1980-02-14 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THRUS. , FEB. 14, 1980 7:30 P.M. • 1 . Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 4. 8ld Business a) Home Federal Signs Gwen Osborn 5. New Business a) Executive Environs Revised Landscaping b) B. G. TV - Bill Steinkoff c) Westwood Estates Lights on Sub-division Sign d) Anden - Northwood Trash areas and garages Jerry De Grazio 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS 7. Adjournment a-774-" --(C) mes D. Griffin Asst. Bldg. & Zoning Adm. sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS., FEB. 14. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. at the Village Hall. on Thurs.. Feb. 14. 1980. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Knaak. Gibbs. Hardt and Holland (arrived late.) Commissioners Absent: Kirby. Paolillo. Bldg. Dept. Representative: Jim Griffin Prospective Commissioner: Pat Carr. 3rd consecutive meeting. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were not approved because Commissioners present at the meetings were not all present at this time. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) Home Federal of Chicago. Gwen Osborn and Thomas P. Sughrua, Asst. V. P. Ms. Osborn presented drawings of the present signage as it appears on the building. The upper case letters proposed will be 15" and lower case 'let— ters will be 12i" — WHITE and the Logo a total of 4A ft. in RED. It was noted that the Sign Code allows for 33% of the wall space if there is no Pylon Sign. Home Federal of Chicago and the Logo are the official corporate name and all other facilities bear this identification. Ch. Hardt said he was well pleased with the sign, and that it in no way makes the signage less distasteful than the original. Mr. Sughrua explained the meaning of the Logo. It is an "H" with adjacent homes reflected around it. This identification appears on all branches in the Metropolitan Area and that thousands of dollars have been spent on .. All their buildings must have the same sign. Com. Knaak would prefer to see no logo or a logo only as high as the capitol letters. Com. Holland commented that he has seen the sign at other locations and he has no problem with it. Ch. Hardt recognized Mr. Burton Harris who commented that he understood no logos were permitted on permanent signage; only on temporary signs. Ch. Hardt quoted the Sign Code which now allows Logos with the approval of the Appearance Commission. Com. Knaak made a motion to deny the sign presented by Home Federal of Chicago, but there was no secDnd. Com. Holland made a motion to accept the sign as presented by Home Federal of Chicago. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland. Hardt Nay — Gibbs. Knaak Sign Denied because of tie vote. Appeal may be made to Village Board. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Executive Environs. Burton Harris Revised Landscaping Mr. Harris presented a new landscape plan and explained that at the time the planting was done changes were made without approval. This was done because they were upgrading the amount of shrubbery around the building. After the two end entrances were eliminated. it was decided that the original plan was not sufficient to achieve the desired effect. Therefore. instead of groupings or shrubs. Now the building has been surrounded with various shrubbery and seasonal flowers will be planted throughout the year. Mr. Harris was reprimanded for not bringing in the proposed changes for approval before planting. The changes were not notices until the Village Forester was called for a final inspection. At this time approval was not given because of the difference in the plans that were approved by the Appearance Commission. The Forester did not object to the plantings. At this time. a neighbor. Mr. Harold L. Schweinebraten. 30 Timberhill. present— ed two letters he had written to Mr. Balling objecting to several facets of the Office Building as it relates to his property.(Attached)He read the letters for the record and was assured that proper action would taken by the Bldg. Dept. and the Village Board. The lighting will be checked by Appearance Com— missioners in the near future. Mr. Schweinebraten has no problem with the building itself. just the visibility of cars parked near his property and the lights which shine onto his property. He feels screening is necessary. Ch. Hardt mentioned that several of the problems were not under the scope of this Commission. The Engineering Dept. would handle the drainage question and the elevation problem. He thanked Mr. Schweinebraten for his comments. Ch. Hardt returned the attention of the Commission back to the revised land— scaping and commented that the developer has planted more than was originally approved and asked for a motion. Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve the landscaping of the Executive Environs as presented. Ch. Hardt seconded the motion Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. Holland. Gibbs and Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed. Bank of Buffalo Grove — Landscaping Revision. Mr. Burton Harris Mr. Harris presented a new landscape plan for the Bank of Buffalo Grove and explained that the tree locations have not been changed. Just the shrubbery near the building. This planting has not been done. Com. Knaak asked if the Village Forester had reviewed these plans. "NO./ Com. Knaak said he preferred to wait for the Forester's approval since the planting will not be done before spring. Com. Gibbs agreed. Ch. Hardt favored a motion stipulating the Forester's approval be given before planting because his function is mainly directed to plantings that the Vil— lage must maintain. When the Forester reviews landscape plans he recommends species that will live in this area. but the developer is responsible for their growth. Com. Knaak made a motion to table the revised landscape plan for the Bank of Buffalo Grove until after the Village Foresters review. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs. Holland and Knaak Nay — Hardt Motion to Table Passed. PDPEARANCE COMMISSION FEB. 14. 1980 _Page two. b) BUFFALO GROVE T.V. - Bill Steinkoff Mr. Steinkoff reported that he has replaced the objectionable sign with a new sign that reads. G. G. TV - Sales and Service. Black & White. in compliance with the directions of the Appearance Commission. Com. Knaak and Ch. Hardt have both seen the new sign and feel it is OK. Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the sign face change of B. G. TV. as installed provided that pictures are submitted to the Bldg. Dept. within 30 days- exhibit- ing the exi sting sign. Com. Hardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Holland Aye - Gibbs. / Knaak. and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed. RECESS c) Westwood Estates - Not represented. d) ANDEN - Northwood; Trash areas. garages and maintenance building. Jerry De Grazia presented site plans and described them. He showed the locations of the trash containers;the new car ports and the proposed maintenance building. The maintenance building plans have been submitted. It will be constructed in the same architectural style as the other buildings; same brick. same roof. etc. It will be near the pool. Colors will be co-ordinated as per color package approved. The garages and car ports will also be in concert with the other buildings. They are set and designed to relate to the bedroom. mix of the buildings in the area; and also have easy access in terms of safety. etc. The trash areas are the same as as submitted with one side brick. All trash areas will be located adjacent to garages and/or car ports. Choice of garage or car port will be left open. Mr. De Grazia noted that Building Three has been adjusted to accomodate all their model apartments. Com. Holland made a motion to accept the revised site plan for the Northwood Grove, No. 2 including thearchitectural design of the car port/garages. revised trash recepticle sites be adjacent to said car/port garages. Also note that the Mainten- ance Building be accepted as presented with the stipulation that the brick and roof materials match the rest of the complex. That the color package (Northwoods) pre- viously approved be applied to the maintenance building. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye - Knaak. Gibbs. Holland and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed. Mr. De Grazia asked about the necessity of painting out the vents. etc. because of the problems it is causing during the winter construction. Ch. Hardt mentioned mettine with Mr. Hruby to discuss this matter and reminded Mr. De Grazia that only those roof vents that exposed to a street need to be painted. Mr. De Grazia requested copies of all minutes pertaining to Northwood Grove No. 2 APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 14. 1980 - Page Three 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Ch. Hardt informed the Commission that the Village Board had given approval to Mr. Shassian for the green roof,; and also for the sign (arrow). b. Mr. Griffin asked the opinion of the Commission concerning a fourth sign along- side the Century 21; C. C. Cycle and Bob Payette signs. Ch. Hardt recalled that the pylon signs were given in lieu of mansard signs, so if a variance is given. it would be OK. Mr. Griffin explained that the building cannot be sub-divided any further into smaller units. c. Mr. Griffin asked for approval to erect another structure for service organiza- tions to be at the view Bank of Buffalo Grove. OK d. Levitt is planning to repaint the sign at Rt. 83 and Busch; but since it will be an off-premise sign it should be, presented to the Commission for approval. e. Regarding the abandoned :aindfield sign. Mr. Griffin is again working with Mr. E. Schwartz. He was told that a proposal for that corner will be made to the Plan Commission and the sign would be used again. f. Ch. Hardt announced a coming Seminar - Feb. 23. 1980. No one can go. g. Pat Carr was interviewed bythe Commissioners as a New Member. A recommendation will be made to the Village Board. 7. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn was made at 10:00 P.M. by Com. Knaak and seconded by Com Gibbs. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted. Shirley Bates. cretary Appearance Commission . i APPEARANCE COMMISSION s b 1 EB. 14. 1980 - Page Four