1982-03-25 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF • ' "1, BUFFALO GROVE eVy-one M4zfgA Pkd 1 . Xf#14 Vviove, 9W 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Bernie's Top Soil DATE 3/25/82 OWNER ORPR DEVELOPERBeranrd Donarski MOVED BY: Corn. Cea SECONDED BY: Knaak Motion to renew the -permit for Bernie's To5`JSoi-1 ,sign'for a period of six months (Sept. 26. 1982) Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Cea, Gibbs and Hardt Nay - None `J MotionPassed - 6 to 0 u sb . 'a VILLAGE OF ' N1, BUFFALO GROVE 39y-one ear A XIvat _ _ �r faho W.lave, p/l 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Landscaping for First Federal DATE 3/25/82 OWNER OR Mike Wimmer, Architect DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Paolillo I move we accept the landscaping for First Federal of Chicago, as submitted, to include: a) 5 Washington Hawthornes on the West elevation b) Rear elevation to meet the proper Municipal Code in height with the Forcythia Bushes c) Additional 20 Forcythia Bushes will be planted on the East side elevation. Height d) 4 to 5 feet. d) Reservoir retention area to be Hydro-Deeded e) All current trees on the property shall remain. f) If any parkway trees are required, to meet the • Municipal Code, this shall be discussed with the proper authorities. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs and Cea Nay - Hardt, because the plan is too weak for this type of building. Motion Passed 5 to 1 . Lighting was Tabled. SB VILLAGE OF' . ' - - _%1, BUFFALO GROVE e`iiy-one �?Ratcf�i 3Chd. - eRf alo cove, Ell. 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: #1 - Pylon for First Federal DATE 3/25/82 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Acme Wiley Signs - George Hine and Karen Smith MOVED BY: Com. Cea SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we accept the'`pylon,sign for First Federal as presented, with the particulars as noted on the drawing. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Knaak, Gibbs and Cea Nay - Paolillo Motion Passed 4 to 1 . - Pylon sign for First Federal with Logo sb • VILLAGE OF ", , BUFFALO GROVE 3/y-one M-aa4i4 X/vd. _ er#149 cc orye, 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: #Fascia Sign - First Federal of Chicago DATE 3/25/82 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Acme Wiley Signs= - George Hine and Karen Smith MOVED BY: Com. Cea SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we approve afsign on the fascia of the First Federal Building eliminating the Logo, as presented. Com. Gibbs repeated the sign specifications. Letters to be black metal , individual , pre- finished, individually lit with a halo effect, with the disconnect to be painted out to match the white background. Sign cannot exceed the 20% allowed, and the name to be First Federal of Chicago, minus the Flag. IF after review by the First Federal attorney , it is determined that they are jeapardising their legal -position, they have recourse to return to the Appearance Commission for further consideration. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Zusel , Gibbs, Cea Nay - Paolillo and Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 2. First Federal of Chicago fascia sign without logo. sb 1.� VILLAGE OF - BUFFALO GROVE S 9 ,-one 3atf/` 4 eRhfid. �f� 'alo �vume, NI. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• #3 - Directional Signs for First Federal DATE 3/25/82 OWNER OR Acme Wiley Signs - George Hine and Karen Smith DEVELOPER Com. Paolillo Com. Cea MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Motion made to accept the directional signs for First Federal of Chicago, as submitted, Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Cea and Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. SB • 4#1:6 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 9,-one Rau/4 Wead. " XfOfetio Vlave, W/ 60090 u APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Jewel/Osco - Screening of Roof Top Units DATE 3/25/82 OWNER OR Mr. Jensen of Jensen, Fore and Staub, Architects DEVELOPER MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Zusel I move we accept thMFs.creening-for the roof top units . ,of- the Jewel/Osco building as follows: Building A - Unit #1 as designated; from Lake/Cook and the rear Units 2 to 5 from East side only. \./ Unit 6 - no screening. Jewel/Osco Building - Screening of 5 - A/C unit condensers from the East side only. • Screens shall beconstructed of board on board wood fences painted Jewel Brown. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Paolillo, Zusel and Gibbs Nay - None Abstain - Cea Motion Passed - 4 to 1 abstention u sb VILLAGE OF , ' "�, BUFFALO GROVE %j-one glay.V0 XGvd. & €d W4ave, gll. 60090 APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY - PROJECT TITLE: Jewel/Osco - Rear Lighting DATE 3725/82 OWNER OR DEVELOPER Jensen, Fore and Staub, Architects MOVED BY: Com. Cea SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we approve the. Jewel/OSco lighting as proposed, with thestipulation that should light spill only the Steeple View property, shields shall be installed. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak Cea and Gibbs Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. The Pop Bottle containers will not be visable to tenants, but the Building Dept. will police the area to keep it cleaned up. Waste recepticles will be brought in at a later date. sb VILLAGE OFtii)r BUFFALO GROVE Pt 1-one PRa VO Xlvd. Pry ' ° cciave, NI 60090 .,✓ APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE• Landscaping of Youth Center DATE 3/25/82 OWNER OR Welcome Wagon, donation of $178.00 of shrubs and trees. DEVELOPER MOVED BY:Co m. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Paolillo Motion to accept the proposedlandscaping of the Youth Center Building as presented. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs and Cea Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. sb .,