1980-04-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes , APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS. , APR. 10. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday. April 10. 1980. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Kirby. D. Knaak. L. Gibbs. M. Holland. P. Carr and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: L. Paolillo Bldg. Dept. Representative: James Griffin. Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Knaak made a motion to approve the minutes of March 27. 1980. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kirby. Knaak. Holland and Hardt Nay - None. Abstain - Gibbs and Carr. March 27. 1980 minutes approved as submitted. 4. BUSINESS ti✓ a) Kinder-Care - Janet Degner. Director and Waldon 0. Degner Ch. Hardt asked Mrs. Degner to present the proposed light and the location of the dumpster. Mr.: Degner said the light has already been installed by Com. Ed. Co. and is similar to the existing street light. The pole is different - it's z wooden pole. Mr. Griffin added that it has an aluminum arm with a vapor globe. Mrs. Degner explained that she became Director in September 1979 and when the time changed in Oct. from Daylight Savings Time. parents were coming to pick up children after dark and some complained. So. she called the Village and asked if possibly there was a street light that was out. After the situation was checked out. Kinder-Care was told that the lighting of their property was their responsibility. The Regional Director of Kinder-Care said that other Centers were calling Com Ed to have lights installed. This was done and they put up a Solar light. It is 23' to 24' ft. high with the arm facing East. No shields. In response to Mr. Hardt's questions. it was agreed that security lighting is appropriate but the method .of securing it and the type chosen was debatable. Normally. if a development needs lighting. the Village requires that such light- ing be presented to the Appearance Commission for approval; and then a permit is issued. Most developments have on site lighting for security or for special effects. The purpose for needing proper approval is two--fold: a) esthetics; b) security (the Police Dept. requirement) and safety for your patrons. Mr. Hardt said that the Commission would have probably suggested 2 or 3 lower lights instead of the tall utility polo. Mrs. Deaner suggested the Commission come out to take a look. She said there are other poles are along Arlington Hts. Rd. Mr. Degner said esthetics were not important to them, Com. Kirby asked if Com Ed needed a permit. Mr. Griffin said they should get one but they did not. He added that they should have also gotten one from the Public Works Dept. Mr. Sherwin Rosenfeld was present and asked to make a statement. He recalled for the Commission in general that when the Kinder-Care property was brought to the Appearance Commission for review, that he was a member. As a resident in the vicinity of Kinder-Care he has noted its construction from the beginning to the end of the praiect. It is his recollection that when the developers were before the AC they stipulated that all the power was supposed to be under-ground and there was to be no outside storage of garbage. Also there were no appendages to the building. but there has since been an addition to the North side of the build- ing and the power is brought to the building by an overhead line across Arlington Heights Rd. to a drop about mid-way over the building. He located the new pole. and described the line coming in overhead to it. The Solar aspect of is is that it is on from dusk to dawn. and shines a long tray into the sub-division. Also. the pole is 30 ft. high and the building only 14 ft. high; the globe is a mer- cury vapor not a sodium vapor as are the rest of the lights in the Village. Regarding the garbage which is stored outside. The construction dumpster has not been removed and trash has been left to accumulate for longer than a week. Now it has been moved to a different location in the parking lot. Since. Mr. Rosen- feld passes the property several times a day. he is aware of everything that has taken place since its construction. There is a neighbor directly next door that is away over the winter. and has not been there when much additional work has been done. The neighbor would not, therefore. have been available to voice any objection until after the fence was in and the light put up. Mr. Rosenfeld feels that the management of the property should be more aware of the requirements of Buffalo Grove. He is very concerned about the property and does not believe the excuse that "these things are already in" is valid. He appealed to the judg- ment of the AC to see that things are done in the right way. `e Mrs. Degner responded to Mr. Rosenfeld's statement and assured him that she is vitally interested in the good will of the homeowners in Strathmore Grove. She weldomed him in to talk over any problems he has concerning the property. She admitted that when they took over in Sept. there were many things that bothered her and she has set about to see that they are taken care of. The front facing has been repaired. The part that was not sodded will be treated by a Weed and Feed Company this year. The garbage dumpster was there when they came and they did not know it was not in conformance with the agreement made..what should be done with trash? Ch. Hardt recalled that since there was to be no outside storage of trash. the Commission did not make any special provisions. such as screening with a fence or shrubbery; or perhaps a blade of the building so that it would blend in with the architectural scheme of the development. Many others have similar containers. but they are screened as the Commission and Village require; so that it does not deter from the esthetic appearance to people driving by.tetc. He said the AC will ask that Kinder-Care chose a location and a suitable screen for the area that will blend in with the architecture of the building. The Commission discussed the various aspects of the situation and agreed that the original plans should be researched. the light inspected and that Kinder-Care sub- mit a proposal for screening of the dumpster. The light is being paid for monthly to Com Ed. Had the Commission been asked. it would have made suggestions- that would have provided for the light needed. Ch. Hardt noted that had the B.G. Police Department felt there was a need for lighting. they would have so required. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 10. 1980 = PageTwo • Com. Kirby made a motion to table - Kinder-Care. Lighting and Trash Container. until the meeting of April 24. 1980. Com. Knaak seconded themotion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye - Carr. Gibbs. Knaak,Kirby and Hardt. - Abstain - Holland (Because he has not seen the original plans.) Nay - None Motion to Table passed. Ch. Hardt informed the Degners that the Commission will inspect the site and decide if the lighting is suitable. If so. fine. If not they will ask that they remove it. because it was put up illegally and ask that a revised lighting plan be submitted. Also needed is a site plan locating the dumpster with appro- priate screening proposed. Com. Kirby suggested that Mrs. Deeper inform Corn Ed of their failure to comply with Village rules concerning requirements for permits. Because of this. the school is in the position it finds itself in at this time. Ch. Hardt noted that there was a revision in the Landscaping because the required fence around the pool. The addition was not brought before the Commission. but it may have been approved by the Village Board. Mr. Rosenfeld informed the Commission of another lighting problem. using Com Ed poles at Buffalo Bill's Ice Cream Parlor. He recalls that there was to be NO site lighting. Mr. Griffin was asked to contact Com Ed and notify then to come in for permits. Oh. Hardt said he assumed that undergraund lighting was the Village criteria and that it should be. b) Hoffman Group - Otto Klein No representatives were present. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS Com. Kirby mentioned that a new sign is up at Lieberman's - T and J Liquors. • Mr. Griffin said they had bought out Rosen & Shane and have asked for a temrorary sign on the building until their sign is ready. Ch. Hardt asked that they present a s':en to the Commission because Wines & Spirits is not a part of their business license and they must conform. Com. Holland noted that the Tanglewood Sign on Busch Road and Rt. 83 has a big. red Com. Kirby noted the sign at the Arlington Golf Course is leaning, also has some graffiti written on it and is not in good repair. Ch. Hardt mentioned that the two "For Sale" signs on Buffalo Grove Rd. look good. Mr. Griffin said he has written to Mr. Schwartz about the K & B sign. Com. Knaak noted that the lights on the new Bank of Buffalo Grove need focusing. The Commissioners agreed that this corner is really attractive. Ch. Hardt suggested that the Village give out Certificates of Appreciation fon-out- standing efforts to beautify the Villa.ne. Mr. Griffin thought this could be done. f APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 10. 1980 - Page Three 6. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 P.M. Com. Holland seconded and the official meeting was adjourned. A Workshop Session continued. `/ Respectfully submitted. Shirley Bats Secretary APPEARANCE ,:MISSION WORKSHOP A discussion of the definitions of Logo and Embellishment was continued. It was agreed that Logos are a necessary part of some signage because of national trade— marks. but it was noted that lust because a company is large should not give them more benefits. Small businesses should not be discriminated against. so there is a definite need for specific criteria. Since signage is always subjective and care must be taken to allow for compromise. The Commissioners felt that there should be no hard and fast rules but that the Sign Code should cover all signs. Com. Kirby suggested that it would possibly be easier to state what is not wanted. The AC must be united. Other sign requirements will be checked in other Village ordinances. It was also suggested that the Village Board be given strong reasons for any signs denied. Also7 the motions should be exact. The next item discussed was the method of reviewing signs. or other projects. It seems to work out best when a single Commissioner leads the general discussion, and it was decided that each project will be assigned to one Commissioner. Then after a short discussion period. Chairman Hardt shall summarize the views of the Commission and take a vote. Com. Kirby will write up a complete list of questions to be asked relative to each phast of a presentation. The Commissioners are asked to submit lists of questions and Como Kirby will compile them. Landscaping and Architecture will be done first for the April 2ith meeting and Signage and Lighting for May 8th. The Workshop ended at 9:15 P.M. (:STE3 sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 10. 1980 — Page Four