1980-02-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE. IL. THURS. , Feb. 28, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. on Thursday. Feb. 28, 1980. He introduced the newly appointed Com. Pat Carr and welcomed her to the Appearance Commission of Buffalo Grove. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Paolillo. Holland. Knaak. Carr and Hardt. Commissioners Absent: Kirby and Gibbs Bldg. Dept. Representative: James Griffin Quorum Present 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Feb. 14. 1960 - Motion to approve made by Com. Knaak with the following corrections: Page 1 - 5 (a) - Paragraph 4. sentence 3 is not complete - add the word 'advertising' - • Page 3 - second to the last paragraph - sp. 'meetina. ' Com. Holland - Roll Call Vote: Aye - Holland. Knaak. Hardt and Carr Abstain - Paolillo Nay - None Feb. 14. 1980 minutes approved. Other minutes deferred until later. 4. BUSINESS a) Levitt - Sub-division Sign. Mr. Sleek called to ask for postponement to next meeting. b) Temporary "for Sale" signs - Arthur Sheridan. Pres. of Arthur Sheridan & Assoc. Mr. Sheridan presented two proposed temporary signs to be placed on the two empty lots at the corner of Dundee and Buffalo Grove Roads - the SW section of the sub=division. Lot 3 is the Schwinn Bicycle Shop. The location of each sign will be approximately in the center of the lots as close to the highway as permissible. (this being - 10 ft. from the lot line) • Mr. Sheridan was informed of the prevision of the Sign Code to allow temporary signs to be permitted for a period of 6 mos. with automatic renewal provided they are in good condition. (p. 50 - Section 11.2) Construction was discussed. The signs will be as depicted. colors as specified. supports to be set in concrete with no back braces. It was requested that the back side of Sign on Lot 4 to be painted because of the residential property behind it. Any change in phone number should be painted on. not attached in any way. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: rnmeeI move we accept the two "For Sale" signs as submitted, with the following stipulations: 1 - the signs be located 10 ft. back from the property lines. centered on each of the lots. 2 - The back of Sign on lot 4 be painted an appropriate color; 3 — If there is a change in the telephone number, it shall be painted on and not patched over; subject to the Appearance Commission's approval; 4 — Six month time period, as per Sec. 11.2 of Sign Code. Motion seconded by Com. Holland. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Carr, Holland, Paolillo,. and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Approved - Unanimously, 5 to 0. c) Stone gate Apartments - Larry Mc Carthy Mr. Mc Carthy submitted his proposal for two single faced signs and presented a site location map designating - and agreed to remove the three existing signs. There will be 600 ft. between signs; one on Buffalo Grove Rd. North end of property and one at the corner of B. G. Rd.. and St. Mary's Parkway. They will be 6 ft. off grade (top of curb) and 10 ft. from the ground. (4' x 8') a 5/8" plywood. with no back supports. back of sign will be painted black. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the two permanent signs for Stonegate Apartments, as depicted in the rendering at the north and south boundary lines on Buffalo Grove Rd. Such signs to be painted as depicted with the supports and the back of the signs to be painted black; each sign to have 2 supports (4 x 4's of douglas fir) set in concrete. Such ac- ceptance of the suns under the stipulation that all other signs — 3 in number. be removed. The signs will be no higher than 10 ft. above grade and suitable landscaping shall be maintained at the bases. Com. Knaak seconded the motion, Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Carr, Holland, Knaak and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed Unanimously - 5 to 0. d) Datsun Landscaping - Revised Ch. Hardt reviewed a copy of the Forester's report and noted that Mr. Page approves of the chosen trees and ;.shrubs. There was some discussion about thn suggestion to add some plantings in front of the Showroom. Mr. Stavin does not object to a breaking the monotny of parked cars but does not want to block the Showroom in any way. That is very important to have cars on display. It was.;recalled that a landscaping plan was approved by the Appearance Com- mission. but that plan was rejected by the Forester. After considerable discussion. it was decided that both plans should be examined before a recom- mendation is made. This will not depay planting. Ch. Hardt said that the proposal can be Tabled until a review is made. or the Commission can decide if this new plan is satisfactory. If so. it can be approved. If the decision is to Table. Mr. Stavin will be notified if he should bring in his Landscape Architect. APPEARANCE CUNmi5Sl0id Feb. 28, 1980 - Page 2 • • Com. Knaak made a motion to Table the Landscaping Plan submitted by Datsun, until the revisions can be compared with the first plan. ` J Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Voice Vote - Aye Unanimously. V Y 5. ANNOUNC=TS Mr. Griffin said the Home Federal_ Signage will be going to the Village Board on Monday. March 3. 198n. A Workshop will be held on the 1st Thursday of March to review the Sign. Code. The Commissioners decided to make an inspection of the lights at the Burt Harris Office Building and return for a Workshop if the Datsun Landscape plans are available. 6. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned to the Field inspection at 9:00 P.M. Res ectfully submitted, Shirley Bates, ecretary Appearance Commission APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Feb. 28. 1980 -Page 3