1982-02-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS., FEB. 25, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Don Hardt, Commissioner Leland Gibbs called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Hall, Thurs., Feb. 25, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, L. Paolillo, L. Gibbs, and C. Cea. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby and D. Hardt. Bldg. Dept. Representative: Dominic Saviano, Deputy Building Commissioner Prospective Commissioner: Mrs. Cynthia Suzel, 917 Bedfore Court; 634-0917. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Feb. 11, 1982 - Clarifications: Page Two - Executive Realty Motion should read: Blue Letters on White "Background" - word background should be added. Also the statement Ch. Hardt made in paragraph 8 should be clarified; or striken. Page Three: Santoro Property For Sale Signs - in the discussion the colors should be White letters on a blue border; with the center section black letters on a thite background. The motion is correct and Mr. Saviano will verify this. Page Five: Hot Dog Heaven motion. Stipulation ~1!3 should be clarified by adding that Red Accent marks around the halo'shall be the same scale as presented.' Com. Cea made a motion to approve the minutes of Feb. 11, 1982 as modified. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Voice Vote was Aye Unanimously. Minutes will be placed on file. IV. BUSINESS A. Park District - Emmerich Park Mr. Dennis De Lance, Park Director Mr. Ed Swayze, Landscape Architect B. G. R. A. Members: Pres. J. Jones, John Mayo, Cindy Dahlson, Commissioners Knaak and Paolillo abstained from the discussion and voting. Mr. Saviano explained that the two remaining Commissioners could approve the plans; but in case of a tie vote, the motion would be denied. Mr. De Lance described the Landscaping of the new site on Lake/Cook Road at Raupp Blvd. Recently, <'60,000 worth of trees have been donated to the Park, but the species and sizes are not yet known. The 9 acre site will include a regulation Baseball Field; regulation Football/Soccer Fields, a parking area at the East end and a Picnic Shelter with a play area. A concession stand with restrooms and storage area is located near the parking lot at the West end. The sign will be located at the corner of Lake/Cook Rd. and Raupp Blvd. Specific trees are not named because the inventory of donated trees is not complete. Also recommendations from the Appearance Commission are welcomed relating to the shade trees. A complete Landscape Plan will be submitted at a later date. The plans designate a future bike path. A four foot, black color-coated vinyl cyclone fence is shown along Lake/Cook Road. As a safety barrier, the elevations drop about 5 feet. Trees along the creek will be saved if possible to help buffer the homes adjacent to the park site. Com. Gibbs asked that the Forester's Report be reviewed and taken into consider— ation when the final landscape plan is submitted. Mr. Swayze indicated that trees common to parks will be added to the donated trees (mostly pine and spruce). He specified various Ash, Maples, Lindens, Flowering Crabs, Redbuds, Hawthornes, Locusts and others will be used. The Commissioners agreed that the preliminary landscape plan can be accepted with the stipulation that the actual plan be submitted to the Bldg. Department for approval by the Appearance Commission at a later date. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move we accept the preliminary proposal for the Landscaping of Emmerich Park East as presented by the Park District, with the stipulation that a final plan of trees and plants be submitted. The Landscape Architect will consult with the Vil— lage Forester to determine the type and species of plants that are acceptable in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Cea and Gibbs Nay — None Motion Passed. Abstain — Knaak and Paolillo Concession Building Mr. De Lance presented a sample of the brick to be used on the Concession Building. It is compatible with the brick on the Village Hall and Public Works Buildings. The washrooms will be designated Men and Women. No other signs on the building. Brick is Normandy by the General Shield Corp. The wood is rough, sawn Pine with Olympic Stain 4709. Trim, doors and windows to be a medium chocolate brown. Windows will be glass brick. ?hoof will be Owens Corning: Brown Stone. Louvers are wooden pre—fabricated stained to match the wood trim. North Elevation has an outside drinking fountain. No vents are needed because there will be no cooking, only a microwave oven. No grill. Mr. Saviano stated that the Building Dept. has reviewed the plans and approved them. A redwood casing appears over the sliding service window on the South elevation. An alluminum shade pulls down over the window. There will be trash recepticles at the picnic area. The village provides the trash removal service. The area will be well cared for and trash will be re— moved early in the morning. The building will not be heated and will not be used in the winter. Com. Cea made a motion to accept the proposal for the Park District for the materials for the Concession Stand, as follows: Brick — Normandy, General Shield Corp. Wood Stain — Olympic 4709 Trim painted Medium Brown (fascia, doors, frames) Roof shingles — Corning: Brown Stone Louvers stained to match 4709 IF roof vents are provided in the future, they shall be painted to match the 4709 stain. Rolling shutters to be aluminum with facings stained 4709 APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 25, 1982 — Page Two Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Cea and Gibbs Nay — None Abstain — Knaak and Paolillo. Motion Passed. Sign at Lake/Cook and Raupp. The sign is constructed with two 12' boards, supported by 6" x 6" treated timber posts (three on each side). Stained Dark Brown similar to the Village signs with White painted letters. Posts are to be set in limestone, which is a well compacted material. Landscaping consists of very nice evergreen trees from the gift trees, with a grouping of flowering trees for accent. Around the base, low maintenance shrubs that will not need trimming. The sign will be placed on a diagonal at the corner of the property. The Sign Ordinance will be followed with regard to setback. The Police Department will be responsible for line—of—sight placement. Com. Cea made the following motion: I make a motion to approve the sign for Emmerich Park East as presented by the Park District. Sign to consist of: 2 — 12 foot boards, supported by 3 - 6" x 6" timbers, set in compacted limestone screening; stained — Dark Brown and letters will be routed and painted White. Landscaping around the sign to be fully identified later when the rest of the landscaping plan is presented. Height to be as shown in the drawing and Location as shown on the plan for Emmerich Park East. Lake/Cook and Raupp Blvd. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Cea and Gibbs Nay — None Abstain — Knaak and Paolillo Motion Passed. Lighting for Emmerich Park North and South, Baseball Diamonds. Mr. De Lance presented a site plan and drawing of the proposed lighting of the Baseball Diamonds. Lighting for the existing field will be improved. The B.G.R.A. has received a donation of '�110,000. P opefully the project will be completed by May 1982. Total cost of lighting for both sites is '70,000.00 and will be put in by the Fulton Contractors of Roselle, Ill. The lighting meets all specifications for athletic fields. Poles are wood. A poles are 70 feet and B poles are 50 feet. Lights will operate on a timer. A large buffer zone shields the homeowners, and it was noted that they are accustomed to the lights at the South field as well as the tennis courts. Higher lights can be directed straighter downward so that the lighting on the resident's yards will be indirect. Mr. Saviano added that the Building Department is also concerned and will want to have a scope showing the amount of light that will affect the residents. This is the only facility in the Village that has such a large amount of lighting. Com. Cea suggested giving the light manufacturer a site plan and he will be able to supply the foot candles. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 25, 1982 — Page Three Mr. De Lance did not have a picture of the fixtures, but he described them and said the lights are shielded. The poles are wooden with aluminum cross arms. The poles are treated with creosote. The old poles will be removed and used at the parking lots; and other fields at Willow Stream, Cambridge, etc. The lights will be on a timer set to go off at 10:30 P.M. Com. Cea made the following motion: I move that we accept the lights as presented by the Buffalo Grove Park District for the Emmerich Park Ball Fields; with the stipulations: 1) Park Board will present to the Appearance Commission a study of the photometrics of the lighting, as presented. 2) Shields are mandatory so that the lighting will not spill beyond the property line; and will not be a nuisance to the residents. 3) tights will be on a timer set to go off at 10:30 P.M. curfew. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Cea and Gibbs Nay — None Abstain — Knaak and Paolillo Motion Passed. B. Buffalo Grove Golf Course Sandtrap Restaurant did not present plans. C. First Federal of Chicago Revised Plans: Materials, Landscaping and Screening. Mike Wimmer, Architect for First Federal explained the changes that are being made in the materials. Originally, the the building was to be constructed of all white cement - plaster, but because of weather conditions and the fact that there has been so much moisture, a different material for the exterior was selected. It is better than the white cement plaster. It is made of marble chips set in pre— cast panels of polymer composition. It can be put on dry so there will be no problems with the weather. The panels are 5'6" x 5' and the cost is more than the original product. Also the surrounding columns, the original plans call for brick and the Wyoming marble chip material will be used for the 10' high columns. The outside of the building will be all Wyoming marble chips with glass with aluminum frames. Glass will be clear. The soffit material is also being changed. Cost and time elements necessitated using a material that can be nailed to the building. It is more expensive and will be used only on the soffit of the building. The soffit of the canopy over the drivethrough will be exterior gypsum board by U.S. Gypsun Co. The ceiling of the drivethrough will be suspended. Mr. Ammer described the construction procedure. Roof top units are located in the rear where the roof is lowered and will be screened as shown on Page A-6. The electrical unit will be screened with an aluminum fencing with a door for maintenance access. Screen to be painted out white. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 25, 1982 — Page Four The columns of the drivethrough will be the white stone to match the front columns. neumatic tubes for the tellers are stainless steel with black trim. They are set on concrete pads. �../ Yr. Wimmer hopes the building is finished by April 15, 1982. No other material changes will be made. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the material changes as presented by First Federal of Chicago. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Cea, Gibbs, and Knaak Nay — None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Com. Knaak mentioned that there two lights in front with large white globes on the driveways. To the rear and on the sides are a different type of fixture. Mr. Wimmer said plans are made to keep the lighting fixtures. They will be cleaned and painted; clean existing bulbs; etc. Mr. Saviano read a letter re— ferring to four lights and described the maintenance plan. Letter attached. Mr. Wimmer said he was not familiar with the lights and will check to see what Com. Knaak is asking. If the front lights do not blend with the building, they will be removed. The only other lighting on the site is under the soffits. Landscaping Com. Gibbs directed attention to the Forester's Report and commented on the intention of Buffalo Grove to maintain an attractive Village. Mr. Wimmer stated that the Landscaping has been done within the amount budgeted. First Federal will retain all the existing plantings and has added the required buffer screen to the East — a 6 foot hedge. Economics is the key factor and Mr. Wimmer noted that the Engineering Department required some changes in the deten— tion areas. Mr. Saviano stated that with reference to the Forester's Report concerning the rear of the property should be ignored because of the requirements on Page 94 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met. What has been approved by the Planning Commission is what is required. Com. Knaak felt that the East side could be improved because it would screen the Car Wash from the tellers as well as waiting motorists. He suggested tabling the Landscaping until March 11, 1982. This would give Mr. Wimmer the opportunity to discuss the Commission's comments with First Federal. Since they are coming back to present signage at that time, the Landscaping could be reviewed also. The Commission made the following suggestions: East Side — Better shielding of the Car Wash West Side — Crushed stone are acceptable Landscaping meets Plan Commission and Zoning Ordinance. Com. Knaak made a motion to Table the First Federal Landscaping until March 11, 1982. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Voice Vote was Aye Unanimously. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Suzel was introduced to the Commission. She was invited to attend three i.i meetings before making a decision to become a Commissioner. General comments were made by the Commissioners and Mr. Saviano regarding Village signage. No word has come from Commissioner Kirby. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 25, 1982 — Page Five VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn and Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates,( cretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Feb. 25, 1982 — Page Six