1982-08-26 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , AUG. 26, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order on Thurs. , August 19, 1982 at 7:50 P.M. at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: B. Gibbs, C. Zusel , E. Larsen and D. Hardt. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: C. Cea and K. Krippes. Bldg. Department Rep. : Frank E. Hruby, Jr. , Director of Bldg. .& Zoning Trustee Liaison: Charles Gerschefske III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 19, 1982 - Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve with the clarification that the lights in the parking lot at the B. G. Business Park will be installed in concrete on grade Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Gibbs Nay - None Abstain - Zusel Minutes of August 19, 1982 were approved. Hardt IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Continental Bank (Buffalo National Bank) Money Network - Mr. James E. Lentz and Ms. Elizabeth Antonopoulos Mr. Lentz presented the revised Money Network sign. The size has been reduced almost half and the sign will not be seen from Dundee Road. Mr. Lentz explained that the sign must have the Logo with the colors in order to identify the service to customers. It will not induce anyone to come into the lot. Banks cannot join the MN system without using this identification. Ms. Antonopoulos described the location of the sign on the building. It will be about 180 feet from the street, located one bay out from the front door. It will be 7 feet off the ground to the top of the sign. It will be used to direct people coming in after dark to use the Money Network system. Ch. Hardt said that the point between advertising and identification is a grey area. The Commission must consider: 1. Is the sign acceptable at that location based on the size? 2. Does the reduced sign make it more of an informational sign than an advertising sign? Mr. Gerschefske reported that the Village Board was split on the idea of whether the sign was an advertising sign. They sent it back to the Appear- ance Commission after the size was reduced. It would now seem to be more in the category of information then advertisign. Sec. 14.36.010 F of the Sign Code refers to signage in a court area or signage not visable from a right- of-way. Such signs are exempt in some instances. Ch. Hardt said that added that because there is already a wall sign on that side of the building, "Continental Bank" - that the Money Network sign would be treated as an informational sign because only one wall sign is allowed on an elevation. Ms. Antonopoulos said that they had considered locating the money network at the drive-up window. But that would be dangerous, because people withdraw cash at night and people would be afraid to come to the rear at night. The Commissioners discussed the situation and were in agreement that the reduced size makes the sign a directional sign, because you must be in the parking lot to see it. There is an electric disconnect sign and it will be painted out to match the background of the sign. Ch. Hardt asked if it is necessary to have the sign internally illuminated? Ms. Antonopoulos said so it can be seen. Also, Ch. Hardt asked if it was possible to mount it flush with the wall? Ms. Antonopoulos said she wasn't sure if this can be done. It is shown on the plans as surface mounted. She thought it could be recessed. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we accept the Money Network signage presented by The Continental Bank as revised. Sign to be installed on the Northwest wall ; approximately 7 feet above grade; in a recessed opening of the building. Colors to be as indicated, whether they be plastic letters or metal with plastic behind. The Appearance Commission feels this is an advertising sign, but that its merits as an informational sign out- weight that fact. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye -Gibbs Zusel Larsen Motion Passed 3 to 1 . Nay - Hardt Ch. Hardt noted that should technical difficulties occur because of the stipulation that the sign be recessed into the wall , it will be necessary to come back to the Appearance Commission. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 26, 1982 - Page Two V. NEW BUSINESS A. Hidden Lakes - Ground Sign Mr. Jerry Pfeffer Mr. Pfeffer presented a letter from Mrs. Geiselle Roberts, 1118 Brandy- wyn Court granting permission for Hidden Lake Village to rent the sign on their property that has been used by Pulte for Tanglewood. Chairman Hardt noted that before Pulte put up their sign, it was an off-premise sign for Levitt. It was probably erected before the house was constructed, because the Sign Code does not permit signs on residential property. Mr. Hruby gave some background of the sign. It was originally a Levitt sign in 1977. In 1981 , August 27th, the AC approved a change of copy to Pulte. The permit was granted for a period of 6 months and renewal could be granted by the Administrator. The man who was the administrator at the time of renewal is no longer employed with the Village, so it is not certain if the sign was renewed. The situation has been discussed with the Village Attorney, and the sign could be considered a non-conforming sign. The size of the sign was not known. Also the distance to Devonshire's sign was not know. According to the sign code, if the sign meets the conditions of the Sign Code, it can be allowed, as an off-premise sign. Mr. Pfeffer explained that Mrs. Roberts had come to Hidden Lakes to see if they wanted to use the sign. They have come to count on the income. Hidden Lakes would like to have a double-faced sign. There are some hedges around the sign and a tree to the North. Ch. Hardt had several questions: 1 . Was the original permit issued with the stipulation that the sign be removed when the lots were sold and houses erected? 2. Who was on the Commission when the Pulte sign change was approved in 1981. Mr. Hardt does not recall any sales sign ever being presented to the AC that was on a residential lot. It is possible that Mr. Hardt was not present or that it was never brought to the AC for approval , or it was brought without the knowledge that it was on a residential lot. Mr. Hardt said he is opposed to signs being granted to people for erection in rear yards. He said he has no problem with the copy presented for the sign. The problem is with the legality of the sign. If the sign is a non-conforming sign, the copy would be acceptable. He asked for a legal interpretation. Mr. Hruby said he would review the history of the sign with the Village Attorney and determine if the Building Department can allow the sign or if it is to be denied. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 26, 1982 - Page Three Mr. Pfeffer said he would be satisfied if the Commission would approve the sign, with the stipulation that it is legal , it can be changed to Hidden Lake Village. If it is illegal , he asked about a ZBA variation. Mr. Hruby said that should Mr. Raysa determine that the sign is illegal , the Village will take action with the Roberts. It appeared to Mr. Hruby that an appeal would not be appropriate, but possibly a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance would be more appropriate, because an appeal is contingent on certain criteria as per Section 14.44.010. Ch. Hardt stated that Sec. 14.20.080 allows 3rd party off-premise signs, but that all other conditions of the Sign Code must be met: Size, Distance, Condition of Structure, and the requirements concerning plantings around the sign, all brush shall be kept cleared away for a distance of 5 feet. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we accept the sign presented by Hidden Lake Village for an Off-Premise Sign at 1118 Brandywyn Court, as submitted with the following stipulations: 1. Double-Faced to read Hidden Lake Village, as per Logo previously approved, colors as previously approved. "Spacious Condo- minium Residences in Bufffalo Grove" with direction "Turn Right or Turn Left." 2. The sign shall exceed 500 feet from the Devonshire sign. 3. The sign shall not exceed 10 ft. x 20 ft. 4. Ground around the sign shall be maintained in good order as per Sec. 14.20.080. 5. Sign is accepted contingent on the legality of it being a non-conforming legal sign. 6. Sign is approved for a period of 6 months, with renewal provision as per the Code. 7. Sign approved according to the provisions of Section 14.28.030 - Loss of non-conforming status. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Ch. Hardt noted that Buffalo Grove has no other signs in residential areas. The sign was only approved because it is not less-conforming than the pre- sent sign. It must be determined whether it is legal and can keep its non-conforming status. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 26, 1982 - Page Four B. Cost Plus 10 - Review of Wall Sign Discussion of pylon sign (Striker Lanes) Mr. Gene Zipperstein was present and said he is here to comply with any suggestions the AC wants to give him regarding his sign. He said when he was in before he did not that his drawing gave the impression that he was using all capitol letters. Mr. Saviano has asked him to repaint the letters, and change them in other ways, but the Village is not yet satisfied with the sign. Ch. Hardt described the sign in its present state: 1 . It is a combination of lower case and upper case letters: cost PLus - the P being a lower case letter raised and the L being a lower case letter with a piece added to make it upper case. 2. The 10 is not a numeral 10, but a capitol I with an 0. Ch. Hardt explained that the Commission does not require upper or lower case letters. When they asked for the size of the letters, they implied they were all upper case letters - 15 inches high. What is expected is continuity in the sign and compatibility with the other signs in the area. Mr. Hruby further described the way the sign has been erected. The letters are not straight, there is a mixture of upper and lower case letters and the 0 in the 10 has been cut to fit between the wood strips on the fascia. Com. Larsen pointed out the problem probably occurred because the sign was not put up by a licensed sign man. A very rough draft was presented, the spacing not shown and the Code has not been met. A permit has not yet been issued for the sign., The AC Commission must approve the sign before a permit is issued. After further discussion, the decision was made to reposition the sign on a straight plane, using all lower case letters for "cost plus" and purchace of a set of numerals for the 10. If the 0 does not fit between the wood strips, the 1 inch pieces of wood batton are to be cut off. Pylon Discussion - Mr. Zipperstein requested permission to put "cost plus 10" on the pylon sign at Striker Lanes, located under the sign. Ch. Hardt stated that the sign is now an illegal sign and the Commission cannot consider any changes to it until it has been brought into conformance. The owner of the sign has refused to come in and discuss the sign. Arrow Sign Company has removed the Mr. Adams from the sign, leaving the man and a large blank area. The changes were made illegally, without coming in for approval . Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the revised cost plus 10 sign with the following stipulations: APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 26, 1982 - Page Five cost plus 10 motion cont'd: 1. cost plus shall all be lower case letters 2. #10 shall be numerals that correspond to the size of the capitols that match the lower case letters that are used for the cost plus. 3. Color to be matching ivory. 4. Letters to be on 1 line - evenly spaced. 5. Letters will be nailed to the building, and and all old nail holes are to be fixed - so that the sign will be in excellent condition. 6. Maximum height will be 15 inches. Numerals will be higher. 7. The batten may be cut so that the numeral 0 will fit. All letters and numerals will be recessed. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. C. Lexington Glen (Wyndale) - Full Review Mr. Jim Friberg and Mr. Peter Bianchini presented a slide presentation showing Lexington Lane Sub-division in Schaumberg. The Buffalo Grove project will be located at Checker and Arlington Heights Road. Architecture and Building Materials As the elevations were shown, the color combinations were presented. A color chart was submitted and marked Exhibit A. Questions were asked by the Commissioners during the presentation and the following specifi- cations were given: 1 . Flues will be located on the rear elevations where possible, or painted out to match the roof. 2. Gables on the garages have been differed to break up the effect of 4 straight garages. 3. Mortar will not be colored. 4. Shutters are on the front lower windows only. If an elevation appears on a corner, shutters will be added. 5. Front doors will match the body of the building. 6. Railings in rear are wood, painted to match trim. 7. Supporting posts are the same color as the trim, and will be capped off at the base. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 26, 1982 - Page Six 8. Window are all white frames. 9. Sliding doors are all White - baked enamel aluminum. 10. The ridge vent will be black - cannot be painted. 11 . Balconys will be braced and constructed with wolmanized wood. 12. Gutters are all the way around. Elevation B - the channel gutter will be painted out to match the brick. 13. Buildings are 8 unit buildings or 1/2 building with 4 units. Depending on sales, the buildings will be mixed and flexibility was requested. 14. On 4 unit buildings, there are windows to break up blank elevation. 15. Black boxes on the Lexington model will be painted out to match the siding on the C Elevation. 16. Brick elevations will have precast limestone sill . 17. Elevation C will have wooden corner posts. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Architecture and Building Materials as submitted by Lexington Glen, with the following stipulations: a. Elevation A - Colors as per color chart - Ex. A b. Elevation B - Colors as per color chart - Ex. A c. Elevation C - Colors as per color chart - Ex. A d. All windows are white framed. e. All balconies are wolmanized wood with supports. f. Shutters vary with the elevations. g. Garage doors will match the trim color. h. Roof vents painted out to match roof color, or will be on the rear elevation. i . Front doors will match the trim color. j. All posts will be capped, at the base. Note: Should brick or roofing materials become unavailable, color may be changed. Changes are to be submitted to the Building Department. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Larsen Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Layout Plan - Sheets 1 and 2 The buildings have been pre-developed and Lexington has a Monotony Code. Buyers will be required to select from the plans. Com. Larsen made a motion to approve the Layout Plans on Sheets 1 and 2 of the Landscaping Plans for the placement of buildings with respect to APPEARANCE COMMISSION Aug. 26, 1982 - Page Seven Materials and Color Treatment. Particular mix to be left up to the Lexington Corp. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Lighting - Lighting is minimal . Lexington will submit samples of the light fixtures to the Building Department, and the the AC will approve. Landscaping - A Village Forester's report was not available. All streets will be dedicated to the Village. Ch. Hardt questioned what areas will become the responsibility of the Village to maintain, such as the landscaping on the islands and plantings other than parkway trees. Mr. Bianchini explained that basically, Lexington will maintain the plantings up to the curb during the maintenance period. No Public Works report was available, so these questions were not answered. Since Lexington will be coming back Sept. 9, 1982 with the Model Area, the landscaping will be tabled pending the reports. ,%./ Com. Gibbs made a motion to Table the Lexington Landscaping until 9/9/82. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Voice Vote was Aye Unanimously. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS July 22, 1982 minutes - Com. Larsen made a motion to approve as submitted. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Larsen Hardt Nay - None July 22, 1982 minutes were approved. Abstain - Gibbs The next combined meeting with the Plan Commission, ZBA and AC to review the Zoning Ordinance will be Sept. 1 , 1982 at 7:30 P.M. The Sign Code needs some minor changes. If the Commissioners make notes of what sections are not clear, etc. and present them to Staff, they will be reviewed. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. 7Rep tful}y subm)ted, Se GBa���� ` y Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Aug. 26, 1982 - Page Eight A\ avirla .261 Iqg� August 18 , 1982 Mr . Dominic Saviano Building Department Village of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove , I1 . 60090 Dear Mr . Saviano : By this letter I would like to indicate that I have made an agreement with HIDDEN LAKE VILLAGE that would allow them to rent the sign now located on my property, subject to the following conditions : 1 . Pulte will release the remaining portion of their contract on the sign . 2 . The Village of Buffalo Grove approves the new copy to be put on the sign . 3 . A final contract between HIDDEN LAKE VILLAGE and me will be execuited . If you have any questions or need any further information please do not hesitate to give me a call . Thank you . Very truly yours , Mrs . Geiselle Roberts 1118 Brandywyn Court Buffalo Grove , Il . 60090 R*.r M ' SPACIOUS CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES IN THE BUFFALO GROVE/ Turn Right C v' "�:� W.. R� I exH r3 / l LEXINGTON LANE EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEMES ELEVATION ROOF BODY TRIM BRICK 1) Half Timber Chapel Gray Stucco-Tex New England Gray Black & White ✓ '/ Ranch White✓ (add touch of • A (Inc. garage blue) doors) 2) Hickory Brown✓ Buff (inc.' Levee - Jeffersons garage doors) 1) Rural Dusky Olive % Masonite "Olympic" White Chesapeake Woodmans (Inc, garage B Egg Nog ✓ doors) 2) • Chapel Gray Tumbleweed Ranch White Woodland Blend III./ (Inc. garage `./ doors) 1) Old Towne Black Knight/ Halifx Gray✓ "Olympic" White Front. - Clip on Stone ALUM • - (Inc, garage C doors) Sides & Back .Y6halde Charcoal Shutters 2) Char Brown -7 Rafia Beige,/ ; "Olympic" White Front - Clip on Stone AU�nn- (Inc. garage doors) Sides & Back - The Arlington Blend kr Rec. Building Chapel Gray Vinyl Trim - Olympic White Shadow Gray Door - Blue Mink Shutters - Blue Mink Shakes - Natural • *All elevations to have white windows. ,....._______ _. ... t (_, avr2)) 4,;24. • August 18 , 1982 Mr . Dominic Saviano Building Department • Village of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove , Ii . 60090 Dear Mr . Saviano : By this letter I would like to indicate that I have made an agreement with HIDDEN LAKE VILLAGE that would allow them to rent the sign now located on my property , subject to the following conditions : 1 . Pulte will release the remaining portion of their contract on the sign . 2 . The Village of Buffalo Grove approves the new copy to be put on the sign . 3 . A final contract between HIDDEN LAKE VILLAGE and me will be execuited . If you have any questions or need any further information please do not hesitate to give me a call . Thank you . Very truly yours , Mrs . Gei sel l e Roberts 1118 Brandywyn Court Buffalo Grove , I1 . 60090