1980-05-29 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COM:iISSION • Recommendation Summary P ro j_ e c t Title: Dr. Robert J. Wolin Date: May 29, 1980 Prudential Shopping Plaza Developer: • Moved by: Com. Gibbs •: Seconded by: Com. Paolillo • I move we accept the sign as presented with the following provisions: a) Dr. Wolin will keep the sign . in good repair at all times; b) The location of the sign to be within 5 to 6 feet from the grotiind, as best fits the column • to 'his judgment. c) That it will be a least 1 Foot • below the telephone sign. d) ,%The sign shall be mounted with 6 bolts; said bolts to be painted out to match the color per the location on the sign. e) As long as Dr. Wolin is the tenant, he will forfeit the right to any other signage. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Knaak, - Paolillo and Hardt. Nay — None • Motion Passed 4 to 0, • • sb • • . VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION SSION • Recommendation Summary • • Project Title: Koenig& Strey, Sign at the ' Date: May 29, 1980 Town Center Develover: • • Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Paolillo I move we accept the sign for the Town Center (Dr. Knuth's property) to be erected by Koenig & Strey, Realtors on • Rt. 83; placed approximately mid—point on the property, to be a minimum of 10 feet back fromthe property line along Rt. 83; • Size of Sign to be 6 'ft. x 12 ft. i • Colors to be: Left Side — Red backgound with white letters, • Rig Side — Grey background with Logo, Red and black. • Bottom lettering to be black. • There will be no back braces. The back side of the sign will be painted out white. • The sign shall not be illuminated. • The erection of the sign shall be subject to removal of the sign that is now facing Buffalo Grove Road. • The sign shall be given a permit for a period of six months as per Section 11.3 of the Sign Code, with further extensions to be granted by the Village Administrator. If the property • is sold, •_tie sign is to be removed within three days of.the sale. • Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Paolillo • Knaak and Hardt " • . Nay — None Motion Passed 4 to 0. • • • sb • •