1982-02-11 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURS., FEB. 11, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday, February 11, 1982. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Paolillo, D. Knaak, L. Gibbs, C. Cea and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby Bldg. Dept. Representative: Dominic Saviano, Deputy Bldg. Commissioner. Ch. Hardt introduced the Commissioners and explained the AC functions. Some ,general announcements were made: 1. The appeal to the Village Board concerning the Buffalo on the new Well #7 resulted in overturning of the AC denial. The reason being the establishment of a sign package of future Village buildings in the past. 2. There is no one in the Talent Bank at the present time. President Clayton requested that if anyone knows of a potential candidate, ask them to apply. 3. Com. Kirby has been absent because of a school conflict, and has informed Ch. Hardt that if she must take a class on Thursday nights again this semester, she will resign. 4. The Village Board affirmed the AC denial of the "Income Tax" portion of the sign. The block has been filled with a blank on the Buffalo Grove Mall sign. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jan. 28, 1982 — Additions and Corrections: Paragraph 4 of Bison: insert the word "the" after that... also, line 2 — change "that" to than. Page Two — Bison motion: 1st Paragraph — change between to "in". Page Three — After Mark Drugs motion: Ch. Hardt's comments should be in two paragraphs. The banners did not affect Ch. Hard-Vs vote. Page Four — Top of Page should have a heading: VII — Workshop Discussion. The comment concerning "Architectural compati— bility" was clarified to read: "Architectural review and approval should be made on the basis of architectural compatibility and not based on personal preferences." Change Item 7. Window Signs — A problem exists because of numerous neon signs in the Village. Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept the Jan. 28, 1982 minutes as corrected. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll was called the minutes were approved. 4 Aye: Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs and Hardt. Abstain: Cea; Nay: None IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Buffalo Grove Golf Course — Cancelled. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Executive Realty — Mr. O'Neil and Larry Rowan, Partners Location — Striker Lanes Bldg. — 100 W,, Dundee Road Ch. Hardt noted that this sign was erected before a permit was issued. Mr. O'Neil stated they were not aware of the need for a permit and approval of the Appearance Commission to change the face of an existing sign. Com. Paolillo stated the Phone No. is advertising, not Identification. Com. Knaak noted that no other realtor in Buffalo Grove has a phone no. Mr. O'Neil recalled that before the company became Executive Realty, Inc. it had been an ERA franchise and a 1Arge sign fronting on Dundee Road has been removed. This large sign had the telephone number and that is why the number was included on the new sign. Ch. Hardt noted that the only business in Buffalo Grove with the exception of temporary signs, that has a phone number if Buffalo Grove Pizza. He in— quired what plans the gentlemen had for the old pylon sign base? Mr. O'Neil advised the Commission that they do not own the sign base. It was owned by the Berens people, who had a contract with Federal Sign Co. They did not assume any responsibility for the pylon sign and do not know who does own it. Mr. Saviano said he would follow up that situation. The bowling alley will know who owned it. Ch. Hardt recounted the situation with Bison is similar. There is a problem when a new business comes in and does not use the pylon. He suggested allow— the phone number as a compromise. Ch. Knaak noted that if one realty company, or other business is allowed a phone number, many other businesses will also want the same thing. Com. Cea agreed that the intent of the Sign Code is to allow Identification only. Ch. Hardt explained the procedure of appeal to the petitioners should the AC denies the sign because of the phone number. The option is open to change the sign by deleting the phone number or redesign the sign. After some consideration, Mr. O'Neil stated that if the sign itself is not objectionable, then they will have the phone number removed. He did add that this office Reba been in Buffalo Grove for 15 years as iifteiaigiteiti office. Since the muter was en the old sign, they included it on the new sign and did not intend to put up an illegal sign. They do not wish to appeal and will either have the number removed or the sign repainted. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we approve the sign for Executive Realty, Inc. as proposed with the deletion of the phone number. Sign — approximately 31 x 61, Blue Letters on White, internally lit and located on the building at 100 W. Dundee Road. (West corner of the front) The phone number is to be removed in a professional manner. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs, Cea, Hardt Motion Passed — 5 to 0. Nay — None If a new sign must be fabricated, the present sign can remain up in the interim. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 11, 1982 — Page Two B. Santoro Property — Change of "For Sale" signs Fifield Palmer and Co. — Mr. David Cole Mr. Cole explained that Fifield Palmer and Co. has been made the agent for marketing the Santoro property as well as the Marimonte property adjacent to the Town Center property. He described the signs and said the two existing Santoro signs would be removed which are located on Lake/Cook Rd. and Rt. 83 to the North. The signs will be White letters on Blue at the top and bottom with Black letters on White for the center portion. Mr. Cole drew a site location map and located the positions of the new signs. There is an MGM sign that will be removed. If it belongs to someone else, Mr. Saviano will be notified. It was noted that should the telephone number be changed, it must be repainted, not changed by adding any other boards, etc. The 8t x 8t sign will have three posts and will be located near the south end of the property on Rt. 83. The 41 x 81 sign will have two posts and be located in the same position as the sign now on Lake/Cook Road. Both signs will not exceed 11 feet in height; about 31 off the ground. They must be set back a minimum of 101 from the property line. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve the two signs pflesented by Fifield Palmer and Co. 4'x 81 and 8' x 81. Signs to have a center section with black letters on a white background, outside border to be blue with white letters. Height not to exceed 11 feet. No changes to be made in the telephone numbers or the number of acres offered for sale unless such changes are made in accordance with the agreement between the Appearance Commission and the peti— tioner. Signs are to be erected according to Section 14.32.020 and the terms set forth therein. The MGM sign is to be removed from the property. The 41 x 8' sign to be erected on the Lake/Cook Rd. elevation and the 81 x 81 sign on the Rt. 83 ele— vation. Both signs to located at least 10 feet recessed from the property line. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Gibbs Cea Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 11, 1982 — Page Three C. The Dog Lb. - Buffalo Grove Mall (Hot Dog Heaven) Steve Friedman Owner Mr. Friedman explained that the name Dog Lb. has already been granted a State License and cannot be used. He is negotiating for a lease at the B. G. Mall. He is requesting space on the Pylon sign. He submitted a sign with Black Balloon letters featuring a Red Hot Dog with a yellow halo as part of the H in Heaven. Com. Knaak stated he has a problem with the Buffalo Grove Mall and the sign. Every space on the sign has different letter styles. This sign will not make the sign any worse than it,already is, but it is not a good looking pylon. Com. Gibbs objected to the addition of the yellow halo, because all the other spaces are red or black. None are two different colors. Mr. Friedman stated that after studying different marketing approaches, he chose this identity. He also added that the owner of the Mall told him he could have any sign that is approved by the Appearance Commission. The Commissioners made the following comments: Com. Paolillo had a problem with the use of the product (hot dog) being incorporated into the lettering. Also he objected to the halts. Com. Cea agreed, but added that he would prefer all the letters to be the same color, either red or black. Mr. Friedman felt strongly that he wanted the sign as presented and would appeal if it is denied. Com. Knask commented- hat=-tf the Wommission approved the sign as presented, \./ it would in effect be disregarding the Sign Package altogether. Mr. Saviano noted that the motion should so state that the Commission is denying the sign because it does not conform with the Sign Package so the Board will have the exact reason. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we Deny the sign_ presented by Hot Dog Heaven with a red hot dog and a.yellow halo, because it does not conform with the Sign Package for that shopping area because it is limited to Red or Black letters on the pylon. There was some further discussion. The use of the hot dog is advertising his product even though it is part of the name of the business. The Commis- sioners were concerned about being unfair to the petitioner. They do not want to hinder his business in any way. Com. Cea seconded the. motion. Before the vote, Com. Knaak suggested giving the Village Board some assist- ance for when they consider the appeal. He felt the Board should be advised of the Commission's view of the aesthetics of the sign. He suggested 'no halo' and all one color of letters. The other Commissioners agreed. Com. Gibbs withdrew his motion. Ch. Hardt called for a straw poll before another motion is made. He asked Ageuxt would each Commissioner accept as a compromise?" Com. Paolillo said he would accept all one color without the halo. Com. Knaak said he would accept all one color with the halo APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 11, 1982 - Page Four Ch. Hardt said all one color with the halo. Com. Gibbs preferred all one color but without the halo. Com. Cea said he would accept all one color with the halo. Straw Poll — 3 to 2 in favor of all one color with the halo. All Red. Mr. Friedman said he would accept Red with the halo. And the highlights. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Hot Dog Heaven, as submitted,.• with the following stipulations: 1. All letters be Red. 2. The Halo be Red. 3. The accent marks around the halo be Red. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Cea Hardt Nay — Gibbs, because it does not meet the Motion Passed 4 to 1. Sign Code. Ch. Hardt noted that the signs inside the Mall can be in the colors that Mr. Friedman wants because they are not exposed to the public. He noted that he might have a problem because he does not have street exposure. VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Saviano made some comments. The Eyes Have It has not been removed. He will treat it as an abandoned sign and inform Brian properties. Two lawyers have rented part of the second floor of Manning Savings and would like to add their names to the pylon in front. First Federal has requested some more material changes. The Commission asked that they come in for approval. They also have flag poles planned. The Striker Lanes sign was inspected and found to have another sign behind the Mr. Adams sign. The Commission would like to see the owner at the next meeting together with the sign company representative. Signs are due for inspections and fee collection. Ch. Hardt asked to have condominiums checked to see if all units are rented. VII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Res ec fully submitted, Shirley B s, Secretary \./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Feb. 11, 1982 — Page Five