1980-03-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes C ' . APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE. ILL. THURS. . MAR. 13. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. on Thursday, March 13, 1980 at the Village Hall. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Kirby, Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Holland, Carr and Hardt. Commissioners absent: None Bldg. Dept. Rep.: James Griffin. Asst. Bldg. & Zoning Adm. Trustee Liaison: Steve Stone 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 28. 1980 - Motion to approve made by Corn. Knaak, and seconded by Com. Holland. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak. Paolillo. Jolland Carr and Hardt. Abstain - Gibbs and Kirby Feb. 28. 1980 Minutes were approved as presented. 4. BUSINESS a) Public Works - Repainting of Water Towers Greg Rigsby - Asst. P. W. Director presented a color chart and explained that they were ready to let the contracts to repaint the water storage tanks. The location of the two elevated water tanks are at Raupp and Lake Cook Rds. and behind the Striker Lanes Bowling Alley on Dundee Road. The color that has been selected for review is "Pool Green" - plain with no logo. Ch. Hardt asked if this color was recommended by the manufacturer because green pigments have a problem with durability, generally speaking. They are affected by ultra-violet rays from the sun more so than other colors. Mr. Rigsby responded that this is the color being used in other villages. or many others are eggshell white. They are seeking a color that will blend in best with the landscape. A discussion followed and the Commissioners were in agreement that they pre- fer a lighter blue and selected Aqua Marine. #2037. Com. Carr suggested a beige would be better. because blue constrasts too harshly against green. Com. Knaak made a motion to accept Aqua Marine. ;12037 as the color for the Vil? agets two elevated storage water tanks. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Kirby. Paolillo, Gibbs, Holland, Carr and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed Unanimously. b) Bob Pavetto - Pylon Sign at 303 W. Dundee Rd. Mr. Pavetto presented the ZBA Variation - Feb. 19. 1980 and introduced Jay Goitz. the new tenant who presented a signn face for the fourth store. It will read - Got The Picture art and frame warehouse. The colors are brown with white letters. V Ch. Hardt read the ZBA recommendation and reviewed the situation. The variation allows the sign to be placed less than 500 ft. from an existing sign and allows for the square footage to exceed 120 sq. ft. The next question concerned the wording - art and frame warehouse. Mr. Goltz explained that he needed that clarification of his business. because Got The Picture could refer to many other types of photography, etc. He agreed that he would change his DBA to include these words. since all his advertising is using the full copy. Com.Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the sign presented for Got The Picture, as presented with these stipulations: 1) the new business unit incorporate the new business license to read: "GOT THE PICTURE — art and frame warehouse" 2) that the sign be granted in conjunction with the variance granted by the ZBA. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. Kirby. Paolillo, Gibbs, Holland and Hardt. Abstain — Carr (She likes the sign itself. but not the whole sign as it will be.) Nay — None Motion Approved. c) Levitt — Subdivision Sign Representatives not presents. Mr. Griffin was notified. 5. ANNOUNCE`ENTS Ch. Hardt has written the letter to Pres. Clayton regarding the reception. Concerning the inspection that the Commissioners made after the 2/28/80 meeting. A letter has been received from Mr. Schweinebraten thanking the AC for their time and understanding of his problem with regard to the lights. It appears that the next house has a worse lighting problem, but he has not complained. Four of the Commissioners felt that 2 shields should be put into the two lights and see if that allows enough light for the parking lot. If that is too much. then one could be removed. Mr. Griffin said that one is being put in and then if more are needed. a second shield wll be added. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I make a recommendation that two (2) blackout panels be installed on the Northern most light on the East property line (NE corner of the Executive Environs) as a test to determine if two additional blackout shields are required; and a test to determine if the l ghiL on the residential property to the East of the Environs Center is acceptable to the residents; AND one (1) on the North side of the 2nd light. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 13. 1980 — Page Two Recommendation regarding light shields at Executive Environs was seconded by Com. Holland. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. Paolillo. Gibbs. Holland. and Carr. Nay — Hardt Abstain — Kirby Motion Passed. It was noted that the Police over—rule the AC should there not be sufficient light for protective purposes. Next. the re—appointment of Commissioners Kirby and Knaak— 4/30/80 was affirmed by both Commissioners and a letter is to be sent to the Village Board recommending this action. Approval of past minutes: Nov. 29. 1979 — Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Voice Vote — Aye Unanimously (Those present.) (Carr — abstained.) Dec. 13. 1979 — Com. Kirby made a motion to _accept. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Voice Vote — Aye Unanimously. (Those present) Jan. 10. 1980 — Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Voice Vote — Aye Unanimously (Those present) Abstain — Paolillo and Hardt Jan. 24, 1980 — Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Voice Vote — Aye Unanimously (Those present.) 6. ADJOURNMENT Com.Paolillo made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 P.M. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned by Voice Vote. Respectfully submitted. `` ----Shirley Bates, retary Appearance Commission APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb March 13. 1980-- Page Three VILLAGE Off' , BTTFFALO GROVE • Ma t Xhvd. e # (glove, WI. 60090 March 15. 1980 President Verna Clayton and Board of Trustees 50 Raupp Blvd. Buffalo Grove. Ill. 60090 Dear Mrs. Clayton, At the Appearance Commission meeting last night. `arch 13. 1980 it was noted that the Commissions of Lori Kirby and Dana Knaak will expire on April 30, 1980. Both of these Commissioners are very valuable to the Appearance • Commission and both have expressed the interest they have in continuing as members* We therefore recommend that Commissioner Kirby and Commissioner Knaak be re—appointed to the Appearance Commission of Buffalo Grove. Very truly yours. Donald L. Hardt. Chairman • Appearance Commission DLH/sb