1982-08-19 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. Thurs. , Aug. 19, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of the Chairman, Com. L. Gibbs called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall , on Thurs. , August 19, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Gibbs, C. Cea and E. Larsen. Quorum. Commissioners Absent: D. Hardt, C. Zusel and K. Krippes. Bldg. Dept. Representative: Ray Henning, Housing and Zoning Insp. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Com. Larsen made a motion to Table the minutes from July 8 and 22, 1982. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Voice Vote was Aye Unanimously. IV. BUSINESS A. Blacksmith Press, Plaza Verde Mr. Vic Laska presented the sign for Blacksmith Press (North Shore Sign Co. ) , which is located near Burger King and faces East. It conforms with the Plaza Verde Sign Package and has the approval of Mr. Hymen. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we approve the sign for Blacksmith Press at Plaza Verde, as submitted. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Larsen Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to O. Nay - None B. The Grove - Sign Package and Pylon Sign - Mr. Tom Mc Donald, Ken Tucker & Associates 1. Sign Package - Exhibit "E" was revised as per August 2, 1982. Mr. Larsen compared the document with the changes the AC had requested. Com. Gibbs questioned section E - 1 concerning deviations and it was noted that the needed approval of the AC is covered under Sections D - 1, 2 and 10. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Sign Package - Exhibit "E" (Design Criteria For Tenant's Signs) at The Grove, as submitted. Revised Document dated 8/2/82. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Larsen Gibbs rns Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None 2. Pylon Sign - The Grove Mr. Mc Donald presented the proposed ground sign for The Grove, Two signs will be erected at the two entrances to the center, one on Lake/Cook Rd. and one on Rt. 83. Both are double faced. The top portion will be 4' x 8' - Green letters on precast panels to match the mansard of the Jewel/Osco building. The lower part of the sign is brick to match the building with illuminated, sur- face mounted orange letters. The Grove letters will be back-lit. Mr. Mc Donald explained negotiations are taking place and if a Wags Restaurant should agree to build on one of the out-lots, they would like to add Wags Restaurant below Jewel/Osco on the brick. Mr. Mc Donald also said that it is possible that the restaurant would want their own pylon sign. The second out-lot is yet to be discussed, but it too may want a sign. Possibly a monument sign. Com. Gibbs stated that such signage would be considered, but the Sign Code prohibits signs closer than 500 feet apart. The two build- ings would be allowed signage on the walls or fascia. Mr. Mc Donald said they would like the sign to be higher because of possible vandalism. He suggestea setting the signs on a 3 - 4 foot berm; or setting them within a raised planters of the same brick. Com. Larsen said it was also possible to raise the sign up to 20 feet as measured from the center line of the road. They could add bricks as presented with evergreens around the base of the structure. Com. Gibbs said there is no problem with the sign structure, but he said the addition of Wags Restaurant or any other business name is usually not allowed. Any addition would have to be brought to the AC. Sec. 14.20.070. Com. Cea questioned the letter styles that appear on the sign. Using Exhibit "E" as a guide, it was decided that the combination of letter styles was permitted. Com. Larsen made the following motion: I move we accept the pylon sign presented by The Grove, as submitted with the follow- stipulations: a. Two identical , two-faced signs to be located on Lake/Cook Rd. and on Rt. 83. Size - 8 ft. x 15 ft. b. Maximum height of sign to be 20 feet, as measured from the center line of the roads. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 19, 1982 - Page Two c. Height of 20 feet may be effected by extending the brick base up to 16 ft. (plus 4' top portion); or by berming; or with a brick planter. d. Future addition of any tenants must come before the Appearance Commission for approval before issuance of a permit. e. Any access panels shall be painted out to match the surrounding material . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye- - Cea Larsen Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None C. TRAMMELL CROW COMPANY - Full Review Mr. Tim Beechick made the presentation of the 1st phase of the develop- ment. Trammell Crow's property consists of about 24 acres located in the North East Quadrant of Lake/Cook Rd. and Arlington Heights Road. It will consist of a 3 story office building located off Lake Cook Road and a 1 story office building, called a garden office building which is designed for a service center. It will provide space for either offices or a com- bination of offices and storage space. The building will have panels that can be converted to overhead doors for loading small vans, etc. Mr. Beechick described the material materials and submitted a sample board. The exterior brick will be Beck Face, Brick & Stone Co. - #421 Brown Utility brick. Mortar will be Lt. Beige, Glass-ppG - Solar Bronze with Dark Bronze Kawneer Mullions. (Pittsburgh Paint and Glass) A plat was submitted showing the location of the buildings with the park- ing lots. TheAriveway into the complex will be across from Timber Hill Road as per the Plan Commission requirement. The 3-story building will have a 3-story Atrium lobby with a skylight of domed plastic approximately 42 to 5 ft. above the roof. The roof top units will be about 8 feet from the top of the building. Plans are to paint them bronze. Building will be approximately about36 ft. high and the roof top units will not be seen from the sidewalk, but it is possible they will be seen from the houses across the street. The single story building will have roof top units centered on top, and Mr. Beechick agreed to screen them if necessary. Because the buildings on the corner has not been determined. It is supposed to be a shopping center and it is possible that the roof top units of the Trammell Crow office building will not be seen. Motion No. 1: Made by Com. Larsen: I move we accept the exterior building materials and design elevations for the 3-story building and the 1-story building for the Buffalo Grove Business Park as submitted, this date, by the Trammell Crow Company (August 19, 1982) . APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 19, 1982 - Page Three Description of Materials as per Exhibit A - August 19, 1982: Attached hereto. Mechanical equipment on top of building to be painted out dark bronze. Screening may be necessary to shield the roof top units from the residential area across Lake/Cook Road. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Larsen Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None #2 - Dumpster screening. The dumpster located on Lake/Cook Road will be built with brick to match the buildings. A double gate opening of wood painted brown. The Commission asked that the dumpster be located at the curb line. Also an identical area will be provided for the one story building. There will be bumper posts at the front of the dumpsters and the Commission asked that they be painted brown to match the gates. Also the Commission asked that a 4" to 6" band be painted of a reflective material at the top of the 2 end posts at both locations . Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we accept the design for the Dumpster Areas for B.G.BUS. PARK as denoted on Plan Cl -1 with the following stipulations: 1. Color selection for the gates is Brown Cedar stain; 2. Detail of the door will be raised to make provision for the opening of the gates. 3. Identical dumpster area will be located on Lake/Cook Road and at the North end of the property for the single story office bldg. 4. The outermost posts of the dumpsters shall be painted with a reflective strip, no less than 4 inches wide at the top. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye Larsen Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 19, 1982 - Page Four #3 - Lighting There will be three types of fixtures : a. Yoke mounted - four in the parking lot. b. L-shaped - 2 sizes of poles: 1 - 15 ft. pole near the side entrance; 3 - 25 ft. poles on alternating sides of the main drive. c. 5 safety lights on the rear side of the single story building. All lights will be high pressure sodium. No lighting on the South, West or North side of the three story building is proposed. The AC was concerned about the main drive. Entrance area will be lighted from the inside. The Commissioners asked that a study be made and submitted to determine the need for safety lighting from the parking lot into the building. Mr. Beechick agreed to add a light pole if necessary, after the final landscaping is put in. He felt there is adequate lighting from Lake/Cook Road into the complex. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we accept the lighting for Trammell Crow, Phase 1 , as noted on the Landscaping Plan: 1 . Fixtures labeled as A, B, C. refering to the different types of fixtures. 2. The developer will come back to the Appearance Commission with a study of the lighting at the entrance of the property. 3. Fixtures noted are manufactured by Crouse-Hinds: a. Type A - Shoe Box (L shaped) 1 - 25 ft. pole located on driveway 1 - 15 ft. pole located near the side entrance. b. Square light fixture - Hal 1000 MHP Height of Poles - 30 feet - located in parking lot. = Type B fixture. c. All poles to be painted with Benjamin Moore - Iron Clad Retardo - Deep Bronze #16362 d. Type C - Down lights mounted on the rear of the low rise office bldg. - location to be determined later according to the entrance provided for the tenant. Housing will be bronze - wall mounted. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 19, 1982 - Page Five 4. All bulbs will be high pressure sodium. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Larsen Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None #4 - SIGNAGE A. Ground Sign Com. Cea asked about the phone number appearing on a permanent sign. Mr. Beechick said the sign will be an identification sign at the entrance of the center and the phone number will be a marketing feature that will tell people where to call if they are interested is leasing an office, etc. The sign will be 14" off the ground, It will be set on a berm with landscaping around the base. The ground sign will replace the construction sign on Lake/Cook Rd. Com. Cea felt the phone number, if allowed, should be on the lower portion of the sign along with Trammell Crow Company. Lettering will be Scotchlite reflective letters with a reflective border on a dark brown background. Brown was chosen instead of a bronze because it would a softer color with the landscaping After discussing the use of a phone number on a permanent sign, Mr. Beechick decided to have the sign Tabled. He noted that the only identification the center will have would have is this sign with the name and phone number. The Sign Code does not allow phone numbers on permanent signs. If the AC denies the sign, an appeal may be made to the Village Board. Com. Cea made a motion to Table. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Motion to Table passed 3 to 0. Nay - None B. Construction Sign Mr. Beechick presented a new construction sign identifying the business park to be located as shown on the site plan. It will identify the builders and financiers. Com. Larsen made a motion to approve the temporary construction sign for the Buffalo Grove Business Park, to be located in front of the 3 story office building, as per the site plan. 120 feet from the East Border and set back 10 feet from the property line to comply u with the minimum setback requirements. This will be the only con- struction sign facing Lake-Cook Road allowed on the property. Sign is single faced. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 19, 1982 - Page Six Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None #5. Landscaping Mr. Frank Mc Donald, of Theodore Brickman Co. presented the Landscaping Plan. He described the landscaping and said it has been designed to establish a setting for the office buildings. The buildings, signage and landscaping are treated as a unit. It is also designed to provide a very positive streetscape for Lake/Cook Road. Theodore Brickman Co. is a maintenance firm as well as designer, as the plan looks ahead to future appearance. There are 3 types of plantings used. Basically, shade tree, pines, and flowering shrubs which will provide seasonal interest. Specific plants have not been labled because they prefer to select them on site. With respect to the Forester's Report, Red Maples and River Birches would only be used for accent, in very low volume. Theodore Brickman Co. guarantees all their plant material and will replace anything that does not thrive. The landscaping along the West line was discussed and it was decided that the plantings will all be moved closer to the Southern end of the build- ing to provide a better view from the corner. Location will be chosen after the property is leased. Six trees will be added along the North and East sides of the property. A tree will be added near the North dumpster, for some screening. Parkway trees have not been included because they are normally trees in a row, and there are trees on the property line that would serve the pur- pose. Any parkway trees along Lake/Cook Road would get rough treatment in the winter. If it is necessary, they will comply and add trees at random. Mr. Mc. Donald said they do not wish to add anything to the island at the entrance because of the maintenance problems it creates. He noted that the trees located on either side of the island are mature trees and provide an attractive covering. It will not appear to be an immature setting. The entire site will be sodded. Ground cover is noted by hatching on the design. Using Uanimous Colorado, an evergreen ground cover that turns purple in cold weather. Mr. Mc Donald agreed to provide a schedule of the trees that will be used, but he would like to maintain some flexibility when in the field. They prefer to make final selections on site, because it is easier to substitute when necessary for better appearance. They always subsitute with larger sizes. They will stipulate the number of trees to be used. Pine trees are staked, but the shade trees are large and are not staked. The parking lot will be striped. Light poles in the parking lot will be set in concrete, so that spaces are not lost. APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 19, 1982 - Page Seven Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we accept the Landscape Plan as. submitted for the Buffalo Grove Business Park with the following stipulations: 1 . The entire development will be sodded. 2. Parkway trees will be added, if they are required. 3. 6 trees will be added to the East side of the property. 4. 4 trees will be added to the North side, 1 of which will screen the dumpster. 5. The number of trees included in the plan will be listed specifying type but not the location of trees will be submitted. 6. Trees on the West side of the one story building will be moved down to the South. 7. Any changes will be submitted to the Appearance Commission. Com. Larsen seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Larsen Cea Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None V. ANNOUNCEMENTS None VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Larsen made a motion to adjourn. Com. Cea seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bate , Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION August 19, 1982 - Page Eight sb Buffalo Grove Business Park /14 q--nb YL4 BLS COLOR/MATERIAL LEGEND Area Material Description ' Manufacturer Specifications Washrooms Full Wall Mirrors PPG Bronze tint Vanity Mirrors PPG Clear Wallcovering Genon Sand Stipple II Navy - #2-30-L6 Walls American Olean Ceramic Mosaic 2" x 2" tiles Color: Bone Floors American Olean Granitone Gr. Grey 2" x 2" tiles Common Areas Brick Pavers Endicott Clay Manganese Ironspot Products Co. Smooth Texture Wallcovering Guard Stipple type II Antique White G2542 Elevator Walls Formica Finnish Oak #11.8 Elevator Glass PPG Bronze tint Seat Fabric Kimball 60% Nylon 40% Wool Acrylic Backed Colors: Navy & Bone Carpet Wellco Tristor #5770 Color: Polar Blue Exterior Brick Beck Face #421 Brick & Stone Brown Utility Co. A7; /Ylor2T� Glass PPG Solar Bronze Mullions Kawneer Dark Bronze Buffalo Grdve Office Park - Lighting r � l GRoU5a- 1ND5 _ FI URE -• - I u —0 a _ 1 tZD 4 G 1. -D i2 PCf _ •_ pPEEP picot-ME 1( 2 • • • .2 Buffalo Grove Office Park - Lighting TWO NE1C1F}1"5 OF rIX7"U� • TO 13E Us D = i = 25'-o" - AND I - 15' _d' HEl6RT SQuP a L.IGNI FrI>CrUR . MANUFAcTuRED CP,DUSE_ • HINDS �., FIN1H To 5E. 5E44JAMIN Mcc�E - U E ,0N CLAD RET DE.E P ?ots ..E 44- 163(02