1982-06-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , JUNE 10, 1982 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:41 P.M. on Thursday, June 10, 1982 at the Village Hall . II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, C. Cea, C. Zusel , K. Krippes and D. Hardt. QUORUM PRESENT. Commissioner Absent: B. Gibbs Building Department: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Propsective Commissioner: Mr. Ed Larson III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 27, 1982 minutes were postponed until Com. Cea arrives. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Chatham - Off-premise sign East of Buffalo Grove High School . Because Chatham was tabled for further interpretation of the Sign Code regarding the sign in question, no representative is present. Mr. Saviano reported that according to p. 258-4; Sec. 14.28.030 A & B. Non-Conforming Signs. Mr. Hruby and Mr. Raysa have determined that the changes Chatham has made in the sign has made it more in conformance with the Code. Ch. Hardt concurred with this interpretation and noted that the sign is actually an illegal sign. The problem is that the sign is a 3rd party, off-premise sign in a residential zone which according to Sec. 14.20.080 p. 255-B. Therefore, the structure is legal and currently the copy is Illegal because Chatham did not secure a permit. Should the sign copy be changed in the future, it will keep its legal non-conforming status, be- cause it was erected 15 years ago, before the Sign Code was developed. The sign was reviewed and Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the sign for Chatham, located East of Buffalo Grove High School , in accordance with Sec. 14.28.030 - Non-conforming signs. The copy change will make it more in compliance with the requirements of the Code. The sign is presently a Non-conforming structure with illegal copy. It is approved with the following stipulations: 1 . If prices are changed, the sign must be brought back to the AC before making the change. 2. The sign is approved for a period of 6 months. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 1 . Nay - Hardt Ch. Hardt noted that the Village should warn Chatham to come before the Commission before erecting any more illegal signs. He believes the Village should get tougher and make Chatham take their signs down. They know the rules and break them continually. B. HIDDEN LAKE - Com. Knaak led the discussion and reviewed the model area signage that was approved May 27, 1982. Mr. Jerry Pfeffer and Mr. Jeff Hymen presented Sign designated A. They requested two signs, 71' x 4 ' to be located at the entryway of the model area. Because of existing trees the exact location has not been determined. They will be angled so that they are seen from the road. These signs are temporary model area (trailer) signage. They are sand- blasted signs. Colors the same as presented at the last meeting: White on Blue, with green leaves and burgandy berries. The signs will have the Logo only. The wood fencing will be Cocoa and Butternut and was approved previously. (Com. Cea arrived.) Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the Hidden Lake Village entry signs as presented: White on Blue Background with Green leaves and Burgandy berries on a Cocoa cedar fence. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel. Krippes Cea Hardt Nay - Knaak Motion Passed 4 to 1 APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 - Page Two. Hidden Lake Village continued: Off-Premise sign on Busch Road - South West corner. Size - 8 ft. by 15 ft. (120 sq. ft. ) - Sign as depicted - SLOW TURN RT. -LFT. Mr. Hymen presented a color rendition of the sign and mentioned that after the sign on Rt. 83 (not in B.G. ) was erected, they have decided to change the background to White. An arrow will indicate turn and will be Black or Burgandy. The Burgandy is Pantone 353,the same as the berries and is preferred for visability. This sign is very much needed because of the distance to Hidden Lake Village. Hidden Lake will own the sign and will maintain it. Com. Knaak repeated his concern with the number of colors - now six. Ch. Hardt noted that the sign is allowed under Sec. 14.20.080 and will be allowed for a period of six months, with renewal approved by the AC. The Commission discussed the color of the arrow and concluded that the Black arrow was preferable. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Hidden Lake - Off Premise Sign to be located at corner of Busch and Weiland Rds. as indicated on the Blueprint. Sign to read: HIDDEN LAKE VILLAGE SPACIOUS CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES IN BUFFALO GROVE BLACK ARROW TURN RIGHT (or LEFT) Size - 8 ft. by 15 ft. - Double Face According to Sec. 14.20.080 of the Sign Code which pertains to renewal and maintenance. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Cea Motion Passed 4 to 1 . Nay - Hardt On Site Signs - At either end of the property on Busch Road, 1 ,500 ft. apart. Signs designated C will be at the entrance of the model area. The temporary sign just approved will be 800 feet from the sign at the West end of the site. These signs fall under Sec. 14.32.010 - Special Signs; it was determined that two signs would be allowed. Each must have a permit. The purpose of these signs is to slow people down and alert them so they know the development is there. Chairman Hardt commented that the copy advertising Spacious Condos etc. is advertising and not necessary for identification of Hidden Lake Village. Mr. Hymen agreed to delete the advertising portion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 - Page Three The location of the signs was discussed. Under the Code, Entry sign -"A" would be too close to the sign proposed at the East side of the property. Mr. Hymen explained that when "A" is constructed, the sign on the West pro- perty line would be needed. Prior to that time, the temporary sales area will be located more to the West. The trailer is much less a monument on an open road. The Model Complex when completed will be lighted and the sign on the East will not be needed. He agreed to take the East one down then. The Engineering Department has required that the area - Phase 1 - must be cleaned out. The background of the sign will be White, the Hidden Lake Village Logo in the colors designated. The signs will be single face and the backs will be stained dark brown. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the Billboard signs - On Site be approved as submitted by Hidden Lake Village, with the following stipulations: Two signs at the East and West property lines will be erected as indicated on the blueprint; to remain during the time that the temporary sales area is open. When the "C" Temporary sign is removed, and the "A" model entry sign is erected; the East property line sign will be removed. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Cea Knaak Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Temporary Model Area - Sales Trailer Signs C - D - E - F and G have been approved. The trailer will be behind a fence/wall which will not be attached. It will be rough sawn cedar with Cocoa lettering on a Butternut background. Letters will be painted on a board and attached to the fence. The Logo will be on the Right side with with Spacious Condominium Residences in Buffalo Grove will be on the Left. Ch. Hardt expressed the opinion that it is unnecessary to have the wording describing Spacious Condos etc. because people are already at the sales area. He felt that Hidden Lake Village in Brown on the Butternut color would identify the project sufficiently. There is only one way to come in. Mr. Hyman stated that time is a factor and they have only 32 months to create an image. They want all their advertising to be the same and to present a strong image, they must have graphic reinforcement of the market- ing phrase Spacious Condos etc. They are proud of their product. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept signage for the temporary sales area on the Trailer with the HLV Logo on the right side and on the left side: Spacious Condominium Residences in Buffalo Grove; as depicted in the Billboard - Off Sign (On-Site). APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 - Page Four The sign will be painted on a rough sawn cedar board, painted to match the background of the fence and attached it horizontally to the vertical board. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Nay - Cea Zusel Krippes Motion defeated 4 to 1 . Hardt Ch. Hardt stated the reason for his vote is too much copy and the method of application. He would approve Hidden Lake Village Condominiums in individual letters Brown on the Butternut background. Mr. Pfeffer: I 'll be very candid. I want to know why? On what basis, according to Code, are you rejecting it? Why do you just want us to use the Logo on the thing? Ch. Hardt: I don't think it is aesthetically pleasing and doesn't blend in with all the other signs. Mr. Pfeffer: On what basis do you edit copy? According to the Codes of this Village, on what basis are you editing my copy? I already changed my copy once in accordance with what this Commission wanted. I 'm two weeks later than I needed to be in the market. On what basis besides your per- sonal opinion, are you editing my copy? Ch. Hardt: That's probably it. My personal opinion is the reason I voted "NO" Mr. Pfeffer: Is the tape recorder going now? Ch. Hardt: The tape recorded can go. Right. My recommendation is that 'that' should not be allowed. That's my recommendation to the Village Board. Mr. Hymen: Did we have a vote on this? Ch. Hardt: Yes, it was rejected 4 to 1 . You have the right of appeal to the Village Board. (Two weeks. ) NO! Mr. Hymen:/ We're going to the market place. If I wait another two weeks and I open up in August, I don't need this project this year. ? We'll be happy to negotiate with you, but Ch. Hardt: Fine. You said, "This is what you want. " I told you what I thought a compromise would be. Mr. Pfeffer: But that was your personal opinion. Com. Zusel : I think, my own personal opinion is that when you come up to the trailer, you see the Hidden Lake Village Logo and the colors and every- thing. I think that's going to be fine. That's going to bring them in. They know you're there. They will follow your signs all the way through. Mr. Hymen: You know what our thinking was? Besides having the consistency of a message, I object to this big blank wall . If this was a single family home, we'd be talking about putting windows in it, or something. As it is laid out it pleases me aesthetically. I don't want a big blank wall on a trailer 8' x 40' - blank space. Do you like that? APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 - Page Five Com. Knaak: Let me say something. (end of tape 2) You say, I don't like the blank wall. You are the guys back there saying, Let's go. And that's the way I feel about it. . You got voted down. Your right of appeal is to the Village Board. Mr . Hymen: The Village Board doesn't meet until the 21st. Com. Knaak: That's not my problem then. Mr. Pfeffer(?) : It's my problem. What can we do? (Not sure.) Com. Knaak: OK then let's go through the rest of the Agenda. You guys come up with a proposal . At the end of the meeting tonight, I would be more than happy to listen to it. To do it right now, we've got: Orchard Sports; Trammel Crow; a full review, just like we went through with you for Suffield Place; then we have First Federal . Then we'll come back to you. That's my recommendation to you. Mr. Hymen: I have a way that we can tie this thing up. I do need to get in the market place. I would like a motion made to approve the trailer as presented without the wording. And I 'll come back with the wording at a later date. Mr. Pfeffer: Either that, or if we choose to disagree then let us go to the Village Board and at least let us go to the Village Board with some- thing that allows us to function. If we choose to take issue with you, then we'll take issue with you there. But at least we can put the trailer up, and we can put something on the trailer that's acceptable to this board so that we can function. Ch. Hardt; That's not the question. It's only signage. You can put the trailer up, we don't have any objection to that. Com. Knaak: In my opinion, and I'll give you about one more minute of my ideas and then I 'm either going to recommend that we make a motion to get you back on the bottom end of this thing, or do something else. You guys might consider taking down some of your other signs and then maybe the mem- bers of the Board you might, you might, you might consider it. If you don't want to consider it, that's your perrogative. Then go to the Village Board two weeks from now. That's the choice you make, not us. There's a lot of options here. The only options you are considering, are the options you want to consider. Ch. Hardt: Dana - - OK - - Dana. Mr. Pfeffer: I would be very content if you would approve anything. Approve what you want and I would be very happy to up that issue with that, but I 've got to have something that I can put on the trailer Com. Knaak: You said you wanted to negotiate. I gave you a point to negotiate on. Considerate taking some of your other signs down. It's not acceptable. I won't negotiate on that. Mr. Pfeffer: On what basis, the only basis you have is your personal opinions. Com.Knaak: I voted for you, don't forget. I 'm trying to help you. Mr. Pfeffer: I understand that, but you are standing here dictating to us APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 - Page Six with no standards. 2 Ch. Hardt: (Knocked for order. ) Time. Mr. Hymen: Can I ask the Board to make a motion to approve the graphics of the trailer. Ch. Hardt: That's not required. Mr. Hymen: Not required? Ch. Hardt: Nope - if the temporary model area has been approved. The only thing we haven't approved, is the signage for the trailer, and that was voted down tonight. If you want to change your mind or come up with an alternative; which we gave you a chance to do and you said "No this is what we want" so we voted on it. You lost. We told you your next steps if you so choose, or it's your option - - you can take your turn after these other people, with an alternate solution that will get you signage, prior to two weeks. Mr. Hymen: The alternative solution that I think would be acceptable, to all parties here, is to have the graphics of the trailer voted upon with the deletion of the copy as I presented to you. Ch. Hardt: If that's part of the trailer; and the trailer has been approved, has it? Com. Knaak: All that was approved was the fence, that's it, nothing on it. Ch. Hardt: Then the graphics, which was what I thought we were voting on, is what we voted down 4 to 1 . You can put your trailer up and you can put your fence up, that's already been approved. What we didn't approve was the signage for the trailer. OK? and if you want to come up with an alter- native message, we'll be happy to hear it. OK Com. Zusel : Well , Don. . . .didn't they come up with an alternative? I thought that (??) said that he wanted Hidden Lake Village without the wording (on the left, assumed) - Right? Mr. Hymen: What I would like a motion is - the trailer without the wording. If what you are objecting to is this (indicated left side) , we'll delete it, for the purpose of this meeting. The Logo stays. We'll delete it. I want to know that I can put a trailer up there next week as represented here, Ch. Hardt: OK - in the interest of time, we'll entertain a motion, right now and then that's it for the approval of that wall sign, deleting the words Spacious Condominium Residences in Buffalo Grove- having only the Hidden Lake Village Logo on the Right side of the fence. Ch. Knaak: So Move. Com. Zusel : Second it. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Knaak Hardt Nay - Cea Krippes Ch. Hardt: You can put up that, if you - OK now, this supercedes the other motion. There's no appeal . Mr. Hymen: . That's true, there's no appeal . We will have to come before this Commission at a future time . . . APPEARANCE COMMISSION if we want June 10, 1982 - Page Seven Ch. Hardt: , . .if you want additional copy. Right. All set. Regarding the trash recepticles, Mr. Pfeffer stated they don't want trash recepticles because they want to deal with the project as single family houses. Residents will keep their garbage until garbage day, they it will be moved to the curb in plastic bags for pick-up. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Orchard Sports - Grove Court Shopping Center Mr. John Doyer presented the copy SPORTS and noted that the color Orange will be Brown Letters with Bronze Returns. Background Ivory. It will be the same as the other signage at the center. An internally lit can as per the sign package. At the present time, the Look 'n Hear sign covers four store fronts and they have moved into the two southern end stores. They have been advised to remove their sign. Because they also have identification on the pylon, they will be limited to a sign equal to 20% of their new frontage. Mr. Doyer explained that the name Orchard Sports is derived from their old location at the Orchard Shopping Center and Orchard is not inportant. When he understood that the Sign Code requires use of the business name, he agreed to add ORCHARD above SPORTS on two lines. Same size letters. Com.Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the sign requested by ORCHARD SPORTS as represented by the hand drawing. Colors: #2418 - Brown and #2146 - Ivory; Romanhaus colors. Com. Cea seconded the motion: Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Knaak Krippes Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 1 . B. Trammel Crow Company - Temporary Sign Mr. Tim Beechick and Mr. John Johnson presented the sign. It will be located at the North East corner of Lake/Cook Road and Arlington Hts. Rd. They are devloping a business park with 2-3 story office buildings along with a single story garden office building in Phase 1 . Mr. Beechick proposed two signs to alert people that the development is being started, and to indicate that office space available. The sign is two-tone Blue with White Letters - the standard Logo colors and type. The signs would be 8' x 15' - both doublefaced and located on their own parcel . They do not own the corner. There will be no lights. No back braces. The Commission discussed Sec. 14.32.020 (p. 258 - 6. and specified the time limitations. A stipulation was noted that when permanent signs are erected, these temporary signs would come down. Mr. Beechick noted that they hope to start construction in August, and be open in the spring of 1983. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 - Page Eight Because there is the possibility of space being available for years after the temporary construction signs are put up, the Commission prefers having the signs reviewed every six months. According to the Code, they can have `./ extensions issued by the Village Administrator provided the sign is kept in good repair. The Commission will stipulate that if any changes are made that they come in for approval and that the changes are paint on with the same colors, etc. Com. Cea made a motion to approve 2 signs presented by Trammal Crow Company for the Buffalo Grove Business Park as per Sign Code Sec. 14.32.020 Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Com. Knaak stated he is opposed to this action. He felt the Codes should be used to the best advantage of the petitioner and people of the Village. This would not be in the best interest of the people of the Village. With no time limitation - the petitioner would be happy but the Village would be unhappy. Ch. Hardt noted it is a matter of interpretation and the Code should be revised. But for now, it must be followed as it is written. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Cea Hardt Nay - Knaak Motion passed 4 to 1 . Ch. Hardt repeated the requirement to come in with any changes, and that the renewals are contingent upon the condition of the signs. C. SUFFIELD PLACE Mr. Dan Damato, United Development Company Mr. Dick Glauneri Seidl Inc., Landscaping Mr. Damato gave a short background of United rev. Co. and noted that they are the builders of Terremere on Arlington Heights Rd.; but this is their first sub-division in Buffalo Grove. Suffield Place, under the annexation agreement in 1978 consists of 123 lots. All underground improvements are approved, installed and operational. The curbs and gutters, utilities, water and sewers; with the retention basin on the West. Only Lots 28, 29, 30, and 31 have been built and sold. Three models were presented: #601, #602, and #603. Each model has three elevations for a total of 9 possible elevations for the Monotony Code. Com. Cea led the discussion. MATERIALS were described. 1. Siding is U.S. Steel, horizontal - All Sides 2. Roof Shingles - Owens-Corning Ware 3. Gutters and Downspouts - Aluminum will match trim. 4. Stain - Olympic ; all exposed wood, 5. Corner. Boards - Contrasting color to match trim. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 - Page Nine �./ �.�/ �.J 6. Soffits and Fascia — Wood 7. Shutters — Fiber—glas ; or rough sawn cedar on Elevation C. 4603 S. Chimney — Pre—fabricated aluminum to match side of house. 9. Windows — Wood, double—hung, painted to match trim. 10, Muttons — All windows, vinyl 11. Railings — Black painted 12. C Elevations have cultured stone 13. Kickboards — Painted to match trim (create a window effect) 14. Roof vents — Aluminum on rear of house 15. Gable vents — wood painted to match trim 16. Posts on B and C elevations — rough sawn cedar, mounted with metal plates between concrete. Builder so stipulates. 17. Garage Doors — Overhead; applied molding or panel. 18. Doors — Front — trim color 19. Chimney — Roof: simulated brick, cream or red to blend with roof. 20. Color Package (submitted, but must submit sample materials to AC) It was noted that should the brick not be available as submitted, it may be changed to a similar brick. The Building Dept. should be notified. MODELS. for Monotony Code #601 — Split Level: 3 Elevations #602 — 2 story, with optional 4th bedroom a Mr. Damato stated the — 4th Bedroom not popular; #603 — Larger 2 story with optional 4th bedroom; 10 — 20`; sales anticipated. The Commission discussed the models aesthetically, with reference to the Monotony Code at length and concluded: Model 601 — A & B Same; C Different Elevation Model 602 A and 603 B — Same Model & Elevation #1 Model 602 B and 603 A — Same Model & Elevation ,#2 Model 602 C and 603 C -+ Same Model & Elevation #3 Model 602 ABC and 603 ABC with 4th bedroom — Same model Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Materials as submitted by United Developemnt Co. for Suffield Place; The Color packages are deleted until samples are presented. The Monotony Code as specified above: models accepted. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel Krippes Knaak Cea Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. STREET TREES Com. Cea made a motion to table the parkway tree plantings until the Foresterts Review has been submitted. Com. Nnaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel -rippes naak Cea lotion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — None Nardt APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 — Page Ten - �J 101 `/ MODEL AREA -SUFFI L : PLACE - LATTT SCAPIEG The Loresterts Report is not necessary for approval of the Landscaping of the �./ Model. Model Areas are always very well landscaped. The Model Area will be sodded. Good large trees are included in the plan. Tots 2, 3, and 4 will be used for Models 601. 602 and 603 respectively. Tot 1 will be the Parking and Temporary Sales Trailer location. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping Plan for Suffield Place as presented for the Model Area, Lots 2, 3, and 4 in Block 2. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Cea Knaak Hardt Nay - Zusel (Lot 603; rear and N. side need additional Motion Passed !z to 1 planting) BUILDING LIGHTING - SUFFIELD PLACE Mr. Damato presented front door and patio door lighting fixtures. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the lighting fixtures for Model 601, 602 and 603 for Suffield Place. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Knaak Krippes Zusel Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None LIGHTING OF MODEL AREA - There will be no floodlights in the model area. SALES TRAILE!IR AREA - The sales trailer is existing at Stratford. It will be used as an office during construction of the Model Area. Three sides are rough sawn cedar and the rear abuts a wooded area. Size - 122 x 60 ft. It will be located on Lot 1, but there is an existing house on Lot 31 just ast of the trailer. A question arose as to what Ordianances have to be applied, because people may complain about parking, etc. The Building Department will get an inter- pretation. The location was changed after the preliminary plans were sub- mitted to the Bldg. apt. Mr. 'tomato said they would like to leave the trailer at that location to be used as a Preview Home Center. It is furnished and a very attractive trailer. The cost factor is important because it is easier to move the trailer than to furnish a model. All electrical connections will be underground. The rear will be sodded and the whole lot is to be land- scaped. The parking lot will be "7 crushed gravel. Ch. Hardt expressed objection to a gravel parking lot next to the residence. Mr. Damato said if that became a problem, the parking lot could be blacktopped. However, they are seeking to create a rustic appearance, the gravel could be used as an asphalt base if necessary. APPEARANCE COMMISSIO ! June 10, 1982 - Page Eleven Ch. Hardt noted that there may be a Zoning Problem with the location of the proposed trailer, and a motion would be contingent to a ruling by Yr. Frank Hruby, Director of Building and Zoning. With the parking area next door to a residence, even with the screening shown, there may be a problem. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I make a motion to approve the Sales Area with Landscaping; Suffield Place as presented with the following stipulations: 1. The parking area of the sales lot will be asphalt 2. Trap fence will be a 36" — white picket fence (stained) with the stipulation that it meets all other Village Codes and Ordinances. 3. Trailer will be located on Lot 1 of Block 2; and the entire lot will be sodded. 4. All electric and utilities will be underground. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel Krippes Knaak Cea Hardt ? otion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — None SIGHAGE — Suffield Place The existing Suffield sign will be taken down. The new sign will be located on the Left side of Larraway Drive, providing that is not Park District land. If this is not allowed , then they will move the sign across the street. No plantings have been planned for the Billboard sign. Colors are Blue and aluminum. Should the price or phone number change, the sign shall be repainted so that it blends in with the sign background, etc. 7o lights are shown. The sign will be double face. Size — 10' x 12' = 120 so. ft. Posts will be blue. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Billboard sign for Suffield Place as presented, to be located 'Vest of Larraway Drive or Lot 1 of Block 1 — depending on ownership of land 'lest of Larraway. With shrubs planted around bottom of Billboard sign. Setbacks must be met. Parking Sign for Sales Area — and three model signs located in front of respective models. `.11 signs will be non—illuminated. Erection of Billboard sign contingent upon removal of existing Suffield Place sign. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel Note: Billboard sign approved under Sec. 14.32.010 KrippesC eippes ea Knaak :Iardt h.otion Passed 5 to 0. :ay — None APPEARANCE CON I1ISSIOI.i June 10, 1982 — Page Twelve P. First Federal — Screening of Service Area An Isometric '.Food Screen to be painted white was submitted. It will enclose the area on the Fast side of the back of the First Fed— eral Building. It will only be seen by customers, not from Dundee Rd. After discussing the fact that '.'bite will not be easy to maintain. Mr. Saviano said that there is a Zoning Officer who regularly inspects buildings etc. and gives reports to the Village Board. Com. Cea made a motion to accept the Isometric 'Food Screen as submitted by First Federal Savings and Loan Assn. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel Krippes Cea Knaak Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — None First Federal has applied for a permit to fly Grand Opening Flags. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Regarding the joint meeting of the Plan Commission, ZBA and AD scheduled for June 30th. Com. Krippes said Yes. Com. Zusel, Yes if possible. Ch. Hardt will attend if he is in town. Com. Cea will try to attend. Com. Knaak will be on vacation. Minutes of May 27, 1982 P. 2 — Item #4 — on should be of P. 8 — Plum Grove should be P. 6 — 4th sentence — delete "probably" Long Grove Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the May 27, 1982 minutes as amended. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel Krippes Knaak Nay — None Minutes of May 27, 1982 approved. Abstain — Cea Hardt Minutes of May 13. 1982 Com. Cea made a motion to approve the May 13, 1982 minutes as submitted. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zysel Cea Knaak Hardt May 13, 1982 minutes approved. Nay — Krippes Mr. Ed Larson was present as a perspective Commissioner. He was invited to attend other Appearance Commission meetings and decide if he would like to be appointed a Commissioner. Ch. Hardt noted that the Sign Code has sections that should be clarified with reference to the original intent of the requirements of certain signs. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at R1:55 P.M. espectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 10, 1982 — Page Thirteen a