1982-05-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL THURS. , MAY 13, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. at the Village Hall , on Thurs. , May 13, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, B. Gibbs, C. Cea, C. Zusel , and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: K. Krippes (Com. Paolillo resigned 4/23/82. ) Building Department Representative: Mr. Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 22, 1982 - Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the minutes of 4/22/82 as presented. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Zusel and Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Cea Note: Mr. Saviano noted that a reference to the size of The Grove sign on Page Two, made by Mr. Hardt after the motion should be one hundred twenty square feet. IV. OLD BUSINESS WOK .INN --Mrs. Chin. Sign at Dunell Center on ground sign. Tabled 4/22/82. Mr. Wes Troutner, Manager of Brian Properties was present and gave a general background of the Dunell Shopping Center Sign. He explained that when the original DC tenants asked for identification, the ground sign was erected in 1972 and 4 of the 7 slots were used. For some time no tenants have requested space on the sign. When Wok Inn came in they were told that it was a requirement of the lease to submit a copy of the proposed sign to Brian Properties and then submit the sign to the Village for approval by the AC. There is no sign package for the Dunell Center because each tenant has indi- vidual desires. They are required to come before the Appearance Commission for approval . When the pylon was erected in 1982, the letters were 6 inches, Black on a white background. Each tenant was to have one line. The original sign was designed by the Arrow Sign Company and the remaining Lamar Cleaners slot is the only one left from the original tenants. Com. Knaak noted that the purpose of the Appearance Commission is to establish signage for the Village that is attractive as well as appropriate for business identification. The Commission believes that having some criteria for each center helps to solve the problem of having competition between tenants. With reference to the original sign, Mr. Troutner said he would be willing to use the same specifications for subsequent signs, but he had no objections to tenants using more than one slot and/or changing colors, letter size, etc. Ch. Hardt clarified the situation. 1) Lamar Cleaners has always been there. 2) The Appearance Commission is looking for some uniformity to some extent. If Lamar is used as the criteria for all tenants, then the two petitioners here at this time would be required to meet that standard; OR the Commission can say that Wok Inn (with 3 lines, red and white) is the standard and Lamar must conform; OR Brian Properties can allow some flexibility. The Appearance Commission wants to help the tenants and needs some direction from Brian Properties. Will multi-line copies be allowed? Mr. Troutner stated that he would be willing to let the AC set up some future standards and should the sign fill up at some future date because of the use of more than one line; then it is conceivable that a new sign could be erected. All tenants are given the opportunity to have a slot on the sign. He repeat- the tenants would be required to come in to the AC for approval . Wok Inn did not follow this requirement. He suggested larger letters, black on white panel . The owner of Buffalo Grove Pizza (who is here to have a sign approved) stated he was told by Brian Properties that he could submit a sign of his own design for approval. He believed that the Lamar sign is too small to be seen, but he is open to colors, black on white if the letters PIZZA could be larger. Ch. Hardt agreed that the Lamar sign is too small to be effective. Since he drives by every day he has been considering what colors would best be seen and he has no objection to the use of more than one line, using white on red. The Wok Inn owners, Mrs. Chin and her son, stated they would be willing to eliminate one line of their sign and use Wok Inn - Restaurant. Com. Knaak suggested Black letters on White Background, small letters not less than 5 inches and large letters not to exceed 10 inches. Number of lines to be decided. Ch. Hardt repeated that he did not think the Black on White is visable daytimes. He added that the sign is not aesthetically pleasing without any signs and he polled the Commissioners: Colors Number of Lines Com. Zusel White on Red 2 lines of copy Com. Knaak Black on White 1 line Com. Gibbs White on Red 2 or more lines Com. Cea Red on White 1 or 2 lines Com. Hardt White on Red 2 lines The Commissioners were in agreement in letter sizes. 5 inch minimum and 10 inch maximum. Type of letters - Helvetica was acceptable to all Commissioners. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the sign for Wok Inn - Restaurant with the following stipulations: 1 . White on Red Background 2. 2 Panels 3. Letters to be in the Helvetica family 4. Letters not to exceed 10" maximum and 5" minimum 5. Sign to be painted on 3/16 inch plexi-glass panels. 6. Panels are 11 " x 72" - Two Lower Panels to be used. 7. If any change in ownership or should a tenant move, the sign should be replaced with a plain red panel . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Two Wok Inn Motion continued: Replacement panels shall not be turned around because the letters show through at night. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Com. Knaak noted that apart from changing the Wok Inn sign from 3 lines to 2 lines, the sign will remain as it is and that the Commission rejected it at the last meeting. He maintained that it is not aesthetically pleasing. Mrs. Chin made a statement to the effect that the purpose of the sign is to draw people into their business. Coma Knaak said that service and quality are the things that attract people to a restaurant. If the food does not satisfy, people will not return. He repeated that signage does not necessarily insure good business. The owner of Buffalo Grove Pizza made a statement also. He noted that the Wok Inn sign is the color of the sign on the fascia of the business. Should he desire the Yellow and Black to match his fascia sign. Because the Pizza business is a night business, he needs the lighter background to be seen well . He noted that the 5 inch letter size limit would not fit his needs because he has submitted one panel with Buffalo Grove: 2 lines of 4 inch letters and the word PIZZA in larger letters. Two lines of 5 inch letters will not fit the slot. It is important for his business to be identified as Buffalo Grove Pizza. He agrees with the need for uniformity. He asked that night appearance be con- sidered. He added that the reason the sign is being used now is because there is no longer any monthly fee required. Ch. Hardt acknowledged these statements and called for a vote: Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Hardt Nay - Zusel Knaak Cea Motion Defeated: 3 to 2 Com. Knaak made the following motion: I make a motion that the signage for Dunell Shopping Center be approved with the following stipulations: 1 . Black lettering on a White background 2. Medium Helvetica letter style 3. Letter size to be between 5" and 10" - (no smaller than 5" and no greater than 10") 4. Individual store may take up to two (2) sections Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel `./ Nay - Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 1 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Three Ch. Hardt explained to Mrs. Chin that the criteria for Dunell Center is now established. Since the Wok Inn sign does not conform, they have the choice L of changing their sign to be Black on White, 2 sections with the stipulated letter style and size; OR they can appeal to the Village Board for their sign. Mrs. Chin said they would appeal , and go the Village Board. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Buffalo Grove Pizza - Sign Brian Properties Mr. Arlen Abrams presented the sign for Buffalo Grove Pizza. It conforms with the stipulations for the new Dunell Shopping Center ground sign, but he noted that 5 inch letters will not fit on two lines in one slot. He said it would not serve his purposes to have Buffalo Grove on one slat and Pizza on a second slat. He does not wish to use B. G. Pizza because he wants to have his business fully identified. Com. Zusel made the following motion: I make a motion to allow the Buffalo Grove Pizza sign for the Dunell ground sign as presented, with the following stipulations: 1 . Letters to be Black on White Background 2. Letters to be 4" inch small letters 3. Letters - PIZZA to be 10 inch letters u 4. Single Slat in the Second Position Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - Knaak Gibbs Motion Passed - 3 to 2 Note: This sign was granted with a variation in letter size from the sign package approved this night. Mr. Troutner was asked to notify the tenants of the new criteria B. Windfield Development - KRSS Development Corp. Mr. Ken Struck, Developer presented Model Area Landscaping Plans, the Trailer to be used until the Models are completed; and Signage. Com. Knaak led the discussion. He noted that the Forester has submitted a report and Mr. Struck stated that the originally approved Windfield Landscape Plans are being followed. He plans to dig up all existing trees, replant them at the rear of the property and use them where ever possible. He hopes to add them to the rear yards of the model site. Around the monument site, the trees that exist will be used and additional plantings will be put in. The signs will be restored to the original condition. On Windfield drive is a median with a street light. Other lights exist on the parkway. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Four Mr. Struck said that where possible they will plant larger trees in the parkway. He noted that the plans being submitted call for a minimum of 3 inch caliper and some of the trees he will use are about 5 inch caliper. Walkways will be exposed agrigate stone. The driveway materials are under consider- ation. Cost of concrete is a factor. The porches will be concrete. Mr. Struck agreed to plant a row of 3 foot Honeysuckle along Nichols Road. The split rail fence is shown on the plan. The models have been chosen for each lot and are shown on the plan. The Bentley will be on Lot 1 , The Ashley on Lot 2 and the Carl- ton on Lot 3. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Landscaping as proposed for the Windfield Estates Model Area, which includes Landscaping around the three model homes, Carlton, Ashley and Bentley; with the addition of a row of Honeysuckle along the North Property Line of the Bentley Model on Lot L to the rear of the building. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - Aye: Knaak, Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. TRAILER - Mr. Struck described the Temporary Sales Trailer to be used for a maximum of 4 months. It will be placed on Lot 4 which is also the parking lot. The area around the trailer will be sodded temporarily and 5 flowering shrubs placed in front. The walkway will be wood to match the trailer. It will be skirted on all sides. Electrical will come in from an overhead source. This will meet the code. Railroad ties will be placed to separate the sod from the gravel in the park- lot, and will serve as bumpers. The four trees shown on the East side at the sidewalk will be trimmed and grass will be left around this area. Com. , Knaak made the following motion: I make a motion that we accept the Landscaping Plan for the trailer and the Parking Area as submitted by Windfield Estates. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Knaak, - Aye Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt None - Nay Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Five LIGHTING Model and Trailer - There will be two lights attached to the top of trailer and shining down. On the Models - the approved lights will be on timers. In front of each model there will be lights which have::two two heads. One light will shine on the Model name sign and the other head will be directed on the house. The timer will be a photo cell and the lights will be on all night for security reasons. Fixtures will be aluminum. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the lighting as presented for the Sales Trailer for Windfield Estates. Tvvw�o Halogen lamps on the trailer: 1 at either side of the door mounted from the top of the roof. Also, Lighting for the Models: to be 1 light pedestal with two fixtures, 200 watt white bulbs. fixtures to be anodized aluminum. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. SIGNAGE - Mr. Struck explained each sign. There will be Parking and To Models signs. On the Trailer: 1 - Sales Office 2 - Windfield Estates on the side of the Trailer - Yellow cut out letters. When the Models are finished, the Trailer signs will be removed and each model will be identified. The 1st model on Lot 3,the Carlton will be the Sales Office and will have a ground sign so indicating. On the trailer, the hours and phone number will be yellow painted letters. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the signage as presented by Windfield Estates. Signs accepted as depicted: Colors, letter styles, color of letters. On the trailer, the hours 10 to 6 - Daily; and - the telephone number will be painted on the cedar siding on the trailer in yellow. Windfield Estates to be cut out plywood letters, painted Yellow and afixed to cedar siding. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Six C. Schwaben Center - Lighting Mr. Joe Gehardt presented the plans for the revised locations of the parking lot lights. 1-Two of the lights located in the parking lot will be moved to the Buffer Zone and will be shielded. 2- Four lights on the South side of the building will be added. 3- Four lights will be added to the fascia of the building. 4- Two lights will be added on the North side of the building for security and delivery purposes. 5- Original lights will be re-located to the islands. Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept the revised lighting for the Schwaben Center as submitted. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Schwaben Center - Fence around refuse area has been revised to extend to enclose the electrical transformer also. A removable panel will be used for easy access. Fence will be cedar board on board. Com. Cea made a motion to accept the revision of the screening of the refuse area as depicted on the drawing. Com. Knaak seconded the motion Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. D. Eagle Food Store - (Formerly Kohl 's) Wall Sign and Pylon Sign Terry Doyle, Doyle Signs and Wes Sax, of Eagle Foods presented plans for changing the signage at Cambridge Commons, formerly Kohl 's Food Store. The sign on the storefront will have a White background framed with Bronze. Eagle will be in Red letters with Bronze outline and Discount Center/Super- market will be dark bronze letter below Eagle. The sign has been designed to conform with the existing architectural characteristics of the building. This same sign has been used on all new and remodeled stores. On the Pylon, the Kohl 's portion will be replaced with a plexi-glass panel , Red letters on a White background, illuminated with flourescent lamps. The proposed new portion will compliment the existing Cambridge Commons copy and pick up the white support columns. The signage will give Eagle the new identification they need. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Seven Com. Knaak noted that when he looked at the existing red strips the top portion of the panels are a different color. Either they have faded or parts have been repainted. He suggested that Mr. Doyle take care to see that the panels and the red in the sign will match. Another point to consider is the Yellow arch that was part of the Kohl 's identification over the whole storefront. It is quite prominent when viewing it at the site. The copy "Discount Center" and "Supermarket" would be considered advertising, if they are not part of the registered name of the company. Mr. Doyle said he would check and restore the colors of the red panels, but he noted that the Yellow arch is part of the building design and the store is only being rented by Eagle. Mr. Sax said that Eagle Stores are actually part of the Lucky Stores. The corp. is based in California. In Ill . he said they are incorporated as "Eagle - Discount Center" and this name appears on their other stores. He felt that Eagle is not known as a Discount Center/Food Store. They need the copy for identification of the business. Also, with reference to the arch, Eagle has assumed the Kohl 's architecture and may not have authority. The Commission discussed the proposed sign and noted that at Plaza Verde, the Eagle Store ground sign is susceptible to wind damage and quality is important. The High School location is also responsible for some vandalism . Mr. Doyle said that the last time Eagle replaced that sign, Lexion was used and has not been a problem. He indicated that the ground sign proposed could be Lexion, but since the fascia sign has not suffered damage, it is not neces- sary to use Lexion. '�•i Mr. Sax agreed to have Lexion used on the ground sign, and since they are spending a considerable amount of money, they will assure the AC that repairs would be made when necessary. Com. Knaak noted that at this time there is some exposed electrical wiring that shows, but Mr. Doyle said this would be removed when the new sign goes up. Com. Knaak questioned the Discount Center - Supermarket copy and asked that it be clarified, whether or not this is the corporate name. Mr. Sax agreed to stipulate that proof of the corporate name would be given, and if it is not as depicted, then the sign would say only EAGLE. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept a sign, 8' x 30' for the Eagle store front at Cambridge Commons. Sign to read EAGLE - Discount Center/Supermarket IF they can document the Ill . Corporate name. OR - the sign is to be only EAGLE in red letters, with dark bronze border, white background. The verticle strips (red) will be repainted, and will match as closely as possible the red letters. Eagle is asked to consider painting out the Yellow arch which detracts from the appearance of the buiding. The exposed electrical fixtures will be removed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Eight Eagle motion, continued: Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Cea Zusel Nay - Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 2 Hardt EAGLE - Ground Sign Mr. Doyle presented photographs of the existing Cambridge Commons sign with the temporary Eagle sign affixed. He described the background of the sign as a torquoise color. He explained that the signage is designed to completely change the image of the former business. Because when Kohl 's name was removed, the background was left badly damages with many holes. Covering the section with a can is a better treatment. There will be a 4 inch border around the Lexion panel . Ch. Hardt noted that the columns could use repair and this was agreed upon. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Eagle ground sign as submitted, with a Lexion panel and a stipulation that the support columns will be restored. The background color (Torquoise) will be cleaned up and touched up. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Cea Zusel Hardt Motion Passed 4 to 1 Nay - Knaak The Flags and Pennants have been granted a permit for 15 days in accordance with the Sign Code. E. Chatham - Ground sign East of Buffalo Grove High School . Ms. Diane Walker was present and explained to the AC the background for erecting the sign without a B. G. permit. She noted that the original Levitt sign has been cut down to 120 sq. ft. It was an old (1956) billboard on the Happ Farm. The sign has always been rented from Happ and is situated on an easement in Buffalo Grove. Ms. Walker stated that it was assumed that it was legal to rent the sign. She recalled that originally when Chatham agreed to remove several existing ground signs from the site, the sign in question was discussed. The AC informed them that it was not in Buffalo Grove. Ch. Hardt stated that he recalled this statement and agreed that Ms. Walker was right. It was determined that this being an off-premise sign, Mr. Happ would have to appear and request the use of it by Chatham. When asked about the prices on the sign, Ms. Walker stated that people have been coming in and telling them that the development looked too expense. That is why they didn't stop sooner. Mr. Saviano stated that the Village has never issued a permit for that sign. After review of the Sign Ordinance, it was determined that the sign has legal . non-conforming status, providing the property has not been included in an annexation agreement. Because that section is zoned R - 1 , Residential APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Nine according to Sign Code Section 14.20.080 - Off-Premise signs cannot be erected in residential districts. The Appearance Commission therefore, does not have any authority to approve the sign. Ms. Walker said that Chatham has an option on the property. Ch. Hardt stated that the sign is an illegal sign because it went up without a permit. He also stated that further interpretation is needed to determine whether the easement can be considered a residential zone; and to determine if the sign holds any special status because it is legal non-conforming. Also, it should be determined if the sign was put up before the land was made an easement. Com. Knaak made a motion to table the Chatham sign located East of Buffalo Grove High School for further clarification of Sec. 14.20.080 as it relates to the proposed sign. C. Zusel seconded the motion. All Commissioners present voted Aye to Table. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. First Federal - All Commissioners have seen the lights and agree that the poles should be painted black. Com. Knaak so moved and Com. Cea seconded. Roll Call Vote - Aye: Knaak, Gibbs, Cea, Zusel and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. B. Jewel/Osco - Refuse area screening has been submitted. It is shown to be Board on Board, not concrete. They will be coming in soon. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com, Gibbs made a motion to adjourn and Com. Knaak seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 11 :15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 13, 1982 - Page Ten sb VILLAGE OF , r BtTFF'ALO GROVE t6j9y eii/ i 1I'vd. f ett�� h2o2^e, WI 60090 v May 13, 1982 Lorraine Kirby 143 Selwyn Lane Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 Dear Lori, On behalf of the Appearance Commission, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your service to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Each commissioner has benefited from your knowledge, experience and dedication to both the Appearance Commission and the Special Committee for the establishment of the Sign Code. We will all miss you as a commissioner and temporary chairperson. We would like to wish you success in your future endeavors and would welcome your return to the Appearance Commission should your schedule so permit. Very truly yours, Appearance Commission Village of Buffalo Grove LPL Donald L. Hardt Chairman VILLAGE OF - , BT.IF'F'ALO G1R,OVE cvti e eaufifi !Lire/. , - 9u . 2Que WI. 60090 May 13, 1982 Mr.• Louis A. Paolillo, Jr. 340 Weidner Road Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 • Dear Lou, On behalf of the Appearance Commission, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your services to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Each commissioner has benefited from your knowledge, experience and dedication to the Appearance Commission. We will all miss you as a commissioner. We would like to wish you success in your future endeavors and would welcome your return to the Appearance Commission should your schedule so permit. Very truly yours, Appearance Commission Village of Buffalo Grove Donald L. Hardt Chairman VILLAGE OF - .mit -, BUFFALO GROVE e_Airicy Marfly4 X16.:(1. _ . _ . Xttgak WUve, WI. 60090 May 13, 1982 Mr.. Louis A. Paolillo, Jr. 340 Weidner Road Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 • Dear Lou, On behalf of the Appearance Commission, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your services to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Each commissioner has benefited from your knowledge, experience and dedication to the Appearance Commission. We will all miss you as a commissioner. ,/ We would like to wish you success in your future endeavors and would welcome your return to the Appearance Commission should your schedule so permit. Very truly yours, Appearance Commission Village of Buffalo Grove "1-0S---- Donald L. Hardt Chairman VILLAGE OF , BUFFALO G-ROVB] e.Atfy X d. y `rt cry W2oue, NZ 60090 May 13, 1982 Mr.• Louis A. Paolillo, Jr. 340 Weidner Road Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 Dear Lou, On behalf of the Appearance Commission, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your services to the Village of Buffalo Grove. .Each commissioner has benefited from your knowledge, experience and dedication to the Appearance Commission. We will all miss you as a commissioner. s./ We would like to wish you success in your future endeavors and would welcome your return to the Appearance Commission should your schedule so permit. Very truly yours, Appearance Commission Village of Buffalo Grove Donald L. Hardt Chairman VILI G-E O -'‘ , BUFFALO GrEtONTM e -fy Rail/i ird. - A#4 c2o t e, ga. 60090 t: ,.:::1 May 13, 1982 Lorraine Kirby 143 Selwyn Lane Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 • Dear Lori, On behalf of the Appearance Commission, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your service to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Each commissioner has benefited from your knowledge, experience and dedication to both the Appearance Commission and the Special Committee for the establishment of the Sign Code. We will all miss you as a commissioner and temporary chairperson. We would like to wish you success in your future endeavors and would welcome your return to the Appearance Commission should your schedule so permit. Very truly yours, Appearance Commission Village of Buffalo Grove • "c4 - ,„:t41_ vcL Donald L. Hardt Chairman