1982-12-09 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL TH URS. , Nee'l(. 9, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, December 9, 1982 at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Gibbs, C. Zusel , K. Krippes, E. Larsen and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: C. Cea Village Representatives: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Charles Gerschefske, Village Board Liaison III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 18, 1982 - Motion to approve as presented was made by Com. Larsen and seconded by Ch. Hardt. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Gibbs November 18, 1982 minutes approved. Will be filed. October 14, 1982 - Postponed until later in meeting. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Buffalo Court Shopping Center - Sign Package Mr. Bob Pavetto, owner presented plans and photographs with a written Master Sign Plan for 301-307 W. Dundee Road, know as Buffalo Court. Colors will be Ivory on Bronze. Identical cans - size: 8' x 12' with Bronze Frames. Letters to be 12 inches or less using logo styles. Ch. Hardt asked if any restrictions on the use of exposed neon window signs has been considered? They were allowed to give more exposure. Originally, the Center was given the ground signs because there would be no wall signage. Mr. Pavetto said he would discuss the matter with his tenants. Ch. Hardt asked if there could ever be three (3) wall signs? He felt that two (2) would look good and four (4) would be fine, but three (3) would need consideration. Mr. Pavetto replied that he would like to have all 4 stores identified, but for now only two are being requested. He would stipulate that when either of the other two businesses requested a wall sign, he would re- quire both of them to have signs. His leases would so state. This was discussed, but it was determined that the Village cannot force a business to put up a wall sign. For instance, when a business is vacat- ed - there may be a period of time when no sign is up. The Master Plan will be changed to read: Four (4) stores in building each store "may" have One (1 ) 2' x 12' sign on facade. Delete "to." The "bronze" background color was discussed. Whether it would be bronze or dark brown. Either is acceptable, but all signs must be the same. The Master Sign Plan was changed to read: Bronze of Dark Brown #239. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Master Sign Plan for Buffalo Court as submitted, with the following stipulations: 1 . Wall signage will be made a part of the lease. 2. Before permits are issued, signs will be approved by Mr. Pavetto and a letter submitted to Bldg. Dept. 3. All Logos to be approved by AC. 4. Signs to be 2' x 12' centered over arch, over each of the four (4) stores. 5. Letters to be Ivory; not to exceed 12 inches using Logos; easily read from street side. 6. Background to be Dark Bronze or Dark Brown, at the option of Mr. Pavetto, owner. All signs shall have the same background color. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs �•� Larsen Nay - Zusel Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 2. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the Wall Sign for State Farm Insurance at Buffalo Court as submitted, per Sign Package. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Wall Sign for Artists ' Frame Service, Inca - Factory Outlet - Picture Frames as submitted, per Sign Package. Letters to be Irovy. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Two Artists' Frame Service Inc. - Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen `./ Gibbs Hardt Nay - Zusel Krippes Motion Passed 3 to 2 Ch. Hardt informed Mr. Pavetto that exterior disconnects must be mounted to each sign, according to the Village Codes. The Master Sign 'Plan will be modified as per minutes. Copy to be sent to Mr. Pavetto, owner of Buffalo Court. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Marcia's Hallmark Cards Wall Sign at The Grove Mr. Mike Meltzer, owner presented the proposed sign. He also had a picture of a similar sign - Gail 's Hallmark with the Logo. The color will be #2283 - Red and will be centered over the storefront. The Logo has been approved by Ken Tucker and Assoc. Mr. Saviano said that the placement of the disconnect will have to be changed. Com. Larsen noted that the strokes on Hallmark will have to be modified because the neon tubing cannot be made as narrow as shown. The crown is the registered trademark of Hallmark, along with the letters. An apostrophe will be added to the sign as presented. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the Marcia's Hallmark Shop Wall Sign at The Grove as submitted, with the following corrections: 1 . An apostrophe will be added between the last "a' in Marcia's and the "s". 2. The crown Logo is accepted as the ' registered trademark. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Three B. Buffalo Grove Wall Coverings Wall Sign at The Grove Steve Goldzweig of Best Neon Sign Co. presented the sign and described its construction - Color will be #2283 Red. Trim cap to be Bronze Disconnect will be located after the "s". Sign will be centered on the storefront, i '10" ; from the parapet wall as per Sign Criteria Package. Letters will project not more than 6". Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the sign as presented by Buffalo Grove Wallcoverings. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Krippes Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. C. SEARS Paint and Hardware at Strathmore Square Mr. Bob Harriet, Acme Wiley Sign Corp. Mr. Ed Yuen and Mr. Joe. Quinn, Sears Corp. Mr. Frank Morelli , Strathmore Square owner. Chairman Hardt did not participate in the discussion because his firm is doing work for Homart Development, builder of Sears Shopping Centers. Com. Gibbs led the discussion. Mr. Harriet presented the sign and described its construction. Letters will be White plexi-glass, all individual , internally lit, including the box around SEARS. Background_is`. Dark-Brown and trim caps will be bronze. Length of sign is 23' 6" (Plans indicated 23' ). The sign meets the criteria developed for the Strathmore Square Shopping Center and has been approved by Mr. Morelli . Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the sign presented by SEARS Paint and Hardware with the correction of the length from 23' to 23' 6". Colors as indicated on plan. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Four \,.,...d V V \./ MASTER SIGN PLAN for building at 301 - 307 W. Dundee Road; Buffalo Grove, Illinois, known as BUFFALO COURT. 1 . Four (4) Stores in building. Each store may have One (1) 2' x 12' sign on facade.* *Facade on each store measures 8' x 22' (176 sq. ft. ) . Signs are 2' x 12' (24 square feet) or 13% of total area. 2. Signs are described as follows : a. Four (4) 2' x 12' Dark Bronze Frames to match existing store window frames. b. Background to be Dark Bronze or Dark Brown (#239). c. Letters to be Ivory. d. Size and colors to be identical on all four (4) signs. e. Letters to be 12" or less using Logo styles. f. Each sign shall have a disconnect, located at the right end of each sign. g. Signs are to be reviewed and approved in writing by Mr. Bob Pavetto, Owner of Buffalo Court. h. All Logos are to be approved by the Appearance Commission. D. WELLINGTON HILLS (Commons) - Full Review Hoffman Group - Bob Russo and Jack Shum made the presentation. 1 . Landscaping - Jim Freeman, Landscape Architect described the proposed Model Area; Sales Trailer located on Lot 3 in the Parking Area. Models will be on Lots 4, 5, and 6. The WILLOW model shown on the plan has been changed to the SPRUCE. The trees shown are 8 inch caliper Pin Oaks and therefore the area will appear to be very mature. The driveway will be concrete. The stepping stones that lead from model to model are poured in place, 3' x 4' , con- crete; which will be removed after the models are closed. The front will be sodded and the rear hydro-seeded. Parking Lot is Gravel , because it is temporary. There will be no stops between the parking area and the grass. Light fixtures will be screened from the street. The fence is cedar, 2-rail to be stained dark. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve Landscaping for Model Area; Wellington Hills, as presented contingent upon ,the approval of the models; with the stipulation that the fence will be removed when the models are sold. Also, all shrubs must be removed from the right- of-way when the models are sold. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0; contingent upon approval of individual models. 2. Signage - J. Metsger presented signage. Ch. Hardt stated that ALL the existing Commons signs must come down before new signs go up. The signs are sandblasted, stained and painted. The same technique was to be used at Highland Glen. The first signs presented were the model signs. They will appear in front of each model . Low lights will be screened with landscaping. The entrance sign will be located on Lot 1 . Double faced, 8' x 15' - - placed perpendicular to Buffalo Grove Road, six (6) feet from ground, with no lights. Colors Pantone #207, #208, and #134. On Lot 66, located where there is an existing Commons sign, an 8' x 15' double-faced sign, showing price, phone number and directions. It was agreed that should any changes be made, the entire sign must be repainted. Mr. Russo said that their contract with the sign company includes the re- painting of all signs each year. Lot 3 - Sales Information Sign. One sign on the building or on ground. Size 22" x 22". This sign will be approved contingent on approval of the model . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Five Parking Lot Sign - Size 22" x 33" - located on Lot 3, parallel to road with Thank You For Visiting on reverse side; 18" from ground; \./ no lights. Model signs will be located on the path, not on the buildings. The Sales Office sign will on the wall , or on a post. Ch. Hardt asked that it be on a post. Agreed. The Commission asked general questions but there were no problems. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the signs for Wellington Hills, as submitted and described below: 1 ) Welcome to Wellington Hills sign on 12" x 12" Cedar stained posts; double faced located on Lot #1 perpendicular to Buffalo Grove Road. No lights. Setback proper distance in accordance with the Sign Code. 2) Wellington Hills Sales and Information sign to be located on Lot #3. It is a Single-faced sign - 22" x 22". Any change of telephone number requires repainting, whole panel . Colors are Pantone #207, #208 and #134. 3) Model signs are 22" x 22" - Sandblasted, stained and painted, mounted on centered 18 inch posts. PMS #208, 207, 134, white, #359 and 362. Same basic colors are car- ried out through Wellington Hills. 4) Parking Lot Sign on Lot 3, Thank You For Visiting on reverse side; mounted on a center post. Colors as described above. 5) Lot 66, or 500 feet, minimum distance from any existing sign. Wellington Hills, Sales and Information Center directional sign. Double faced including proper directional information. Colors as indicated. All signs will meet the criteria set forth in Sec. 14.320.10 of the Sign Code. Time period to be a maximum of 1 year, with renewal for additional 1 year periods, upon written applica- tion at least 30 days prior to expiration date; to the adminis- trator. All signs now on the property (Commons) must be re- moved prior is issuance of permit. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Zusel Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Six 3. Sales Trailer Mr. Russo presented the sign to be located on the Sales Trailer. It is 4' x 4' - Sales and Information with the phone number. If any changes are made the entire sign must be repainted. `.J The Trailer will be White, Model 54-10; 9.9' x 50' - skirted and landscaped. Plans are for the Sales Trailer to be used for about 3 to 32 months. Models are scheduled to be opened April 9th. IF the landscaping can be put in now, it will be. Stairway will be either built or pre-cast concrete. Electric power will be brought in from the rear. Power is already in. No lights on the trailer. The area will be restored when the trailer is removed. The sign will be at the right end of the trailer between the window and door. The door will face the parking lot and the sign will not be seen from the street. Mr. Parr a resident of Commons, asked if parking will be restricted to the lot and it was agreed that it is not probable that the lot will ever be filled. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the trailer as submitted, for Wellington Hills to be located on Lot 3, with the following stipulations: a. Color - White b. Landscaped on the North and South as soon as practical . c. Sign to be adjacent to the Right hand door. d. Trailer will be skirted. e. Electricity to be brought in from the rear lot line, located so as not to cause a hazard to cars parked in the model area. f. Lot to be restored after the trailer is removed according to the Landscape Plans. g. Time limit for trailer is 6 months, with return to the AC for extension. h. Lot will be cleaned and leveled prior to lot being used for the trailer and parking. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to O. Homeowners that were present from Commons were: 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Stu Parr, 411 Gardenia Lane 2. Mrs. Karen Marchewka, 408 Gardenia Lane 3. Mrs. Debbie Fehenfeld, 506 Windover Circle These Homeowners approved the presentation of Landscaping, Signage and Sales Trailer located in the parking lot. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Seven 4. Models- Presented by Mr. Russo and Mr. Shum Mr. Russo explained that the Wellington Models were formerly approved by the Appearance Commission for the sub-division known as Highland Glen, on Sept. 24, 1981 . These homes have sold well in Wheaton. One home has been eliminated, because the Commons homeowners objected to its size. The Commission reviewed each model and polls were taken to determine which homes will be considered "different" enough to qualify under the Monotony Code. The same basic materials will be used throughout. a. Chestnut Model - D, E and F Elevations Siding - Aluminum with wood corner boards Chimney - Mansonary; optional Roof top units - Located on rear, painted out to match the roof color. *Corner Lots - Stipulation that additional landscaping treatment will screen blank elevations. *A11 models on corners on all models. Left side elevation is blank except for Chimney and will be landscaped. All elevations on corner lots will have window treatment to match the front elevation. Optional shutters on all four sides as stipulated 9/24/81 . Posts on Elevation F will be wolmanized wood. Railings on Elevation E will be wolmanized wood. Gutters and downspouts on all houses. *Monotony Code - Straw poll indicated 3 elevations acceptable for MC. Chestnut - D, E, and F. b. Spruce Model - D, E, F, and X Elevations Same materials. Tudor finished with rough sawn cedar, same as the shutters. Freezeboards are wood. Fascia and soffits are aluminum. Louvers will match trim color. Corner board on Tudor - Wood. Sliding Door - Kickboard under door is treated wood. Muttons, where shown are "real" - not removable. *Monotony Code - Straw poll indicated 4 elevations acceptable for MC. Spruce - D, E, F, AND X. c. Redwood Model - D, E, F, AND X Elevations 1 ,900 square foot - Two story. All materials same. *Monotony Code - Straw poll indicated 3 elevations acceptable for MC. Redwood Model - D and F - Same Elevation; E and X. d. Elm Model - New Model , selling very well in Wheaton. Wanted to build as a model , but Bank did not want to have 2 - two story models. An Elm Model will be built in the field right away for buyers to see. Same materials. 4th bedroom option. Changes roof line. The flues appear to be high and will be painted out. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Eight Monotony Code - Straw poll indicated 4 elevations acceptable for MC. Elm Model - D, E, F, and X. Note: All brick. selections have been changed from 9/23/81 because they are unavailable. The Three Models will be Chestnut - F, Color package #6. Spruce - E, Color package #1 . Redwood - X, Color package #5. The Color Packages were reviewed and discussed. Mr. Russo indicated that buyers must choose a complete package. No substitutions will be allowed. Only Package 14 - Yellow Siding - was objectionable to the Commission. The reason being that a yellow house would not be compatible with several other packages (i.e. green, red). After discussion Mr. Russo agreed to delete the Yellow Package # 14 altogether. Ch. Hardt said that should a customer ask for any color variation, it can be presented to the Appearance Commission for approval . If the brick presented is changed again, if it is a close match, it will not be necessary to come back for approval . The Bldg. Dept. can present the change. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Wellington Hills Color Packages as presented from sheet dated 11-23-82, with the deletion of #9 and #14. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Models as presented, with stipulations noted in these minutes. Also, Corner lots will receive required side landscape treatment on blank elevation. Windows on corner lots will be treated to match the front windows, on both right-of ways. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Nine 5. Lighting - Mr. Russo presented the proposed light fixtures. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the lighting fixtures for models presented by Wellington Hills as presented: Lisbon Lights, 400 watts as indicated on the sheets attached. Lights to shine on the models only. To be controlled by timers - from dusk to dawn. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Zusel Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Mr. Russo indicated that the Landscaping Plan for the island at the entrance will be executed as per the Annexation Agreement. Lighting for the doors, front and rear, will be submitted to the Bldg. Department for approval by Mr. Dominic Saviano. VI : ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes of October 28, 1983 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Larsen and seconded by Com. Krippes. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Zusel Nay - Gibbs Hardt A few minor revisions will be made to the Strathmore Square Sign Package. Mr. Morelli will submit the changes to Mr. Saviano for approval of AC. Mr. Saviano said he has received a sign from Padon's at The Grove. He said it complies with the Sign Package. The Appearance Commissioners agreed that is would be OK to approve all signs that meet Sign Package criteria, unless they have Logos. Logos should be approved by the AC. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :15 P.M. Res a tfully submitted, ate „, Shirley Bates secretary Appearance Co fission APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Dec. 9, 1982 - Page Ten