1982-10-14 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation a� VILLAGE OF '' "1 , BUFFALO GROVE 94y-one Ra q,4 Wyd. ' eu ' o Vv'tove, ga 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: 1 . H & R BLOCK, Strathmore Square DATE Oct. 14, 1982 OWNER OR Mr. Micahel F. Listermann, Mr. William Murphy of Courtest Signs DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Corn. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve the sign as submitted by H & R Block; Size 5' x 2' ; Colors to be White Background with Black letters to be placed on the Buffalo Grove Mall Pylon Sign that currently exists; The sign will be placed in the top ./ Southern Spaces on both sides of the sign. ..i Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed. Nay - None 2. HYATT LEGAL SERVICES - Strathmore Square Motion made by Com. Larsen Seconded by Com. Zusel I move we approve the Haytt Legal Services sign as presented: 1 . Size - 5' x 2' 2. Colors - White Background with Black Letters 3. Sign to be double-faced located in the two top Northern spaces on the existing structure at Strathmore Square (now known as Buffalo Grove Mall ) Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel ./ Krippes Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed. Nay - None sb VILLAGE OF' BUFFALO GROVE -one M O aWn! MmAiro Wes, g4' 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• STRATHMORE SQUARE - Temporary Signage DATE Oct. 14, 1982 OWNER OR Mr. Frank Morelli , Bernard J. Katz and Co. DEVELOPER Com. Gibbs Com. Krippes MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we approve the temporary signs as presented by H & R Block, and Hyatt Legal Services at the ;Strathmore Square. Size to be 4' x 6' with White Background. Letters to be Blue. Time limit to be 6 months or the petitioners to return to the Appearance Commission. Signs may also be erected for any other tenants as long as they meet the above stipulations. Tenants must be actively doing business. Location of the signs to be determined by Mr. Dominic Saviano and the owner of the shopping center, to be in the best interest of the Village. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - Larsen Motion Passed - 4 to 1 . sb VILLAGE OF' - "1 , BUFFALO GROVE y -one PRaa/i i X/vd. ' Mu W tove, eft/ 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS TO ZBA. DATE Oct. 14, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER JEWEL/OSCO SIGNAGE - Ken Tucker and Associates MOVED BY: Directed by Mr. Don Hardt, ChairmanSECONDED BY: 1 . Sec. 14.20.090 A - Height of Jewel/Osco Sign. 2. Sec. 14.20.030 C - Total of 5 Signs As per mintues attached: 1 . - Sec. 14.20.090 A - Height of Jewel Osco Sign. It is the recommendation of the Appearance Commission to the Zoning Board of Appeals that there is no problem u with the 7 - 1/2 inches requested by Jewel/Osco for the main protion of the Jewel/Osco Sign. As per minutes attached: 2. Sec. 14.20.030 C - Total of 5 Signs. The recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals is a mixed poll , summarized as follows: a. 2 Commissioners prefer only Jewel/Osco identification; NO Drug/Food or Liquor signs. b. 2 Commissioners prefer Food over the food store entrance and Drug over the drug store entrance. NO Liquor sign. c. 1 Commissioner favors both Drug/Food over each entrance; but delete Liquor. d. 1 Commissioner (C. Cea) was absent. v ,, Chairman Hardt noted that these recommendations are based on the aesthetic quality of the signage, as well as the effect of the signage on the surrounding area including the entire development. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ,%-one 0 e,,d of#. , W1 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Wes - Tech, Inc. at Commerce Center DATE Oct. 14, 1982 OWNER OR Mr. Bob Wescamp, Owner and Mr. John Thebault, Builder DEVELOPER 2. Exterior Lighting MOVED BY: Com. Larsen SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we approve the lighting as presented by Wes-Tech, Inc. at the Commerce Center including: 1 . Downlights - In Window Bays - 2 each 2. TFH Floodlight on West side. 3. Inclusion of code acceptable lights over service doors, front and rear. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Larsen Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed. • sb • 'a� VILLAGE OF - ' ") , BUFFALO GROVE P9'y-one Auf X4d. " &#I& , ga' 60090 i APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• Wes - Tech, Inc. DATE Oct. 14, 1982 OWNER OR Mr. Bob Wescamp, Owner and Mr. John Thebault, Builder DEVELOPER Mr. J. Kwasek, Architect 3. LANDSCAPING MOVED BY: Com. 7usP1 SECONDED BY: Com. Larsen I move we approve; Landscaping for Wes-Tech, Inc. at the Commerce Center, as presented with the stipulation that should the refuse containers be located outside, they will be landscaped by berming with plantings that are year-around coverage. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed. 4. SIGNAGE: Motion made By Com. Gibbs Seconded by Com. Krippes I move we approve the Wes-Tech, Inc. sign as depicted on the rendering: . 1 . Color White - with quartz lighting fixture. 2. Material - Brushed aluminum painted white. 3. Size of letters not to exceed 21 inches high. 4. Light to be limited to 1 fixture, screened with 2 or 3 small bushed. Lighting is only to highlight letters and not illuminate any part of the building. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen, Gibbs Zusel , Krippes sb and:Hardt. Motion Passed. Nay - None VILLAGE OF' "� , BUFFALO GROVE • Py -one?ateM Alva! X4. 14 V totie, 94 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Wes - Tech, Commerce Center DATE Oct. 14, 1982 OWNER OR Bob Wescamp, Owner; John Thebault, Builder; J. Kwasek, Architect. DEVELOPER 1. ARCHITECTURE AND MATERIALS MOVED BY: Corh. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve the Architecture and Materials of the Wes - Tech Building at the Commerce Center: 1 . Brick - Utility Face Brick, Cimmeron Blend; light brown color. 2. Siding - Bronze Metal Paneling 1. Windows - Bronze casings with bronze glass. u 4. Limestone around the South elevation and part of the West elevation will be white band as indicated on the drawing. 5. East and North elevations - all metal . 6. West elevation - part brick and part metal 7. Parking lot on West side only. 8. Roof top units to be Bronze or dark color, to be painted out at a future date if the do become in line-of-sight. 9. Downspouts are all interior. 10. 6" standard pipe guards painted out to match the dark bronze. 11 . Door on front of building .to be painted out to match the dark bronze. 12. Door on rear elevation painted out to match the dark bronze. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Krippes Zusel N.I Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed. Nay - None sb