1982-07-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISISON VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. `./ THURS. , JULY 8, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:43 P.M. on Thursday, July 8, 1982 at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Com. Cea, Com. C. Zusel , Com. K. Krippes and Ch. Don Hardt. QUORUM PRESENT Commissioner L. Gibbs was Absent. Prospective Commissioners Present: Ed Larsen and Bruce Daniels III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 24, 1982 - On recommendation sheet - Lighting for Continental Bank: Motion was made by Com. Gibbs and seconded by Com.Krippes. Page Four - Sentence 6 of Buffalo Grove Car Care - "changes." Com. Krippes made a motion to approve the minutes of June 24, 1982 as amended. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay —None Abstain - Cea IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Buffalo Grove Mall (Strathmore Square) Sign Package. Mr. Morelli called to ask that he be re-scheduled at the end of the meeting because he had a conflict. B. Buffalo National Bank (Continental Bank) - Directional Signs Ms. Elizabeth Antonopoulos presented a site location map and chart listing proposed directional signs for the bank. All signs to be mounted on 2 inch square aluminum posts (Dark anodized bronze). All backs of signs are dark anoduzed brown to match posts. Bottom of signs mounted 5'0" above grade except for stop signs at exit drive onto Dundee Road where mounting height at 6'0". The IDOT signs will be used. The two existing entrance and exit signs (lighted) will be re-located. Ch. Hardt noted that there are bright yellow posts protecting these two signs. He requested that these posts be painted dark bronze to match the the other sign posts. The function of these posts is to protect the signs. . Ch. Hardt noted that the yellow posts have been hit, and he did not feel that yellow would prevent cars from bumping into them. Ms . Antonopoulos agreed and stipulated they would be painted to match the other sign posts. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the directional signs for the Continental Bank as submitted. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay -None V. NEW BUSINESS A. Fannie May Candies - Wall Sign (Combridge Commons) Dominic Nitti , Federal Sign presented the sign to be on the two fascias facing Dundee Road and Buffalo Grove Road. (Former First Federal location. ) The letters are individual lighted script style and will be tied together from the rear. It will be mounted 1 ft. above the facia. The sign package calls for Helvetica Medium letters, but it was noted that First Federal had their own style and Fannie May will only use the letters presented or none. The Commission agreed to allow the lettering and the color Ivory, but felt the sign was smaller that the specified letter style in the Sign Package for the Center. Com. Cea made a motion to approve the Fannie May Candies sign as presented. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel Nay - Krippes Tie vote 2 to 2 - motion denied. Hardt Ch. Hardt gave his reason for voting Nay was because the sign does not meet the criteria of the Sign Package that was developed when the Center opened. He thought that 19 inch letters are too small compared with the required 21/2 feet upper case letters - and the 9" lower case much smaller that the specified 12 ft. lower case. Mr. Larsen suggested the sign might be more acceptable if the bottom stroke of the "y" was raised to be 1 ft. above the fascia. Mr. Nitti said the reason the sign sign was submitted with the letters set at 1 ft. above the fascia is because of the sign package. They would gladly move it up as suggested. Com. Cea made a motion to approve the Fannie May Candies sign as presented, with the stipulation that the sign be mounted with the "y" (bottom of letter) in May be raised to be 12 inches above the fascia bottom. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 8, 1982 - Page Two Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel u Krippest Hard Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None B. Bradjy TV- Wall Sign; Strathmore Shopping Center Mr. Ron Guthrie, North Shore Sign Co. and Mr. Bradley Fink, owner; presented the sign to be erected in the former Starck Realty location. The sign will be mounted on a raceway. Starck Realty was not on a race- way and the landlord will repair the fascia. The Raceway will be dark bronze color and the trim caps will also be dark bronze. There will be no exposed conduit. Ch. Hardt noted that when the sign package was developed, signs were not to be on raceways; but because it was not possible to mount the Drug Store sign without a raceway - other signs were put on raceways also. Com. Krippes made a motion to approve the Bradley TV sign as presented. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None C. Village Cleaners- Village Plaza Mr. Martin Russo, Doyle Signs and Mr. Phil Saia, Owner presented the sign. It meets the sign package and will be no problem. Com. Zusel made a motion to approve the Village Cleaners sign as presented. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None D. Cost PLUS 10 - Sign at Striker Lanes (Building West) Mr. Gene Zipperstein presented the sign and explained his plan to open a business at Striker Lanes. The fascia is wood and the letters will be polyurethane, a foam material . A sample letter was presented and Mr. Zipperstein explained how he planned to repaint them White and re-mount them with nails. The letters have been used for 5 years and are very durable. They will be non-illuminated. The store will close at 5 P.M. so lighted letters are unnecessary. Ch. Hardt told Mr. Zipperstein that the smaller advertising words would not be allowed. He also questioned the placement of the Cost PLUS 10. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 8, 1982 - Page Three Mr. Larsen noted that there are 45 inches of letters to be spaced within 48 inches of material . He thought they would look better on one line. '.../ Mr. Zipperstein said he would mount them any way the Commission directed. Ch. Hardt also suggested the color be changed to Ivory to match the other signs at Ranch Mart. He asked if Mr. Zipperstein was planning to use the pylon sign. He noted the AC would be opposed to this. Mr. Zipperstein said no because of the cost. He put money into new fixtures. He agreed to change the color to Ivory and space the letters on one line. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the sign submitted by Cost PLUS 10 with the following stipulations: 1 . Cost PLUS 10 to be on one line: 2. Letters will be painted IVORY. 3. Letters will be nailed to the building; and all old nail holes are to be fixed - so that the sign will be in good condition. 4. Maximum width of letters will be 13 inches. 5. Maximum height of letters will be 15 inches. 6. Letters are to be centered vertically and horizontally on the fascia, and will be uniformly spaced so they are porportionately acceptable within the 19 ft. 5 inches. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to O. Nay - None OLD BUSINESS - A - Strathmore Square will be tabled to July 22, 1982. Com. Cea so moved, Com. Zusel seconded. Vote - Aye Unanimously. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Hardt announced the special workshop meeting called by Pres. Clayton, for Thurs. , July 15, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Hall . The purpose is to streamline the meetings. Mr. Balling has planned several workshop meetings. The Sign Code needs to be changed. Staff could give AC imput. Bruce Daniels was introduced. Ch. Hardt will interview Bruce and Ed on Tues. , July 13, 1982 with Pres. Clayton. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. '_7Respectfully submitted, S . y Bates, Sec. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 22, 1982 - Page Four