1980-05-29 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BuF ALO GROVE. IL. THURS.. MAY 29. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. on Thursday, May 29, 1980 at the Buffalo Grove Village Hail. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dana Knaak, Lou Paolillo, Bud Gibbs, Pat Carr and Don Hardt. Commissioners Absent: Lori Kirby and Mike Holland. Building Department was represented by James D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Com. Paolillo made a motion to accept the minutes of May 8, 1980 as presented. Com. Carr seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken as follows: Aye — Carr, Paolillo and Hardt Nay — None Abstain — — Knaak and Gibbs Minutes were approved. 4.. 'BUSINESS a) Sign - Dr. Robert J. Wolin — Prudential Shopping Plaza Dr. Wolin presented his sign and diagrammed the site location. There are three columns in front of the White Hen Pantry and Dr. Wolin wants to place the sign on the center column about 5 feet up. It will not be lit and would serve to direct his patients to his office which is located on the South side of the building. Dr. Wolin stated his reason for wanting the off—site sign instead of the wall sign allowed under the Sign Package was that such a sign would be offensive to the residents because it would shine into their yards. He also does not think that a wall sign would be seen by the patients as they enter the Shopping Plaza. Often patients have called from the White Hen to ask where the office is located. The Commission discussed the sign and the location and expressed concern that it would probably be damaged by the young people who "hang out" around the White Hen, etc. Dr. Wolin agreed that if the sign is scratched or defaced that he would be responsible to have it re—painted. He noted that he would feel the sign represents his services and would therefore be very necessary to keep it in good repair. He agreed to secure it with six bolts, painted out. The Commissioners agreed that if the sign were put up higher, at least six (6) feet off the ground that it would deter some of the vandalism. The Doctor expressed his appreciation for the suggestion and consented. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the sign as presented with the following provisions: a) Dr. Wolin will keep the sign in good repair at all times; (Wolin motion continued) b) The location of the sign to be within 5 to 6 feet from the ground, as best fits the column to his judgment. c) That it will be at least 1 foot below the telephone sign. d) The sign shall be mounted with 6 bolts; said bolts to be painted out to match the color per the location on the sign. e) As long as Dr. Wolin is the tenant, he will forfeit.. the right to any other signage. • Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Knaak, Paolillo and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed h. to 0. b) Koenig & Strey, Realtors — Sign for Town Center property on Rt. 83. Annemarie Scheffler presented the sign and requested one single—faced sign to be placed facing Rt. 83. The sign will be 61 x 121 erected on two posts with no back bracing. The back will be painted out white. Ms. Scheffler said they would build it according to any AC stipulations. Com. Knaak asked about the sign that is on the property that says "72 acres." Ms. Scheffler said she would do what she can to have this sign removed by Dr. Knuth the owner of the property. The motion will stipulate that the ex— isting sign must come down before the K—S sign can be put up. Ch. Hardt asked if the Town Center is Zoned for Condos, Commercial and Offices2 Mr. Griffin said it is B-5. The colors of the sign will be Red with white lettering with the regular Logo colors Grey with red and black letters; the lettering across the bottom is to be black. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for the Town Center (Dr. Knuthts property) to be erected by Koenig & Strey, Realtors on Rt. 83; placed approximately mid point on the property, to be a minimum of 10 feet back from the property ling along Rt. 83. Size of the sign .to be 6 ft. x 12 ft. Colors to be: Left Side — Red background with white letters Right Side — Grey background with Logo, red and black. Bottom --Lettering to be Blac:o There will be no back braces on the sign. The back side of the sign will be painted out — white. The sign shall not be illuminated. The erection of the sign shall be subject to removal of the sign that is now facing Buffalo Grove Road. The sign shaft be given a permit for a periode of ix months s to teas per Section 11.2 of the Sign Code, with further ' by the Village Administrator. If the property is sold the sign is to be removed within three days of the Sale. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 29, 1980 — Page Two (Keonig & Strey sign motion continued) -� Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken as follows: Aye — Carr, Gibbs, Paolillo, Knaak and Hardt • Nay — None Motion Passed 4. to 0. Ms. Scheffler offered notebooks to the Commission, but they were refused. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Griffin presented a proposed sign for Tony of Italy. It is two lines. The Commission recalled the previous sign which was rejected, then appealed; but because Tony did not agree to the decision,, he_did not put any. sign up. Also, the Buffalo Grove Mall Sign is being brought to the ZBA for a variation for the purpose of adding an identification of the Professional Offices in the rear. The question came up concerning Jim Coconas commitment to repaint the poles and the frame df the large sign. Mr. Griffin will investigate to see if the new owner, Bernard Katz & Co. would pick up the responsibility. Ch.Hardt will try to attend the hearing, or ask another Commissioner to do so. The sign that has been placed over the doorway was also questioned, but no one recalled having given approval for it. Kinder—Care is to be on the Consent Agenda next Monday night, June 2, 1980 for the garbage dumpster area, but there is a question as to whether they will try to get the Village to approve the Com Ed light, of install a Village light. Mr. Hardt asked for a representative to be present. Com. Carr may be able to go. Mr. Griffin was commended for having been successful in getting the Kaufman & Broad sign removed from Arlington Hts. Road. 5. ADJOURNMENT Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Chairman Hardt adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bat4, Secretary Appearance Commission • APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 29, 1980 — Page Three s6