1982-04-08 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF" "I, ?c3UFFALO GROVE• ij £aufi/t X/vd. f j, e&eneedo V tave, NI. 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION - RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: PHOTO HOUSE LTD. DATE: APRIL 8 , 1982 OWNER OR North Shore Signs Inc. — Mr. Joe Channey DEVELOPER: MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we approve the PHOTO HOUSE LTD. sign as presented with the following stipulations: a) ,.Electri a. ct.econnect to be . peinted(*,0 t- .te b) Sign'to'be"inbtalled 18 inches froethe North lease line &s indicated on the drawing and approved by Mr. Hymen c) Letters PHOTO HOUSE to be` _ individual, internally illuminated letters, #2283 — Red. d) LTC to be #2283 — Red, unlighted. e) 30 milliamp transformer Roll Gall Vote: Aye -:Zusel a.. Gibbs Krippes Hardt Nay — None _ Motion Passed 5 to O. • sb VILL.A.G-P' OP' '�� "�, BUFFALO GR.OVB PT`', Xcif,f/0 X d. '`" Xte Wu/ye, NI. 60090 t( i? APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: VIDEO ETC DATE: April 8, 1982 OWNER OR Arrow Sign Co .— Mr. Steve Braeunig DEVELOPER: MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we approve the sign for Video Etc. as presented with the following stipulations: 1. Wh }"ey instal. e&the sigA be similar in color"a1r L '%e s : `to, match the other existing signs -'{not Skokle, TV),. both in Daylightsand in the'Evdning when the sign is lighted..: ~_. • 2. Sign will be individually mounted letters, although sime letters are connected • and will be internally lit with an exterior disconnect that will be painted out to' \-/ match the background color. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs, Krippes, Knaak, Zusel, ,lardt , r Nay' None Motion Passed 5 to 0. sb VILL.A.C4-M OF' BUFFALO GR.OVL t7�'z� eau /i mo d. ' et#14 V tektfie, W4 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Skokie TV DATE: April 8, 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Arrow Sign Co, Steve Braeunig MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we approve the reinstallation of the Skokie TV sign, utilizing the same letters as currently ,install, .,`- . That when installed, this &Lgn a1i also; ,cli_ he .otll.er existing signs in the Center ±n terms of color and intensity, both in the Daylight .and Evening hours. The fascia from where Skokie TV is removed,` be repaired in a workmanshiptranner and - • repair any holes left by previous tenants where Skokie TV and Video Etc are to be ..y . installed. The exterior electrical disconnect shall be a" painted out in the color to match the fascia. Roll Call Vote: .Aye - Zusel, • , Knaak, .` Gibbs, • Krippes, Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. sb VILLA3.GE OP' - �� N� BL7FF7A.LO G-ROVE r � Reuvo X d. ,, _ j- Miff Wm/fie, 9a. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION - RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY WINDFIELD ESTATES - ARCHITECTURE, ,MATERIALS 1982ril 8,April PROJECT TITLE: AND MODELS FOR MOTOMONY CODE DATE: OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Mr. Ken Struck, KRSS DEVELOPMENT Com. Gibbs Com. Knaak MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: . • I move we accept the Architecture for the llindfield Estates, as presented: a) Materials as listed previously.* b) Color renditions_gistgd as. Boards 1 thru 9 as presented. c) Stipul loon :thp-006uld'S, cliange in brick become necessary, the Building. D p t n nt .s' o, 'be notified. d) mortar on.,,bricks nd--stones` shall be grey (no weeping mortar) e) -Typewritten sheets listing manfdcturers, ,colors of paints, etc. f) Doors and garage doors to be painted to match trim color. g) Models showing shutters shall have -shutters all the way around. h) Models as listed above with reference to Monotony Code.** Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel, Knaak, Gibbs, Krippes, and Hardt. Nay — None -Motion Passed 5 to 0. • LF * Materials: B — Vents44o be painted out to match.'the trim and where possible the vents will be in the rear. Windows — Two types, Double hung and sliding wood frames. Doors — Pease: Metal Clad Doors (some have glass panels) Color matches trim. Muttons — Models shown.with muttons will have plastic removable muttons on all windows. white of brown is optional. Shutters — On models shown,will be vinyl with wood backing , will be put on all windows. Some made of cedar wood on specified models. Window Boxes. Deleted. Garage Doors — 3 styles: Flush panels, 4 x 4 panels and 4 x 8 panels. Wood to be painted th match trim and doors. Rear Doors (sliding glass) — Wook kick board painted to match trim. Fascia,, gutters and soffit — Omni Facade System used for all all houses. Comes in four colors, black, white, brown, beige. Downspouts — Be on' the side of the front elevations and will drain to the side. Mortar — Standard grey throughout. Individual model characteristics as given in the 4/8/82 Minutes — AC. . ** Motonony Code: Unit B — Ashley, Ranch: 1 Elevation Only. Unit C — Carlton, 2 story: Elevations 1 and 3 Same, Elevations 2 and 4 — Different Unit D — Bentley, split: Elevations 1 and 2 Same Elevation sb Elevations 3 and 4 — Different VI rI AG-B OB1a�. BUFFALO GROVE t g, e hA ehd. O 441." mer#do cctave, Jet. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: WINDFIELD ESTATES — LIGHTING DATE: April 8, 1982 OWNER OR Ken Struck LEVELOPER: MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Cora. Gibbs I move we accept the Lighting for Windfield Estates, as presented with the following stipulations: a) Additipnal fixtuwest ,to be submitted to the w Viler° ge_.Adrttator firgl the Contemporary and 'Tudor•h9tnis, :,,It wi:11•not be necessary ' for- the petitioner ..to"re-trun for approval b) Location of fixtures as noted. Roll Call Vote: Aye Knaak,..Gibbs, ' Krippes, and , ;., Hardt Nay — Zusel Motion Passed 4 to 1 Note .._ hould color choices'{bs 4i Veit, fixtures shall be submitted to the Building Department. sb \./ VILL.AG-L�' OP '~ "� , BUZ'FALO GROVE 9i' mattio mod. „ eTtOik wzove, Wt. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY • PROJECT TITLE: WINDFIELD ESTATES — Models DATE: April 8i 1982 OWNER OR DEVELOPER: Mr. Ken Struck MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we approve the erection of any of the 3 approved models in the Model Area. This motion e;cludes,-Fenci.ng,.Landscaping, Lighting, S .ginage and Parking Lot Area. The decision of Elevation and-:.Color".to be build, to be given to the Buil 7h ng DepaAient. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel,• Knaa'k, Gibbs, Krippes and Hardt. `./ Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. The decision ofthe :types of driveways was loft to the Developer with the stifipl at 6A-, aai .all driveways be the same: Asphalt or Concretes' sb 141" VILL.A.GM OF .• ' N,, BUFFALO GROVE 4 get `3 aii ��d. � X#ado Vim, W. s0090 s1 APPEARANCE COMMISSION — RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: WINDFIELD ESTATES — SIGNAGE DATE: April 8, 1982 OWNER OR LEVELOPER: Mr. Ken Struck MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we approve a Special Off—Premise Sign for Windfield Estates, Custom Homes, as a temporary construction sign, with the following stipulations: 1. Sign to.W;e'ryted?-on 1D" x 10" Redwood Posts. 2. _:Sian to•bb .TA,:feet:by 12;feet. 3. Colors ef, ail`letbe's to be 'Black on a Yellow diagonal band running through the White back— ground. • .. 4. Sign to be Double—faced. 5. Posts to be painted white. 6. Sign to include a telephone number, name of builders, and Turn Left (or Right) Directions as presented. \./ 7. Petitioner must return every six (6) months for the sign to be reviewed by the Appearance Commission. -8. Maintenance of the area around sign to:keep it clear of weeds at all times. 9.. No.lights. 10.. All renewals are subject to the _Appearance Commission. 11, f`phone fi ber"4:s ohangeq 'the si gn must be repainted. ,12 nyrehanges mane iule6ily, the special permit herein approved, is automatica1.ly void and such an illegal change would be considered for any renewal attempt. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel, Gibbs, • Krippes, Hardt Nay — Knaak Motion Passed 4 to 1. Com. Gibbs made a motion to Table all other signage. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote — Aye Unanimously. • 1.1 sb