1982-05-13 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation 331L' .` A.LO O V ,' `'y9`"'y tau/ h d. ~ uelJetrAtte tee, I. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION - RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: WOK INN - Ground Sign at Dunell DATE: May 13, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Mrs. Chjn ;d her sonn` MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I move we approve the sign for Wok Inn - Restaurant with the following stipulations : 1 . White on Red Background 2. 2 Panels 3. Letters to be in the Helvetica family 4. Letters not to exceed 10" maximum and 5 " minimum 5. Sign to be painted on 3/16 inch plexi-glass panels 6. Panels are 11" x 72" - Two lower panels to be used 7. If any change in ownership or should a tenant move, the sign should be replaced with a plain red panel . Replacement panels shall not be turned around because • the letters show through at night. Roll Call Vot e:e: Aye - Gibbs Y Hardt Nay - Zusel Knaak Cea Motion Defeated - 3 to 2 The Chins were informed of their option to appeal to the Village Board. Mrs. Chin said they would appeal . sb vIL L1 A G-E OF" = IBLIF''P'.A LJO G-RovE e s, &sa1w Wm! ernerdo �� e, ill. 6'0090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Dunell Shopping Center - Sign Cr Dterria May 13, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Brian Properties, Mr. Wes Troutner MOVED BY: Com.Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I make a motion that the signage for the Dunell Shopping Center (ground sign) be approved with the following stipulations: 1 . Black lettering on a White Background 2. Letter style to be Medium Helvetica 3. Letter size to be between 5° and 10" (no smaller than 5" and no greater than 10") 4. Individual store may take up to two sections Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Nay - Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 1 • sb • ��t f M rft Xiv KW)u� V 2 ve, NI. 6'0090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Buffalo Grove Pizza, ground sign DATE: May 13, 1982 OWNER OR Brian Properties DEVELOPER: Nlr. Arlen Abrams, owner MOVED BY: C9rp� Zusel SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I move we allow the Buffalo Grove Pizza sign for the Dunell ground sign as presented, with the following stipulations: 1 . Letters to be Black on White Background 2. Letters to be 4 inch small (Buffalo Grove) 3. Letters - PIZZA to be 10 inch letters 4. Single Slat in the Second Position Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel Hardt Nay Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed 3 to 2. • sb VI1 L AG- OH'` „` -►: 5\� , T:T.r F'A.LO O V E Pj a afityitWrOdo Cq e, gfI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: WINDFIELD - Model Area Landscap%h: May 13, 1982 OWNER OR KRSS Development - Ken Struck DEVELOPER: MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I move we accept the Landscaping as proposed for the Windfield Estates Model Area, which includes Landscaping around the three model homes (Carlton, Ashley and Bentley) with the addition of a row of Honeysuckle along the North Property Line of the Bentley Model on Lot 1 : to the rear of the building. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 5 to D. • sb a 'a ` 'ILL.A.G- OF', "�.� ',�- ' l, . LTF'F'..A.LO Gr�,OS'P] -,,,;f) gf1 ,aiq/ ehd. ?u€ a/,d Clime, NI. 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION - RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Windfield - Trailer DATE: May 13, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Ken,.Struck MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I make a motion that we accept the Landscaping Plan for trailer and the Parking Area as submitted by Windfield Estates. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt `./ Nay - None sb Xpgfre t acgi/i Xlvd. I Xer ato Vtave, NI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: WINDFIELD - Model and Trailer LigibAR May 13, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: KRSS Development - Mr. Ken Struck MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I move we accept the lighting as presented for the Sales Trailer for Windfield Estates. Two Halogen lamps on the trailer; L at either side of the door mounted from the top of the roof. Also, Lighting for the Models: to be 1 light pedestal with two fixtures, 200 watt white bulbs. Fixtures to be anodized aluminum. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay None MOTION PASSED 5 to 0. • sb VII AGE OFC �� BTTP'F.ALO GROVE i-fy �a 0/1 Pivd. "'� �czf/4 eire, gam. 6'0090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Windfield Estates Signage DATE: May 13, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: KRSS Development - Mr. Ken Struck MOVED BY: mom. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I move we approve the signage as presented by Windfield Estates. Sign accepted as depicted: Colors, letter styles and colors of letters ON THE TRAILER - the hours 10 to 6 - Daily and the telephone number will be painted on the cedar siding on the trailer in yellow. Windfield Estates to be cut out plywood letters painted Yellow and afixed to cedar siding. L Roll -Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay None Motion Passed 5 to 0 sb u VILal AGE OB ;• `'.�-,• " , ElE3P'P'ALO GROVE Wit'•f� ° Watt r t e�,c�. ,1� r ' ' J' , erf � (6W ve, ga. 6'0090 .kcoleAPPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Schwaben Center - Lighting May13, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE: OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Schwaben Center, Mr. Joe Gehardt MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we accept the revised lighting for the Schwaben Center as submitted. Rdll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Schwaben Center - Trash enclosure Motion made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Knaak I move we accept the revision of the screening of the refuse area as depicted on the drawing. Roll Call Vote: Aye Knaak Gibbs Cea • Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. sb VILLAGE OP'tt,t44 :c-.). '. EU FALO GROVE ,. „� ? 0,„„i h d. ''\ 3f/)atG Th ve, NI. 60090 L APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Eagle - formerly Kohl 's DATE: May 13, 1982 - OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Mr. Terry Doyle, Doyle Signs and Mr. Wes Sax, Eagle Foods MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we accept a sign, 8' x 30' for the Eagle store front at Cambridge Commons. Sign to rear Eagle - Discount Center/Supermarket IF they can document the Illinois Corporate name. Or - the sign is to be only EAGLE in red letters, with the dark bronze border; white background. The verticle stripes (red) will be repainted, and will match as closely as possible the red letters. Eagle is asked to consider painting out the Yellow arch which detracts from the appearance of the building. The exposed electrical fixtures will be removed. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Cea Zusel Nay - Knaak - Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 2. sb VILI SAG OF, -''.�_ .. ml MITPIP A..LO GROVE ei-ft Mat{ t eWhar. '` j wiff (glove, WI. 60090 \., APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Eagle - Ground Sign DATE: OWNER OR Wes Sax - Eagle Foods DEVELOPER: Doyle Signs Terry Doyle Com. Cea Com. Gibbs MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we approve the EAgle ground sign as submitted, with a Lexion panel and a stipulation that the support columns will be restored. The background color (Torquoise) will be cleaned up and touched up. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - Knaak Motion Passed 4 to 1 . • VILLAGE OF , BUF''P'ALO GROVE e*-94 Rat OA Xitfi ert,014a none wI. 60090 May 13, 1982 Lorraine Kirby 143 Selwyn Lane Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 Dear Lori, On behalf of the Appearance Commission, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your service to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Each commissioner has benefited from your knowledge, experience and dedication to both the Appearance Commission and the Special Committee L./ for the establishment of the Sign Code. We will all miss you as a commissioner and temporary chairperson. We would like to wish you success in your future endeavors and would welcome your return to the Appearance Commission should your schedule so permit. Very truly yours, Appearance Commission Village of Buffalo Grove Donald L. Hardt Chairman