1982-05-27 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Ch. Don Hardt, Com. Bud Gibbs called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall . II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: C. Zusel , K. Krippes, B. Gibbs. QUORUM D. Knaak arrived at 7:50 P.M. Commissioners Absent: C. Cea and D. Hardt Building Department: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Bldg. Commissioner Trustee Liaison: Charles Gerschefske III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 13, 1982 minutes postponed; absence of Commissioners. IV. BUSINESS A. ine Grove - Building A : Refuse Screening Sign at Rt. 83 and Buffalo Grove Road Harold Eisenberg - Bernard J. Katz & Co. Mr. Eisenberg presented two plans for the refuse area behind Bldg. A. 1 . Redwood - Board on Board, 8' x 10' - 6 ft. height. 2. Brick Enclosure to Match Building which would serve as a extended use storage area. Trash dumpsters would be within the enclosure and would be on rollers for easy pick-up. Size has not been determined exactly but would probably be 12 ft. high. All maintenance equipment and disposal units would be enclosed for Jewel and Building A. The area is well landscaped from Lake/Cook Road and from Steepleview. Mr. Eisenberg asked the AC to give approval to both concepts, but he indicated that after the cost factor is determined, a decision will be made. The Brick Enclosure is preferred by the developers. Mr. Saviano asked that Fire Connections be included within the pro- posed brick enclosure. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the Redwood Trash Enclosure for The Grove as presented: plan A: 1 . Board on Board - 6 ft. ht. 2. Approx. 8' x 10' Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Motion Passed - 3 to O. Nay - None Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we approve the alternative, Plan B, as a permanent masonary type wall to match the building at The Grove: 1 . 12 foot high masonary wall enclosure 2. 9 foot high garbage screen 3. The AC prefers this concept. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Gibbs Motion Passed - 3 to 0 Nay - None Com. Knaak arrived. 7:50 P.M. The Grove cont'd - Rt. 83 and Lake/Cook Road . Mr. Eisenberg presented a sign for approval that meets the size requirements of the Sign Ordinance: 10 ft.x 12' = 120 sq. ft. to be located where a restaurant is planned. Hopefully, the site will be completed by Spring of 1983 and the sign will be removed when the center opens. The colors of the sign are Green lettering on Buff background. Tt will be a V-shaped sign. The sign will meet the required set backs. Posts will be left natural . Com. Knaak objected to granting a permit for longer than 6 months with the option to renewal . Also, the stipulation will be made that should the phone number of any portion of the sign changed, it will be repainted to match. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve The Grove construction sign as presented with the following stipulations: 1 . The sign will be constructed and located as shown on a site plan according to the ordinance; #83 and L/C; site plan to be given to Bldg. Dept. for approval 2. Size - 10 ft. x 12 ft. 3. V-Shaped , natural wood posts. 4. Phone number change or any other changes, shall be made by repainting of sign. 5. Colors: Green and Black lettering on Buff background; and White on Green background. 6. The word "PRIME" as depeicted will be Black on Buff. 7. Sign to be erected for a period of time to expire on April 1 , 1983; further extensions can be granted by the Appearance Commission. 8. Sign to be erected in conformance with the plans. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Two B. Coldwell Banker (Applegate Building) - Wall Signs Arlington Hts. Road and Rt. 83 `./ Mr. Dominic Nitti and Mr. Charles Pasco, Federal Sign Corp. Com. Knaak excused himself because his firm is affiliated with Cold well Banker. Mr. Nitti presented signage for the West Elevation of the building: 1 . Single Face - 3' 21/2" by 13' 9" Blue Background with White Lettering Interior Illumination (appears translucent. at night) Color is PMS 263 C Blue. 2. South Elevation - Same sign, smaller size: 2' 3" by 10' - identical to West elevation. Located facing Rt. 83 The Corporate Name is Caldwell Banker - Real Estate Corp. of Illinois Mr. Nitti stated" the Logo is part of the Corporate Name. Two borders are being used for the Caldwell Banker signs, a bronze and a white border. Mr. Nitti said they would prefer the White. Both Applegate signs will be removed. A variation is required for the pylon sign. The background is to be repaired before erection of signs. The signs are internally lit with flourescent tubes and will be on a timer to go off at 12:00 Midnight. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we approve the two Caldwell Banker signs as presented with White Borders: 1 . West (front) and South elevations 2. Wording and Logo as it appears on the drawing 3. Internally illuminated with flourescent white lights on a timer to go off no later than 12 Midnight; On at 4:30 P.M. in the Winter and 8:00 P.M. in the Summer. 4. Colors to be White with Blue Background - PMS - 263C with Logo - Blue on White Square 5. Disconnect to be painted out to match the building/ or to be within the sign with an access door. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 0 Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, T982 -Page Three C. Hidden Lake - Full Review Mr. Jerry Pfeffer Architect Mr. Pfeffer reviewed for the Commission the history of Hidden Lake Village. It has been through the Commission before in slightly different form, but is substantially the same and is still subject to the same annexa- tion agreements; and the same set of preliminary architecture plans. Phase I consists of 3 different kinds of buildings - 8 Units 6 Units 4 Units The units are a combination of apartments and townhouses. Materials are identical for all buildings. For variety, the location of the buildings and garage entry and the landscaping, which is bermed to present a feeling of identity within the development. They are striv- ing for unity and not different elevations, etc. The changes that have been made to the site are minor. Set backs have been changed to meet requirments. The height of the buildings if dif- ferent (slightly higher). The streets are being developed and will tie into existing streets. Com. Knaak made a presentation of the project. Materials - Roof: Owen/Corning - Combination of Brown/Black: Br. Bark Siding: Hardwood or Plywood, 6 inch groove textured- Butternut - Olympic Paint Gutters and Downspouts - Not shown because they are not sure of placement. But if they are visable, they will be painted in a color approved by the Appearance Commission. Doors: Garage Doors are to be Light - Butternut color and the Entry Doors are to be Dark Brown. Window Frames - Sliding wood frames are to be Dark Brown. Fascia and Soffits will be Oxford Brown No Shutters - No Muttons on Windows Vents and Flues will be Dark Brown color to match trim Basically, the plywood parts will be the light color. Plastic Louver Vents - Will be contrast color. Window sills will be brick or stone (cost factor) Fireplaces are optional , if flues are visible they will painted to match the roof. If Planters are used, they will be Brown Board. Rear - Balconies have wolmanized wood railings stained to match the trim color. Wood columns supported on concrete with top and bottom collars. Brick is face brick - Cocoa Brown with Brown Mortar Elevations were reviewed: 1 - 4 plex; there will be 3 - 4 plex buildings. Side elevation - only 2 windows, may need to be broken up with landscaping, etc. Entrance door may be eliminated. 2 - 8-plex; architecture different :split bench/standard fireplaces optional Some front load garages; some side load. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Four Hidden Lake cont'd 3 - 6 plex; 2 Townhouses each; One on each end with 4 townhouses in the center of each building. Townhouses have 2 car garages; townhouses have 1 car. Fireplaces are optional , but the chimneys will be built and flues added accordingly. No Common Entrances Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Colors and Materials for Hidden Lake as submitted, with the following stipulations: 1 . If gutters and Downspouts are required, they will be submitted to the Appearance Commission for approval of Color. 2. Vents will be painted out to match the trim color. 3. Louver vents will be painted to match the trim color. 4. Flower boxes will be painted out to match the trim color. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel \, Krippes Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Models and Elevations Relative to the Monotony Code, the three phases will consist of 352 units on 5 acres of land. Half of the development will be 8-plex units. Mr. Pfeffer stated the reason the original concept for Hidden Lakes was changed is a result of observance of many other developments as well as the present economy. They decided to change the position of as many build- ings as possible. They changed the 6-unit buildings into individual entrance units. They wanted to keep a consistent look without becoming monotonous, and keep a countryside setting with landscaping creating the environment to be internally attractive. The setbacks achieve variation needed. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the proposed Models for Hidden Lake as presented: 3 Models - 4, 6, and 8 - Plex Units; 8 - Plex models have 2 elevations: being a front load and side load; resulting in 5 possible Elevations for the MC. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Motion Passed 4 to 0. Gibbs Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Five Hidden Lake Village cont'd Model• Area - Mr.John Craigie made the presentation. The model area will consist of one 4-unit and one 6-unit buildings. Mr. Craigie described the Landscaping concept of berming and sculpturing. The Country Estate type look is being achieved. Space is being left for two additional buildings. The drive way that leads up to the models has a island that is landscaped. The area will probably be seeded with a tempor- ary irrigation system installed. Trees will be of 3" to 6" caliper and will be approximately 35' to 40' tall . No plantings have been proposed for the rear of the buildings. The driveway is designed to focus attention to the model area. A split rail fence will direct customers around the model 'areaa. Around the 4-unit building will be 30 flowering shrubs. Around the 6 unit building will be 14 flowering shrubs, 5 evergreens and two trees: 1 ornamental and 1 shade tree. The Commissioners discussed the concept as presented and asked that specific quantities and varieties of plantings be designated on the plans. Mr. Craigie stated that he would prefer to have some latitute to chose the species at the time of planting according to what is available and the cost. The Commissioners agreed. The plants will be chosen from the Forester's list. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the Hidden Lake Model Area Landscape Plan as submitted, including a 3-tier split rail fence. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed - 4 to 0. Signage for Model Area Mr. Pfeffer presented several signs for directing people from the entrance way, to parking area, and to the model area. The entrance signage was separated from the rest of the signage. Noted as A. B Welcome; 2 ft. square and 2 ft. off the ground; Colors blue on white. C - Guest Parking; 2' x 12' and 2 ft. off the ground; Colors blue on white. D, E & F also Guest Parking signs. 2' x 12' (all signs 2 ft. off the ground) G - Models and Sales Office H - To Sales Office (As people return from the model tour) I - Model Tour J, K, L, & M - Identification of Models ; 2' x 1 ' and 2 ft. off the ground. N - Direction back to sales office. Mr. Pfeffer explained the problem he has encountered in the past having people get disoriented when visiting and need many signs to help them. L./ The Commission discussed the individual signs and their purpose in relation to aesthetics and actual need. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Six Hidden Lake Village cont'd Com. Krippes agreed that people do have problems, but she feels there are too many signs presented. Com. Zusel also thought that some of the signs can be eliminated and still give people enough direction, and also help the salesmen meet potential customers. Com. Gibbs agreed with the need to have signage that will assist in selling the units as well as provide signage that will go along with the open space concept. Because of the distance from the models to the road, additional signs is indicated. Mr. Pfeffer • agreed to delete signs E and F. He stated a need for both Sales Office signs G and H. The signs will all be Blue on White Background, but the A-sign proposed for the entrance is a four color sign: Blue, White, Green and Burgandy. They are sand-blasted signs with hand coloring. Com. Knaad noted that four color signs do not appear in Buffalo Grove often. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the signage for Hidden Lake as presented with the colors Blue on a White background. Sign A is excluded. (Entrance sign) Signs included are: B,C,D,G,I,J,K,L,M and N. Signs eliminated are: E,F, AND H. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Nay - Krippes Zusel Motion defeated 2 to 2. Mr. Pfeffer was advised of the Appeal procedure to the Village Board. Mr. Pfeffer explained his need of sign H to direct people back to the Sales Office where they can be given the proper attention. It is very important to give sales information, literature and answers to questions personally. Com. Zusel made the following motion: Hidden' Lake. ' signage to be accepted as presented; Blue on White; Signs to include: B, C, D, G, H, M., I , J, K, L, and N. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes, Zusel Gibbs Nay - Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 0. Com. Gibbs informed the developer that should additional signage be needed, it can be submitted for consideration at a later date. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Seven Hidden Lake. - Off Site Sign A 10 ft. x 20 ft. double faced sign to be located at the Southwest Corner of Busch and Weiland Roads on property owner by Hoffman Corp. about 50 ft . south of Busch and about 30 ft. off the edge of Weiland road. The sign will be constructed and maintained and insured by Hidden Lakes. They also plan to rent a sign on Lake/Cook Road located 1/2 mile East of Weiland Rd. The sign is in unincorporated Lake County and is not under the jurisdiction of the Appearance Commission. (Evening Tides is on the other side. ) The corner in question is zoned commercial and the the sign would be allowed under Section 14.20.080 of the Sign Ordinance with stipulations that the sign be allowed for six month periods of time; and that the area under and around the sign be landscaped and maintained by the developer. Com. Knaak expressed his opinion that the verbage relating to Long Grove is undesirable; and again he is against the four colors. He asked to see a color rendition of the sign. Mr. Pfeffer explained the reference to to Long Grove was for directional purposes only. A straw poll was taken: Com. Knaak, Com. Krippes and Com. Zusel would not agree to the sign as presented. Com. Gibbs explained that if the sign is defeated, the developer can appeal to the Village Board. Com. Knaak made a motion to Table the Off-Site sign as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was Aye Unanimously. Off-Site Sign Tabled by vote of 4 to 0. Lighting of Model Area Mr. Pfeffer described the proposed lighting. On the island, there will be a 14 ft. pole with a double spot light, 300 watt, soft white-incandescent bulbs. A total of 6 ground lights will be located within the model area. The lights will be left on all night for security reasons; also double bulbs. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the lighting as submitted for the Hidden Lake. Model Area, with these stipulations: Item No. 1 - not included. Items noted on Plan as No. 2 - 6 double spot lights, 300 watts each; mercury vapor, soft white lights. Item 3 is a 14 ft. pole light with the same fixture. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 0. 1(Y Nay - None Reconsideration of Off-P -'i 'se Sign, Tabled above. Mr. Pfeffer agreed to delete the reference to Plum Grove Area, ask asked that he be allowed to paint the sign as indicated wi the stipulation that should the Commission dis- agree with the colors after viewing it, the burgandy will be painted out. Com. Knaak repeated his objections to allowing four color signs in B.G. A straw poll indicated that the Commissioners present would not approve it. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Mau 97 1AR2 - Dana Binh+ The developer objected to agreeing to delete the burgandy color in the sign. Com. Knaak made the following motion. I move we accept the Off-Premise Sign as presented, for the corner of Busch and Weiland Roads, with the wording: SPACIOUS CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES IN BUFFALO GROVE; TURN RIGHT; HIDDEN LAKE VILLAGE. 10' x 20' Colors to be as depicted on the Logo. Lettering to be White on a Mid-Tone Grey; Turn Right and Arrow also Blue on Grey. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Nay - Zusel Knaak Motion Defeated 3 to 1 . Gibbs Developer was again informed of his right-to Appeal to the Village Board. Street Trees - Mr. Craigie made the presentation. Phase 1 will have Shade trees, ornamental and evergreens throughout. The plans show berms in detail and plantings mostly in front of the building. The courtyards will be the same as the model area. Discussion centered around the rights of individual owners to plant any- thing in the rear. The Homeowners Assn. must approve anything out- side the individual patio sections. Easements and utilities must be considered. Com. Gibbs explained that at the Crossings, it is necessary to keep the developers concept of the landscaping. Com. Knaak noted that it is not usual to require any rear yard landscaping, only front and side; but he wanted to assure keeping the area as it is being presented. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I move we accept the Street Trees for Phase #1 as submitted by Hidden Lake and indicated on the Landscaping Plan. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Gibbs Nay - Zusel Motion Defeated 2 to 2 . Knaak The developer was informed of the procedure of Appeal to the Village Board. Com. Knaak made a recommendation to change the plans to include some shade trees in the open areas as suggested by the Village Forester. Temporary Sales Office Mr. Pfeffer described the trailer that Hidden Lake will use as a Sales Office, until the models are completed. The trailer will be located West of the Models (site of house that was recently burned down) , and will be used for a maximum of 6 months. A temporary road will be built for an entrance to the sales trailer. There are clusters of trees existing at the site and will be left around the trailer. Potted flowers will be added for color. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Nine The exterior of the trailer will be Butternut with Dark Brown Trim. The porch will also be Dark Brown. The trailer will not be skirted because berms will be built up to the porch. A wall of rough sawn cedar will be placed in front of the trailer (for signage to be presented at a later date) , but the wall will not be attached to the trailer. The trailer will not be seen from the raod. The driveway and parking lot will be gravel , because it will be very temporary. The rear of the trailer will not be visable and will not be landscaped. The area around the trailer is covered with field grass which will be cut once and allowed to continue to grow wild. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the Landscaping and the Exterior of the Trailer for the temporary sales area for a period of time until theSales Office is open for occupancy in the Model Area. Wording for the Sales Trailer will be presented at a later date. Lettering will be on a wall (fence) in front of but not attached to the trailer. The wall will be made of rough sawn cedar and be painted Butternut color. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Gibbs �..i Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Signage Temporary Sales Area Many signs were presented for the direction of people into the sales area: 2 Signs designated "C" will be 5' x 3' placed on grade at the entrance. Colors of these signs are the same as presented previously. Com. Knaak suggested that these two signs be allowed to be erected, using the four colors. After the Commissioners have had a look at them a decision will be made concerning the other signage which has been Tabled. This was taken under advisement. Signs designated "D" - - Welcome, Sales Office, G.P. ' ,x 2' Signs designated "E" and "F" - - Guest Parking; 2' x 12' Sign designated "G" - - Sales Office - 2' x 12' These signs were acceptable to the Commissioners. Two signs - "A" and "B" were proposed to slow traffic, but Mr. Pfeffer said he would delete them if two - 10' x 30' Billboard signs are approved to be located on each property line Com. Knaak noted Sec. 14.20.070 B would not allow for 6 signs. Also the size of the large billboards is too large. 120' square feet is the limit. Only 1 "D" sign would be allowed. The "C" would be considered entrance directional signs. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Ten Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the Signage of the Temporary Sales Area with the following stipulations : 1 . Two entrance signs - "C" - Hidden Lakes Village Colors to be White lettering on Blue with Green leaves &r3urgandy berries - Size not to exceed 12 sq. feet. 2. Signs indicated "D" - "E" - "F" - "G" as depicted in the drawing, White lettering on Blue background. Note: Corners of signs will be curved, not square. 3. Two billboard signs, not to exceed 120 sq. feet; Located at the E. and W. property lines on Busch Road Lettering to be White on Blue Background, to read: Spacious Condominium Residences In Buffalo Grove Slow Entrance Ahead Logo - Blue with White Lettering and Green Leaves (NO berries) Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 0 Nay - None It was noted that the permits be issued after color renditions are submitted - Background is PMS - 285 (Blue/grey) PMS - 363 (Green) PMS - 208 Burgandy Model Area Lighting Three fixtures identical to previously approved, tree mounted with mercury vapor floodlights. Corn. Knaak made a motion to approve the Hidden Lakes lighting as presented for the temporary sales area. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Zusel Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Landscaping - Reconsidered Mr. Pfeffer and Mr. Craigie proposed the addition of 9 ornamental trees, to be of 22 inch caliper; about 6' to 8' tall , located on the berms in the rear of the units. Specifically flowering crabs. Com. Knaak made a motion to accept the Landscaping Plan for Phase #1 of Hidden Lakes as presented with the addition of 9 flowering crab trees as proposed, to be placed along the berms and the easterly border. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Krippes, Knaak, Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to O. Nay - None APPEARANCE COMMISSION ERWIN J. PAGE CONSULTING FORESTER ;111r7- Mai'26 PROJECT: Hidden Lake I E C E I " E ll LOCATION: Busch Road MAY 2 7 1982 Buffalo Grove, Illinois LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Theodore Brickman Co. Long Grove, Illinois PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Plans datedr " 5/13/82 (Preliminary) LANDSCAPE REVIEW During the course of this review, it must be kept in mind that this plan is a preliminary plan. My words of review are not to be considered criticism, but rather suggestions for improvement. The tree and shrub species to be used on this plan are good, and if the cultivars selected are the preferred ones, I can see no problems. When the individual size and species are matched up to the specific marks on the plan, it will be better for a more de- tailed review. In general I notice the following: 1. There are very few plants On the rear of the buildings. 2. There is a lack of plant material along the eastern edge of the property. • RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Add more plant material to this plan. 2. Approve the concept of this plan. 3. Arrange for a final review of this plan after it has passes through the preliminary stage. 100 S. Vail, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (312) 392-3312 Hidden Lake Village will present plans for trash recepticles and signage at a later date. Mr. Pfeffer noted that driveways will be ashphalt. `./ D. Cedar View - Full Review Mr. Dave Haller Mr. Haller presented a drawing of the proposed office complex. He then described the buildings, landscaping and lighting. The construction of the Phase #1 building is face brick - cocoa brown. Mortar is brown. Panels beige stucco. Mansard trim - cedar shake. Windows will be dark bronze frames with bronze tinted glass. Exit doors will be painted dark brown. Roof top screening will be of cedar. Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the construction materials for Cedar View as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Motion .Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Landscaping Mr. Peter Lazdins presented the proposed landscaping plan and explained that the plan was previously reviewed by the Appearance Commission. The plan now shows specific plant material . He described the berming along Dundee Road. There is a row of existing trees and shrubbery on the West border, next to the Church. As many trees will be saved as possible. The areas of grass will be sodded, with the exception of part of the deten- tion area which will be Hydro-seeded. The trees which will be saved will be protected during construction by either snow fencing or 2 x 4 fencing. The building will not be near these trees, so there should be no problem. The berms along Dundee will vary from 4 to 6 feet in height. Com. Knaak asked if higher berms could be put in, but Mr. Lazdins said the undulating berms give a better effect. Phase #1 does not call for the berms to be planted but they could be put in and if they are not pleasing, they can be reshaped. Mr. Haller noted that cost is a factor. Also the purpose of the berm is to screen the parking lot from Dundee Road, and a four foot berm is sufficient because there is a distance of 200 feet in between. Coma Knaak said he would prefer higher berms because there will not be any planting during this phase. He made the following motion: I move we accept the Landscaping Plan for Phase #1 of the Cedar View Office Plaza, including the berm on Dundee, not shown as part of Phase #1 . Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Knaak Gibbs Nay: Zusel Krippes Motion defeated 2 to 2. An appeal may be made to the Village Board. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Twelve After further discussion, a Straw Poll was taken to determine if the Commission would approve the plan not including Dundee Road. Aye - Zusel , Krippes and Gibbs Nay - Knaak Mr. Haller noted that the Appearance Commission approved the Landscaping Plan previously and it may be a part of the Annexation Agreement. Com. Knaak made a motion to accept the Landscaping Proposal by Cedar View Office Plaza as submitted, excluding the berms along Dundee Road; but including the portion shown on the Landscaping Plan at the corners as per Phase No. 1 . Com. Zusel seconded the motion: Aye - Krippes Zusel Gibbs Nay - Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 1 . Lighting of Parking Area - Phase 1 ; Cedar View Office Plaza A lighting plan was presented. . It shows the foot candles to be approximately 4' to 5' foot candles and will reflect in a square pattern. There will be three building mounted Kim Fixtures; one in the center of the rear of the building and one at each end. Located under the soffit, will be 70 watt high pressure sodium, M3330 lights at each entry. Lights will be on all night for security to light the building and also wash the parking lot with illumination. In the center of the lot are three 30 ft poles. If light shines on any other property, the fixtures will be shielded. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the 3 parking lot lights mounted on 30 ft. poles. Lights on the sides of the building at the emergency exits are at a height of 20 ft. The light at the rear of the Building in Phase #1 be shielded in such a manner that the illumination does not encroach on the parking area of the Church next door. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None It was noted that because it is possible that the neighboring Church might appreciate additional lighting, that this can be worked out as neighbors and whatever is acceptable with both parties is acceptable. Landscaping Change - Cedar View Office Plaza Mr. Haller requested elimination of the tree directly in the center of the entrance. The island will have to have a handicapped ramp. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Thirteen The Forester's Report was discussed. 1 ) More plants with height are suggested and 2) the parking rows are over 200 ft. long and could be broken up by landscaped islands. After discussion, a suggestion was made to eliminate the center tree, and add two Sargent Crabs at either side of the entrance continuing the double rows depicted. Com. Krippes made the following motion: I move we amend the Landscaping Plan for the Cedar View Office Plaza, eliminating the tree in the center of Building 1 and adding 2 Sargent Crab trees to match the Crabs shown in the parking area. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Zusel Krippes Gibbs Motion Passed - 4 to 0 Nay - None Screening of Dumpster Area - Cedar View Office Plaza Located at the upper left hand corner of the drawing, the dumpster area will be constructed of Cedar Board on Board fencing. Com. Knaak made a motion to accept the screening as presented. Com. Krippes seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel Krippes Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Screening of Air Conditioning Units - Cedar View Located in the center of the building away from the front, a 4 ft. cedar screen will enclose the units from all four sides. Com. Zusel made a motion to approve the screening of roof top units of Phase #1 of Cedar View as presented. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Krippes Knaak Zusel Motion passed 4 to 0. Gibbs Park District, Revised Landscaping - Emmerich and Bison Parks Com. Knaak stated that since the Appearance Commission has no authority over the Park District, no action be taken with reference to the plans. Com. Gibbs stated for the minutes that the plans were received and will be placed on file. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 27, 1982 - Page Fourteen V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Old Business A. Chatham sign on Dundee Road near the B.G.H.S. - Legal Interpretation Mr. Saviano reported that Mr. Raysa and Mr. Hruby reviewed the situation and have determined that is is now a Legal-Non-Conforming Sign. Com. Gibbs recommended approval of the sign in view of the attorney's legal interpretation. Com. Knaak asked for time to consider this opinion. Com. Zusel made a motion to Table Chatham's sign for further consideration. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion: Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Krippes Zusel Gibbs Motion Passed - 4 to 0 Nay - None VI. ADJOURNEMENT Com. Krippes made a motion to adjourn. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 1 :20 A.M. by unanimous approval. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bat , Secretary Appearance ommission APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb May 27, 1982 - Page Fifteen