1982-05-27 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: The Grove - Trash Enclosure DATE: May 27, 1982 Harold Eisenberg DEVELOPER: Rem arrl Katz and Ca. MOVED BY: Com. Krippes SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we approve the Redwood Trash Enclosure for The Grove as presented : Plan A- 1 . Board on Board - 6 ft. height 2. Appromimately 8' x 10' Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 3 to 0 Motion #2 made by Comp Krippes I move we approve the alternate - Plan B as a permanent masonary type wall to match the building at The Grove: 1 . 12 foot high masonary wall enclosure 2. 9 foot high garbage screen The Appearance Commission prefers this concept. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs • L Motion Passed 3 to 0. Nay - None sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY • PROJECT TITLE: The Grove - Signage; 83 •and Lake Cook Rd.t TEs May 27, 1982 DEVELOPER: Harold Eisenberg, Bernard J. Katz and Co. MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED By: Com. Krippes I move we approve The Grove construction sign as presented with the following stipulations: . 1 . The sign will be constructed and located as shown on a site plan according to the Ordinance ;. at Rt. 83 and Lake Cook Rds. Site plan to be given to the Bldg. Dept. for approval . 2. Size - 10 x 12 ft. 3. V-Shaped, natural wood posts. 4. Phone number change or any other changes, shall be made by repainted of sign 5. Colors: Green and Black lettering on Buff background; and White on Green background. 6. The word "PRIME" as depicted will be will be Black on Buff. 7. Sign to be erected for a period of time to expire on April 1 , 1983. further extensions can be granted by the Appearance Commission. 8, Sign to be erected in conformance with the plans Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF .. ' ") , BUFFALO GROVE J�.y-one?a i44 Wret. %iJ Pu0�o Vvzarfte, NI 60090 L APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Coldwell Banker (Applegate Bldg. ) PROJECT TITLE: Arlington Heights Road and Route 83 DATE 3121 ir-t— , OWNER OR Mr. Dominic Nitti of Federal Sign Corp. DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve the two Caldwell Banker signs as presented with White Borders: 1 . West (front) and South elevations 2. Wording and Logo as it appears on the drawing. 3. Internally illuminated with flourescent white lights on a timer to go off no j later than 12 Midnight; On at 4:30 P.M. in the Winter and 8:00 P.M. in the Summer 4. Colors to be White with Blue Background- PMS - 263C with Logo; Blue on White Square 5. Disconnect to be painted out to match the building/ or to be within the sign with an access door. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Krippes Zusel Gibbs Nay: None Motion Passed 3 to 0 (Com. Knaak did not participate. ) i i sb VILLAGE OF %) , BUFFALO GROVE £Oy-one Mau,44 e/vd. Xflak Wvteme, gfZ 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY • PROJECT TITLE• Hidden Lake - Jerry Pfeffer DATEMay 27, 1982 Colors and Materials. OWNER OR DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we accept the .Colors and Materials for Hidden Lake as submitted, with the following stipulations: 1 . If gutters and downspouts are required, they will be submitted to the AC for approval of Color. 2. Vents wi1T be painted out to match the trim color. 3. Louver vents will be painted to match the trim colors. 4. Flower boxes will be painted out to match the trim color. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None sb VILLAGE OF "1 , BUFFALO GROVE £O9y-o se RawWoe! "i _ _ , Me Vvuue, gil. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Hidden Lake PROJECT TITLE: Models and Elevations DATE May 27, 1982 for the Monotony Code OWNER OR DEVELOPER Jerry Pfeffer MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we accept the proposed Models For Hidden Lake as presented: 3 Models - 4,6, and 8 Plex Units; 8-Plex models have 2 elevations, being a front load and a side load; resulting in 5 possible elevations for the Monotony Code. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Gibbs . Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. SB `/ VILLAGE OF "� , BUFFALO GROVE tu"i9ly-oneMaiV0 X/ud. &i, aho V 2oue, NI 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• Hidden Lake - Model Area DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Jerry Pfeffer MOVED Bill: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we approve theLHidden Lake Model area Landscape Plan as submitted, including a 3-tier split rail fence. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Gibbs Nay - None • sb VILLAGE OF ' %1 , BUFFALO GROVE �V1-one is r4i '1- /vd. " e&i, ah° WWorne, gee. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• Hidden Lake - Signage for Model Area DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR Jerry Pfeffer DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we accept the sigpagefor Hidden Lake Village as presented with the colors on White Background. Sign A is excluded - (entrance sign) Signs included are: B.C.D.G.I.J.K.L.M. and N. Signs eliminated are: E, F, and H. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Nay - Krippes Zusel Tie Vote - Motion Defeated Com. Zusel made the following motion : I move we accept the Hidden Lake signage to be accepted as presented: Blue on White background; Signs to include: B,C,D,G,H,M,I,J,K,L,N. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes, Zusel Gibbs Nay - Knaak U Motion Passed - 3 to 1 . sb VILLAGE OF _"1 , BUFFALO GROVE 6)-9y-lotte ?za/,i laud. Xu, alo Wvtove, NI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Hidden Lake - Off Site Sign DATE May 2 7s 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Jerry Pfeffer MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we accept the Off-Premise Sign as presented, for the corner of Busch and Weiland Roads, with the wording; SPACIOUS CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES IN BUFFALO GROVE: TURN RIGHT: HIDDEN LAKE VILLAGE. 10' x 20' Colors to be as depicted on the Logo. Lettering to be White on Mid-Tone Grey; ; Turn Right and Arrow also Blue on Grey. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Nay - Zusel Knaak Gibbs Motion defeated - 3 to 1 sb VILLAGE OF "� , BUFFALO GROVE 3 y-one e&14rq0 fkd. Xttgao nave, gl1. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Hidden Lake Village - Street Trees DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Jerry Pfeffer MOVED BY: Com. Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel • • I move we accept the Street Trees for Phast #1 as submitted by Hidden Lake and indicated on the Landscape Plan. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Nay - Zusel Knaak Tie Vote- Motion Defeated Reconsideration: Motion made by Com. Knaak made a motion to accept the Landscaping Plan for Phase #1 of Hidden Lake as presented with the addition of 9 flowering crab trees as proposed, to be placed along berms and the easterly border. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion passed 4 to 0. SB VILLAGE OF ' - - _") , BUFFALO GROVE 4 g/y-one �' aw ,gkd eu fa/ V uve, NI 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Hidden Lake - Lighting of Model Area DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Jerry Pfeffer MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve the lighting as submitted for Hidden Lake Model Area, with these stipulations: Item #1 - not included. . Items noted on Plan as No. 2 - 6 double spot lights. 300 Watts each; mercury vapor, soft white lights. Item 3 is a 14 ft. pole with same light fixture. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel • Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OP' "1, BUFFALO GROVL -one ?Raum Jhod. t _ - " ru#A Wtos2e, !ll. 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Hidden lake Sales Trailer DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR Jerry Pfeffer DEVELOPER Com. Knaak Com. Zusel MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we approve theLandscaping and the exterior of the trailer for the temporary sales area for a period of time until the Sales Office is open for occupancy in the Model Area. Wording for the Sales Trailer will be presented at a later date. Lettering will be on a wall (fence) in front of , but not attached to, the trailer. This wall will be made of rough sawn cedar and be painted Butternut Color. poll Call Vote ' Kri pees -; fusel .y, Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. `./ sb I � VILLAGE OF ' "1, BUFFALO GROVE P} -one PaunA !Wird. I _ - - - Xe#4 Wterfte, N1. 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Hidden Lake Village - Model Area Lighting DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR Jerry Pfeffer DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we approve the Hidden Lakes lighting as presented for the temporary sales area. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. A. sb VILLAGE OF . "1. BUFFALO GROVE gi*-os e ge... i x vd. I _ 5644 wzove, ill. 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Signage - Hidden Lake Village - Sales Area DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Jerry Pfeffer Com. Knaak Com. Zusel MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we approve the signage of the Temporary Sales Area for Hidden Lake with the following stipulations: 1 . Two entrance signs - "C" Hidden Lakes Village Colors to be White lettering on Blue with Green leaves and Burgandy berries. Size not to excee 12 square feet. 2- Signs indicated "D" - "E" - "F" "G" as depicted in the drawing, White lettering on a Blue background , ,'. 3 - Two billboard signs, not to exceed 120 sq. ft. Located at the East' and West property lines on Busch Rd. Lettering to be White on Blue Background to read; SPACIOUS CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES Note - Corners will have IN BUFFALO GROVE rounded corners SLOW ENTRANCE AHEAD on all small signs. Logo - Blue with White Lettering and Green Leaves (NO berries. ) Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Knaak Zusel Gibbs Nay - None sb Motion Passed 4 to 0. VILLAGE OF _ _ .' ",, BUFFALO GROVE r' ii-erne�'�ii,�au/#,6 Wmd. '� " XetiAdo geove, NI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Cedar View - Construction Materials DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Dave Haller MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we approve the construction materials for Cedar Veiw as presented. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. ALSO: LIGHTING OF PARKING AREA Com. Knaak made the fol lOwi ng moti om`. -Com:- Krippes seconded the motion. I move we approve the 3 parking lot lights mounted on 30 ft. poles. Lights on the sides of the building at the emergency exits are at a height of 20 ft. The light at the rear of the Building in Phase #1 be shielded in such a manner that the illumination does not encroach on the parking area of the Church next door Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None LI Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF "1, BUFFALO GROVE S-9,-osie Rewm X/vd. `i _ _ . . - emu► .Gtk cove, NI 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Cedar View - Office Plaza PROJECT TITLE: Screening of Air Conditioning Units DATE May 27, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Dave Haller MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we accept the screening cor the air - conditioning units for Cedar View Office Plaza, as presented. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed - 4 - 0 Cedar View Dumpster Area - Screening MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we accept the screening of the dumpster area screening for Cedar View as presented. Roll Call Vote - Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. U sb VILLAGE OF '1 , BUFFALO GROVL • (' i -one glezethA a7/pd. t _ ' ,1454AWO W iotle, WI 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Cedar View - LANDSCAPING May 27, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE OWNER OR Dave Haller DEVELOPER Motion No. 1 MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Krippes I move we accept the Landscaping Plan for Phase #1 of Cedar View Office Plaza, including the berm on Dundee, not shown as part of Phase #1 . Roll Call Vote: Aye Knaak Gibbs Nay - Zusel Krippes Tie Vote 2 to 2 Motion Fails Motion No. 2 - Cedar View Landscaping MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we, accept the Landscaping Proposal" by Cedar View Office Plaza as submitted, excluding the berms along Dundee Road; but including the portion shown on the Landscaping Plan at the corners as per Phase No. 1 . Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel . Gibbs Nay - Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 1 . AMENDMENT TO APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN MOVED BY: Com. Krippes SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we amend the Landscaping Plan for the Cedar View Office Plaza, eliminating the tree in the center of Building 1 and adding 2 Sargent Crab trees to match the Crabs shown in the parking area. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Zusel , Krippes, Gibbs Nay - None sb Motion Passed 4 ;;- 0