1983-02-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , FEB. . 10, 1981 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, Feb. 10, 1983 at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: C. Zusel , E. Larsen and D. Hardt. QUORUM. Commissioners Absent: B. Gibbs, C. Cea and K. Krippes. Building Dept. Liaison: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Bldg. Commissioner III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jan. 27, 1983 minutes were postponed until the Commissioners that were present are in attendance. IV. BUSINESS A. The Grove - Ground Sign Face Change Mr. Arnold Blake of Ken Tucker and Associates presented the proposed face change of the temporary construction sign. The size will be the same - 10' x 12' and the same colors will be used. The location will be the same. The whole board will be repainted. The AC questioned the need for "NOW OPEN" and Mr. Blake said that since there are still vacant stores as well as a pad to be sold or built upon, they want people to know that The Grove is officially open for business. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the sign face change for The Grove as submitted, as per terms of Sign Code Sec. 14.32.020 limiting the sign to 6 months duration. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None B. H & R BLOCK and HYATT Legal Services Mr. William Murphy of Courtesy Signs and Mr. Michael Listermann of H & R, presented the proposed signage at the Strathmore Square Shopping Center. The H & R Block sign meets the criteria of the center, 2 lines - 12" letters. Hyatt Legal Services is 2 lines but the letters are 18" - Hyatt and 6" for Legal Services because 12" letters would not fit the alotted space - Yellow. The two businesses share the same space in joint tenancy. Precedence for this type of signage has been set (i .e. Dominick's and Heinemann's Bakery; and the Skokie TV/ Video store at Lieberman 's) , and each business had a space on the large Buffalo Grove Mall sign. Various different set-ups were tried, and in order to achieve balance the letter variation in size and color would be the best in the situation. Mr. Saviano said that the lawyer had called and was aware of the restric- tions of the Sign Package. A drawing of the two signs, each on one line had been tried, but it would be necessary to use very tight block letters to get Hyatt Legal Services in the space. Com. Larsen asked about the adjacent section just West of the given location and suggested that the 5 feet space would probably not be used for any other sign. It could be used and would allow Hyatt Legal Services to be 12 inch letters, meeting the criteria of the Sign Package. The AC and Mr. Lister- mann agreed that this would solve the problem, provided Mr. Morelli would approve. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the H & R BLOCK and HYATT LEGAL SERVICES sign, in joint tenancy at Strathmore Square; provided that: 1 . H & R BLOCK be 2 lines of copy - 12" letters - White with Dark Bronze Returns. 2. H.L.S. be 2 lines of copy - 12" letters - White with Dark Bronze Returns. 3. With the proviso that the owner of the Center or his agent, agree in writing to allow these tenants to use additional 5' of fascia immediately to the West end of the location in the consideration of the total signage of this area; and that the owner will not put any additional signage on the fascia. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None It was noted that the copy can be reversed with Hyatt first, if that is desired by the tenants. This was added to the motion and approved. C. Strathmore Square - Addition of Logo to approved pylon sign. John Doyle - Doyle Signs, Inc. presented the sign and explained its construction. It will be routed aluminum - 090 aluminum. The sign will remain the same - Strathmore Square - with the addition of the Squares Logo in the lower right hand corner. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the addition of the Logo to the Strathmore Square Pylon sign, as presented. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 10, 1983 - Page Two. D. Plaza Verde - Amendment to Sign Package Mr. Marvin Hymen Request was withdrawn for this meeting. E. Mobil Oil - Full Review Rt. 83 and Arlington Heights Road Ron Cothern, Mobil Oil Corp. Eric Larson, Engineer for Mobil Rick Burton, Landscaping , Mr. Larson made the presentation of the project. He described the traffic flow through the station from Rt. 83 and explained that there will be a side road on the West leading to Arlington Heights Road. Mobil Oil will operate the station. There will be no independent owner. LIGHTING - The islands will be lighted by means of down lights in the roof 400 watt Del Rio Fixtures with Metal Halide Bulbs. Light is de- flected so that it stays within the islands. There will be 6 - A 1 lights: 2 at each entrance, 2 along the back drive and 2 area lights designated as A 2 on the East and West sides of the property. A 2 are 250 watts. ARCHITECTURE - The building will be used for the collection of gas payments, and a snack area. All lighting is set within the canopy, so there will be no glare. 400 watt mercury bulbs will be used. The storefront is metal with black anodized aluminum frames. Brick used will be Cimmeron - Cadellic grey with matching mortar. Roof top units will be covered with fiberglas and the fascia will be just high enough to cover the units. The units will be grey. The venting of the gas tanks was discussed. There will be 5 vents side-by- side - 12' to 14' high. All the same height. They will be encased in a metal frame and set in concrete piers. They will be kept away from the building and if in the rear, they will be 4 to 5 feet away from the curb. They will be painted grey. Ch. Hardt asked that they be placed as far away from the building, in the rear, if possible. The vents must be pitched up. The building in the rear is a storage/restroom area. The color will be a soft grey, not blue. The corners will probably be square because it is difficult to get rounded brick. There is room for a car wash on the West end, but no plans to develope it. Trash containers will be 1-piece metal enclosures, with double doors. -They are permanent, embedded in piers in concrete and painted Bahama Beige. A brochure or picture will be submitted to the Building Dept. for review. The air unit is separate and includes an oil dispenser unit. Nothing was submitted for the number two island at this time. ARCHITECTURE - The following motion was made by Com. Larsen: I move we approve the Architecture for a Mobil gas station on Rt. 83 and Arlington _ Heights Road, to be Primary building and canopy structure along with the additional L.s out-building, in accordance with the design and architecture from the plans presented. Primary construction to be Brick - Cadillac Grey, retaining the white metal fascia and canopy. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 10, 1983 - Page Three Mobil motion continued: Doors are black anodized alluminum on main building. Doors on out-building will be painted grey, with appropriate symbols. Trim accent colors will be black on the main building and the out-building, as desired. Window glass will be tinted-transparent on top with a smoked matching opague panel on the bottom. Architectural screen for the roof-top units will be approximately the same height as the tallest unit, with air space for air circulation between it and the roof. It will be painted out Bahama Beige color, similiar to the color of the brick. Tank Vents will be (if possible) placed on the East property line on the rear of the parcel as far back as possible, but in no case will be placed in the center front of the parcel . 5 tanks to be painted out beige/grey. (They are movable in the event the strip center is developed and the driveway goes in that section. ) Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None LIGHTING \/ Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the light standards as presented - 6 (Al ) 400 Watt Metal Halide and 2 (A2) 250 Metal Halide clear bulbs, with charcoal grey standards. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0. LANDSCAPING Rick Burton described the plan. The area is B-3 Commercial Zone. The Zoning to the rear is residential on the other side of the road. There is an existing row of evergreens along the East property line. They will be left. To insure screening to the future residential area to the North, a double row of shrubs will be put in interrupted in two places by some ornamental trees. The detention area is shown to the North and these plants are all water tolerant. Should the detention be moved to the South East corner, the species may be changed. The Amur Maple is red in the fall . L The West property line, shared with Coldwall/Banker, 3 trees will be added. The South West corner where the sign will be placed if and when a ZBA variation is granted, will be treated with colorful bushes. The plan calles for Burning Bushes but will be changed to Cranberry Bushes. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 10, 1983 - Page Four Ch. Hardt noted, with reference to the proposed sign, that it must be placed 10 feet from the property line. It was stipulated that the Hawthone trees will be Thornless variety. Ch. Hardt asked if the rear of the homeowner's existing house is acceptable to Mobil? It is an old home and the existing fence is to be taken out. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscape Plan as presented by Mobil Oil with the following changes: 1 . Burning Bushes will be replaced with Cranberry bushes. 2. The Hawthorne trees will be thornless variety. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None SIGNAGE The only signage being requested at this time are the 3 Mobil Pegasus symbols - 2 are 5 feet in diameter and will be located on each side of of the primary builidng; and 1 - 4 ft. diameter on the out-building. There are 3 double-faced small symbols on the islands, but these are not included in the signage. They were part of the architectural review. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the signs as depicted in the photographs: 2 - 5 ft. diameter - each side of main bldg. 1 - 4 ft. diameter - on the South elevation of the out-building. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None It was noted that some type of reader board may be submitted for the 4th island, but nothing is being proposed at this time. If the detention area is changed, the AC would require revised plans to be submitted to the Building Department. It is not necessary to return for approval . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lighting of temporary signs was discussed. It was noted that the Code does not provide for lights and the AC can make recommendations to deny anything it does not believe will benefit the Village. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 10, 1983 - Page Five VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Zusel made a motion to adjourn. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Res e tfully submitted,&t*2 • Shirley Bate , Secretary Appearance Commission ,v APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Feb. 10, 1983 - Page Six