1982-10-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS. , OCT. 28, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Don Hardt, the meeting was called to order by Com. Ed Larsen at 7:37 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: C. Cea, C. Zusel , K. Krippes and E. Larsen. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: L. Gibbs and D. Hardt. Bldg. Dept. - Mr. Dominic J. Saviano, Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Trustee Liaison - Mr. Charles Gerschefske III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Oct. 14, 1982 - Minutes were postponed until later in the meeting. IV. BUSINESS A. Steepleview - Representatives not present, postponed until later. B. Northwest Community Hospital (Ground sign face changes). Mr. John H. Doyle of Doyle Signs, Inc. presented the request for faces of all the ground signs around the Northwest Community Hospital buildings. He presented colored sketches and described the proposed signage. All signs would be changed to read: Northwest Community Hospital ; Profes- sional Building; Pharmacy, X-Ray, Lab; 24 Hour Emergency Care. Colors would be the same as the existing signs with the bottom line Red Letters on White Background strip. Mr. Doyle explained the reason for identifying more services was to inform the public that a Pharmacy, X-Ray and Lab are available. He felt that the facility is unique to the vicinity and its services are not well known. Valuable services are performed and when needed, residents should know where to get the best possible care. The copy was discussed. Com. Cea suggested that it would be read more easily if the letters were not all capitols. He suggested mixing them on the whole sign except for the bottom line "24 Hr. Emergency Care" - Com. Larsen suggested reversing the colors of the bottom line to be White Letters on a Red Background. He felt the sign would be read more easily. Mr. Doyle agreed to make these changes. Copy was discussed. The Commissioners felt that people would know X-Ray services were available. The Pharmacy is not open 24 house per day. Mr. Saviano said that he has spoken to NW Community people including Mrs. Rech and they say people do not know they have X-Ray service. The Pharmacy owner wanted his own sign for identification, but decided to combine his service on this sign. Com. Larsen said he could understand the need for 24 Hour Emergency Care, but the services would be considered advertising. Since the Sign Code does not allow advertising then X-Ray and Lab would be deleted, giving the Pharmacy more identification. It could be all capitol Letters; Centered. Mr. Doyle agreed. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the sign face changes requested by Northwest Community Hospital , with the following stipulations: 1 . Northwest Community Hospital - N - C - H to be Capitol letters; the rest all lower case letters. 2. Professional Building - with the P and B Capitol letters, rest to be lower case. 3. PHARMACY - Centered, All Capitols. 4. 24 Hour EMERGENCY CARE - All Capitols. Colors - White letters on Red background. All signs to be identical ; sizes as presented. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye -Krippes Zusel Cea Larsen Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. *A. Steepleview - Mr. Dick Mc Gaugh, Real Estate Broker. Mr. Mc Gough presented colored rendering of sign and asked for an extension of time. It was determined that not all the new units have been sold and there are several for rent. Because sales were not good, about 1/2 of the units are now rented. Com. Larsen stated the sign is in good repair, and suggested renewing the sign for an additional 6 months, with the understanding that if there is a change in the Spring, they will re-design the sign. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we grant an extension for the Steeple View ground sign for a period of 6 months. In 6 months, another request will be made for a new permit. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Cea Larsen Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 28, 1982 - Page Two Mr. Mc Gough did not know where the Now Renting sign was to be moved. Will Call . C. Got The Picture ( Artist's Frame Service Inc.) Mr. Jay Goltz, President of Artists' Frame Service Inc. presented the sign that would replace the existing sign at 305 W. Dundee Road. He explained that he will no longer sell pictures. They will only frame pictures. Since he owns a factory. in Chicago, he is able to use a lot of left-over materials and sell at outlet prices. He will be able to advertise in the papers, using both locations. He has been in Buffalo Grove for over two years and many people cannot find his business. He requested signage over the windows, on the brick fascia. The business is good in Chicago. When he selected the location for the business, he did so because Buffalo Grove is a growing suburb; but he has found that traffic moves so fast on Dundee Road that no one sees the sign because it is perpendicular to the street. Another reason for needing more visable signage is because picture framing is a low volume business. It depends on new customers, because people only need frames a couple of times a year. Mr. Goltz did not present any wall signage. He said Mr. Pavetto (State Farm Ins.) would allow fascia signs, if the Appearance Commission would approve. The other businesses in the Center are not in need of fascia signage. Other shopping centers have signage that can be seen. Mr. Larsen suggested working with Mr. Pavetto to create a sign package for the center using up to 20% of the fascia per business. The Commission questioned the use of Factory Outlet and Picture Framing as advertising. Picture Framing would fall under Name and Nature of busi- ness, but Factory Outlet would be a problem. Several possibilities were discussed, but no decision was made. Mr. Goltz said he is in the process of changing the business name and could incorporate the Outlet in the name. He asked if the sign could be Tabled until he has had time to decide what to do. He will ask Mr. Pavet- to to come in with him. ,He will present a different sign. Com. Cea made a motion to Table until November 11 , 1982. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Voice Vote was Aye Unanimously. D. Allstate (Wall sign at Strathmore Shopping Center) Mr. Bob Harriett, Acme Wiley Corp. presented the sign to be located on the Arlington Heights side of the Center at the former location of the outdoor furniture store. He presented a letter from the landlord approving the style and size of letters. The sign meets the sign criteria for the center. Allstate is 16 inch letters, one of the standard sizes - and the colors are White with Gold trim caps. The raceway would be stain- less steel , which does not rust or peel . The Commission discussed the appearance of the steel raceway because the others at the Center are all bronze, which blends with the background. Com. Larsen suggested etching it and painting it bronze. This was agree- able with Mr. Harriett. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Allstate as presented with the stipulation that that the raceway be dark bronze to match the existing signs of the center. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 28, 1982 - Page Three Allstate motion continued Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Cea Larsen Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None E. Little Italian Pizza - Front Elevation Change Mr. Al Nelson, owner described the remodeling that is being done. They are enlarging the business to include a sit-down dining room to the West of the entrance. The inside of the window area will be boarded up with the same fir paneling (rough sawn) to match the rest of the building. He noted that this has been done in Darien, Ill . Com. Cea objected to the plan because it makes the building appear to be boarded up. He noted the window treatment at Beef 'N Stein was more acceptable. The windows have been covered from the inside. Mr. Nelson said that the problem with that is that should their be any vandelism, it is very difficult to repair the' damage because the paneling has to be removed from the inside. The doorway will also be covered from the outside. The entire arch will be covered. The Commission agreed that the blank wall would have to be broken up with some sort of treatment, such as wall sconces or a window effect made with a false frame, with drapes or stucco board, etc. There is not enough room between the window and board to do much. Com. Cea suggested two slit windows would make it very attractive and he drew a sketch that was acceptable to Mr. Nelson and the Commissioners. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the design fro the front of Little Italian Pizza as presented with the following modification: . That two vertical reveals be introduced. Construction: The reveals shall be approximately 8 inches wide between 2 - 2"x 6" rough sawn cedar boards; reveals located at mullion locations. The reveal to be painted dark bronze to match the door frame and rest of siding to match the stain of the cedar shakes fascia. Siding to extend to the sidewalk like at door location. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Cea Larsen Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Sketch attached. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 28, 1982 - Page Four Mr. Nelson asked about additional signage above the addition. The Code allows one sign per business establishment - but the sign , could be re-located and the word "restaurant" added. If any change is desired, Mr. Nelson will submit it at a later date. V. WORKSHOP The review of the Sign Code was postponed until the next meeting, because Chairman Don Hardt is absent. Minutes of Oct. 14, 1982. Com. Krippes made a motion to approve as presented. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Larsen Nay - None Abstain - Cea Minutes of Oct. 14, 1982 were approved and will be placed on file. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Saviano informed the AC that the Jewel/Osco Wall signs: Drug/Food were granted a variation by the ZBA and will be on the next AC Agenda. Mr. Larsen noted that some mis-information has caused him to change his mind about the Liquor sign. It has come to his attention that the Osco Drug Store at Plaza Verde has a Liquor sign, thus setting a precedent. While he is personally opposed to advertising Liquor - he would not oppose the sign since other businesses have been allowed to do so. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley B s, Secretary Appearance Commission APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Oct. 28, 1982 — Page Five