1982-01-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE. ILL. THURS.. JAN. 28, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Donald L. Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. on Thum day, Jan. 28, 1982 at the Village Hall, Buffalo Grove, Ill. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, B. Gibbs, D. Hardt and L. Paolillo (7:45 P.M. ) Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby and C. Cea. Quorum Present. Also Present: Dominic Saviano, Deputy Bldg. Commissioner. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve the minutes of January 14, 1982 as presented. Ch. Hardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Hardt Nav - None Abstain - Knaak January 14, 1982 minutes were approved and will be placed on file. IV. OLD BUSINESS Bison Family Restaurant - Signage Steve Braeunig of Arrow Signs and the Bison Restaurant owner were present. Ch. Hardt reviewed the previous presentation on Jan. 14, 1982. Drawings were submitted to replace the wall signs at Mr. Adams which were unacceptable. Mr. Breaunig agreed to inspect the sign cans and determine if a divider bar could be removed and if the tubes all ran in one direction. Mr. Breaunig reported that the bar can be removed and the tubes do run in the same direction all the way through. A revised sign was presented. The colors are Yellow Background with Red letters "The Bison" outlined in Black; and "Family Restaurant" in Black. The entire sign is outlined with Brown. The letter style difference was noted and discussed. It was noted that sign as presented is less non-conforming that what is there now and since it is a good compromise, it is acceptable. Also, if Family were in the same letter style as Restaurant, it would not fit. The Commissioners agreed with this explanation. Concerning the Pylon sign, Mr. Breunig checked and found that the sign had been inspected by his company (Arrow Signs) Jan. 4, 1982. He spoke to the owner (Striker Lanes) concerning its maintenance and its status as a non- conforming sign. Arrow Signs is preparing an estimate for remodeling the pylon and will return at a later date with the new sign. Ch. Hardt felt that the Pylon is part of the Sign Package for the restaurant and efforts should be continued to bring it into conformance with the Sign Code at this time. Mr. Saviano said the Building Department is aware of the situation and would pursue the removal of the Mr. Adams portion of the sign. The Striker Lanes owner has indicated that he wants to keep the Cocktail Lounge part of the sign. The wall signs can be handled separately. The Bison continued Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept The Bison Family Restaurant as presented, on two elevations; to replace the existing signs with the removal of any separation between the old sign Sign to be of one piece construction, back lit. Background to be Yellow Ochre, The Bison letters to be Red outlined with Black and Family Restaurant to be Black. The can outline is to be Brown. Sign face to be 13 feet by 3 ft. 9 inches on two elevations. Motion excludes the pylon sign. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo Knaak Gibbs Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. Ch. Hardt commented that with regard to the Pylon, he would prefer the Lounge sign to be removed, and the new sign not to be T—Shaped. It would be advisable to have the owner appear when the new sign is presented. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Mark Drugs (New Location — Strathmore Drugs) Mr. Alan Sear Mr. Sear presented a color rendition of the proposed sign. Using the same raceway and leaving the word Drugs where is is, Strathmore would be removed and Mark inserted. Since this leaves a rather long space, Mr. Sear asked that either a Mortar and Pestle (White outlined with Orange) or the Rx sign be inserted. Mr. Ed Sayle (sign company) stated the difference in cost to re—construct the whole sign would be "'1,500 more. He described the procedure and said to do so meant that the raceway would have to be removed and work done off site. Mr. Sear commented that Mark Drugs is taking over a failing business and must keep expenses to a minimum. They hope to build up the business and help the shopping center also. Ch. Hardt noted that the dollar aspect is generally not condidered by the Appearance Commission. Such a claim would need documentary proof of the costs of all alternatives, so that they can be varified. Com. Knaak commented that the Village Board has given indication that they do approve Logos in certain instances. The Mark Drugs sign with the Mortar and Pestle is done in good taste. He would approve and save time for all concern— ed parties. Ch. Hardt noted that the Sign Code does permit Logos. When the Code was being written, it was agreed that the intent is to avoid additional tack—on or un— necessary symbols. Had a different type of business taken over Strathmore Drugs, they would have been expected to put up a proper sign. Mr. Sear repeated his comment about going into this business location hoping to improve the whole center. He noted that when given two proposals, they chose the one that was approximately $2,000 less. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 28, 1982 — Page Two Mark Drugs continued Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the sign as submitted by Mark Drugs. The additional letters for Mark to be Orange #2119 with White Trim Caps and the addition to the sign of a Mortar and Pestle to be White with Orange Trim Caps. Letters to be located on a raceway as presently installed. Raceway to be bronze as it now exists. Electrical disconnect to be painted out. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo Knaak Gibbs Nay - Hardt Motion Passed 3 to 1. Ch. Hardt gave his reason for voting No was that the Mortar and Pestle does not meet the intent of the Sign Code. It was noted that some banners have been put up announcing Grand Opening on the sign but they have been blown loose and are wrapped around the sign. They will be removed. B. Santoro Property - Change of For Sale Sign. Cancelled. C. Billte Grove Florist New Location at Plaza Verde North Shore Signs Inc. presented plans for a new sign. Bills Grove to non-illuminated - Yellow #2037 and Florist to be illuminated - Yellow #2037. The sign meets the Sign Package for Plaza Verde and has been approved by Mr. Marvin Hymen. Com. Paolillo made a motion to approve the Billis Grove Florist sign as presented. Com. Knack seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote:- Aye - Paolillo Knaak Gibbs Hardt Motion Passed 4. to 0. Nay - None VI. WORKSHOP The manager of Arlington Toyota was present and requested signage for Used Car Sales. He noted that the car business is very bad and they need signage to indicate that they are in the used car business as well as new cars. They have had some professionally painted signs inserted under the car hoods. They are removed at night. Sales have increased 20% since the signs have been added. Ch. Hardt indicated that such signs are forbidden by the Sign Code. He said the A/C has no authority to waive their legality. The only way is to go to the ZBA for a variation. A better request would be to request a variation for a second pylon sign at the opposite end of the property. The gentleman also requested permission to put up facia signs. These would be allowed on all four sides ofthe building if 20% of the area is used. Letters 2 feet high would be allowed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 28, 1982 - Page Three Several sub-divisions are now virtually out of business, are their signs abandonded? Mr. Saviano said that when the permit renewal dates occur, a decision will be made. Some of the companies are negotiating with new developers. The sigma do draw attention to homes in the Village. Ch. Hardt made the suggestion that the Appearance Commission make about three awards per year to businesses with exceptional architecture, land- scaping and/or well kept property. The awards would be made before the Village Board, with newspaper coverage, etc. The Commissioners agreed this is a good idea. An appropriate certificate will be chosen and they will be presented framed. If no business qualifies, no award has to be given. Ch. Hardt brought attention to some weak areas of the Sign Code: 1. Entrance Monuments (Not mentioned) 2, Sign Packages 3. Legal -non-conforming signs 4, Appeal process (A/C before ZBA?) 5. American Flags, (The number and size should be limited.) 6. Temporary signage 7. Window signs - neon signs are not good. 8. Staff has mentioned problems with structure/inspections, etc. 9. A section should be included that would require conformity when a business changes names. 10. Logos - should be decided individually. Each sign an entity. Meeting procedures were discussed. The Commissioners agreed that sites should be visited by each member. One Commissioner leading the discussion shortens the time needed to review a project. Meetings should not drag. Should the A/C Chairman vote? According to Robert's Rules, the Chairman only votes in case of a tie. Ch. Hardt has no real objection to this. Each Commissioner should make his own list of problems to be discussed. This was once started but not completed. Architectural compatibility not a personal The problem of individuality vs. precedence is an area to be clarified. decision. Ch. Hardt asked for two Commissioners to volunteer to work on the Sign Code. Com. Gibbs and Com. Knaak agreed to do this. The Conference Room at the Public Works Building is available. Mr. Saviano presented a change in materials for First Federal of Chicago. They are going to use a crushed stone in place of the masonite board. The appearance is the same - quality much better. There are no roof top units, but a white enclosure 61 x 101 in the rear will shield the electrical units, etc. It was noted that the lights are left on all winter on the Park District tennis courts on Lake-Cook Road. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn. Com. Paolillo seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, L -�c�� � Shirley Bates Secretary Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 28, 1982 - Page Four \.1