1980-05-08 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROV • liPPERAV COX:•iI SSION • Recommendation Summary Kinder-Care• Trash Recepticle May 8. 1980 Project Title: Date. Developer: Mrs. Janet Degner • Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Com. Knaak I move that we accept the fencing for the Trash Dumpster Site as depicted on the drawing: - • 1. The fence/to be six (6) ft. in height. with a concrete pad to be nine (9) feet wide and, nineteen (19) feet in depth: 2. That the fence to be as depicted in the drawing. with the posts and reinforcing cross/beams on the fence be placed on the ifiside of the fence within the con- crete pad: 3. That the gates for the enclosure be 'set • back so that the swing of the. gate .be • within the perimeter of the concrete pad: 4. That the gate be sufficiently reinforced - . with uprights and cross-members, tv be secure; • 5. That the fence and gates •be stained to match the Brown trim, as the mansard of the building; • 6. The gate to be made of the same material • . as the fence. - Roll Call Vote: Paolillo - Aye Knaak - Aye Holland - Aye - • Hardt_ - Aye Carr .,. Abstain Motion Passed. . • • sb • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • kJPE.RANCE COZ::ISSION • • s Recommendation Summary Project Title: Kinder-Care; Light Standard Date: May -8. 1980 • Developer: Mrs. Janet Deemer • Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Com. Carr I move we have the Kinder.-Care Facility on Arlington Heights Rd. Tarnow the security light situated on the/`;35 ft. telephone be- capse it is not aestHetically pleasing. It is located on the W`st property line as depicted and it wa never approved prior to. its erection. Roll Call Vote : Aye Carr. Holland and Hardt Motion Passed. Note: The motion was made iiith the understanding that if alternate lighting is submitted; • such alternative plan to be submitted to the Village within a six (6) week neiiod. • sb