1982-06-24 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF " ' • "�, BZTF'F'ALO G-ROVL e -otse MatiO eTkel. Mufferk Vim, (Oa. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Suffield Place - United Development DATE dune 24, 1982 OWNER OR United Development - Mr. Raymond Skiera DEVELOPER LANDSCAPING MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com.Gibbs I move we approve thelS fffeld Place StreetTree Landscape Plan as submftted. - 22 caliper trees - unstaked. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Hardt Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. • MATERIALS AND COLOR PACKAGES Moved by: COW-. Gibbs • Seconded ;7 6om. Zusel :N. I move we approve the Color Packages as presented by Suffield Place, and related materials with deletion of Color Package #5, and #3-C and #4 - A; with the provision that the builder can make substitutions of comparable materials if supplies are not available when building is started. All colors, trims, shutters and doors will be adhered to as submitted. Mortar whall be grey throughbout. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to q. VILLAGE OF - ' , "1 , BUFFALO GROVE -one e' il4i0 we'd. it " eelozio Move, ill. 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EZ Postal Center -Plaza Verde June 24, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR Mr. Ron Zoberis DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we approve 'the signw"submitted by; EZ Postal 'Center, with the stipulation that should the sign exceed.19 feet, it must be '` resubmitted to the Appearance Commission. L/ Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel ri Kppps Hardt c- ' . Nay-- None{- •- Motion Passed 4 to O. L/ VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROWL g•-try-one a au'r'i Meeffe do Wv'1awe, WI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Coldwell Banker DATE June 24. 1982 OWNER OR Mr. Dominic Nitti , Federak Signs DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Krippes SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we approve .the Coldwell Banker Pylon sign as .S tibma tted for Arlington Heights Road and Rt. 83. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay -None Motion Passed 4 to 0. VILLAGE OF - ' ' "1 , BUFFALO GROVE S -osre PRa 44 3l,�d. Me .moo Viove, rf. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: BUFFALO GROVE CAR CARE (New Shell ) DATE June 24, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Mr. Ron Hayward, B.G.Car Care and Mr. John Patton of Shell Corp. MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we appr9've the_:pylorf sign for Shell Corp. as submitted; wi th_a .panel to repl ace the Arco panel ... Panel •t remain the -.same size and will include the Shell Logo and Prices. - Car Wash and Reader Board, which will remain-the same must be maintained. • Front of the building, a sign to read Buffalo Grove Car Care Center; with 2' x 2' Shell Logo; sign not to exceed 26 sq. ft. The sign requested on the West side of the. f .; building is denied; because it is not ,allowed by the Sign 'Code. ^- �=' •' ,tom • �t: :._ 4''h• e Removal..of t2 Goodyear ii6ils of ' 4-'i''rant of the building. Sign over the bays clnremain. Sign at the Car Wash Island will be limited to include the prices and directions. Sign on the front of the building will be non-illuminated. Sign to Car Wash Island not to exceed size of existing sign. White with Red letters. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs . Zusel Krippes Hardt . Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. ' . Should a variation be sought and granted by the ZBA, the sign must be approved by the AC for the West Side. VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 3,-o„e Raw i Wvd. Mu�faho &save, NI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Irving's For Red Hot Lovers DATE June 24, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Mr. David Stein and Mr. Irving Greenspan MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we accept the sign for Irving's sign, to read Irving's ,=Blue For Red Hot'Lovers = Red Deleting: The Heart with the Hot Dog - Vienna with the Hot Dog on a Fork Pure Beef on S. Rosen's Buns ' Background to be #2146 - Romanhaus - Ivory 'The sign is accepted with the 'right to change the position of the wording For Red Hot Lovers to balance,-due to the omission of the heart, hot dog. and advertising copy an the sign. c', I ,;- Roll Cal Vote: ..- Ayd i1�-� bs = Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. VILLAGE OFtii) BUFFALO GROVE i -� o �vd. Mae Maffei& Move, aV1. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Architecture - Remodeling PROJECT TITLE• Buffalo Grove Mall (New Strathmore Square DATE June 24, 1982 OWNER OR Frank Morelli of DEVELOPER Bernard J. Katz and Co. - Mr.John Martin, Landscaping MOVED BY: Com. Krippes SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we accept the Architectural Scheme for the rehabilitation and` remodeTi.ng of=the Buffalo Grove Mall to Strathmore Square as submitted-,'Materials to be as listed in discussion. -- ' Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs - Zusel f Krippes Hardt Nay _ None Motion Passed 4 to 1 . LANDSCAPING - Strathmore Square _ Com. Gibbs,.rude a'motion to'appr0we't ie 1.andscapi ng for a" Strathmore Square as presented. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0 Nay - None SIGNAGE - Tabled: Sign Package and Entryway Sign - VILLAGE OF , BUFFALO GROVE t4-one 3aa/i i Wipd. twur�.ah wtave, p4'. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY ARCHITECTURE PROJECT TITLE: Continental Bank (Buffalo National Bank) DATE June 24, 1982 OWNER OR Continental Bank, Mr. Don Chin DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve tboArchttectural.,changes as submitted by the-Continental Bank , (formerly Buffalo National Bank) as submitted; the materials will be as listed on attached sheet. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel • Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. LIGHTING Moved By: Coai:. 'Krippes� w Seconded By: Com. Krippes I move we approve the new lighting for the addition to the Buffalo National Bank. The existing lighting to remain, new sidewalk will be 100 Watt low level reflector 8" square ballard. New building lighting - 500 Watt quartz Halogen. One parking lot pole to be relocated and reused; 2 heads - 250 watts high pressure sodium • on existing pole; to be located as shown on the drawing. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. VILLAGE OF -' "1 , BUFFALO G-ROVL £i,-osie eau'r 6 Mhod. 'k _ _ , alu .alo wiove, gel. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY SIGNAGE PROJECT TITLE: Continental Bank (Buffalo National Bank) DATE June 24, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Continental Bank, Mr. Don Chin MOVED BY: #1 - Wall Sign - Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes Motion-`to approve Wall Sign for the new Continental-Bannk of4Buffalo Grove as presented: : - _ • ' . Roll Call : Aye - Gibbs Krippes Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. #2 - Money Network Sign Moved By : Com. Gibbs Seconded By.: Com. Krippes Motion too ^o-ve .the,=Mo4YtNetwirii `sign, ,<AO inches by-10b.Tntii �ligkited plastic. ;" signs White letters on tack background; with Red and Orange Logo. • Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Nay - Gibbs Zusel Hardt Motion Denied 3 to 1 . #3 - Ground Sign Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Krippes Note: Directional Motion to approve the revision of the ground sign. Signs #4,5,6 to a Black Face as submitted on the drawing of the L/ were Tabled pylon. Diminsions to remain the same. Refinishing the existing color to Black With white lettering. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Nay - None Zusel Krippes Motion Passed 4 to 0. Hardt