1982-01-28 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY The Bison Family Restaurant Jan, 28, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE: Arrow Signs, Steve Braeunig DEVELOPER: MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we accept The Bison Family Restaurant signs as presented, on two elevations; to replace the existing signs with the removal of any separation between the old sign faces. Sign to be of one piece construction, back lit. Background to be Yellow Ochre, The Bison letters to be Red outlined in Black and Family Restaurant to be Black. The can outline is to be Brown. Sign face to be 13 feet by 3 ft. 9 inches on two elevations. Motion excludes the pylon sign. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo • Knaak Gibbs Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY • PROJECT TITLE: Mark k Drugs (Strathmore Drugs) DATE: Jan. 28, 1982 DEVELOPER: Alan Sear MOVED BY: Com. Knaak SECONDED BY: Com. Paolillo I move we accept the sign as submitted by Mark Drugs. The additional letters for Mark to be Orange #2119 with White Trim Caps and the addition to the sign of a Mortar and Pestle to be White with Orange Trim Caps. Letters to be located on a raceway as presently installed. Raceway to be bronze as it now exists. Electrical disconnect to be painted out. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Gibbs Nay — Hardt Motion Passed to 1 Ch. Hardt voted No because the Mortar and Pestle do not Meet the intent of the Sign Code. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY • Billls Grove Florist .(New Plaza Verde Location) Jan. 28, 1982 PROJECT TITLE: DATE: North Shore -Signs, Inc. DEVELOPER: MOVED BY: Com. Paolillo SECONDED BY: Com. Knaak I move we approve the Bill's Grove Florist sign as presented. Color — Yellow #2037 Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Gibbs Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb