1980-05-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. TAMS. , MAY 8. 1980 CALL TO ORDER 1. Chairman Don Hardt called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday. May 8. 1980. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, L. Paolillo. M. Holland, and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: L. Kirby. L. Gibbs. P. Carr (arrived late). Building Department: James D . Griffin. Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Com. Knaak made a motion to accept the minutes of April 10. 1980 as presented. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll was called: Aye: Holland. Knaak. .Hardt. Abstain: Paolillo Nay: None Minutes 4/10/�.80 Approved. 4. BUSINESS a) Kinder-Care. Mrs. Janet Degner - Director Lights and Trash Recepticlg ; Mrs. Degner distributed Site Plans showing the proposed Trash Enclosure. She explained that the Buffalo Grove Disposal Co. had recommended using a smaller container than is presently being used. Pick-ups will be twice a week. The pad will be-concrete. The Commissioners discussed the construction of the enclosure and made some recommendations concerning the cross-pieces. color of stain. etc. Mrs. Degner asked that these recommendations be made a part of the motion and Kinder-Care would comply. Mr. Sherwin Rosenfeld. a resident of the area. suggested that the gate have wheels for easy access and that the gate will be so postioned as to have these wheels on the concrete. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move that we accept the fencing for the Trash Dumpster Site (Kinder-Care) as depicted on the drawing: 1. The fence to be six (6) ft. in height. with a concrete pad to be nine (9) feet wide and nineteen (19) feet in depth; 2. That the fence to be as depicted in the drawing. with the posts and reinforcing cross beams on the fence be placed on the inside of the fence within the concrete nad; 3. That the gates for the enclosure to set back so that the swing of the gate be within the peri- meter of the concrete nad: Com. Carr arrived at 7.50 P.M. A Kinder-Care: Motion cont'd - 4. That the rate be suffiencntly reinforced with 11 uprights and cross-members: to be secure: 5. That the fence and gates to be stained to match the Brown Trim, as the mansard of the building; 6. The Fate to be made of the same material, as the fence. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo Hardt. Holland Knaak Abstain - Carr Motion Passed. Nay - None KINDER-CARE - Lights • Com. Hardt asked the Commissioners for their findings on the existing light standard that was erected by Com Ed for Kinder-Care. Com. Knaak asked about the cables that have been run into the buiidino overhead instead of underground as it should have been. He said he does not like the light on the telephone pole and would prefer to have it on a standard. Com. Holland expressed mixed feelings. He asked if Com Ed has any other type of poles available? He definitely feels they need security lighting. Mrs. Deener said she had talked with Com Ed and they only have one type of light - no other style post or bulb. They only alterna- tive they have is to take it down. Com. Carr said she has stronger feelings about the exposed wiring than the light. Mr. Griffin said that the wiring from the building to the pole should have been underground and he does not know why it was not done properly. The only one they cannot control is the one across the street. Ch. Hardt feels that the whole thing is wrong. The mercury vapor light is too harsh compared to the sodium vapor lights in the Village. If this tyre of light is allowed for Kinder-Care they all other businesses will want to use the same type for security. He said the Commission has two options: 1. Ask Kinder-Care to remove the light 2. Submi t a mor.e attractive light standard because the school is located in a residential area. Ch. Hardt explained the function of the Appearance Commission in approving Architecture. Landscaping and Lighting of developments in the Village. He - agreed that security lighting is needed and said that the AC would be con- cerned with two factors: 1. The aesthetic style of the fixture 2. The effect on the light on the Village right-of-_way and the surrounding residents. Commissioners Knaak and APPEARANCE COMMTS.STON Paolillo left at 8:00 P.M. May 8. 1980 - Page Two Ch. Hardt described the Buffalo Grove illuminair which is placed in the parkway with the mast out over the street. The only lights used in B.G. is one designed with to shield and no light shines onto residents' pro- rerty. Only one type is used to eliminate the purchase and storage of different types of fixtures. He did not believe it would be suitable: and suggested that a lighting contractor would be able to help with the decisions about how many lights were needed, etc. Ch. Hardt asked Mr. Griffin to investigate what could be done about the wiring that is overhead and perhaps check with Mr. Raysa for- any recourse that could be taken by the Building Dept. The situation concerning the changes in Architecture that were made during construction. The pool fence was added and a utility building for pool equipment were mentioned. It is uncertain as to when all these changes were made because the Board okayed some of them after the AC review was made. Mr. Griffin said that at this point in time it is too late to do anything except check on the wiring. He added that tonight's recommendations will be on the Board's next consent Agenda. 5. WORKSHOP The various sign problems in the Village were discussed: a) K & B Billboard: no change. Mr.Griffin can issue a citation. b) General Car Care Sign Broken - Mr. Griffin has spoken to then' and they are waiting until the insurance company gives them a settlement. c) Dodge - have been sent a letter asking them to take down-the sign of find another tenant within 60 days. d) T. J. Liquors is being sold and the new owners will be asked to come in with a sign that is in comnli ante with. the Code. e) Mr. Griffin has spoken to Com Ed and Mr. Baird (7) said he thought it was un to Kinder-Care (or Buffalo Bills) to get the permit. They will get hermits in the future. 6. 1 DJOURNNE1 T Com. Carr made a motion to adiourn at 8:45 P.M. Com. Holland seconded the motion. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted. j&je Shirley Ba . Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 8 1980 - Page Four Ch. Hardt mentioned the fact that no Hermit was taken out. The AC does not wish to burden Kinder-Care. but if they had come as required by the ' Village, the same suggestions would have been made. The AC does not want to add additional exneAse to any developer but it cannot allow this type of lighting because of future problems. Com. Holland asked how lone it would take Kinder-Care to go to their Board and do what is necessary to comnly with Village reouirements? Mrs. Degner answered that the Regional Director is in Ohio and they also must talk with Com Ed with whom they have a two year contract. She does not know if Com Ed would void the contract. Ch. Hardt said the Village could Probably help them get out of the con- tract and asked Mr.Griffin if he had relayed the information that a new lighting plan should be prepared. Mr. Griffin said he had informed Mrs. Degner of the AC's feelings on the light and suggested an alternate plan be submitted. He added that he was told they planned to appeal such a suggestion. Mrs. Degner said she felt the Village should also put in a light for the park that is located next to the Day Care Center. Ch. Hardt said that the Commission wants to know if Kinder-Care will con- sider developing an alternate lighting scheme. If so then the Commission would be willing to delay removal of the Com Ed light while drawings are made. submitted and contracts signed. Otherwise. the AC would ask that it be taken down. Mrs. Degner mentioned that since summer is here. and Daylight Time is in effect, they really don't need the light except for the protection. it gives from the kids playing at the park at night. Com. Holland felt the light can remain on a temporary basis and made the following motion: I move we have the Kinder-Care Facility on Arlington Heights Road remove the security light situated on the 35 ft. telephone pole :because it is not aesthetically pleasing. 'It is located on the Western property line as depicted and it was never approved prior to its erection. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - Aye - Carr. Holland and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed. Com. Holland noted: The motion was made with the understanding that if alternate lighting is submitted: such alternative. plan is' to be submitted to the Village within a six (6) week period. Ch. Hardt explained to Mrs. Degner that the recommendation will be made to the Village Board and outlined the procedure to follow for appeal. Mrs. Degner said an appeal was not their intention. She wanted to come before the Commission to discuss the situation and find out if the Vil- would perhaps put in a light for them. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8. 1980 - Page Three