1982-04-22 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF `�� , BUFFALO GROVIC ,'cz,►ffiA ekai. . " Xe#1,4, Wuifte, gam. 60090 L.. APPEARANCE COM•gISSION - RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: The Grove DATE: April 22, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Ken Tucker and Associates MOVED BY: Commissioner Paolillo SECONDED BY: Commissioner Gibbs I move that the Appearance Commission accept the sign as presented. Roll Call Vote: Aye - None day - Knaak, Paolillo Gibbs Zusel Krippes Hardt Motion Failed 6 - 0. VILLAGE OF `�, , BUFFALO GROVE A40:Sif Maw/0 e kd. e&, , e/,�. 609090 L.. APPEARANCE COMMISSION - RECONMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Wok Inn DATE: April 22, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Mr. Stanley Chinn MOVED BY: Commissioner Knaak SECONDED BY: Commissioner Paolillo I move that the Appearance Commission table the Wok Inn sign until the May 13, 1982 meeting. At that time the Commission would like Brian's Properties to appear, for the Dunell Shopping Center, the purpose to set a sign package for the phlon sign. It is recommended in the absence of Brian's Properties appearance that the May 13, 1982 meeting, the Commission will then consider the Wok Inn Restaurant sign, consisting of two lines, to be white on black background, therefore setting the precedent for the sign. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Paolillo Gibbs Zuse1 Krippes Hardt Nay - None Motion passed 6 - 0.