1982-01-14 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • ERWIN J. PAGE t., 4011111111 CONSULTING FORESTER January 12, 1982 PROJECT: Chatham Phase II LOCATION: Weidner Road and Stradford Circle Buffalo Grove, Illinois D C V E ARCHITECT: Michael L. Ives & Assoc. JAN1° ? Downers Grove, Illinois3 • -- - PUB1iC1N LANDSCAPE REVIEW & RECOMMENDATIONS MULTIPLE FAMILY PROTOTYPICAL Shade Trees - All are good choices with the following exceptions: Red Maple - must be planted in spring only Red Oak - a poor choice, replace with Greenspire Lindens Ornamental Trees - all are good choices, but the River Birch should be in moderation. Evergreen Trees - the Austrian Pines and the Scotch Pines are good choices. I suggest that they be used to replace the Red Pines which do not do well in our clay soil. Evergreen Shrubs - a good selection if enough of them are used. Deciduous Shrubs - all selections are good and should do well. Ground Cover- all should do well once they become established. CONCLUSION - .The amount of plants,• the exact location, and the - sizes are all vague in the plan. The print does not give full information, but in general, it is accept- able. The only suggestions are to eliminate the Red Oak and the Red Pine, plant the Red Maple in spring, and limit the number of White Ash used. • STREET TREE PLAN All the trees are also listed in the Landscape Tree Improvement Plans for Buildings 13 throught 25. The selection of trees is good with the following exceptions: (1) the Red Sunset Maple should be planted in aping only; (2) the Red Oak is a poor choice and should be replaced with Summit Ash which is not overused. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN- Buildings 13 through 25 The plan also lists the trees that are on the Street Tree Plan. /41')1 '2Q'�_Q417 inn c %/oil A_rlinntnn 1�Ainhte II Rnnnc • • f t ERWIN J. PAGE CONSULTING FORESTER This is a good plan and it makes use of the available space as muoh as possible. The Red Oaks should be eliminated. The Bed Maples should be planted only in the spring. There is room for more Norway Maples and less White Ash trees. CONCLUSION The plans are good. With the few changes I have suggested in the choices of trees, the plans are very accepteble. inns Vail_ Arlington Heiahts. IL 60005 (312) 392-3312 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Wok Inn DAitp.Jan. 14, 1982 DEVELOPER: Mrs. Helen Chin and Mr. Stanley Chin MOVED BY: Com. Cea SECONDED BY:Com. Gibbs I move that we accept the Wok Inn Restaurant sign as presented, with the restoration of the fascia as stipulated: that all supports, brackets and electrical disconnects be removed and the fascia be re- restored and painted to match the existing fascia. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Cea, Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Landmark Proposal Jan. 14, 1982 RROJECT TITLE: DATE: DEVELOPER: " James Truesdell , Village Planner MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I move that the Apppearance Commission recommend to the Buffalo Grove Village Board adoption of the Ordinance Providing for the Preservation of Historic Landmarks as presented. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Cea,Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Paolillo Motion Passed 3 to 0 with 1 abstension sb `.s VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY 1;2;3 a-b; 4 a-b; PROJECT TITLE: Reservoir #7 - 5 and 6. Total - 8 MotionsDATE s Jan. 14, 1982 DEVELOPER: Village of Buffalo Grove- Keifer Engineering, Inc. MOVED BY: Mot. #1 - Architecture and Lighting SECONDED BY: Com Cea Mot. #1 - Architecture and Lighting on Building I move we approve the proposed plans for the structure of the Pumphouse (Reservoir #7) and the Lighting as presented. Lighting 15 Line: 15A - 1641 DB and G Models. Brick - Genesee or Cimeron as presented. In the event that these selections are unavailable, substitutions may be made of very similar quality and appearance. All doors and louvers are to be painted out an appropriate brown color. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Paolillo, Cea and' Hardt. Motion Passed 4 to 0. Nay - None Mot. #2 Landscaping Moved by: Com. Paolillo Seconded by: Com. Cea I move we approve theLandscaping for the Pumphouse and Reservoir Number 7 as presented Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Cea, Paolillo Hardt Nay None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT Reservoir #7 - Aa�YBRE 3a and 3b Jan. 14, 1982 DATE: DEVELOPER: Village of Buffalo Grove MOVED BY: Com Cea SECONDED BY: Com. Hardt Motion 3a - Signage - Ground Sign I move we approve the proposed ground sign on the East elevation of the Pump- .house and Reservoir #7 at the location shown on the drawing. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea and Hardt Nay - Gibbs and Paolillo Tie Vote Motion Defeated Motion 3 b - Signage - Ground Sign Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Paolillo I move we approve the sign as presented with the deletion of the Buffalo from the Buffalo Grove Logo (Ground Sign) . Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Gibbs, Hardt Nay - Cea MOTION PASSED 3 to 1 Chairman Hardt commented that he is much more in favor of the first proposal because it adds uniformity to the complete sign package which has been previously approved for signage in the Village. Instructions were given that should the Village wish to appeal the first motion, it can do so. sb `.s VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE `./ APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Reservoir #7 - Signage - 4 a & b. and 5 Jan. 14, 1982 �RCJECT TITLE: DATE: DEVELOPER: Vi11agP nfladiffaln Grnvp MOVED BY: Cnm Cea _ SECONDED BY: Com. Hardt Signage - Motion 4 a. - On Building I move we approve the 2 foot sign with the .Village Symbol on the West elevation as submitted. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Cea and Hardt Nay - Paolillo and Gibbs Tie Vote - Motion Defeated. Signage - Motion 4 B - On Building Moved by Com. Gibbs Seconded by Com. Hardt I move we approve the 2 foot sign on the West elevation without the Buffalo. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Nay - Paolillo, Cea and Hardt MOTION PASSED 3 to 1 . Signage - Motion 5 - Wall Sign Moved by Com. Gibbs Seconded by Com. Paolillo I move we approve the Wall Sign on the South Elevation as presented for Reservoir #7. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt Nay - None `./ MOTION PASSED 4 to 0. sty b VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: Reservoir #7 - Street Lighting Jan. 14, 1982 DATE: DEVELOPER: -Village of Buffalo Grove - Keiffer Engineering, Inc. MOVED BY: Com. Cea SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we accept the Street Lighting as presented for the Reservoir No. 7 Parking area and La Salle St. Roll Call Vote: Aye - PaolilJo, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARI Landscaping - Conceptual Plan PROJECT TITLE: Chatham Phase II - Multi-Family - 3 Motions DATE: Jan. 14, 1982 DEVELOPER: .1st Midwest Development Corp. and Michael Ives & Associates MOVED BY: Com. Gibbs SECONDED . Paolillo Motion #1 - General plan for buildings. I move we approve the Conceptual Landscape Plan for the Multi-Family at Chatham Phase II as presented. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0. '*✓ Motion # 2 - Street Trees - Multi-Family, Phase II Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Paolillo I move we adopt the Street Tree Plan for Chatham - Phase II - Multi-Family Homes as presented. When the final location plat is formulated, if because of driveway or fire hydrant location, the spacing is such that there are leftover trees, said trees are to be planted on the property. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Gibbs, Cea and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 4 to 0. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY ,PROJECT TITLE: Chatham Phase II - Multi-Family DATE: Jan.14, 1982 DEVELOPER: 1st Midwest Development Corp. MOVED BY: Com. Cea SECONDED BY: Com. Gibbs I move we approve the Landscape Plans for Chatham, Phase II , Multi-Family Homes, Buildings 13 through 25 with the stipulation: a) Eliminate one tree as shown on the plan, and that b) Additional shrubs be planted on the garage side of Buildings, 1 , 18, 19 and 21 : a minimum of 3 shrubs,each. ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye - Paolillo, Gibbs, Cea, and Hardt Nay None Motion Passed 4 to O. `.1 sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY First Federal of Chicago - Temporary sign PROJECT TITLE: DATE: Jan. 14, 1982 DEVELOPER: First Federal - Acme Wiley Corp. MOVED BY: Cnm. Gibbs SECONDED BY: Com. Cea I move we approve the temporary construction sign for First Federal of Chicago, as submitted. Sign to be 4' x 8' - Single Face. Aluminum. Location: Parallel to Dundee Rd. as shown on the layout given tonight. 10 feet back from the property line. Supports to be 2 inch angle iron and silver. Non-Illuminated. The sign to be allowed to be erected on a temporary basis for six months or until erection of the regular sign. Roll Call Vote; Aye - Gibbs and Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Paolillo and Cea Motion Passed - Aye - 2; Abstain - 2. Nay - Q. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY H & R Block, Income Tax Jan. 14, 1982 ,PROJECT TITLE: , DATE: DEVELOPER: Mr. Michael F. Listermann, District Manager Com. Gibbs Com. Hardt MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: I move we accept the H & R Block, ncome Tax sign at the Buffalo Grove Mall , as submitted. Time limit to be April 30, 1982 . Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Nay Paolillo , Cea and Hardt Motion Denied 3 to 1 sb