1983-02-10 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF � � , BUFFALO GROVE f - ,,ari i,6 9fvd �cifalo nove, WI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: The Grove - Ground Sign Face Change DATE Feb. 10, 1983 OWNER OR Ken Tucker and Associates DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Larsen SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel _ f I move we`approve`the sign face'change of The Grove as submitted, as .per terms of Sign Code Sec. 14.32.020 limiting the sign to 6 months duration Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF "1 , BUFFALO GROVE r fib-ane 3aya'i/i Xt^d er(f/. &2 VJ 42 fte, J1 60090 `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: H & R Block; Hyatt Legal Services DATE Feb. 10, 1983 OWNER OR Strathmore Square - Mr. Wm. Murphy of Courtesy Signs DEVELOPER Mr MichacLJistermann, H & R Block MOVED BY: Com. Larsen SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we approve the H` & R Block, and Hyatt- Legal Services sign, in joint tenancy, at Strathmore Square provided that: 1 . H & Block be 2 lines of copy - 12 inch letters - White with Dark Bronze returns. 2. Hyatt Legal Services be 2 lines of copy- 12 inch letters - White with Dark Bronze returns. ithr the- %rtiv *o lli i;= he owner of the . rs Center or h(s agent`, agree in writing to allow these tenants to use additional 5 feet of the fascia immediately to the West end of the location in the consider- ation of the total signage of this area; and that the owner will not put any additional signage on the fascia. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None It was noted that the copy can be reversed with Hyatt first, if that is desired by the tenants. This was added to the motion and approved. sb • VILLAGE OF "� , BUFFALO GROVE I/y-ane 3-au/i'i Xh d Xf#IA W4491fie, p4 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• Strathmore Square Pylon Sign - Revised DATE Feb. 10, 1983 OWNER OR John Doyle Doyle Signs, Inc. DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Corn. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Larsen I move we cove ,tire Addition of the LOGO for the Strathmore Square;Pylon sign as presented. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to O sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 9y-one 3ai/i 4 Xkd. " f#14 cc ove, ga. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Mobil at Rt. 83 and Arlington Heights Rd. DATE Feb. 10, 1983 OWNER OR Mr. Ron Cothern and Mr. Eric Larson of Mobil DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Carsen: SECONDED BY: Corn. Zusel I move we approve the Architecture for a Mobil Gas Statiory on Rt. 83 and Arlington Heights Road, to be a Primary building and Canopy structure with the additional out- building, in accordance with the design and architecture from the plans presented. Primary construction to be Brick - Cadillac Grey, retaining the white metal fascia and canopy. Doors are black anodized alluminum on the main building. Doors on out-building will be painted grey, with the appropriate symbols. Trim accent ;colors wiTt be-4,b1acL yoti the main building; and the out-building--as desire1. Window glass will be tinted-transparent on top with a smoked matching opabue panel on the bottom. Architectural screen for the roof-top units will be approximately the same height as the tallest unit, with air space for air circulation between it and the roof. It will be painted out Bahama Beige color, similiar to the color of the brick. Tank Vents will be (if possible) placed on the East property line on the rear of the parcel as far back as possible, but in no case will be placed in the center front of the parcel . There will be 5 tanks and they will be painted out biege/grey. (Tanks are movable in the event the strip center is developed and the driveway goes in that section. ) Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Nay - None Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF , BTJFFALO GROVE 3 iy-one?att/i/ e&z^d. r: rc�lak Wv ove, Wf 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY LIGHTING PROJECT TITLE: Mobil Oil - Rt. 83 DATE Feb. 10, 1983 OWNER OR Ron Coghern, and Eric Larson of Mobil DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Larsen I move we approve the Light Standards as ~presented 6 (Al ) 400 Watt Metal Halide and 2 (A2) 250 Watt Megal Halide clear bulbs with charcoal grey standards. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. sb • VILLAGE OF , BUFFALO GROVE V,-one Matc�r�i Xkd Athrato Ito tie, gel 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY LANDSCAPING —Mobil Oil on RT. 83 Feb. 10, 1983 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR Mr. Rick Burton of Land Consultants, Inc. DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Larsen I move we approve.the Landscape Plan as presented by Mobil Oil wFti the following changes: 1 . Burning Bushes will be replaced with Cranberry bushes. 2. The Hawthorne trees will be the thornless variety. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Hardt Nay - None -,- Motion Passed 3 to 0. sb • VILLAGE BUFFALO GROVE q'y-one Ratio 5q/vcl Agra& g4 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Mobil Oil on Rt. 83 SIGNAGE Feb. 10, 1983 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR Mr. Ron Cochern and Eric Larson of Mobil DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Larsen SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we approve the signs as depicted in the photographs: 2 - 5 ft. diameter - each side of main bldg. 1 - 4 ft. diameter - on the South elevation of the out-building. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to:0 sb