1980-03-13 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Project Title: Village Water Tanks Date: March 13. 1980 Developer: Greg Rigsby Moved by: Com. Knaa'- Seconded by: Com. Paolillo I move we accept Aqua Marine. #2037 as the color for the Village's two elevated storage water tanks. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. Kirby. Paolillo. Gibbs Holland. Carr and Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed Unanimously. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION• Recommendation Summary Project Title : Bob Puvetto — 303 W. Dundee Date: March 13. 1980 Developer: Jay Goltz — Got The Picture ' art and frame warehouse Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Com. Gibbs I move we accept the sign presented for Got The Picture art and, frame warehouse as presented with these stipulations: 1) the new business unit incorporate the new business license to read: "GOT THE PICU E — art and frame warehouse" 2) that the sign be granted in conjunction • ,with the variance granted by the ZBA Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. Kirby. Paolillo. Gibbs. Holland and Hardt. Abstain. — Carr (She likes the sign. but not the whdle sign as it will be.) Nay — None Motion Approved. • • • • • • • sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE COMMISSION u Recommendation Summary • Project Title • Lights at Executive Environs Date: March 13. 1g80 Developer: Burt TTarris Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com.Holland I make a recommendation that two (2) black out panels be installed on the Northern most light on the East property line (NE corner of the Executive Environs) as a test to determine if two additional blackout shields are required; and test to determine if the light on the resi— dential property to the East of the Environs Center is acceptable to the residents; AND one (1) on the North side of the 2nd light. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. Paolillo' Gibbs. Holland and Carr. Nay — Hardt Abstain — Kirby Motion Passed. • It was noted that the Police over—rule the-AC should there not be sufficient light for protective'purposes. • • • • • sb • VILL1 E OF BUFFALO GROVE IiPPE=RANCE COYZ.:ISSION Recommendation Su-n-iary CLARIFICATION OF MOTIONS MADE MARCH 13. 1980 Project Title : Date: Developer: • Moved bv: Seconded by: A. Bob Pavetto —"Got the Picture" should read. Stipulation #1 — The business unit. per the variation granted by the ZBA ruling; and #2 — The business license will read: • • GOT THE PICTURE / Art and Frame Warehouse B. Lights at Executive Environs • • The recommendation was made to the Buildin e Department. The notation at the end should read the Police • "May" over—rule . sb •