1982-09-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , SEPT. 23, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday, Sept. 23, 1982. Chairman Don Hardt presiding. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Gibbs, C. Cea, K. Krippes, E. Larsen, C. Zusel , and D. Hardt. QUORUM PRESENT. Building Department: Ray Henning, Housing and Zoning Inspector Board of Trustees : Chas. Gerschefske, Liaison III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred until after Business. IV. BUSINESS A. Hair Crafters - Grove Court Wall Sign Mr. Dominic Nitti , Federal Sign Corp. presented the sign to be located between Orchard Sports and Look 'n Hear. Mr. Chas. Pasco, Federal Sign. The sign will be Blue letters on an ivory background. A letter from Brian Properties was presented granting approval of the sign. The sign package for Grove Court does not limit letter style. The words 'a cut and curl salon' will be routed out of the extended letter C. Mr. Pasco said this was part of the business name and part of the Logo. The Commission noted that all the other signs have a border of Ivory at the top and bottom of the signs. The letters C and S in Crafters would be much too close to the dark bronze can. Com. Larsen suggested painting the can Ivory to match the background. After discussion, Mr. Pasco said he could shave some of the top of the C and the bottom of the C and the S. The Commission asked for a minimum of two inches of ivory top and bottom. The retainer can be made smaller. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for HairCrafters at Grove Court as presented, with the following stipulations: 1 . Colors - #2114 Blue on Ivory background 2. HairCrafters - a cut and curl salon, if this is the name on the business license registered with the State of Illinois. If not, the sign must be brought back to the Appearance Commission. 3. Sign is to have a minimum of 2 inch tvory border. 4. Retainer to be 1 inch, dark bronze. 5. Letters to be individual , internally lit with cool white flourescent bulbs - 3/16 inch plexi-glas letters 6. Size not to exceed 2' 6 " by 14 feet. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Cea Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to 0. B. United Development - Off Premise Sign Busch Road and Weiland Road - Mr. Dan Damato Mr. Ray Scarry of United Development Co. presented the site location plat and described their request. He submitted a letter from Zale Construction Co. granting permission to erect a sign on the SW corner of Busch and Weiland Road. It was clarified that the sign will be a minimum of 500 feet from the Hidden lakes sign on Weiland Road. It will be a double face sign with an arrow on one side (Turn Left At Busch Road) and a bar on one side (Go back 500 Feet). The sign will be erected on wolmanized poles, stained dark brown Sign colors to be blue on silver. No lights. Should there be any changes, price etc. the sign will be repainted. Zoning is B 3, Business District. No houses adjacent to location. Sign is permitted under Section 14.20.080 and approved with all the provisions therein. Renewal permitted with approval of AC. The area around the sign shall be kept cleared. Sign must be located at least 10 feet from the property line. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the off-premise sign as presented by Suffield Place with the following stipulations: 1 . Colors to be Blue on Silver background. 2. Erected on 4" x 4" posts, wolmanized wood, stained dark brown 3. Sign to be double faced; 10' x 12' - Northbound - arrow with Turn Left at Busch Rd. Southbound - bar with Go Back 500 Feet. 4. Location - 500 feet from any other sign, and set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. 5. Ground around the sign shall be cleared up to an area of at least 5 feet. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 23, 1982 - Page Two 6. Approval granted for a period of 6 months, as per Section 14.20.080 with renewal granted by the Appearance Commisison. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Cea Gibbs Nay - Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 1 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes - Sept. 9, 1982 - Motion to approve was made by Com. Larsen and seconded by Com. Cea. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Cea Krippes Abstain - Zusel Hardt Sept. 9, 1982 minutes approved. Nay - None Report of the Sept. 21 , 1982 - ZBA Sign Code Workshop. Com. Gibbs and Com. Larsen attended the meeting. Com. Gibbs gave a short report covering the sections of the code that were discussed. Sec. 14.28.030 - Non-conforming signs. The possibility of an amorti- zation schedule that would require all signs to be brought into con- formance was discussed. The ZBA and the Village Board agree this would be good if it can be done fairly and legally. Sec. 14.44 was discussed. The Variation Procedure. Should the AC review signs before the ZBA considers variations? To do so would probably save time. Sec. 14.32.020 - Special Signs: For sale lease or development. When can these signs be removed? Time limitation, etc. Sec. 14.20.050 - M-1 and M-P should be eliminated. Sec. 14.20.160 - Embellishments. AC can approve Logos. Section 14.40.080 - Banners for special events should be clarified. Com. Larsen noted that it seemed apparent to him the ZBA intends to take any recommendations directly to the Village Board. If the AC wants to make any suggestions, it should be done soon. Mr. Raysa and Mr. Hruby are to draft changes. ` , Mr. Larsen is against amortization to bring non-conforming signs into conformance. He also feels the section that covers legal non-conforming signs is OK as it is written. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 23, 1982 - Page Three Ch. Hardt stated his preference for lower signs and the need to avoid the proliferation of signage. He asked that the Appearance Commissioners L./ review the Sign Ordinance and make note of any changes needed. This should be done as soon as possible. The ZBA plans to discuss the Sign Ordinance at the October 19, 1982 meeting. The AC and the ZBA should work together. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 7,7) Shirley Bat4s" Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 23, 1982 - Page Four VILLAGE OF 4141 )' ' " BUFFALOGROVE3,-onee'7t'actf�i �/�d. " 'Wut'lo ccio ve, ef/,l 60090 • APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Hair Crafters, A Cut and Curl Salon DATE Sept. 23, 1982 OWNER OR Mr. Chas. Pasco, and Mr. ,Dominic Nitti , Federal Sign Corp. DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs Com. Cea SECONDED BY: I move we accept the sign for Hair Crafters at Grove Court as presented, with the following stipulations: 1 . Colors - #2114 Blue on Ivory background. 2. Hair Crafters - A cut and curl salon; IF this is the name on the business license registered with the State of Illinois. If not, the sign must be brought back to the Appearance Commission for discussion. 3. Sign is to have a minimum of 2 inch ivory border. 4. Retainer to be 1 inch, dark bronze. 5. Letters to be individual , internally lit with cool white flourescent bulbs, 3/16 inch plexi-glas letters. 6. Size not to exceed 2'6" x 14 feet. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Cea Gibbs - Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF ,, "1. BUFFALO GROVE ,.*-3,1"-one 3au/i/i �/�d. t _ Ae#11,9 cv'tovve, NI. soo90 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• Suffield Place, Off-Premise Sign DATE Sept. 23, 1982 OWNER OR Mr. Ray Scarry of United Development Corp. Mr. Dan Damato DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs Com. Cea SECONDED BY: I move we approve the off-premise sign as presented by Suffield Place with the following stipulations; 1 . Colors to be Blue on Silver background. 2. Erected on 4" x 4" posts, wolmanized wood, stained dark brown. 3. Sign to be double faced; l0'x 12' Northbound - arrow with Turn left at Busch Rd. Southbound - bar with Go Back 500 feet. 4. Location - 500 feet from any other sign, and set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. 5. Ground around sign shall be cleared up to an area of at least 5 feet. 6. Approval granted for a period of 6 months, as per Section 14.20. 080 with renewal granted by the Appearance Commission. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Cea Gibbs Nay - Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 1 . sb VILLAGE OF GROVB -one Ra ydtA ?hid. - eVe#14 Vim, 9ZZ 60090 u AGENDA APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , OCT. 14, 1982 7:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sept. 23, 1982 IV. BUSINESS A. Strathmore. Square.,,(Buffalo fie Sall) Signs - 1 . H & R Block 2 Hyatt Legal Service Mr. Frank: Morelli B. Jewel/Osco Signage The Grove C. Commerce Center = Lot 11 and 12, Building 1 Wes-Tec: Mr. John Thebault (228-6700) V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. ADJOURNMENT 6X/t/,‘Ioet' Donald L. Hardt, Chairman S Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION �./ VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , OCT. 14, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. on Thursday, Oct. 14, 1982 at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Gibbs, C. Zusel , K. Krippes, E. Larsen and D. Hardt. Commissioner C. Cea was absent. Mr. Dominic J. Saviano was present from the Building Department. Trustee Chas. Gerschefske attended briefly. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred until later in the meeting. IV. BUSINESS A. Strathmore Square (Buffalo Grove Mall Sign) 1 . H & R Block, Sign for Pylon Mr. Michael F. Listermann and Mr. William Murphy of Courtesy . 2. Hyatt Legal Service, Sign for Pylon Mr. Michael F. Listermann and Mr. William Murphy of Courtesy. 3. Temporary Signage for Mall during construction time. Mr. Frank Morelli , of Bernard Katz and Co. 1 . H & R Block and Hyatt Legal Services signs were presented. Mr. Lister- mann requested they be placed on the large Mall sign during construction. They will be Black letters on White background. Mr. Morelli explained the remodeling process. Construction is scheduled to start immediately and they hope to have the stores opened by Christ- mas. Starting at the West side of the Mall , they will move to the East, necessitating temporary signage for all the tenants. The whole front should be completed by February and permanent signage erected by then. After the building is completed, the large sign will be replaced by the approved sign; but signage is needed during construction. Store front signs will be put up all at once after the whole fascia is complete. Mr. Morelli said a permit for a period of 6 months would be sufficient. He stipulated that no advertising would be placed on the temporary signs. They would be used for identification and directional purposes. The Commissioners discussed the request and there were no unanswered questions. The temporary signage will be approved under Section 14.36.010 - of exempt signs. 1. H & R Block - Insert in Pylon Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the sign by H & R Block; Size 5' x 2' ; Colors to be White Background with Black letters to be placed on the Buffalo Grove Mall Pylon Sign that currently exists; The sign will be placed in the top Southern spaces on both sides of the sign. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. 2. Hyatt Legal Services - Insert in Pylon Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the Hyatt Legal Services sign as presented: Size - 5' x 2' ; Colors - White back- ground with Black Letters. Sign to be double-faced located in the two top Northern spaces on the existing sign structure at Strathmore Square - (now known as Buffalo Grove Mall ) Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Gibbs Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION October 14, 1982 - Page Two. Chairman Hardt asked what would happen to the many different signs that are now located on the front of the building. Mr. Morelli said they would be taken down within the next 3 weeks and temporary signs used until the front is completed next spring. Chairman Hardt asked that uniformity in the temporary signage where possible. He suggested they be the same size with some uniformity in color. Preferably, directions should not appear on the ID signage. Mr. Morelli said he could not stipulate location or exact signage that will be necessary, but he agreed to limit the size to 4' x 6' and the. colors White Background with Blue lettering. He asked for some flexi- bility in placement and type of directional signs. No lights. The can signs that exist now will not be put back up. All the new signs will conform with the sign package approved by the Commission. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the temporary signs as presented by H & R. Block and Hyatt Legal Services at the Strathmore Square. Size to be 4' x 6' with White Background. Letters to be Blue; Time limit to be 6 months or the petitioners will return to the Appearance Commission. Signs may also be erected for any other N., tenants as long as they meet the above stipulations. Tenants must be actively doing business. Location of signs to be determined by Mr. Dominic Saviano and the owner of the shopping center, to be in the best interest to the Village. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Nay - Larsen Motion Passed 4 to 1 . Ch. Hardt noted that the signage is for the purpose of directing people into the businesses. Some flexibility will be allowed. If more signage is needed, Mr. Morelli can call Mr. Saviano before placement. Mr. Morelli agreed and said he felt the Commission has given him enough signage to achieve his purposes. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Thurs. , Oct. 14, 1982 Page Three B. Jewel/Osco - Fascia Signage Tim Schwartz, Real Estate Rep. for Jewel : Jay Jeske, Construction Engineer and Mr. Thomas Mc Donald, Ken Tucker Mr. Schwartz described the purpose of their presentation. Because two variations will be needed by Jewel in order to erect the signage they desire, and because approval of the Appearance Commission will be needed also, the signs are being presented to the AC first to save time. Variations needed are: 1 ) Sec. 14.20.030 C - Total of 5 signs 2) Sec. 14.20.090 A - Height of J/0 signs. Mr. Jeske presented a drawing of the building with the signage depicted. First the height of the words Jewel/Osco exceeds the Ordinance limits by 7 inches and the total height requested is 8 ft. 7" - the height of the Prototype and all the patterns are made in this one size. Also a variation is needed for the words Drug-Food over both entrances and the word Liquor, a total of 5 additional signs plus the JEWEL/OSCO. Mr. Jeske explained that the Jewel/Osco companies are developing combin- ation stores. They are knocking out the common walls and opening up the stores so that all purchases can be made through the same check-out lines. When this measure was taken some time ago, extensive research and testing was done. Customers still perceive the stores as two, not one; but with the new combination stores, customers were still being confused because they did not realize they could go into either door. Some of the Osco Drug stores do not sell liquor, so the sign Liquor is being requested as identification on the Osco side. There is a separate cash register for Liquor. Two renderings were distributed, but Mr. Jeske explained that "B" is a rendering of what the Sign Code actually allows: JEWEL FOODS/ OSCO DRUGS. "A" shows JEWEL/OSCO with the Drug,Food and Liquor signs. Even though there is a total of 5 extra signs, the square footage is much less. They prefer rendering "A" which is the one being used on a total of 90 conversions in the Chicago area. All identification is being changed. The letters are made of extruded aluminium, individual letters, internal- ly illuminated. Colors are all the same, J/O Orange. The total length of the building is 282 feet 6 inches. Com. Gibbs suggested a elimination of Drug from the Food side of the store; elimination of Food from the Drug side of the store and lowering of the Liquor sign to the same plane on the Osco side of the store. Mr. Schwartz said this would defeat the purpose of identifying the business as a double store. Not a food store on one side and a drug store on the other. Com. Krippes said she had gone into one of the new stores to purchase only baby asprin, and because she entered the wrong side, time was wasted. She had parked on the wrong side and had to walk through the store twice. Mr. Schwartz said their customer research studies would disagree with the opinion and reports indicate that customers are generally pleased. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Thurs. , Oct. 18, 1982 - Page Four The lights would be on a timer and would probably go off 1/2 hour after closing. Com. Larsen felt that the requested signage would break up the massive storefront. Elimination of the large Food/Drug letters, the amount of signage is reduced. Mr. Larsen objected to the Liquor sign, for a per- sonal reason. After discussing the presentation, Ch. Hardt took a straw poll with regard to the height of JEWEL/OCSO - 8 foot 7 inch sign. Even though Plan B is not actually being presented as an possibility, Ch. Hardt felt the ZBA would want to know that it is not a vaible alternate to Plan A. The Commission was in agreement that the 7 additional inches are not objectionable. (Gibbs, Zusel , Krippes, Larsen and Hardt) Ch. Hardt stated the following recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals: "It is the recommendation of the Appearance Commission to the Zoning Board of Appeals that there is no problem with the 72" requested by Jewel/Osco for the main portion of the Jewel/Osco sign. It is the recommendation of the Appearance Commission to grant the variation as requested." A second straw poll was taken with reference to the 2nd request for 2 Drug-Food signs and 1 Liquor sign; in addition to the JEWEL/OSCO sign. The Appearance Commission has been directed to look at the aesthetic value of this signage and how it compares with the Sign Code. The ZBA deals more with the hardship values with regard to requests. The Appearance Commission's recommendation will be based on the aesthetics and the effect on the surrounding area as well as the effect the signs will have on the entire development. Com. Larsen: Food and Drug are within the Name and Nature of the Business. Putting them above both entrances is not a problem. Liquor is more than just a generic term, but it is within the category. He is not in favor of the Liquor sign. He suggested the words Drug/Food be flip-flopped to identify which entrance is which. Com. Zusel : Food over the food side and the Drug over the drug side. Liquor sign wherever they choose. *Later changed her opinion to No Liquor sign. Com. Gibbs: Food over the food door and Drug over the drug store, Liquor brought down on the same line.*Changed - No Liquor. Com. Krippes: Food over the Jewel side; Osco over the Drug entrance; and eliminate the Liquor sign. Ch. Hardt: Stated the Commission must be consistent with the permits it has granted to the other businesses that will be in competition with Jewel/Osco. Liquor was not allowed on \./ Walgreens or Mark Drugs. He complimented the builders on the project and noted that he felt people know Jewel/ Osco; therefore the words Food and Drugs are synonymous wood Jewel and Osco. He felt they would pick up some new customers, but in this area the name is known. *Changes were-made after DH's APPEARANCE COMMISSION statement. Oct. 14, 1982 - Page Five Ch. Hardt said the recommendation to the ZBA would be mixed saying that: a.- 2 Commissioners prefer only Jewel/Osco identification; No Drug - Food or Liquor signs. b. 2 Commissioners prefer Food over the food store entrance only and Drug over the drug store entrance. No Liquor. c. 1 Commissioner favors both Drug/Food over each entrance; but delete Liquor. Com. Larsen also noted that under canopy signs would be allowed. Mr. Jeske noted that not all Osco stores have a Pharmacy and the word Drug identifies this service. Ch. Hardt noted that the recommendation to the ZBA expresses the aesthetic quality of the signage. The ZBA determines the approval of variation on the basis of hardship. He suggested that a motion be made approving the appearance of the signage with reference to the height of Jewel/Osco 8' 71/2" portion of the sign, contingent on ZBA approval . This portion of the sign would not have to come back to the Appearance Commission at a later, and the sign could be ordered. If the ZBA grants approval of a variation on the Drug-Food-Liquor, , then the signs will have to come back to the Appearance Commission for approval . Mr. Schwartz rejected this suggestion, saying they are going for a whole package C. Commerce Center — Lots 11 and 12, Building 1 : Wes-Tech. Mr. John Thebault, Builder: Bob Wescamp, Owner and Julius Kwasek, Arch. A full review was presented: Architecture, Landscaping, Lighting and Signage. Mr. Wescamp described the project. Address: 720 Dartmouth. It is located at the Commerce Center on the last 2 lots at the end of the street. Materials are very similiar to the other buildings in the park. The building will be very compatible in terms of tone and in terms of materials. Not the same but complementary. 1. ARCHITECTURE - MATERIALS a. Major structural materials - Flush panel metal siding, 22 guage Color - Dark bronze. Brick - Office portion of front elevation: Light brown utility face brick. White Band - Cut Limestone - 12" high. Windows - Bronze tinted glass with dark bronze frames. Garage Doors - Factory baked dark brown painted finish. Service Door - Painted dark brown to match garage doors . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 14, 1982 - Page Six Wes-Tech Building Materials, continued: Flashing between panel and limestone. Samples of the building materials were presented. The Brick is make by Cloud Ceramics - Cimmeron Blend. Mortar will be natural . The paneling is Trojan Bronze manufactured by Binkley (Top of line) , made with concealed fasteners. Brick will be on the North and West elevations of the building. West wall and front elevations will be bermed up to the windows. Parking is along the West side of the building. Cars cannot smash into the metal walls. Roof top units are a dark color - none will be in line of site at the rear of the building, as shown on drawing. Only in-plant office air-condition- ing units in front. Wes-Tech manufactures automatic assembly equipment for manufacture of electronic components. Ch. Hardt requested that the roof top units that are seen be painted out. Mr. Wescamp agreed. All interior downspouts. Electrical is all located underground. A trans- former will be in the building. Com Ed will give directions. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Architecture and Materials of the Wes - Tech Building at the Commerce Center: 1 . Brick - Untility Face Brick, Cimmeron Blend Light brown in color. 2. Siding - Bronze metal paneling. 3. Windows - Bronze casings with bronze glass. 4. Limestone around the South elevation and part of West elevation will be White band as indicated on the drawing. 5. East and North elevations - all metal . 6. West elevation - part brick and part metal . 7. Parking lot on West side only. 8. Roof top units to be Bronze or dark color, to be painted out at a future date if they do become in the line-of-sight. 9. Downspouts are all interior. 10. 6" standard pipe guards painted out to match siding, 4 in front of loading and unloading doors . 11 . Door on front of building to be painted out to match the dark bronze. 12. Door on rear elevation painted out to match the dark bronze. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Larsen - Aye Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Motion passed 5 to 0. Nay- None APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 14, 1982 - Page Seven 2. Exterior Lighting a. Lights under the soffit in the bays over windows. Straight down lights - 18 inches back under soffit; 2 per window bay aesthetic treatment and security. One light on West Elevation for security. Night Light TFH. A specification sheet was submitted - High pressure sodium. This light will be focused on the parking lot and will be on all night, unless there is ever any need to put it on a timer. Lights will be required at the service doors. Something that will blend will be sufficient. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the lighting as presented by Wes Tech at the Commerce Center including: 1 . Downlights - In window bays; 2 each 2. TFH Floodlight on West side. 3. Inclusion of code acceptable lights over the service doors, front and rear. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Zusel Larsen Motion Passed 5 to 0. onedt Nay - None 3. LANDSCAPING Berms on both elevations will be sodded. Remainder of lot will be hydro-seeded. The developer agrees to comply with the Village approved plans for the parkway. Washed gravel will be used in the planting area. Boulder as shown. Taller plantings at corner to soften effect. Plantings below the windows will be cut back and forced to stay low. The birch is a hardy species, not subject to boar. Refuse Containers - Containers will be inside the garage area, in a dumpster. Refuse is mostly steel chips. If it is ever stored outside, the developer stipulated that a screening of landscaping will be provided. A row of bushes - evergreens will be planted. Parking Lot is Curbed to protect landscaping. Com. Zusel made the following motion: U I move we approve: Landscaping for Wes-Tech at the Commerce Center, as presented with the stipulation that should the refuse containers, cont'd APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 14, 1982 - Page Eight Wes Tech motion cont'd: be located outside, they will be landscaped by berming with plantings that are year-around coverage. Com. Larsen seconded theimotion. Roll Call Vote: Aye- Krippes Gibbs Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None 4. SIGNAGE: The only signage will be the WES-TECH INC. logo on the building. The rendering is accurately shown on the drawing. It will be White - constructed from brushed aluminum, painted white. It will be 6' high from ground level . It is 13' feet to the top of the brick. Letters are about 21 inches high. A flood light will be focused on the sign, and will be screened with 3 small bushes. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Wes Tech, Inc. sign as depicted on the rendering: 1 . Color White: with quartz lighting fixture. 2. Material - brushed aluminum painted white. 3. Size of letters not to exceed 21 inches high. 4. Light to be limited to 1 fixture, screened with 2 or 3 small bushes. Lighting is to only highlight letters and not illuminate any other part of the building. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Zusel Krippes Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Minutes of September 23, 1982. Com. Krippes made a motion to approve as submitted. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - Aye Unanimously Sept. 23, 1982 minutes will be placed on file. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 14, 1982 - Page Nine B. SIGN CODE MODIFICATION Mr. Saviano announced that because the ZBA has a very long Agenda scheduled for next Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1982 - the planned discussion of the Sign Code has been cancelled. The Jewel/Osco Variations will be 1st on the Agenda if any AC Com- missioners want to attend. Meeting starts at 8:00 P.M. Ch. Hardt directed the Appearance Commissioners to review the Sign Code and mark all problem areas. The AC will discuss these areas at the next meeting, October 28, 1982. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Zusel made a motion to adjourn. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. The meeting was adjouned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /"'") - —17 Shirley Bata Secretary Appearance Commission u SB APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 14, 1982 - P e Ten