1983-04-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , APR. 28, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. on Thursday, April 28, 1983 at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Gibbs, C. Cea, E. Larsen and D. Hardt. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: C. Zusel and K. Krippes Building Department Liaison: Dominic J. Saviano, Deputy Bldg. Comm. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Postponed until Workship portion of meeting. IV. BUSINESS A. Devonshire - Ground sign renewal on Route 83 Mr. Tom Millato, Partner of Devonshire Partnership, explained that he has acquired a license to operate in the name of Devonshire Develop- ment Corp. The business license has expired, but the new owners hope to finish building the 8 remaining lots in the sub-division within the next six months. At the present time, the phone number is inactive, but it has not been re-assigned and will be the number Mr. Millato will be using. A trailer will be located on Lot #1 at the intersection. Sales information as well as construction will be conducted from the trailer. Mr. Millato has purchased the Devonshire plans and will build the same models. The Monotony Code will be followed. Com. Cea commented that as a resident of Devonshire, he would like to see the sign come down, but if the sub-division is to be finished, he would issue the permit. Ch. Hardt noted the condition of the sign and said it is in need of re-painting. It is difficult to match colors and and make it look good. Mr. Millato said he would have the sign restored, but he felt that to repaint the whole sign would be too expensive for a short period of time. He said he wanted the sign to reflect the sense of pride that will characterize their business, and asked if the sign could be refurbished before the Appearance Commission made a decision. He will submit more photographs and the Commissioners can also take a look at the work. Com. Gibbs made a motion to Table until May 12, 1983. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Hardt Motion to Table to 5/12/83 passed. Nay - None B. Leisure Sole - Plaza Verde Mr. Barry Miller, Aerial Sign Co. Inc. presented the sign copy, approved by Mr. Hymen. It meets all the criteria of the Sign Package. The sign, Leisure Sole - Shoes - Boots, will all be illuminated. No disconnect will be visible. Com. Larsen made a motion to approve the sign as presented by Leisure Sole at Plaza Verde. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Cea Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None C. Quinlan and Tyson Realtors - Strathmore Square Mr. John Doyle of Doyle Signs, Inc. and Mr. Bill Murphy of Quinlan and Tyson presented the sign. The color of the Red was changed from #2663 to #2157 and will be used only on the Q and T, as per their logo. The remaining letters will be White with a Black overlay. This treatment will make the letters appear as a White outline at night, but will match their black letters during the daylight. The sign will meet all criteria of the Sign Package, with the exception of the colors and letter style. Mr. Murphy recalled that he was told that the Sign Package allows for variations of color and letters with the approval of the landlord. Mr. Morelli has seen the sign. Ch. Hardt noted that two variations are being requested. The letter style would not present a problem, but the colors are different from what Mr. Morelli insisted he wanted. White was to be the only color. When the Commission discussed the possibility of problems with Mr. Morelli , he expressed his desire that all signs be the same. He said if the Appearance Commission approved of any changes which he would allow, variations were acceptable. It will be necessary for Mr. Morelli to come back and discuss the Sign Package again. So far, Sears, Hyatt and H & R Block have had White letters; but Mr. Doyle said that he has another sign coming in next meeting that is requesting yellow letters. It was stated that if the Appearance Commission denies any sign, an appeal may be made to the Village Board. After discussing the sign, including the reference that was made to the Quinlan and Tyson sign at the time the Sign Package was developed, when Mr. Morelli illuded to the possibility of different colors, a suggestion was made by Com. Larsen to permit the letter style with Red Q and Red T, but the rest of the letters be White with bronze trim caps. Mr. Murphy agreed to this compromise. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Two Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Quinlan and Tyson Realtor sign with the following stipulations : 1 . Letter style, as submitted. 2. Red #2157 - Letters Q and T only. 3. Remainder of sign to be White with bronze trim. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye ;- Larsen Gibbs Ce a Motion Passed 3 to 1 . Nay - Hardt D. Barry's Bar-B-Q - John Munic Mr. Munic described his plans for a restaurant at the former Poppin Fresh location at 195 W. dundee Road. His request for a variation from the ZBA has been approved and the ground sign will be located 5 feet from the ground and 4 feet from the lot line (5 feet from the sidewalk) just West of the planted area. Mr. Munic is requesting approval of this ground sign, additional landscaping, lighting and two wall signs. He introduced Mr. Steve Sikora, Architect to present an addition to the building: ARCHITECTURE - Mr. Sikora explained that there will be a small addition at the rear of the building because a carry out window is needed. The addition will be constructed to match the rest of the building. It will be mostly thermo-pane glass and access will be along the existing sidewalk. The public will enter the additon through the rear door. There will be a new pad and the walk will be extended. The enclosure will be on the South and East Elevations. The color of stucco portion will be changed from peach to an off-white and the same color will be used to repaint the whole lower portion to match. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the modification to the Barry's Bar-B-Q building as presented, with the stipulation that the lower portion of the building will be painted an off white to match the new panel in the addition. All materials used will match the existing construction materials. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None LANDSCAPING - Mr. William Blue, Whelan Nursery, described the proposed landscaping to be added to the foundation of the building. Hearty yews, 32' off center across the front because of the Northern exposure and Spirea along the East side. On each side of the sign , diciduous shrubs that APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Three Lights are proposed to illuminate the shrubbery and building. Mr. Blue said that the lights will soften the effect of the founda- tion. The shrubs will be about 2 to 21/2 feet, shaped but not rounded. They will form a low hedge. Shredded bark - 2 inches deep will be used as a mulch around the plantings including the planting in the area of the sign. The need for the lights was questioned and Mr. Munic expressed his desire to have them because he is removing the existing pole lights. The roof lights will remain. He feels that the because the building is placed so far back, some soft lighting will add to the effect of the building as well as direct people's attention from Dundee Road. The lights will be soft. They would be placed on a timer to co-incide with the hours that the restaurant will be open. Screening of the light fixtures was discussed, but because of their location, the landscapper preferred to paint them green. They are a very small fixture and very close to the ground and Mr. Blue said he did not want to call attention to them because they will be located in the center of the front area where no other plantings are located. Com. Larsen asked if the existing shrubs along the walkway would stay. Mr. Munic said they would have to remove enough of them to allow for people to get through from the driveway to the carry out door. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping Plan for Barry's Bar-B-Q and Brew, Inc. as submitted with the stipulation that the proposed lights on the front of the building not be exceed- ingly bright; and that they be on a timer to tied to the hours that the facility will be open. Shredded bark mulch will be used around the plantings. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 1 . Nay - Hardt SIGNAGE Mr. Bud Shane of Ahern Sign Company presented the color rendition of the proposed ground sign and two wall signs. The face will be Red Plastic with White and Yellow Letters, illuminated with flour- escent tubing. The frame will be aluminum. Black was proposed for the frame, but since the building is dark brown, the frame will be dark brown to match the building. Ch. Hardt asked if a variation had been granted that would allow the sign to be located away from the corner of Dundee and Ellen. This was not a part of the variation, only the 500 required distance between ground signs. Wall signs were requested for the East Wall facing Ellen Drive and on the front wall facing North. Both are allowed by the Sign Code. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Four Mr. Munic said he hoped that the sign on the Ellen side would attract people to come in from that entrance on Ellen. A "Carry Out" sign was requested to go over the new door into the addition. Mr. Munic asked that this sign match the other wall signs and say Barry's Bar-B-Q Carry Out. No beer to be sold, only soft drinks will be sold at that window. The ground sign will be on a timer. The pole will be painted to match the can, preferably bronze because the trim of the building is dark brown. This sign will also be on a timer to go off after closing the restaurant. The colors of all the signs will be: Background - Tomato Red Barry's - White Bar-B-Q & Brew - Chrome Yellow There was some discussion of the proposed wall sign on the North elevation next to the door. It was concluded that the Sign Code allows for wall signage as well as the ground sign; Poppin Fresh had one, the wall is a large blank space and would look better with a sign. The sign is within the 20% allowed in the Sign Code, but there was some disagreement about the measurement of the area in question. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the 2 wall signs for Barry's Bar-B-Q to be located on the North Wall next to the entrance and on the West elevation as indicated on the drawing. Colors as stipulated. The electrical dis- connects will be painted out. Frames to be dark bronze to match the window mullions. The "and" will be an ampersand. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Cea Motion Passed 3 to 1 . Nay - Hardt Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the ground sign for Barry's Bar-B-Q & Brew; to be 6'7" by 12'6" as indicated on the drawing. Colors to be: Barry's - White on Tomato Red Background Bar-B-Q & Brew - Chrome Yellow on Tomato Red Backgound Edge of the can to be bronze to match the signs in the first motion. Lights to be on a timer. Pole to be painted out bronze to match the can. Sign to be positioned as indicated in the Zoning Board of Appeals variation. Com. Cea seconded the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April , 1983 - Page Five Com. Larsen commented that the height of the ground sign is lower than necessary according to the Sign Code. He felt that the plexi-glas face of the sign as presented will be in constant disrepair. According to the discussion with the Zoning Board of Appeals, the sign was granted the variation because of the agreement with Mr. Munic to accept a lower ground sign (5 ft. high) and set back a distance of 4 ft from the lot line (5 ft. from the sidewalk). Mr. Munic is satisfied and said he wants to keep the tree that would block a higher sign at the corner where the Poppin Fresh sign was located. Ch. Hardt commented that the higher sign Poppin Fresh had, did not help the business. The only question is whether the proposed material to be used for the face is formitable enough and if not, Mr. Munic will want keep it in good repair. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Nay - Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 1 . Mr. Munic asked that a "Carry Out" sign be considered for the window. The colors would be the same and the size would be compatible with the space over the door. The Commissioners asked to have a sketch submitted and suggested that Mr. Munic and his sign man design one while the next item on the Agenda is discussed. This was done. See discussion following F.P.C. (G) E. St. Mary's Pharmacy - Wall Sign Don Schmidt of North Shore Sign Co. and Mr. Mounir Marcos, Pharmacist presented the sign. It will be a single face sign on the West elevation of the Medical Center Building East of Buffalo Grove Road at 88 E. Dun- dee Road. It will be on the mansard roof and meets the criteria of the Sign Code. The color of the metal cabinet will be Dark Bronze instead of Brilliant Blue as indicated. The letters will be Midnight Blue - #460 - B. The store frontage is 30 ft. and the sign will be 3' x 10' This is the only retail business in the building and there should not be any other similiar signs requested. The Commission discussed the copy on the sign. Because there is no real reason to include Buffalo Grove on the sign and because without it the size of St. Mary's could be larger, Mr. Marcos agreed to change the sign. The two mortar and pestles will be retained to balance the sign and the size of St. Mary's will be 10 inches - centered. Construction was discussed and it was agreed to box in the ends of the sign so that the braces will not be exposed. There will be no exposed conduit. The electrical disconnect will be painted out to match the background. There will be no trim caps on the letters. The edges will be painted dark bronze. The ends of the cabinet will also be dark bronze. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28,1983 - Page Six Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the mansard sign for St. Mary's Pharmacy with the following stipulations: 1 . Cabinet to be dark bronze with end caps, and all structure to be painted out dark bronze 2. Sign face to be White - Eliminate Buffalo Grove. 3. Letters to be Midnight Blue - #460-B. 4. Sign to read St. Mary's in 10 inch letters and Pharmacy to be 18 inch letters 5. 2 - Mortar and Pestles to be 10 inches, and the color to be Midnight Blue; positioned on each side of St. Mary's. 6. Electrical disconnect to be painted out. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. F. Chernin's Shoes - Plaza Verde Mr. Steve King of Arrow Sign Co. , Inca and Mr. Marvin Hymen of Plaza Verde presented three signs. The first will be a temporary sign on the pylon that used to say "Eagle." The letters will be stenciled on the White vinyl that is covering the pylon now. (This will be similiar to the temporary sign at Kohl 's when Eagle went in there. ) The sign would read CHERNIN'S SHOES in Red with "Name Brands For Less" in Black, all on the White background. Com. Gibbs said he felt the "Name Brands For Less" was advertising. The other Commissioners said they would not object to this on a tempor- ary sign. Mr. Hymen said he felt it is important to tell people what is coming and people may not be familiar with Chernin's Shoes. The sign will be lighted. The vinyl will be transluscent and lights will work well . Permanent signage is a different category re: advertising. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the Chernin's Shoes temporary sign as submitted. Copy to be painted on a flexible face material Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to-1 . Nay - Gibbs Permanent Sign on Pylon. The face will be 3/16 Lexan. (Osco is Lexan) The colors will be Red on White with Black - "Name Brands For Less. " The CHERNIN'S SHOES with seraphs is the corporate logo style. Mr. Hymen said they did not consider the Name Brands For Less to be advertising. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Seven The corporate name is Harris Chernin, Inc. But they feel that Name Brands For Less is not advertising. It is an important part of their business name, it's on the stationery, bags, and incorporated in all their advertising. Ch. Hardt, after discussion, said the AC could take a straw poll , or the advertising verbage could be eliminated from the sign. Should the vote go against the sign as presented an appeal can be made to the Village Board. The Straw Poll was taken: NO - Cea, Gibbs and Hardt OK - Larsen, based upon other signs (Eagle) Mr. Hymen said they did not want to go to the Village Board and would remove the objectionable phrase. The CHERNIN'S SHOES would be centered in 24' letters. Com. Cea made a motion to approve the CHERNIN'S SHOES as revised, with the deletion of "Name Brands For Less" and the copy centered. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Larsen Cea Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Wall Sign. Mr. Hymen presented the sign and said that the wall sign is the most important. He called attention to the fact that Plaza Verde is a very beautiful and he noted that Osco has Liquors and Prescriptions. The sign is not too large and the portion "Name Brands For Less" is only 1/2 the size of the name, Chernin's Shoes. He requested the Commission's agreement. Ch. Hardt said that normally whatever is placed on the pylon should go on the wall , but in this instance he would agree with Mr. Hymen and would accept this sign as an exception. The sign would be flush mounted with no projections. Sides of letters would be bronze trim caps and the returns would be bronze. All letters to be lighted. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the sign for CHERNIN'S SHOES Names Brands For Less, as proposed on the wall at Plaza Verde Shopping Center. Ch. Hardt seconded the motion. He also commented that the size of the sign could be a lot larger. Looking at the total shopping center, this would not be objectionable for an important store. Other stores have 12" and 18" illumin- ated cans. This is very conservative in comparison, and will not have an objectionable impact. The Eagle store had 7 foot letters and Osco has 5'6" letters. The layout presented is the same as for Osco with Prescription Drugs to the right and a little larger that Name Brands, etc. Ch. Hardt suggested a straw poll before the vote, in order to determine the Commissioners feelings. Commissioners Gibbs and Cea would not vote in favor of the sign. Chernin's Shoes has no other nature to suggest. Com. Larsen said he made the motion and would stand behind it. He has no pro- blem with it. He recalled the Picture Framing Outlet sign that was approved. Straw Poll : Aye - Hardt and Larsen Nay - Gibbs and Cea The sign would be denied. Before a vote was taken Mr. Hymen presented an alternate. It read CHERNIN'S SHOES in Red letters 5'6" high for a total of 363 square feet. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Eight Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the wall sign for CHERNIN'S SHOES as submitted, Red letters - 5 '6" high. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Cea Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None The Commission welcomed Chernin's Shoes to Buffalo Grove and commended Mr. Hymen for his personal interest in the tenants. He also co-operates with the Village by telling the tenants what the Code says, and helps them as much as he can. G. FPC Corp. at the Buffalo Grove Commerce Center John R. Thebault, Pres. of Construction and Matt Miller of MTI and Mike Kamins of FPC Corporation. Builder is McLennan & Thebault Inc. Mr. Thebault presented the Architectural review. He described the building. It will be an all masonary building. Face brick has been selected and the building will have stacked bond brick treatment over the windows. Towards the top, the brick step out so there is a lot of of shadow and detail that does not show up on the plan submitted. The front elevation is essentially running bond except over the windows. Windows are insulated glass with dark bronze frame. Brick is Brown called Chippewa #1 and Mortar will be standard grey. Building is compatible with the other buildings in the Commerce Center. Metal fascia around top of brick which will be bronze. It is pre-finished. Two overhead doors will be painted to match the brick. The building is meant to be mono-chromatic. The site location as submitted, is depicted on a corner lot (#19 at Eastwood Lane and Lexington Drive) but after the contract was drawn and agreed upon. Lexington has a buyer who would like to purchase 5 lots and the center lot is #19, so when the contract was delivered, it read Lot #8 which is also on a corner. Lot #8 is precisely the same width, but is 8 feet longer. This does not effect the elevation, except for the 8' and because Lot #8 is also a corner, the plan only needs to be reversed. The top of the building is not a parapet wall , and will not extend out far from the roof. There will only be a roof-top compressor (and that may go on the ground). It would be in the approximate center of the building. Mr. Thebault stipulated that i.t could be painted out to match the roof. The service doors will be painted to match the garage. The heating and air-conditioning equipment will be inside in a special room. Interior downspouts are tied into the basin. Lights will be provided over the service doors. Metal Halide #175 as per cut sheet, finished in bronze Lektrocote. Sidewalks will meet all requirements. Trash removal will necessitate a dumpster to dispose of mostly cardboard boxes. A dumpster will be placed in parking area. Separate motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Nine Because of the change in exposure, the windows facing North will have clear glass, but the windows on the West will be tinted bronze. Sills are cut-stone. The bumper piers at the overhead door will be painted some color that will make them visible. Piers will be some complimentary color in the Brown family - such as lighter beige or tan. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the plans for the FPC building as submitted, with the details as follows: 1 . Building to be Brick - Chippewa #1 ; Regular Mortar 2. Windows on North to be clear with bronze frames 3. Windows on West to be tinted bronze w/ bronze frames 4. Cut stone sills 5. Aluminum fascia on top of building is pre-finished, bronze color 6. Overhead doors will be painted out dark brown to match the brick as close as possible. 7. All service doors also painted out to match brick. 8. Two concrete pipe bumpers will be painted out a contrasting color, if that is the owner's desire; or painted out to match the brick color. 9. Parking spaces to have concrete bumpers as denoted on the drawing. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0, with 1 abstention. Abstain - Larsen, Com. Larsen said he orders fasteners from this company, and will therefore abstain from the discussion and voting. LIGHTING The lighting fixtures will be bronze, located over each service door, and the purpose is to light the area from the doors to the parking area. The purpose is to light the area without offending neighbors. They are made of shatter proof plastic and should not cause a vandalism problem. There will be 2 fixtures on the East elevation. If there is a need for one to be on the South, or if one is required by the Police Department, it will be added but there is no access into the building from this area. There will be a light inside the foyer that will illuminate the front door. The Code requires that there be an outside light, so there will be a small , good fixture that will compliment the building. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve 2 Perimaliter Series lights on the East elevation, to be located at a height so as to not exceed the property line. There are to be lights at each of the four doors that have access to the building. #PVL-0175H-11X - Bronze, Com. Cea seconded the motion. Pre-finished enamel . APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Ten FPC Corp. - Roll Call Vote on Lighting: Aye - Cea Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 - 0, with 1 abstention. Abstain - Larsen LANDSCAPING Mr. Thebault said that according to the Annexation Agreement, all drainage must be handled by each individual lot owner. Mr. Saviano added that Lexington approves all the Landscaping before it is sub- mitted to the AC. The additional 8 ft. on the new lot will be paved. The entire lot will be sodded. The Plan is well done, but could use some treatment at the Northeast corner to screen that area. It was agreed to add some additional landscaping. There will not be anything on the bermed area except the Scotch Pines. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscape Plan for the FPC building as submitted, with the addition of landscaping at the Northeast corner similiar to the other landscaping. Deletion of refuse container from this motion. The stoop at the rear door will be connected to the drive with concrete. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Larsen Motion Passed 3 - 0, with 1 abstention. DUMPSTER After discussing the best type of trash enclosure, it was decided that because of the additional 8 feet at the rear of this lot, which will be paved, a small island could be constructed. The trash enclosure will be screened with a wood fence. There will be a landscaped island on each side of the enclosure that is 18 inches wide. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the proposal of the Architect for the Dumpster with two 18 inch landscaped islands to provide screening without interferring with the operation of the dumpster which will be fenced with a minimum 5 ft. fence. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Nay - None Gibbs Abs. - Larsen Motion Passed 3 to 0, with 1 abstention APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Eleven ATTENDANCE POLICY Village President Verna Clayton has proposed a Commission attendance policy that would require 75% attendance, with a consultation after 2 consecutive missed meetings. This proposal would present a problem to Commissioners who have their own businesses and sometimes have other meetings that conflict with AC meetings. Ch. Hardt noted that three Commissioner are scheduled for re-appointment, Ed Larsen, K. Krippes and C. Zusel . Com. Zusel is planning to move to Long Grove sometime this summer. Ch. Hardt will contact Kathy and Cindy to see if they wish to be re-appointed. Mr. Saviano said that Trammell Crow has requested a permanent entrance sign. The need for the Sign Code review is long past due and Ch. Hardt would like to schedule a workshop soon. Com. Larsen said he had spoken with Mr. Raysa recently. Mr. Raysa wants to wait until two very important court cases have been heard before review of the Sign Code is continued. These cases involve the 1st and 14th Amendments and will help in setting limits. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Larsen made a motion to adjourn. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Re tfully submitted, - Shirley Bat , Secretary Appearance ommission APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb April 28, 1983 - Page Thirteen No signage was requested for the FPC Corporation, but Ch. Hardt told the developers that signage would be allowed, if desired. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Saviano presented a sketch from Barry's Bar-B-Q for the Carry Out Window. It included the full name in the colors, Red and Yellow. Ch. Hardt said he would be opposed to the size 2' x 4' with 8" letters. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve Barry's Bar-B-Q & Brew request for a sign over their Carry-Out door as submitted: Size - 2' x 4' with 8" letters for the name and 4" letters that say "Carry Out" - Red with Yellow letters. Ch. Hardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - None Nay - Larsen Gibbs Cea Hardt Motion Denied 4 to 0, because of the copy and the size. As an alternative, the Commission proposed a simple Carry-Out sign. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve a sign for Barry's Bar-B-Q for the carry-out door as follows: 1 . Size - 3' x 12" can with 6 inch letters. 2. Copy - CARRY OUT 3. Shape - Oval with radius corners to match the pylon sign. 4. Internally illuminated. 5. Colors Red with Yellow letters Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF April 14, 1983. Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Gibbs and seconded by Com. Larsen. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen, Gibbs, Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Cea Minutes of April 14, 1983 approved and will be placed on file. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 28, 1983 - Page Twelve