1982-03-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. Thurs. , MAR. 25, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. at theVillage Hall on Thurs. , March 25, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs, Cea, Zusel and Hardt. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: Kirby Also Present: Mr. Dominic Saviano, Bldg. Department Representative Mr. Marc Schwartz, Trustee Liaison Mrs. Kathleen Krippes, Prospective Commissioner III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 18, 1982 - Page 1 and Page 2 - spelling of entrance (last line and #1) Page 2 - Last paragraph of c) Change last line to read: "Should a tenant come in with a business that requires unusually large roof top units, specific screening of these units will also be recommended. " Page 6 - Under Canopy Signs: Second sentence should read: "Mr. Eisenberg said that a Sign Package would be developed for the whole center in accordance with the Sign Code. " Page 7 - Paragraph 5: Should read: The Commission discussed situation and it was determined that a variation would be needed if Toyota did not comply with the Code. Motion for Toyota Wall Sign - North Side (Com. Knaak) 3) Add: The drawing shall comply with the Sign Ord. Also add Ch. Hardt's vote Nay was he does not think the height factor is as indicated on the plan. Jewel/Osco Sign Package Suggestions: Item 1 : LIMITED LETTER STYLES- - Should read: (Maybe 4 or 5 maximum.etc) Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the March 18, 1982 minutes with corrections. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye -Knaak, Gibbs, Zusel and Hardt. Nay - None Abstain - Paolillo , Cea March 18, 1982 minutes approved with corrections. Feb. 25, T982 - Motion to Approve as Submitted made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Paolillo. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs and Cea. Nay - None Abstain - Hardt and Zusel IV. OLD BUSINESS Ch. Hardt announced that the Agenda would be revised to allow Bernie's Top Soil to be first. New Business - Item B - Bernies' Top Soil Mr. Bernard Donarski requested that his sign be renewed for another six months. The sign is in good repair and will be insalled in the same location. Com. Cea made a motion to renew the permit for Bernie's Top Soil sign for a period of six months. (Until Sept.26, 1982) Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to 0. Old Business - A. First Federal of Chicago: Revised Landscaping and Signs Representative: Mike Wimmer, Architect presented the revised Landscaping. Com. Gibbs reviewed the previous presentation. A problem regarding the East elevation where customers and employees will be looking at the Car Wash. It was felt that a more adequate screen was needed. On the North Elevation - Plantings will be needed around the base of the Pylon sign (if it is approved. ) On the West elevation - Additional Washington Hawthornes (5) will be added. On the South elevation - The Village requirements have been met. If the plantings do not meet the height requirements, the Bldg. Department will follow up. Mr. Wimmer explained that the Savings and Loan Assns are experiencing financial difficulties in general and that First Federal has a budget crisis because of the additional expense they have had with the building. He said First Federal has agreed to plant 12 additional bushes on the East elevation. The Commission did not believe that 12 bushes would adequately fill the space and suggested a total of 29 shrubs. A compromise of 20 plants was reached. The question of parkway plantings was discussed. There are no trees along there at the present time. Mr. Saviano said that the plan has been reviewed by the Forester and by Mr. Kuenkler. Neither made any comment, but should there be a need for parkway trees, the Building Department would follow up. .Ch. Hardt asked about the area that is marked for Hydro Seed. He said that a change to sod would be agreeable, but a change to regular seed would not be approved. Mr. Wimmer said that Hydro Seed has been used at other locations and would definitely be used. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 25, 1982 - Page tit Ch. Hardt asked if any landscaping has been considered for the bases of the existing lights in the parking area. Mr. Wimmer replied that the lights are being retained to provide security lighting, but that no landscaping is planned because First Federal feels that the building has a strong character of its own and they do nOt want to detract from it. The building is lighted all around with lights under the canopy in the front and under the soffit area on the other three sides. The other reason for not wanting plants around the light bases is that it would have to be too spotty to be attractive. He added that First Federal has been known to add landscaping at other locations, simply because they thought it was needed. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the landscaping for First Federal of Chicago as submitted, to include: a) 5 Washington Hawthornes on the West elevation b) Rear elevation to meet the proper Municipal Code in height with the Forcythia Bushes c) Additional 20 Forcythia Bushes will be planted on the East side elevation. Height 4 to 5 feet. d) Reservoir retention area be Hydro-Seeded e) All current trees on the property shall remain. f) If any parkway trees are required to meet the Municipal Code, this shall be discussed with the proper authorities. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs, and Cea. Nay - Hardt, because the plan is too weak for Motion Passed 5 to 1. this type of bldg. Existing parking lot lights. Chairman Hardt stated that the Commission will review these lights and make a decision concerning the need for landscaping. Mr. Winer repeated that he felt the building is of strong character and they do not want the lights to compete with the building. He noted that the parking lot area is the same as it was for Bonanza and the lights will serve the same function. Ch. Hardt suggested that the Commission table this discussion and go see the lights. He questioned whether First Federal would have put lights in the same location, and whether they are actually necessary, especially the front light on the East corner. Mr. Winner said he was not sure if the electricity is on, but if it is he will contact Dominic and the Commissioners will view the site before the April 8th meeting. Com. Paolillo made a motion to Table, and Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was Aye Unanimously. Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 25, 1982 - Page Three Signage - First Federal of Chicago George Hine - Acme Wiley Representative. Also Karen Smith and Harold Stanley Mr. Tim Burns, Sr. V. P. of Marketing and Marie Chioto, Manager. (sp.?) Mr. Hine reviewed the meeting with the Zoning Board of Appeals where they were granted a variance for erecting a pylon sign within 500 feet of other pylon signs. The variation was granted with the stipulations that the Time/Temp. and the 24 Hr. Teller be deleted from the pylon. In order to comply with the Sign Code, the Fascia sign has been reduced in size of the Logo, to meet the Code of 20% of building fascia. Therefore, the request before the Appearance Commission is for the pylon, the wall sign and the directional signs. First Federal of Chicago has 42 branches in Chicago. The Logo has been placed on all marketing materials and the Logo has been registered with the Federal Govt. 'It is therefore not legal to use the name First Federal of Chicago without the Logo. This point was discussed at length. Whether it is legal to use the name without the Logo. Mr. Schwartz clarified the question by explaining that it could jeopardize' First Federal 's right to use the Logo if the name and Logo are not used together. Mr. Burns confirmed this and added that the Logo was patented in 1975. Documentary evidence was presented. Drawings and photographs of other First Federal signs was presented. Hr. Hine described the construction of the pylon. It will be 5 ft. x 20 ft. The lower portion is solid black and the top portion about 5 ft. x 7 ft. The sign will be constructed of high intensity poly carbonate. The same material will be used on the individual letters on the building. The letters are not flush mounted, but are mounted with a stand-off that allows light to produce a halo effect around the letters. The use of incandescent lamps allows several lights to be out without darkening the letter. The directional signs are of similar construction. The color of the First Federal Logo is Blue symbol on a white background with First Federal letters black, also on white background. The pylon will -be on a timer to operate from 8:30 to 9 P.M. until midnight in the summer and from 4:30 to 5 P.M. until 11 P.M. during the winter. De Soto Chemical Co. makes the metal for the letters and the sign base. They are pre-finished, and guaranteed for 20 years. The sign is set in a concrete base with landscaping around the' base. The landscaping has not been designated. The pylon will be located at the North West Corner of the property. They want it to be some distance from the car wash sign for visability. The Commission discussed the Flag and the question of the legality of its use. Ch. Hardt recalled that at the time the Dundee and B. G. Road sign was approved, he was a Commissioner and the sign was installed without the flag. Flags were approved on the lower portion of the building . Mr. Burns explained that since 1975, First Federal of Chicago has had a Charter which specifies that the mark and the name together, they could lose-the mark. Other Buffalo Grove financial institutions were reviewed, with reference to having a pylon and a wall sign. Most have no logo and only one or the other. Various compromises were suggested. The most agreeable was to approve a Pylon with the Logo and the Wall Sign without the Logo. Mr. Hine reviewed the situation concerning the new First Federal location. Because the previous business failed, Mr. Hine stated that there is a very negative aspect to overcome. This, together with the current financial situa- tion Savings and Loans are experiencing, creates a definite need for both signs. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 25, 1982 - Page Four After considerable discussion, Ch. Hardt took a straw poll to determine the feelings of the Commission: 1 . Ground sign with the Logo/ with landscaping. No wall sign. 2. Both signs with Logos 3. Eliminate the Logo from either or both. Com. Zusel - Passed for a time. She later agreed to a pylon w/ logo, but not on the wall . Com. Paolillo - Opposed to the flags, would compromise. Com. Knaak - Feels the building is attractive and will be seen. The Logo is well done, but they don't need both a pylon and a wall sign. Com. Gibbs - Agreed with Com. Knaak Com. Cea - No problem with the pylon, but the wall sign should not have the Logo. Mrs. Krippes - Said she would approve a logo on one sign or the other, not both. Ch. Hardt - Would consider the Ground sign with the Logo, relocated if necessary to direct the public; and no wall sign. He directed the Commission to give reasons if they vote for deniel , so the Village Board understands in case of appeal . Mr. Burns made a statement. He lives in B. G. and as a neighbor uses the Village for school and business. He commended the Appearance Commission for the improve- ments that he has seen in the-Village. He assured the Commission that First Feder- al also wants their building to be an attractive addition to the Village. They also believe landscaping is important and will certainly be willing to add more if they find what is planned is insufficient. They have been satisfied with their former location in B. G. and want to serve their customers as well as attract new people. They need the logo in both location because 1 ) it is necessary and 2) because there are 250 other First Federals in Illinois and the logo identifies their business; 3) the pylon sign attracts people from afar; 4) the wall sign identifies the business' location. 5) the 24 hour facility was important and they already agreed to delete this, as well as time/temp. from the pylon. Ch. Hardt asked Mr. Burns to comment on why they feel they need both, when other B. G. financial institutions do not have a pylon with a wall sign (with logos) . Mr. Burns commented that Buffalo National has a large pylon, with a Buffalo and a time/temp. He repeated his opinion that First Federal has already made a number of compromises. He noted that the size of the logo on the pylon has been reduced and meets the Buffalo Grove code. They want both signs with logos. Ch. Hardt had to leave at-9:00 P.M. and asked Com. Gibbs to conduct the meeting. Mr. Hine asked for a recess. After a 10 minute break, Mr. Burns said that First Federal would compromise. They would accept the pylon with the logo and agreed to delete it from the wall sign providing that their attorney see no problem. - Pylon Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we accept the Pylon sign for First Federal as presented, with the particulars as noted on the drawing. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 25, 1982 - Page Five Discussion - First Federal Pylon Sign Motion Com. Knaak asked for clarification regarding the situation should the First Federal attorney make a decision that requires logos on all signage. Com. Gibbs stated that should that be the case, then the wall sign would be returnedto the Commission for review again. Then Mr. Raysa would be con- sulted. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Knaak, Gibbs and Cea Nay - Paolillo Motion Passed 4 to 1. - Pylon sign for First Federal with Logo. #2 - Fascia Sign Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve a sign on the fascia of the First Federal building eliminating the Logo, as presented. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Com. Gibbs repeated the sign specifications. Letters to be black metal ; individual , pre-finished , individually lit with a halo effect, with the disconnect to be painted out to match the white background. Sign cannot exceed the 20% allowed, and the name to be First Federal of Chicago minus the Flag. IF after review by the First Federal attorney, it is determined that they are jeapardising their legal position, they have recourse to return to the Appear- ance Commission for further consideration.. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Gibbs, Cea Nay - Paolillo, Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 2. Fascia Sign for First Federal without Logo. #3 - Directional signs. Mr. Hine presented and described the ingress and egrees signs on the property. They are black metal with white letters, non-illuminated reflecting signs. The drive-through signs indicate open or closed with green and red lights. The signs will meet all building codes. They have steel legs and will be set in concrete footings. Back sides of the signs will be black panels. Com. Paolillo made a motion to accept the directional signs for First Federal of Chicago, as submitted. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - Aye: Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs and Cea Nay - None Motion Passed -- 5 to 0. Regarding the landscaping around the pylon, this was a stipulation of the ZBA variation and plans will be submitted to the Building Department for Appearance Commission approval . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 25, T982 - Page Six B. JEWEL/OSCO, Sign Package for attached stores. Mr. Jens Jensen, Jensen, Fore, and Staub; Architects Mr. Skip Kuhn and Mr. Tom Mc Donald; Ken Tucker and Associates Mr. Fore said the Jewel representativew have decided to go to the ZBA for a variance for the signage for Jewel/Osco and the Grove signs. Mr. Fore presented copies of a proposed sign package for the shops. The tenants will each received a copy of the document and must appear before Appearance Commission. The owner will also approve all signage. The Commission reviewed the document and found it did not meet the speci- fications set'forth in the suggestions given last week. No specific letter styles or colors are given. Questions arose about the verbage concerning logos. Under Sign Requirements, the last phrase should read: and shall be approved by the Appearance Commission. Sign construction was discussed and found to be acceptable. Mr. Fore said the under canopy signage would be maintained by the landlord. The 70% area on the fascia was questioned but the Commission agreed that this figure meets the code requirments. Mr. Schwartz advised the Commission to inform Ken Tucker and Associates that the Exhibit "E" Design Criteria document does not meet the outline and ask them to revise it to include specific styles, sizes, colors, etc. Com. Knaak expressed his opinion that Sign Packages are not effective and that they impede progress. When a sign is presented to the AC, it can be reviewed and Sign Code requirements met for each individual sign. Com. Paolillo made a motion to Table the Sign Design Criteria, Ex. "E" as presented by Ken Tucker and Associates for the Jewel/Osco tenant bldg. (It was suggested: that the Developer meet with the Village Administrator and Staff to work out a specific Sign Package. ) Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Zusel , and Gibbs Nay - None Abstain - Knaak and Cea. Motion to Table Ex. "E" dated 3/23/82 passed 3 to 2 abstensions . Jewel/Osco - Screening of Roof Top Units Mr. Jensen presented pictures and specifications of the proposed roof top units on the Jewel/Osco building. Line of sight drawings were also pre- sented showing location of the Steeple View window in relation to the proposed units. The proposed screening will be board on board wood screen, to be painted out Jewel Brown. 5 Larger units will be about 2' x 6' and six smaller units for A/C units. The plan was acceptable to the Commissioners. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 25, 1982 - Page Seven Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the screening for the roof top units of the-Jewel/Osco building as follows: Building A - Unit #1 as designated; from Lake/Cook and the rear. Units 2 to 5 from East side only. Unit 6 - no screening. Jewel/Osco - Screening of 5 - A/C condensers from the East side only. Screens shall be constructed of board on board fences painted Jewel brown. Com. Zusel seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Paolillo, Zusel and Gibbs. Nay - None Abstain -"Cea Motion Passed 4 to 1 abstain. Jewel/Osco - Rear' Lighting Mr. Jensen presented drawings and specifications for the lighting of the rear area of Jewel/Osco. Units will be 18 ft high located in 8 positions on the building. There will be very little spillage of light on apartments. Design #117 - 32G; 100 watt; high sodium vapor bulbs with bracket GW. Should shields be needed, they will be added after installation. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we approve the Jewel/Osco lighting as proposed, with the stipulation that should light spill onto the Steeple View property, shields will be installed. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs, Cea Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. The Pop Bottle containers will not be visable to tenants, but the Building Department will police that area to keep it cleaned up. Waste Recepticles will be brought in at a later date. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 25, 1982 - Page Eight V. NEW BUSINESS B. Landscaping of Youth Center The sketch presented by the Welcome Wagon for $178.00 of landscaping for the Youth Center was reviewed and found acceptable. -Com. Knaak made a motion to accept the proposed Landscaping of the Youth Center building as presented. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Zusel , Paolillo Knaak, Gibbs, and Cea. Motion Passed 5 to 0. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Saviano said that Com. Kirby's resignation is in the mail . A letter from Arrow Signs regarding the Bowling Alley has been received. The Commission requested that the owner come in next month to discuss the situation. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. 1✓ Respectfully submitted. f -, —71 \i /1.,-t-1.—&--61 e e--'`6,. ..1 Shirley Bateecretary sb APPEARAIRCE COMMISSION March 25, 1982 - Page Nine �✓ M J WIMMER & ASSOCIATES, LTD ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 100 S YORK ST ELMHURST ILLINOIS 80128 3121832 1088 February 19 , 1982 • Mr. Dominic Saviano Chief Inspector Building and Zoning Department 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60090 Re: First Federal of Chicago - Buffalo Grove Facility Existing Lighting Standards Dear Mr. Saviano: Our client, First Federal of Chicago, has informed our office that they are going to maintain the four (4) existing light standards at the customer parking area. They will paint and refurbish the poles as necessary, also, clean the existing lenses and bulbs and replace any non-functioning bulbs . All other lighting shall be downlights at soffit and canopy as shown on the Reflected Ceiling Plan. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, Robert A. Michalowski • RAM: lhw cc: R. Klinkenberg • Int. Cl.: 36 Prior U.S. Cl.: 102 Reg. No. 1,051,454 United States Patent Office Registered Oct. 26, 1976 SERVICE MARK Principal Register 410 First Federal of Chicago First Federal Savings and Loan Association For: SAVINGS AND LOAN SERVICES, in CLASS of Chicago(United States corporation) 36 (U.S. CL. 102). 1 S. Dearborn St. First use July 1, 1975; in commerce July 2, 1975. Chicago, Ill. 60603 Applicant disclaims apart from the mark as shown the right to the exclusive use of "First Federal of Chicago." The mark consists in part of an enriched double "F." Ser. No. 59,352, filed Oct. 6, 1975. D. M. SOROKA, Examiner 3/23/82 EXHIBIT "E" DESIGN CRITERIA FOR TENANT'S SIGNS Graphics and Signing Criteria These criteria have been established for the purpose of assuring an outstanding shopping center, and for the mutual benefit of all tenants. Conformance will be strictly enforced; and any installed non-conforming or unapproved signs must be brought into conformance at the expense of the Tenant . General Requirements Tenant shall submit or cause to be submitted to the Landlord for approval before fabrication at least three copies of detailed drawings indicating the location, size, layout , design and color of the proposed signs, including all lettering and/or graphics. All permits and/or approvals by governing authorities for signs and their installation shall be obtained by the Tenant or his representative at Tenant 's expense. • Tenant shall be responsible for the fulfillment of all requirements of these criteria. General Specifications No animated, flashing, or audible signs will be permitted. No exposed lamps or neon tubing will be permitted. All signs shall bear the UL label , and their installation chill_ comply w tb all, local b'Ailr.irg 77Tv No exposed raceways, crossovers or -conduit will be permitted. All cabinets, conductors, transformers, disconnects and other equipment shall be concealed. Electrical service to all signs shall be on Tenant 's meter. Disconnects for Tenant signage will be located behind tie sign fascia, above soffit so as not to be visible on sign fascia. All metal returns for letters will match the storefront aluminum. Trim caps if used will match returns. Location of Signs Tenant will be permitted to install one illuminated sign, mounted on the sign fascia on exterior of coverea walkway. Pedestrian oriented illuminated double-faced sign will be permitted to be installed at storefront as shown on drawings. Design Requirements All Tenant storefront identification signs shall be subject to the approval of the Landlord and -4-f---Fre-e-eas'ary the iii-1-1 Wording of signs shall not include the product sold except as part of Tenants nationally recognized trade name or insignia. Logos will at the discretion of Landlord be permitted only if registered trade marks of Tenant 's business. The design of all signs, including style and placement of lettering, size, color, materials and method of illumination , shall conform with Landlord's sign-specification. Tenant signage may be all caps, a combination of upper and lower case letters or script as follows: All Caps: 24" maximum Upper and Lower Case or Script : 1st letter: 24" maximum Lower case: 12" maximum Ascenders and descenders: 9" additional Signage length shall not exceed 70% of Tenant storefront dimension, Signage differing from this sign criteria will require written approval of Landlord and approval of all governing authorities. Miscellaneous Requirements Tenant will be permitted to place upon each entrance of its premises not more than 144 'square inches of gold leaf or decal application lettering not to exceed two inches (2") in height , indicating hours of business, emergency telephone numbers, etc. Floor signs, etc. , visible from outside the Tenant 's space, but within the Tenant 's lease line in their storefronts, prohibited unless approved in writing by Landlord. Except as provided herein, no advertising placecards, banners, pennants, names, insignia, trademarks ; or other descriptive materials, snail be affixed or maintained upon the glass panes and supports of the show windows and doors, or upon the exterior walls of the building or storefront . All signage, its installation and removal and restoration of the sign fascia will be by Tenant at Tenant 's expense. SIGNS FOR GENERAL TENANT IDENTIFICATION A. One single-faced internally illuminated sign having individual or continuous channel letters with lexan faces will be located on the sign fascia, centered above the storefront and located vertically as indicated in the tenant print package. The letters will be sized per the criteria and will be in a color selected by Tenant and approved by Landlord. Letter style will be the n. ni cc f +Y n Tor..,nt b•.t th Y..%:a4lozd. will V-.i n. • and approve. Signs shall be store identity only and shall not be flashing, moving, audible or smoke emitting. No products may be advertised on the facade sign. Any deviation must be approved in writing by Landlord. B. One double-faced, illuminated, pedestrian identification sign will be located under the covered walkway and centered relative to the storefront. It will hung from the soffit by means of supports as indicated in the Tenant Print Package. The dimensions of the sign will not exceed those indicated in the Tenant Print Package. Sign materials will be lexan. The height from the walkway to the bottom of the sign will - 2 - be constant for all tenants and will be determined by the �.J project architect . Signs will be store identity only and will not advertise any products. Logos or embellishments will not be permitted on under canopy signs. C. If Tenant has a non-customer door for receiving merchandise, it will have uniformly applied on said door at location six feet above door bottom, in 3" block letters , painted, the Tenant 's name and address. Where more than one tenant uses the same door, each name and address shall be applied to said door. The color of letters and numbers will be ivory. - 3 - ,.-.y .✓,� -'. ..r- Ceti:-. 4 S•�o:. 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