1982-12-09 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF GROVE g -asp Rafg0 &vd. Xf9fah ¶v'tov, 9/.l 6V090 • APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: MASTER SIGN PLAN FOR BUFFALO COURT DATE DEC. 9, 1982 OWNER OR BOB PAVETTO, OWNER OF BUFFALO COURT DEVELOPER MOVED BY: COM. GIBBS SECONDED BY: COM. LARSEN I move we approve the Master Sign Plan for Buffalo Court as submitted, with the following stipulations: 1. Wall signage will be made a part of the lease. 2. Before permits are issued, signs will be approved by Mr. Pavetto and u a letter submitted to Bldg. Dept. 3. All Logos to be approved by AC. 4. Signs to be 2' x 12' centered over arch, over each of the four (4) stores. 5. Letters to be Ivory; not to exceed 12 inches using Logos; easily read from street side. 6. Background to be Dark Bronze or Dark Brown, at the option of Mr. Pavetto, owner. All signs shall have the same background color. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Nay - Zusel Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 2. All signs must have a disconnect. sb VILLAGE OF GROVE y -one e&1 /i We;et. . _ lh W stave, J11. 60090 • APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY State Farm Insurance - Wall Sign Dec. 9, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR Bob Pavetto - Buffalo Court DEVELOPER Com. Krippes Com. Larsen MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we approve the Wall Sign for State Farm Insurance at Buffalo Court as submitted, per Sign Package. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Each sign must have a disconnect. • sb VILLAGE OF "� , BUFFALO GROVE y° -one €1i Mvd. X /fdo czove, 9ll 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Artists' Frame Ser.Inc1Factory Outlet, Pictur Frames eDATE 12/9/82 OWNER OR Buffalo Court - Bob Pavetto DEVELOPER Jay Goltz, Owner of Artists'; Frame Factory MOVED BY: Com.. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve the Wall Sign for Artists' Frame Service, Inc. - Factory Outlet, Picture Frames as submitted. per Sign Package. Letters to be Ivory. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Hardt Nay - Zusel Krippes Motion Passed 3 to 2. Note: Each sign must have a disconnect. VILLAGE OF '. ") , BUFFALO GROVE £9j-�et.�/ :Gvd. _ Xl#1,4 c , ga. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Marcia's Hallmark Cards DATE Dec. 9, 1982 OWNER OR Wall Sign at The Grove, Mike Meltzer, Owner DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Larsen I move we approve the Marcia's Hallmark Shop wall sign at The Grove as submitted, with the following corrections: 1 . An apostrophe will be added between the last "a" in Marcia's and the "s' . .d 2. The crown Logo is accepted as the registered trademark. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs - Larsen Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. • sb VILLAGE OF 7 "1, BUFFALO GROVE S"_ � t Olvd. , : - Xr1449 Vtave, 'W. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Buffalo. Grove Wall Coverings Dec. 9, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR Wall Sign at The Grove DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Corn. Zusel Corn. Larsen SECONDED BY: I move we approve the sign as presented by Buffalo Grove Wallcoverings. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Krippes Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. • sb VILLAGE OF ^y "� BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: SEARS Paint and Hardware DATE Dec. 9, 1982 OWNER OR Wall sign at Strathmore Square Shopping Center DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes i move we approve the sign presented by SEARS paint and Hardware with the correction of the length from 23' to 23' 6". Colors as indicated on plan. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. • • sb VILLAGE OF - ' "1 , BUFFALO GROVE 4-one Paiq%6 Wvd. - Jfe a4 noise, WI. 60090 • APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Sales Trailer, with signage DATE Dec/ 9, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Hoffman Group Com. Gibbs Com. Krippes MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we approve the trailer as submitted, for Wellington Hills to be located on Lot 3, with the following stipulations: a. Color - White b. Landscaped on the North and South as soon as practical c. Sign to be adjacent to the Right hand door. d. Trailer will be skirted. e. Electricity to be brought in from the rear lot line, located so as not to cause a hazard to cars parked in the model area. f. Lot to be restored after the trailer is • removed according to the Landscape Plans. g. Time limit for trailer is 6 months, with return to AC for extension. h. Lot will be cleaned and leveld prior to lot being used for the trailer and parking. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen • Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF •• ' "1, BUFFALO GROVE -� ,Wt i. Xilak. cam, ill 60090 • APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY SIGNAGE for Wellington Hills (Commons) Dec. 9, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR Hoffman Group - Mr. Marty Russo DEVELOPER Mr. Jack Metsger - Signs MOVED BY: Corn. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve the signs for Wellington Hills, as submitted and described below: 1 . Welcome to Wellington Hills sign on 12" x 12" cedar stained posts; double faced located on Lot #1 perperdicular to Buffalo Grove Road. No lights. Setback proper distance in accordance with the Sign Code. u 2. Wellington Hills Sales and Information sign to be located on Lot #3. It is a single-faced sign - 22" x 22". Any change of telephone number requires repainting of the whole panel. Colors are Pantone #207, #208 and #134. 3. Model signs are 22" x 22" - Sandblasted, stained and painted, mounted on centered 18 ;inch posts. PMS #208, #207, #134, a white, #359 and #362. The same basic colors are carried out throughout Well- ington Hills. 4. Parking Lot Sign on Lot 3, Thank You For Visiting on reverse side; mounted on a center post. Colors as .described above 5. Lot 66, or 500 feet, minimum distance from any existing sign. Wellington Hills, Sales and Information Center directional sign. Double faced including proper directional information. Colors as indicated. All signs will meet the criteria set forth in Sec. 14.32.010 of the Sign Code. Time period to be a maximum of 1 year, with renewal for additional 1 year periods, upon written application of at least 30 days prior to expiration date; to the administrator. All signs now on property (Commons must be removed prior to issuance of permit. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen, Krippes, Zusel Gibbs and Hardt. Nay - None sb Motion Passed 5 to 0. VILLAGE OF .. ' ") , BUFFALO GROVE PlYiy-one eai1,4 '£4d. e#lo cviatie, ..9/'. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Landscaping of Wellington Hills (Commons) DATE Dec. 9, 1982 OWNER OR James Freeman Associates, Landscape Architects for DEVELOPER Hoffman Group Developers MOVED BY: Com. Krippes SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we approve the Model Area Landscaping for Wellington Hills, as presented contingent ,upon the approval of the Models, with the stipulation that the fence will be removed when the models are sold. Also, all shrubs must be removed from the right-of-way when the models are sold. Roll Call. Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF "i . BUFFALO GROVE ' -one eat Wyd. Xr ,alo W tove, Nl. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Wellington Hills, Color Packages DATE Dec. 9, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Hoffman Group, Mr. Marty Russo and Mr. Jack Shumm MOVED BY: Corn. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com.Larsen I move we approve the Wellington Hills Color Packages as presented from sheet dated 11-23-82; with the deletion of #9 and #14. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Copy of Sign Package Attached. 1 Models - Elevations and Monotony Code Motion Made By: Com. Gibbs Seconded By: Com. Larsen I move we approve the Models as presented, with stipulations noted in these minutes. Also, Corner lots will receive required side landscape treatment on blank elevations. Windows on corner lots will be treated to match the front windows on both right-of ways. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes u Gibbs Larsen Hardt Nay - None sb Motion Passed 5 to 0. 11-23-82 -1 1 WELLINGTON HILLS EXTERIOR COLOR PACKAGES FASCIA DECORATIVE PANELS SOFFITT VENTS & TUDOR NEW # SIDING MASONRY SHINGLES SHUTTERS GUTTERS TRIM ONLY FRONT DOOR GARAGE DOOR 1 Classic Heirloom Gingerwood Buckskin Brown Seal Brown English Seal Brown English Ivory Cream Mossy Oak (M) (T) Ivory (T) (M) Range 2 Classic Heirloom Gingerwood Buckskin Beige Buckskin - Seal Brown W/ brick Buckskin (M) Brown Mossy Oak (M) (M) Buckskin (M) w/o Range 3 Classic Old Hickory White White White - White White Gold Dominion Brown 4 Classic Greenbriar Dusky White White White - White White Jade Olive 5 Classic Greenbriar Dusky Brown Brown Bark Alaska Pacific driftwood (T) Pacific Driftwood (T) Beige Olive Brown (M) White W/ brick, Colonial Sage w/o (M) 6 Classic Heirloom Charcoal White White White - White White Slate Mossy Oak Brown Range 7 Classic Greenbriar Chapel White White White - White W/ brick Col- White Gray Grey onial Sage w/o (M) 8 White Heirloom Charcoal Brown Brown Seal Brown White Shite W/ brick Seal White • . Mossy Oak Brown (T) Brown (T) w/o Range 90U � . 10 Classic Old Hickory White White White - White Redwood Red Dominion Brown - . 11 White Old Raven George- White George- - White W/ brick White Dominion Beauty town town Gray (M) Georgetown Gray Gray (M) (M) w/o 12 Classic Old Raven Black Brown Beaver° Navajo Pacific Driftwood (T) Pacific Driftwood (T) . Beige Chicago Beauty Brown White W/ brick, Beaver Brown Clinker (M) w/o 13 Autumn Heirloom Hickory Brown Brown Seal Brown Alaska Historic Tan (G) Historic Tan (G) / Brown Mossy Oak Brown, (T) White . , Ran e .Q ) 114 ow Old Raven White White White - White White • . Dominion Beauty M - Moorhead ° T - Thompson G - Glidden VILLAGE OF on '• : ' "), BUFFALO GROVE y - e�atc�t�i Mud. - tu�'. W tove, J1 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY WELLINGTON HILLS Dec. 9, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR DEVELOPER HOFFMAN GROUP, Mr. Marty Russo and Mr. Jack Shum Corn. Gibbs Com. Krippes MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we accept the lighting fixtures for models presented by Wellington Hills as presented: Lisbon Lights, 400 watts as indicated on the sheets attached. (To minutes on file.) Lights to shine on the models only, and are to be controlled by timers - from dusk to dawn. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Zusel Gibbs Hardt - Nay - None , Motion Passed 5 to 0. 1 sb I. i .:..:..v ...w=wn...r.ueay • c ( COLOR SCHEMES (7 • / -Z-71 • • , Fascia Decorative Panels Soffitt Vents & Tudor New, Siding Masonry Shingles Shutters Gutters Trim Only Front Door Garage Door 1 Classic Carriage Gingerwood Brown Brown Seal Brown English Seal Brown , English Cream House (T) Ivory (T) Ivory (M) - Antique (M) 2 Classic Carriage Gingerwood Buckskin Beige Buckskin - Seal Brown W/brick Buckskin (M) . Brown House (M) (M) Buckskin (M) w/o \ Antique 3 Classic Old Hickory White White White • - . White W/brick lAmber Gold _ Gold Dominion Brown Gold (T) w/o (M) 4 Classic Greenbriar Dusky White White. White - White . !Lynchburg • _ Jade Olive s-Green (M) 5. � Classic Greenbriar Dusky Brown Brown . Bark Alaska ' Pacific driftwood Pacific Beige Olive Brown (M) White (T) W/brick, Col- Driftwood onial Sage w/o (M) (T) 6 Classic Carriage Charcoal ' White White White - White Georgetown • • Slate House Brown • Gray (M) • • Antique • • 7 Classic Greenbriar Chapel White White White - White W/brick Col- Sea Gull _ Gray Grey onial Sage w/o (M) ,Gray (M) 8 White Carriage Charcoal Brown Brown • Seal Brown White White W/brick White House Brown (T) Seal Brown (T) w/o _ • • Antique 9 • Autumn ' Old Raven Black Brown Seal Brown English English Ivory (M) ;Buckskin (M) Brown Chicago Beauty • (T) Ivory . Clinker (M) • 1(` Classic Old Hickory White White White - White Redwood (M) _ Red Dominion Brown . _ 1.. White Old Raven George- White Georgetown White W/brick White , Dominion Beauty town Gray (M) 'Georgetown Gray Gray (M) (M) w/o 1:: Classic Old . Raven Black Brown Beaver Navajo Pacific Driftwood(T) Pacific Beige Chicago Beauty Brown (M) White W/brick, Beaver 'Driftwood(T) • Clinker - Brown (M) w/o 1:, Autumn Carriage Hickory Brown Brown Seal Brown Alaska Alaska White ,,Buckskin (M) - Brown House Brown (T) White _ Antique 1L Yellow Old Raven White White White - White W/brick Colonial • Dominion . Beauty Amber Gold (M) w/O !Yellow (M) 1 \../ 1 i 1 1 N 1 I ' ��- ' Orn ( 11-23-82 ( WELLINGTON HILLS • r EXTERIOR COLOR'PACKAGES FASCIA DECORATIVE PANELS SOFFITT VENTS & TUDOR N't'W # SIDING MASONRY SHINGLES SHUTTERS GUTTERS TRIM ONLY FRONT DOOR GARAGE DOOR • 1 Classic Heirloom Gingerwood Buckskin Brown Seal Brown English Seal Brown English Ivory Cream Mossy Oak (M) , . (T) Ivory (T) (M) • Range . 2 Classic Heirloom Gingerwood Buckskin Beige Buckskin - • Seal Brown W/ brick Buckskin (M) Brown Mossy Oak (M) (M) Buckskin (M) w/o • Range 3 Classic Old Hickory White White White - . White ' White Gold Dominion Brown 4 Classic Greenbrier Dusky White White White - White White Jade Olive 5 Classic Greenbriar Dusky Brown Brown Bark Alaska Pacific driftwood (T) Pacific Driftwood (T) Beige Olive Brown (M) White W/ brick, Colonial Sage w/o (M) 6 Classic Heirloom Charcoal White White White White White Slate • Mossy Oak Brown Range 7 Classic Greenbriar Chapel White White White - White W/ brick Col- ' White Gray Grey onial Sage w/o (M) • 8 White Heirloom Charcoal Brown Brown Seal Brown White Shite W/ brick Seal White ; • • Mossy Oak Brown (T) Brown (T) w/o • Range 9 10 Classic Old Hickory White White White - White Redwood • Red Dominion Brown 11 White Old Raven _ George- White George- - White W/ brick White ' Dominion Beauty town town Gray (M) Georgetown Gray Gray (M) • (M) w/o 12 Classic Old Raven Black Brown Beaver • Navajo Pacific Driftwood (T) Pacific Driftwood (T) • Beige Chicago Beauty Brown • White W/ brick, Beaver Brown . • • Clinker (M) w/o 13 Autumn He .=loom Hickory Brown Brown Seal Brown Alaska Historic Tan (G) Historic Tan (G) • Brown Mbaty.Oak Brown (T) White • Ra T Yellow Old Old Raven White White White - White White Dominion Beauty • _ M - Moorhead • T - Thompson G - Glidden ) • • r-- I r 1 .. • - Q `�� C COLOR SCHEMES / d3 f • • Fascia Decorative Panels t` Soffitt Vents & Tudor New# Siding Masonry Shingles Shutters Gutters Trim Only Front Door arage Door 1 Classic Carriage Gingerwood Brown Brown Seal Brown English Seal Brown English Cream House (T) Ivory (T) Ivory (M) - _ Antique (M) 2 Classic Carriage Gingerwood Buckskin Beige Buckskin - Seal Brown W/brick puckskin (M) Brown House (M) (M) Buckskin (M) w/o Antique 3 Classic Old Hickory White White White • - . White W/brick mber Gold _ Gold Dominion Brown Gold (T) w/o (M) " 4 Classic Greenbriar Dusky White White. White - White ynchburg Jade Olive reen (M) 5 Classic Greenbriar Dusky Brown Brown . Bark Alaska Pacific driftwood acific _ Beige Olive Brown (M) White . (T) W/brick, Col- riftwood _ onial Sage w/o (M) (T) 6 Classic Carriage Charcoal ' White White White - White beorgetown Slate House Brown • pray (M) Antique 7 Classic Greenbriar Chapel White White White - White W/brick Col- • ea Gull d Gray Grey onial Sage w/o (M) ray (M) 8 White Carriage Charcoal Brown Brown Seal Brown White White W/brick hite House Brown (T) Seal Brown (T) w/o Antique 9 • Autumn Old Raven Black Brown Seal Brown English English Ivory (M) :uckskin (M) Brown Chicago •Beauty (T) Ivory _ • Clinker (M) 10 Classic Old Hickory White White White - White ' edwood (M) . _ Red Dominion Brown 11. White Old Raven George- White Georgetown - White W/brick hite . Dominion Beauty town Gray (M) Georgetown Gray _ • Gray (M) (M) w/o 1:: Classic Old . Raven Black Brown Beaver Navajo Pacific Driftwood(T) Pacific Beige ChicagoBeauty Brown (M) White W/brick, Beaver briftwood (T) • _ Clinker � Brown (M) w/o 1 Autumn Carriage Hickory Brown Brown Seal Brown Alaska Alaska White buckskin . (M) - Brown House Brown (T) White • Antique ., 1L Yellow Old Raven White ' White White - White W/brick `Colonial Dominion Beauty Amber Gold• (M) w/O *ellow (M) . - - •r"-- et I