1982-04-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, Il. L.J THURS. , APRIL 22, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall, on Thursday, April 22, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, B. Gibbs, C. Zusel, K. Krippes, L. Paolillo, D. Hardt Commissioners Absent: C. Cea Building Department: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Building Comm. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Gibbs moved approval of the April 8, 1982 meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Commissioners Knaak, Gibbs, Zusel, Krippes, Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Commissioner Paolillo Minutes were approved and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. THE GROVE Mr. Harold Eisenberg, Ken Tucker and Associates, stated they would like to install a "V" shapped sign on the property located at the north east cor- ner of Lake Cook Road and Route 83. It would state the name of the center and name and telephone number of the developer along with listing the two phases. Their plan has been approved and will be under construction in two to three weeks on the first phase for the Jewel/Osco, ten thousand square feet of shops and a restaurant. The initials GLA stand for Gross Leasable Area. Their primary concern is for people to see their name and phone number. The background of the sign will be beige and the lettering would be green. They had originally thought about putting one sign on Route 83 towards the north and another sign on Lake Cook Road but now feel one sign will be sufficient. Mr. Wells stated the support poles for the sign would be pressure treated creosol posts with an eight inch diameter. If the Commission wished they could be coated, over the creosol, with paint to match the sign background. The land for phase two is under negotiation at present. Its ownership will change hands very quickly. The transfer of the property is the only process that remains. Chairman Hardt expressed his objection to the size of the sign, ten feet by twenty feet or a total of two hundred square feet. He would prefer a sign of one hundred twenty square feet. He also felt that if phase two is still under negotiation that according to the ordinance they are onlyallowed one sign. He then read Section 11+. 2.020page 2 8-6 of 3 � 5 the sign code. "Signs which exceed six square feet are not exempt and shall be required to have a permit. The time limit for such signs shall be for a six-month period or until property is sold or leased. Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the administrator. Such signs will be removed within three days after property is sold or leased. " Chairman Hardt did not like to see this big temporary sign up with only one little unit still to be rented. He felt this type of sign was not appropriate, even a one hundred twenty feet in size. Mr. Eisenberg was not receptive to reducing the size of the sign. Commissioner Paolillo made the followint motion: I move that the Appearance Commission accept the sign as presented. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye- None Nay - Commissioners Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Zusel, Krippes, Hardt The motion failed 6 - 0. Chairman Hardt stated the Commission was in favor of a maximum size of one hundred square feet. Had the developer been receptive to a reduced size there may have been additional stipulations requested on the sign that was submitted. Since the developer was not receptive to reducing the sign the Commission voted negatively. B. WOK INN Mr. Chinn stated that business had picked up somewhat since they had put in the sign. For eight years they have run a carry out business and now for the last three months have opened up a restaurant. Without this sign to bring in additional business they will have to close. Chairman Hardt explained that this Commission is bound by the sign code. They were aware of the hardship but could not take that into consideration as much as the Village Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals could. He suggested the Chinn's appeal to those boards. Commissioner Knaak made the following motion: I move that the Appearance Commission table the Wok Inn sign until the May 13, 1982 meeting. At that time the Commission would like Brian's Properties to appear, for the Dunell Shopping Center, the purpose to set a sign package for the pylon sign. It is recommended in the absence of Brian's Properties appearance at the May 13, 1982 meeting, the Commission will then consider the Wok Inn Restaurant sign, consisting of two lines, to be white on black background, APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 22, 1982 Page Two therefore setting the precedent for the sign. Mr. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Commissioners Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Zusel, Krippes, Hardt Nay - None Motion passed 6 - 0. C. CHATHAM Mr. Saviano stated that Mr. Happ had cancelled tonight. They will be at the May 13, 1982 meeting. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Ken Struck sent Chairman Hardt a letter requesting to be put on the agenda for Windfield Estates subdivision. Some discussion took place regarding lighting at the Schwaben Center which is scheduled to be on the May 13, 1982 agenda. The Commission reviewed the General Review outline as presented by Mr. Gibbs. Chairman Hardt asked the Commissioners to review it and bring their own version to the next meeting. Commissioner Knaak stated he would have his restructured list ready for distribution at the May 13, 1982 meeting and would volunteer to use it at the next architec- tural review. Chairman Hardt then gave Mr. Saviano a list of signs in the Village that need action from the Public Works Building Department. Mr. Saviano stated that Kohls will be taken over by Eagle. They will be coming in with a sign package. A discussion then commenced as to the proper and correct procedure when interrogating petitioners appearing before the Appearance Commission. VI. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Gibbs, seconded by Commissioner Zusel to adjourn. Chatua,n Hardt adjourned the meeting at 10:23 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Comer, Secretary