1982-04-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THRUS. , APRIL 8, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall , on Thursday, April 8, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, B. Gibbs, C. Zusel , K. Krippes, D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: L. Paolillo and C. Cea. QUORUM PRESENT Building Department: Dominic J. Saviano, Jr. , Deputy Bldg. Comm. III. APPROVAL OF MINTUES March 25, 1982 - Page Four: Paragraph 5 should read: The pylon will be on a timer to operate from "8:30 or 9:00 PM" until midnight in the summer; and from"4:30 or 5:00 PM" , until 11 PM during the winter. Page Four: Paragraph 6 should read: De Soto Chemical Co. makes the "finish" for the letters and the sign base. Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the March 25, 1982 minutes as amended. �./ Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Knaak, Gibbs, Nay - None Abstain - Hardt, Krippes Minutes were approved and will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Video Etc. - Steve Braeunig, Arrow Sign Co. asked to wait a few minutes because the manager planned to be present. B. The Grove — CANCELLED C. PHOTO HOUSE LTD. Joe Channey, North Shore Signs Inc. presented the proposed sign for the Plaza Verde Shopping Center to be located where Bill 's Grove Florist used to be. The sign meets the Plaza Verde Sign Package and has been approved by Mr. Mary Hymen. Sign to be #2283 Red molded plastic letters, with the LTD unlighted; and the electrical disconnect painted out to match the fascia (white). Because of the location of the store, the sign is to be placed 18 inches from each side of the lease line. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the PHOTO HOUSE LTD. sign as presented with the following stipulations: a) Electrical disconnect to be painted out White; b) Sign to be installed 18 inches from the North lease line as indicated on the drawing and approved by Mr. Hymen c) Letters PHOTO HOUSE to be individual , internally illuminated letters, #2283-Red. PHOTO HOUSE LTD. - motion continued: d) LTD. to be #2283 - Red, unlighted. e) 30 milliamp transformer Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Knaak, Gibbs, Krippes, and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0. A. Video Etc. and Skokie TV Lieberman's Center - Mr. Braeunig presented a drawing showing the location of the proposed signs. The former Rosen & Shane Liquor store has been rented jointly by Skokie TV (using existingsign) and Video, Ltd. Each business has a license. The owners feel that is is an advantage financially to lease a common area. The Skokie TV service will have the rear section for repair work and the Video Etc. will use the store front. e There is precedence for this type of signage. (Dominick's & Heinemann's) Ch. Hardt noted that Skokie TV has always appeared to be whiter than all the other signs at the center and he asked if Mr. Braeunig could make it look the same? They are the same color in the daylight. Mr. Braeunig said the difference could be caused by the color of neon tubing that was used or the amperage could be 30 instead of 60. He agreed to install 60 MA transformer in Video Etc. and agreed to check out the reason for the difference in color of Skokie TV. He would also talk it over with the Skokie TV owner for his approval if any additional cost is involved. #1 — VIDEO ETC — Motion made by Com. Knaak: I move we approve the sign for Video Etc. as presented with the following stipulations: 1. When installed the sign be similar in color and intensity to match the other existing signs (not Skokie TV), both in Daylight and in the Evening when the sign is lighted; 2. Sign individually mounted letters, although some letters are connected, and will be internally lit with an ex— terior disconnect that will be painted out to match the background color. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs, Krippes, Knaak, Zusel, Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April$ . 1982 — Page Two #2 — Skokie TV — Motion made by Com. Knaak: I move we approve the reinstallation of the �./ Skokie TV sign, utilizing the same letters as currently installed. That when installed, this sign shall also match the other existing signs in the Center in terms of color anti intensity, both in the daylight and evening hours. The fascia from where Skokie TV is removed be repaired in a workmanship manner and repair any holes left by previous tenants where Skokie TV and Video Etc is to be installed. The exterior electrical disconnect shall be painted out in the color to match the fascia. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel, Knaak, Gibbs, Krippes, Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. C. Windfield Estates — Full Review; KRSS DEVELOPMENT Struck, Gilbert, Koscicki Group; Mr. Ken Struck made the presentation. Architecture Mr. Struck presented plans for three models. Each model has several `./ elevations. Color Scheme charts were presented listing the proposed color combinations and manufacturers of Shingles, Brick, Stone, Paint and Omni Soffit System. All models have two—car garages. Mr. Struck described each model: Ranch — 3 elevations, 1520 sq. ft. (Ashley)— Unit B. 2 story — 4 elevations, 1671 sq. ft. (Carlton)— Unit C. 2 story/split — 4 elevations, 1887 sq. ft. (Bentley)—Unit D. The materials were reviewed, then summarized by Com. Gibbs,, Vents will be B—Vents, and regular plumbing and roof vents. All to be painted out to match the trim. Where possible, vents will be in the rear. Windows — Two types, double hung and sliding wood frames. Doors — Pease — Metal Clad Doors (Some have glass panels) .Color matches trim. Muttons — Models shown with muttons will have plastic removable muttons on all windows. White or brown — option. Shutters — On models shown will be vinyl with wood backing; will be put on all windows. Some made of cedar wood on specified models. Window boxes — Mr. Struck agreed to delete the window boxes. Garage Doors — 3 styles: Flush panels, 4 x 4 panels and 4 x 8 panels — Wood. Garage doors will be painted to match trims. Rear doors (sliding glass) — Wood kick board painted to match trim. Fascia, gutters and soffit — Omni Facade System being used for all houses. * Downspouts — Be on the side of the front elevations and will drain to the side of house. Mortar — Will be standard grey throughout. Facia Boards — used where Omni system is not incorporated to be lux 6"boards painted to match the trim color. * Omni System comes in four colors: Black, White, Brown and Beige. APPEARANCE COL iSSION April 8, 1982 — Page Three Individual model characteristics were noted: Unit C - Carlton: Garage vents: Elevation 1 - Wood; Elevation 2 - wood - Painted to match trim. Elevation 1, 2, and 4 — Shutters all around. Elevation 3 — Planters eliminated. It was noted that home- owners can install window boxes, but they WILL NOT be offered as an option. Elevation 4 — Top of door (cartousch) molded material; will be painted to match door. Brick on front only. Unit D - Bentley: Elevation 4 — Cedar Wood Shutters Elevation 2 - Tudor front only ( all tudor models) Elevation 1, 3, and 4 — Shutters all around. Models were considered relative to Monotony Code. Straw Polls were taken. Unit B - Ashley (ranch): Will be considered 1 Model with only 1 Elevation. Must always have two different models between each Ashley, and if a problem occurs the Appearance Commission will review. Unit C - Carlton (2 story) : Elevations 1 and 3 will be considered the Same. Elevation 2 - Different Elevation 4 — Different Unit D - Bentley (2 story/split): Elevations 1 and 2 will be considered the Same. Elevation 3 — Different Elevation 4 — Different Mr. Struck stated that to create variety, some houses will be flip-flopped. Color Scheme Charts were reviewed and no problems noted. Should a problem arise with the brick manufacturer, a similar size and q»ality may be submit- ted to the Building Department for approval. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the Architecture for the Windfield Estates, as presented: a) Materials as listed previously. x,, b) Color renditions listed as Boards 1 through 9 as presented. c) Stipulation that should a change in brick be necessary, the Building Department is to be notified. d) All mortar on bricks and stone shall be grey (no weeping mortar). e) Typewritten sheets listing manufacturers; colors of paints; f) Doors and garage doors to be painted to match trim color. g) Models showing shutters shall have shutters all the way around. h) Models as listed above with reference to Monotony Code. Con. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel, Knaak, Gibbs, Krippes, Hardt. \./ Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None Corner Lot Landscaping for blank elevations was discussed and it was decided that there would be no blank elevations put on corners. Mr. Struck was asked to stipulate that no garages would be placed on corners. He agreed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 8, 1982 - Page Four LIGHTING — Windfield Estates Mr. Struck explained the location of light fixtures and presented pictures. It was noted that the fixtures presented would look well on the Colonial type models but not on the more contemporary models. Mr. Struck agreed to submit a different light for the Contemporary and Staccato models. Carlton Model — Light fixtures should be moved to the opposite side of the front doors, opposite side from the garages. The color of the fixtures with relation to the color schemes was discussed, and it was agreed that in some instances, White would be a better selection. Mr. Struck stipulated that he would offer a choice as an option. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Lighting for Windfield Estates, as presented with the following stipulations: a) Additional fixtures to be submitted to the Village Administrator for the Contemporary and Tudor homes. It will not be necessary for the petitioner to return for approval. b) Location of fixtures to be as noted. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Gibbs, Krippes, and Hardt. Nay — Zusel Motion Passed 4 to 1. Note: Should color choices be given, fixtures shall be submitted to the Building Department. MODEL AREA Mr. Struck presented Plats of Survey showing location of models on lots 1, 2, and 3 with the location of the Sales Trailer on Lot 4, the proposed parking lot. The Models will be constructed at the Entrance where the Windfield monuments are located. The Sales Trailer will be used only until the models are completed. The Bentley (Lot 3) will become the Sales Office (Unit D model). Model Area will be fully landscaped. Landscaping will be Tabled. Model Area Lighting also tabled. A fence will enclose the Model Area to keep traffic passing through the Parking Lot to the Models. The builder will choose colors for the models and elevations. The Commission asked that the Trailer be skirted and landscaped with some shrubs. Mr. Struck agreed to bring in pictures of the trailer with proposed signagepdater. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the erection of any of the three (3) approved models in the Model Area. This motion excludes: Fencing, Landscaping, Lighting, Trailer, Signage and Parking Lot Area. The decision of Elevation and Color to be built to be given to the Building Department. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Zusel, Knaak, Gibbs, Krippes, and Hardt Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay — None L./ Note: The decision of the type of driveway was left open, but a straw poll indicated that Asphalt was preferred by Com. Knaak, Zusel and Krippes. Com. Gibbs and Ch. Hardt — Concrete was preferred. Mr. Struck will be given a copy of the APPEARANCE COMMISSIOiJ April Engineering Specs. and decide. 8, 19g2 — Page Five SIGNAG — '.Windfield Estates Mr. Struck presented a color rendition of the temporary construction sign he would like to erect on the South 'Vest Corner of Arlington Heights Road and achols Road. It will be 101 x 12' mounted on redwood posts `white or unpainted) ; double—faced; ''White background with a Yellow diagonal strip with Black lettering. In the lower right—hand corner the phone number, an arrow (or directions) and the builders names. Signs directing to the parking lot: To Parking, Parking Ahead and Parking will be the same color Yellow on White with Brown letters. Two Sales Office signs — One in the parking lot and one on the sales trailer; same colors. Finally, a sign in front of each model. These signs will be mounted on redwood posts — 2 feet off the ground, painted white (or left to weather). Com. Knaak suggested Tabling the signage because actual site locations and lettering style, as well as actual wording is not available. Also the corner nl.ready has 2 signs that are located in Arlington Heights. Mr. Struck agreed to Table the parking signage and model signage, but because of the time it takes to fabricate a large sign, he would appreciate having the construction sign approved. If there is a problem with the location, he is considering using the sign across the street that says "Watch This Sign:" (In Arlington Heights) Ch. Hardt noted that the construction sign would be an Off-Premise sign and would have to have a Special Permit with a specific time limit. Maximum length is 6 mos. with renewal upon return to the Appearance Commission. Sec. 14.20.080 of the Sign Ordinance specifies 7 conditions for granting an off-premise sign. Landscaping is required; care of the area around the sign, etc. Also, no lights are allowed. The Commission discussed the requirements and Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve a Special Off-Premise sign for Windfield Estates Homes, as a temporary construction sign, with the following stipulations: 1. Sign to be erected on 10" x 10" Redwood Posts. 2. Sign to be 10 feet by 12 feet. 3. Colors of all letters to be Black on a Yellow diagonal band running through the White background. 4. Sign to be Double-faced. 5. Posts to be painted White. 6. Sign to include a telephone number, name of builders, and Turn Left (or Right) directions as presented. 7. Petitioner must return every six (6) months for the sign to be reviewed by the Appearance Commission. 8. Maintenance of the area around sign to keep it clear of weeds at all times. 9. No lights. 10. All renewals are subject to the Appearance Commission. 11. If phone number is changed, the sign must be repainted. 12. Any changes made illegally, the special permit herein approved, is automatically void and such an illegal change would be considered for any renewal attempt. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel, Gibbs, Krippes and Hardt Nay - Knaak Motion Passed 4 to 1. L./ Com. Gibbs made a motion to Table all other Windfield signage. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was Aye Unanimously. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 8, 1982 - Page Six V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Hardt announced that at the VillageBoard meeting on April 5, 1982, Kathleen Krippes was appointed to fill the vacancy left by Lori Kirby. A letter will be sent to Lori commending her service on the Commission and the Village of Buffalo Grove. Mr. Saviano was asked to inform Wok Inn that the signs on the pylon at Dunell Center have not been approved. The lights at First Federal were not on when several Commissioners visited the site and another night should be re-scheduled. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11 P.M. Respectfully submitted, A., Shirley .‘„,_, Ba 4 Secretary sb Appearance Commission April 8, 1982 — Page Seven %./