submitted with the addition of a fixture not to exceed 150 (cont'd) APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26, 1983 - Page Seven watts and of durable quality be placed over or near each entrance way. Fixtures submitted were Permaliter (or equivalent) - High. Pressure Sodium Vapor; manufactured by Hubbell . Lights to be on a timer. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. LANDSCAPING/PARKING and DUMPSTER AREA Mr. Seyller indicated that the identification signs noted on the drawing have been eliminated. Parking area will be used mainly for the employees. The business does not have many guests. The parking area will asphalt with the exception of the apron which will be concrete. The dumpster area will be enclosed with a stockade fence. Mr. Saviano said that the Village would moniter the dumpster area and should the fence be damaged, the Village would require repair. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping, Parking area and Dumpster area for the Waco Electric Corp as submitted. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Hardt reminded the Commissioners present of the new attendance policy. If two meetings are missed consecutively, Commissioner will meet with the Chairman and Village President. Each Commissioner can only miss 25% of the total meetings per year. A seventh Commissioner will besought, and if Com. Zusel is moving for sure, another Commissioner will be sought as a replacement. Mr. Saviano presented a letter from Mr. William Balling, Village Manager requesting approval of an Ordinance which is being proposed regarding Real Estate Signs - known as Ordinance No. 83- , Exhibit C. The Commissioners present had no objections to the proposed Ordinance. Ch. Hardt said he would contact the absent Commissioners and would call Mr. Hruby to confirm their approval . Mr. Saviano presented sketches of the Levitt Duplexes and asked for some direction regarding the location of downspouts. The Commissioners agreed that the drawing AA with 2 diverters and downspouts is best. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 26, 1983 - Page Eight Another request that Mr. Saviano has had was from Dr. Marcos, St. Mary's Pharmacy. He now wants to have a sign added to the pylon, but he has already used his alloted portion of the fascia. Ch. Hardt welcomed Mr. Gary Glover to the Commission as Trustee Liaison. Whenever an AC decision is appealed, some of the Commis- sioners try to attend the Board meeting, but whenever this in not possible, the Liaison is asked to represent the AC to the Board. The Sign Code definitely needs to be revised as soon as possible. For various reasons the schedule suggested by Mr. Balling of 9/1/82 was not able to be met. Mr. Raysa has asked that the work be held off until several pending court cases have concluded. A discussion followed concerning the effectiveness of Sign Packages. There was a visiting sign man present, Mr. Ralph Celia and he felt it is very important to bring sign packages up to date. He referred specifically to the Country Court Ground Sign. Mr. Celia has been contracted to design a reader board type sign to replace the exist- ing ground sign, and asked what procedure must be followed to get permission to change it. Ch. Hardt explained the usual procedure when a sign package is developed. The owner is asked to stipulate his desire, and the AC agrees to enforce it provided it meets the Sign Code. The AC com- pares the requirements of the sign package with the general archi- tectural features and the compatibility of signs with their place- ment. Some centers lend themselves to can signs, some to individual letters and other factors. Sometimes compromises are made. For in- stances, a developer sometimes is allowed more than 20% facia area for different reasons. When these compromises are forgotten, the AC has found itself in a difficult situation. For many reasons, owners do not want to comply with the decisions they make concerning signs, but the AC tries to maintain the sign package. If sign packages are changed, not all tenants will be able to put up new signs each time. Concerning the pylon at Country Court, Ch. Hardt told Mr. Celia that he can apply for a variation to the Zoning Board of Appeals if they want to put up a reader board. Ch. Hardt noted the purpose of the Appearance Commission to look at the aesthetics of signage, not the competitive aspects of signage. Specifically, in the case of Bev's Hallmark, if there are several white signs up, for instance, and then along comes a Red one, it will not be aesthetically beneficial to the center. Ch. Hardt said he felt sorry for tenants when they come in with Mr. Morelli 's approval , but the AC has agreed to enforce Mr. Morelli 's desire for white signs. The discussion continued for some time. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Larsen made a motion to adjourn. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Chairman Hardt adjourned the meeting at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, &6L2- Shirley Bates, ecretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb May 26, 1983 - Page Nine Ken Tucker & Associates AN VMay 25, 1983 ` q2? Mr. Dominic Saviano Building Commissioner u Village of Buffalo Grove rdl` 0,_\ 50 Raupp \. )Cy Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 RE: Irving's for Red Hot Lovers #4 Space 106 The Grove Shopping Center Buffalo Grove, Illinois Dear Dominic: Per our phone conversation earlier this week, please find attached a copy of the proposed changes to the South wall of the subject Tenant space at The Grove Shopping Center. You will note that this drawing is approved as noted, with the notations for the same being hereby made a part of this drawing. For your infatuation, the notations on the drawing as as follows: 1. The Tenant will be permitted one additional sign on the exterior of the South wall of .the Tenant's space such that said signage is identical in all respects to the sign which is proposed for the store-front fascia, providing same conforms in all respects with the Landlord's signed criteria and meets all applicable government authorities' sign codes. 2. The above referenced consent is made with the express understanding that the Landlord shall not allow placement of any kind of signage (temporary or permanent) in the windows fronting on Take-Cook Road. This letter will serve as our approval as a managing agent for the Landlord for the proposed building changes. I have already directed Mr. Donald Fore of Jensen-Fore Architects to review the landscaping scheme around these windows and have advised him that a modification of the landscape plan will undoubtedly be required. To this end, as soon as we have received a modified landscaping plan, we will present same to the Building Deparment Commercial Developers & Consultants REALTOR6 4849 Golf Road • Suite 100 • Skokie, Illinois 60077 • Area Code 312/675-4500 TO: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. • Deputy Building Commissioner FROM: Gregory P. Boysen • Director of Public Works DATE: May 18, 1983 SUBJECT: BUFFALO GROVE COMMERCE CENTER - UNIT 2B PARKWAY TREE LANDSCAPE REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS I have attached a copy of the Landscape Review and Recommendations on the parkway tree planting plan you had provided to me for the subject project. ` � As was mentioned in the last staff meeting, Erwin Page is no longer avail • - able to perform reviews on all landscaping plans for us as he has in the past. Ray Rigsby will be performing reviews on parkway planting plans in the future. • If you have any questions concerning this transmittal , let me know. Gregory Boysen GPB:lc • • • . . • • { • TO: Gregory P . Boysen , Director of Public Works • FROM: Raymond 0. Rigsby , Superintendent of Public Works Operation • DATE: May 18, 1983 SUBJECT: LANDSCAPE REVIEW BUFFALO GROVE INDUSTRIAL PARK • • Previous landscape reviews of the Industrial Park approved by the Appearance Commission , has dictated the tree selection . As illustrated on the landscape print the Norway Maple , Palented Honey Locust, Little Leaf Linder, and •,the Green Ash have been proposed for planting. '' Previous plan reviews suggested various varieties of tree species to be planted. Norway Maple Schwedler • Crimson King . 'Palented Honey Locust - Shademaster ' (Thornless & Seedless) Skyline little Leaf Linder - Greenspire • Green Ash (Seedless). - Marshall • Summit• E These are recommended planting selections accepted by the Village as illustrated in the Development Ordinance . RECOMMENDATIONS : 1. Tree selections are acceptable provided the varieties recommended are planted. 2. Alternate species as much as possible to avoid a mono- •culture , which could allow disease to travel from tree to tree of the same species . 3. Trees should have a minimum trunk diameter of two and one- half (211) inches measured six (6) inches above the planting line. • 4. Trees should be tagged and identified as to species , size , and place of origin . Tags should remain in place until an inspection is completed by the Public. Works Operation Division at the nursery and at the final planting site . • - - •2- I . • RECOMMENDATIONS (Continued) . • 5. Trees should be planted at a minimum of forty (40 ) feet apart. However , at a street corner , trees should be located at least twenty-five (25 ) feet from the intersection • at Right-Of-Way Lines . Planting sites should be selected in the field after utilities and driveways are located. 6. Trees should be balled and burlapped , have straight trunks with good branching , beginning with five (5) to (6) feet above planting line. • . 1 - 7. Retain as much topsoil as possible . After planting , a :three (3) inch mulch of wood-chips or an approved equal should be applied over the distrubed ground and a small - 'watering basin provided around the tree . • - • '8. Notify Public Works Operation Division forty-eight (48) -. :hours before planting . If you have any questions , please let me know. RAYMOND O. RIGSBY . • ROR:emv - • - - :- LP/KC • ORDINANCE NO. 83- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITTLE 14, SIGNS OF THE BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE • WHEREAS the village of Buffalo Grove is a home rule unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970. • NOW ,THEREFORE ,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: , . ; SECTION 1. • Subsection 0 of Section 14.36.010 of the Buffalo Grove • Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 14.36.010 • O. Real Estate Signs. 1. One real estate sign on ay lot or parcel , provided such sign is located entirely within the property to which the sign applies, is not directly illumiriatedoes not exceed six square feet in area, and is removed within seven days after the purchase agreements, rental , or lease has been entered into; 2. One real estae open house sign (in addition to real estate sign in subsection 1. above) on any lot or parcel , provided such sign is located entirely within the property to which the sign applies, is not directly illuminated , and does not exceed six square feet in area. Such sign is only allowed on Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 12:00 to 6: 00 p.m. Section 2. Any person violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be prosecuted as provided in Chapter 1.08 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. • • Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. This ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. L