1982-06-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL THURS. , JUNE 24, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:38 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thurs. , June 24, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: B. Gibbs, C. Zusel , K. Krippes, D. Hardt. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: C. Cea Prospecitive Commissioner: Ed Larsen, Innovative Industries Inc. 533 West Golf Road; 437-6411 Home: 1220 Franklin Lane; 634-0343 Building Department: Mr. Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Trustee Liaison: Mr. Chuck Gerschefske III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 10, 1982 - Page 11 : Last line is should be if. Page 1 : Chatham - Line 5 of Para. 3 - legal should be illegal . Motion to approve the June 10, 1982 minutes as amended was made by Com. Krippes and seconded by Com. Zusel Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Abstained - Gibbs Mintues of June 10, 1982 approved and will be placed on file. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Suffield Place -United Development Corp. 1 . Landscaping - Street Trees Com. Zusel made a motion to approve the Suffield Place Street Tree Landscape Plan as submitted; 22 Caliper - Unstaked. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. 2 Materials and Color Packages Mr. Raymond Skiera, United Dev. Corp. - Asst. V.P. of Construction; presented the samples of construction materials and described each Color Package submitted on Chart. Before the discussion, a resident of Suffield Place, Mr. Frank �./ Regan; 1104 Lockwood Drive asked what the Commission had approved on June 10th. Mr. Patrick Custardo, 1102 Lockwood Dr. was also present. Ch. Hardt detailed the action taken June 10th, 1982 and assured the gentlemen that the Developer has agreed to build the California Type model next to the existing houses to blend the two developments. He explained that the Appearance Commission only considers archi- tecture, not the size of homes. When the developers annex property, they are required to build to a minimum size. The AC decides only compatibility. Should any Homeowner have objections, they can be voiced to the Village Board. Mr. Saviano stated Homeowner's are not usually invited to Appearance meetings, but as a courtesy the Suffield Homeowners were informed. Because of the economic problems in the building industry, no developer will be likely to build homes the size of the original Suffield models. The homeowners were shown the plans. Mr. Skiera went through each color package and presented the samples of each material : bricks, roof shingles, sidings, trim colors etc. Several packages have been deleted: #3 C; all of #5; and #4 - A. The Colonial model is all siding; A and B is combination brick and siding; and Model D is the rustic with stuccostone and blondstone. There were no objections. It was noted that should the bricks shown be unavailable; a similar brick can be substituted. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Color Packages presented by Suffield Place, and related materials with deletion of Color Package #5, and #3 - C and #4 - A; with the provision that the builder can make substitutions of comparable materials if supplies are not available when building is started. All colors, trims, shutters and doors will be adhered to as submitted. Mortar shall be grey throughout. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call - Aye: Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay: None APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Two V. NEW BUSINESS A. EZ Postal Center Mr. Ron Zoberis, owner, presented a sign for Plaza Verde. Mr. Hymen has approved the sign. The color will be Yellow with Red Neon tubes that will give a Yellow/Orange look at night. The color will be Yellow in daylight. The sign conforms with the color package for Plaza Verde and construction standards. Mr.Zoberis explained the business to be private locked mailboxes, with courtesy stamps (no profit). He is a an agent authorized to handle mail for people. Mail is picked up at the Wheeling Post Office and costomers call in to see if they have mail . The service is a time convenience. Mr. Larsen stated the color would not create an adverse affect upon the shopping center and he thought that other signs are there now, with that color. It was noted that location of the sign will be somewhat past the peri- meter of the store because of the pants store sign. EZ Postal Center sign will be 19 ft. long. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the sign submitted by EZ Postal Center, with the stipulation that should the sign exceed 19 feet, it must be resubmitted to the Appearance Com. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. B. Coldwell Banker (Real Estate) Pylon Sign at Arlington Hts. Rd. and Rt. 83 Mr. Dominic Nitti , Federal Signs presented the sign change. It was noted that the ZBA Variation will not be necessary since it is only a face change, and will retain its legal non-conforming status by making the sign no less in conformance. The clock is 10 ft. up from the ground, and the total height of the sign is about 20 ft. The colors will be the same as the signs approved for the building. The sign will be double-faced. The disconnect will be painted out and it was noted that the clock should be kept in good repair. The base will be landscaped. Com. Krippes made a motion to approve the Caldwell-Banker Pylon sign as submitted for Arlington Heights Rd. and Rt. 83. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Three C. Buffalo Grove Car Care Center Mr. John Patton of Shell Oil Corp. Mr. Ron Hayward, B.G. Car Care; Mr. Ralph Hayward, B.G. Car Care. Mr. Patton presented new signage and explained that B. G. Car Care has entered into agreement with Shell to sell Shell products. They plan to replace the Arco signs with Shell signs and prices. On the Pylon - only the top portion will be changed. The reader board will remain. Shrubbery will be planted at the base of the sign. Before and After Photographs were presented and all changed noted. All unnecessary signage has been removed. New lights have been put up. Extensive remodeling has also taken place on the inside of the building. The Good Year signs will be taken down; and Shell tires will be sold. The Wall signs on the front and West side of the building are well within the allowed square footage. The signs will be unlit, individual white letters with the Shell Logo (2' x 2' ). Ch. Hardt ruled that the sign presented for the West side of the build- ing would be illegal . An appeal for a variation may be made to ZBA. Mr. Patton requested that the wording above the Bays remain on the East side. On the West side where the car wash is located, some signage must remain for directional purposes and for safety measures giving the operational instructions, etc. Prices are also on the Car Wash Island, because it is possible to have two different prices, should the front pumps become Self-serve. Car Wash Exit above the doors in front is need- ed for safety. Some signs are located in the windows of the car wash shack. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Pylon sign for Shell Corp. as submitted; with a panel to replace the Arco panel (Car Wash). Panel to remain the same and will include the Shell Logo and Prices. Car Wash and Reader Board, which will remain the same must be maintained. Front of the building, a sign to read Buffalo Grove Car Care Center; with 2' by 2' Shell Logo; not to exceed 26 sq. ft. The sign requested on the West side of the building is denied; because it is not allowed by the Sign Code. Removal of 2 Goodyear signs on the front of the building. Sign over the bays can remain. Sign at the Car Wash Island will be limited to include the prices and directions. Sign on the front of the building will be `./ non-illuminated. Sign at Car Wash Island not to exceed size of existing sign. White with Red colors. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Four Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Should a variation be sought and granted by the Nay - None ZBA, the sign must be approved by the AC. for the West side. Motion Passed 4 to 0. D. Irving's For Red Hot Lovers Mr. David Stein and Mr. Irving Greenspan (owner of Irving's) Mr. Greenspan presented the sign including the heart-shaped logo, with the hot dog and including Vienna Pure Beef. The color of the lettering would be Blue (Irving's) and Red (For Red Hot Lovers) Blue (Vienna) with small logo Red (Hot Dog) with Yellow Fork. The large Logo would be Multi-colored. Background to be Ivory #2146. Ch. Hardt read the Grove Court Sign Package and asked if Brian Pro- perties had approved the sign. Mr. Greenspan stated that Brian Properties would agree with the sign if the Appearance Commission approved it. He added that they need the sign to be similar to the other Irving's in this area. They would delete the Pure Beef on S. Rosen's Buns. Vienna would be 6" - 8" and it was noted that Vienna is not part of the corporate name. Because Mr. Stein has not had good enough exposure at the present location, Mr. Greenspan explained that additional funds are being put into the new location. There will be more room and seating for customers. The storefront is about 23 ft. and would be allowed 17 ft. of signage. Mr. Greenspan stated they do not want a garrish looking sign, but they need identification that looks like an Irving's store. Other villages have stringent sign codes, and they have allowed the sign as presented. He agreed to some compromise. The Commission discussed the copy at length. The reference to Vienna is considered advertising and the Sign Code does not allow advertising. The heart and hot dog logo violates the sign package. Ch. Hardt reviewed the background of Grove Court. At the time it was built, the AC had taken a strong stand on requiring individual letters. The architect felt he had designed the building for compatibility to can signs. The AC agreed and allowed them. The AC wanted to have flexi- bility, but not monotony in signs. Therefore, the background color was to be uniform, but the copy would provide the variety. The Sign Package was agreeable with the architect and the rental agent. Com. Zusel expressed concern with Mr. Stein and the business. She said the Commission does not want to create hardship but the sign package should be enforced. She suggested deleting the Hot Dog and leaving the red heart. Mr. Greenspan said he would agree to delete all but the lettering, Irving's For Red Hot Lovers. Mr. Stein did not thing this was a compromise. He asked for the word Vienna, without the Logo. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Five Ch. Hardt was opposed to this suggestion. Com. Krippes agreed. Ch. Hardt proposed a motion to allow the Irving's For Red Hot Lovers; �./ without the Heart, Hot Dog and Vienna. The motion can be positive and will probably be passed. Or the sign can be denied as presented and an appeal be made to the Village Board. Mr. Stein asked the difference between allowing his Logo and allowing the First Federal Logo. Ch. Hardt explained the decision is based on the Sign Package for Grove Court which prohibits Logos, etc. The Village does not forbid Logos. But since the Appearance Commission is committed to follow the Sign Packages as designated by shopping center owners. Mr. Greenspan asked what would happen if the Shopping Center owner came in to ask for a variance? Ch. Hardt replied that the Commission would then approve or deny the sign. If denied, an appeal can be made to the Village Board. Because the AC does not think that sign as presented, is compatible with the shopping center, it would not be accepted. Advertising is not allowed on any signs. If the name of the business is changed to Irving's For Vienna Red Hot Lovers, it would probably be allowed. An appeal cannot be made if a motion is passed. Other possible word combinations were discussed, such as Irving's For Red Hot Lovers but no other solution was reached. u Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Irving's sign, to read Irving's - Blue For Red Hot Lovers - Red Deleting: The Heart with the Hot Dog; Vienna with the Hot Dog on a Fork Pure Beef on S. Rosen's Buns Background to be #2146 Romanhaus - Ivory The sign is accepted with the right to change the position of the wording For Red Hot Lovers to balance due to the omission of the heart, hot dog and advertising copy on the sign. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. `./ Ch. Hardt stated that Mr. Stein can pick up the permit for the sign as approved, or if he should wish to change the sign, he can submit another design to the Appearance Commission. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Six E. Buffalo Grove Mall - Bernard J. Katz and Co. Modification of building was presented by Mr. Frank Morelli , Mr. John Green, Architect and Mr. John Martin, Landscaping. Mr. Morelli gave a brief sketch of the history of the Mall . Since it has not been very profitable, it has been decided to convert it to a Strip Shopping Center. The existing retail stores will remain and all stores will have stores, fronting on Dundee Road. There will be a 10 ft concourse covered by a canopy. The center front will br 13 ft. with room for benches and planters. Mr. Green described the plans. The architecture will match the exsiting building. The mansard at Walgreen's and Dominic's will be continued. The same colors and materials will be used. Beneath the mansard roof, there will be a four foot sign fascia which will be a neutral color. The signs will be individual letters of white plexi-glas; interior lighting with dark bronze retainer. The background will be Colonial Tan #6 and the letters will be seen during the daylight hours. The canopy ceiling will be the same color and material as the soffit - a cream color. The new store fronts will be replaced for the full 216 ft. and will be constructed of alternating masonary brick and store front bronze glazing. The window frames will be duronodic bronze. The mansard will be Seal Brown, the soffit to be Antique Cream; with Colonial Tan on the lettering background. The background material is a sheeting that can be easily changed should the signs be changed for new tenants. The entryway to the rear offices is behind the posts in front. The canopy will be far enough away from the parking lot, so that trucks will not hit it and cause damage. Walgreen's has been hit many times and has been repainted in many different shades of brown. Mr. Morelli said Walgreen's will be refinished and will match. The problem should not reoccur because deliveries will be made from the rear for the new stores. Baskin's/Robbins will have front delivery. The new front will be recessed far enough back to prevent damage. Roof top units will be screened from the street. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we accept the the Architectural Scheme for the rehabilitation and remodeling of the Buffalo Grove Mall to Strathmore Square as submitted, materials to be as listed in discussion. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. LANDSCAPING - Strathmore Square (Buffalo Grove Mall ) Mr. John Martin described the changes being proposed to the parking lot area. The new plans will enhance the front of the new building and will break up the long line of the mansard. Planters within the concourse area will be 3 pre-cast concrete; with benches in the 10 ft. drop-off section. Planters are to be 6' x 30 inches high and about 24' to 30' inches long containing shrubs that grow up to look like a APPEARANCE COMMISION June 24, 1982 - Page Seven small tree. Fitzers will be around the shrubs. The Parking Lot Islands will be cut out in front of the parking areas to enhance the aesthetics of the center and help with traffic circula- tion. The East entrance island on Dundee Road will be replanted as well as the two existing islands at the entrance on Arlington Heights Road. Plantings were described. The islands will be mulched with shredded bark. The islands will also be bermed to help drainage. They will be made of concrete. The island where the transformer is located will be modified and screening added. Posts will be around the transformer and fire hydrants. The Commission discussed the plan and asked for no changes. Trash contain- ers have not been included, but will be added and will be similar to planters. Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve the Landscaping for Strathmore Square as presented. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. SIGN PACKAGE The signs for individual stores will be as previously described; Individual , internally lit letters - White with dark bronze retainers-18 inch letters for single lines and 12 inch letters for double lines. Entryway Sign The Buffalo Mall Sign will be removed. The new sign located at the same place - East of the driveway. Mr. Morelli has been informed that when the sign is changed, it loses its legal non-conforming status and will need a variation from the ZBA because it is within 500 ft. of other signs. The new sign will meet all other requirements of the Sign Code. It will be double face, 19 ft. 6 inches high. It will be mounted on a face brick wall to match the brick at the Center. They will be using the existing pedestals. Lettering will be White on Dark Bronze background. Ch. Hardt said the Commission will stipulate that there are no problems with the sign as presented; but will table all signage until after the ZBA has granted a variation. He asked for a Sign Package to be developed. Mr. Morelli noted that the Quinlan/Tyson signage has been in existing since the Buffalo Grove Mall opened and will probably be allowed to keep their logo. Some Logos would be allowed, if they are pleasing. Colors also. Com. Gibbs made a motion to Table the Sign Package and Ground Sign until after the ZBA review July 20, 1982. Corn. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye unanimously. Line-of-sight :with regard to the proposed ground sign may be a problem; but the Engineering Dept. would decide this. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Eight F. Buffalo Grove National Bank Addition and Remodeling - Architectonics, Inc. ; Mr. Jim Lentz, Attorney The Continental Bank is under contract to purchase the Buffalo Grove Nat. Bank. When the purchase is completed, the Continental Bank will build an addition. The annexation agreement requires approval of any additions, etc. Mr. Don Chin, Architect presented the architecture for the new addition. He described the plans and materials. The addition will match the exist- ing building with Brick #343 Can-Tex a close match to the original . Glass to be 1" Solar Bronze T window glass. Skylight - Solar Bronze Acrylic, Aluminum Entrance doors and mullions - Medium Bronze Anodized. Steel doors and metal gate to be painted to match the medium bronze. Facia - Medium Bronze. Wood to be painted light brown. Flashing to be medium bronze. Roof top inits to be screened with metal screens to match the existing screens. On the West side a skylight will give light to the basement. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the Architectural changes as submitted by the Continental Bank (formerly Buffalo National Bank) as submitted; the materials will be as listed on attached sheet. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Lighting - New Continental Bank The existing lights will remain and some additional sidewalk lighting will be added. One parking light will be relocated. Exit lights will be installed into the soffits. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the new lighting for the addition to the Buffalo National Bank. The existing lighting to remain, new sidewalk will be 100 Watt low leval reflector 8" square ballard. New building lighting - 500 Watt quartz Halogen. One parking lot pole to be relocated and reused: 2 heads - 250 watts high pressure sodium on existing pole; to be located as shown on the drawing. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Nine Continental Bank (Former Buffalo National ) Marvin Wheeler, Landscape Architect (Lipp-Wehler-Peterson & Assoc. ) presented the plans to revamp the existing landscaping of the site along the new building and existing park area. The area will be sodded with gravel between the parking area and addition. The suggestion of the Village Forester to reduce space between plants along the South side was deemed unnecessary because there is nothing to screen. The Northwest corner of the lot is retention. Species will be as suggested by the Forester. The curbing along the drive could be improved, but it is acceptable as it is. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping for Continental Bank (Buffalo National Bank) as submitted; with the stipulations that: 1 . Spruce will be Colorado Green 2. Honeylocust will be Skyline 3. Crab will be Prince Georges Com. Zusel seconded the motion: Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Krippes Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Continental Bank - Signage Sign on Existing Building will be changed to read Continental Bank with the C-Logo to be Brushed bronze- helvetica letters 8 inches high. Sign at Automatic Banking Machine/Night Depository to be a money network sign in red and orange on a black background - lighted plastic sign 100" in length - 8 inches in height with 4 inch letters. Colors are copy-righted. Ground sign will be changed to read Continental Bank of Buffalo Grove N.A. Black with White Letters and Drive-In Open in Red Letters. Ch. Hardt questioned the use of black when the building is duranodic brown; but since the sign is about 85 feet from the building, it was decided that black would not be unattractive; and black is the CB color. The directional signs were presented, and IDOT signs were proposed. The reason for this is that people are familiar with this type of sign. Ch. Hardt objected to the use of the IDOT signs and noted that other banks have successfully blended directional signs with the architecture of their buildings. Each sign was discussed individually. There were no objections to the building sign. Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve the Continental Bank wall sign as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Ten Continental Bank Wall Sign: Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Money Network sign: The Commission discussed this sign and decided that it would be considered advertising, which is not allowed. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the Money Network sign, 10 inches by 100 inches, lighted plastic sign, White letters on Black background with Red and Orange Logo; as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Discussion followed concerning the approval of a sign which is advertising a service (using the parallel of the Vienna which was denied on the Irving's For Red Hot Lovers sign) , becasue it is not a part of the corporate name. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Nay - Gibbs Zusel Hardt Motion denied - 3 to 1 . Ch. Hardt informed the petitioners that the ruling can be appealed to the Village Board. Ground Sign Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the revision of the ground sign to a Black Face as submitted on the drawing of the pylon. Dimensions to remain the same. Refinishing the existing color to Black with white lettering. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Directional Signs - Nos. 4, 5 and 6 on List. A long discussion resulted in the suggestion to Table the IDOT directional sign until the petitioners have had time to view the Plaza Verde use of IDOT signage. The Commission felt that if the IDOT signs are used, they could be mounted on more appealing stanchions, painted bronze. The existing signs at the back of the Bank will remain the same, and will be relocated. A site plan was not presented. The Commission noted that when signs are relocated, they become new signs and site locations are needed. Two types of directional signs are not compatible. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 24, 1982 - Page Eleven Com. Zusel made a motion to Table approval of the directional signs until a site plan is submitted describing the existing signs construction and wording; as well as the new signage being proposed. �.i Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion to TABLE passed 4 to 0. Ch. Hardt stated he will not approve what was submitted tonight, because it is being combined with existing signage and the result would not be acceptable. He felt a better job can be done, as Plaza Verde has done. The Lady representing Continental Bank noted that the Plan Commission had suggested the IDOT signage. Ch. Hardt noted that the IDOT signage could be used in a more creative way that would be more appropriate. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS The combined meeting with the Plan Commission and ZBA will tentatively be held on Thursday, July 15, 1982. Ch. Hardt, Com. Gibbs and Com. Krippes will be able to attend. Ch. Zusel is unsure. Ch. Hardt announced a meeting with the Village Board to be held on Monday, June 28th to discuss streamlining procedures of the Appearance Commission. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates ecretary APPEARANCE COMMISISON June 24, 1982 - Page Twelve sb ERWIN J. PAGE CONSULTING FORESTER June 9, 1982 PROJECT: Suffield Place LOCATION: Buffalo Grove Road and Busch Road LANDSCAPE DESIGNER: Seidl Inc. AC'e\, Prairie View, Illinois (Plans are not dated) ek .� �'c• Z- -------- -- --- -- ------ -- ----- � `� Off'- - -- - 31 LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS G4 TREE SELECTIONS ���� Greensoire Linden - a good choice. . The tree has small leaves and is pyramidal in shape. There will be a minor problem with sucker growth at the base of the tree, but a pair of hand pru- ners will eliminate this. The biggest advantage of this tree is that it does well in the poor soil which is typical of our area. Green Ash - another good choice if the right cultivar is selected. The Marshall Seedless and the Summit are two good choices and are readily available. Borers could be a problem but this tree does so well under poor conditions that we must use it. Thornless Honeylocust - another good choice. There are many good cultivars, such as Skyline and Shademaster to choose from that there should be no problem. Its open shade makes it de- sirable in many locations. It is well liked by many people. Norway Maple - again another good choice. There are many good cultivars to choose from; the choices vary from the red leaf Crimson King to the green leaf Emerald Queen. This is another tree well liked by many people because of its good reputation and of developing into the "ideal" shade tree. It can also develop problems due to winter damage, but a good fertilization program will help the recovery. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS There is a plentiful supply of trees shown on this plan. The spacing of trees should be determined in the field after the location of the driveways and utilities are determined. Arrange for a maximum amount of top soil. Twelve inches would be ideal, but a minimum of six inches is sufficient. 100 S. Vail, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (312) 392-3312 . , . ER WI N J. PAGE , . I CONSULTING FORESTER -;(_ Alternate tree selections as much as possible to avoid- a problem of insect or disease infestation from spreading from one tree to the adjacent tree. Some people prefer the homo- genous look of one species being planted on the whole block. I think that this is dangerous and extremely difficult to main- tain once replacements are being planted. Select the tree species for each location in the field where you can see conditions that would influence your choice. Con- ditions to be met are aesthetics as well as soil problems and drainage. Approve the concept of this plan because it shows good thought and uses an intelligent selection of trees. `., • 100 S. Vail, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (312) 392-3312 p FINISH MATERIALS LIST For: Strathmore Square Shopping Center (Formerly Buffalo Grove Mall) Job #8206 June 11, 1982 1. STOREFRONT FRAMING: Arcadia DFG Style with matching door. Duranodic bronze finish. 2. MASONRY: Flash, Range 1. King-sized face brick. 3. BUILDING SIGNAGE AREA: Dryvit exterior panels. Sandblast regular finish in Colonial tan. 4. MANSARD CANOPY: Modern Materials Corp. , Aluminum Ribbed Fascia System. Brown baked enamel finish. 5. CANOPY SOFFIT: Modern Materials Corp. , Aluminum Soffit System White enamel finish. 6. LETTERING: Store Lettering: See Plan (Sheet 4t2) 7. SITE IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A. Masonry Base: same face brick as described above. B. Sign: Dark bronze color retainer and facade. White plex lettering. 2717ARCHITECTONICS, INC. ARCHITECTS • PLANNERS 230 WEST MONROE STREET • CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60606 • AREA CODE 312-782-0808 BUFFALO GROVE NATIONAL BANK • BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS MATERIAL SELECTION FOR ADDITION New Addition will match existing building in design and color of materials. Existing Bank Building New Addition 1. Brick Masonry Mahogany Velour Std. Brown #343 Can-Tex (no longer produced Very close match in same size) 2. Window Glass 1" Solar Bronze T window 1" Solar Bronze T window 3. Skylight Solar Bronze Acrylic 4. Aluminum Medium Bronze Anodized Medium Bronze Anodized Entrance doors and mullions 5. HVAC Screen Painted to match medium Painted to match medium Steel Doors bronze. bronze. and Metal Gate 6. Metal Fascia Medium Bronze Medium Bronze 7. Wood Fir-stained light All wood to paint light yellow-green. brown. (All wood to be painted light brown. ) 8. Side Walks Portland Portland 9. Flashing Medium Bronze Medium Bronze ARCHITECTONICS, INC. ARCHITECTS • PLANNERS 230 WEST MONROE STREET • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60606 • AREA CODE 312-782-0808 BUFFALO GROVE NATIONAL BANK BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS LIGHTING FOR ADDITION/REMODELING 1. Existing Parking, Sidewalk, and Building lighting to remain. 2. New Sidewalk lighting - 100 watt low level reflector 8" square ballard. 3. New Building lighting 500 watt quartz halogen. 4. One parking light pole to be relocated and reused. 2 heads - 250 watts high pressure sodium on existing pole. VILLAGE OFBUFFALO GROVE - -otse - X eve, gll soovo APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL THURS. , JULY 8, 1982 7: 30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 24, 1982 IV. OLD BUSINESS A. BuTTalo Grove Mall B. Buffalo National oank. n Bank) V. NEW BUSINESS A. Fannie May - Wall " Sign;(Cambridge Commons) ` B. Bradly TV - tall Sign; .(Str-athmore Shopping Center) C. Village Cleaners - Wall Sign (Village Plaza) D. Cost + 10 - Wall Sign; (Striker Lanes) VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI I. ADJOURNMENT Donald L. Hardt, Chairman LSD Appearance Commission sb