1980-06-12 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPERANCE CON: ISSION - Recou* 4ndation Summary • • Proiect Title : UPTOWN FEDERAL SAVINGS Date: June 12, 1980 Location: Strathmore Shopping Plaza, Deve l on e r: Rt. 83 and Arlington Hts. Rd. Chairman: D. Hardt • THREE MOTIONS ` Moved by: #1 —' Com. Kirby Seconded by: Com. Gibbs I move we accept the Wall Sign on the North elevation of Uptown Federal, with the perimeter to be as depicted. • The Logo be eliminated and the letters be spaced on three (3) lines uniformly on the sign; with the letter size not to exceed thirteen (13) inches. Colors to be Brown with White paint. . The sign to have interior lighting with the disconnect inside the sign and that the location of the disconnect -will be marked fob access. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Kirby • and Hardt. • . Nay — None • �./ Motion Passed — 5 to 0. • . Motion #2 — Made by: Com. Kirby •Seconded by: .Com. Gibbs I move we accept the facia sign on the West side of the Building as represented here tonight with these stipulations: a) the size of the Logo be reduced to eighteen (18) inches; b) the electrical disconnect will be located in the interior of the sign; with said location designated on the front; c) size of the copy letters will be • twelve (12) inches high; d) the can will be affixed to the facia ofthe building and not as depicted on the first page 'of the drawing; e) the colors will math the other sign: Brown with White lettering. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs Nay — Knaak, Paolillo, Kirby and •. Hardt.— Motion Defeated — 4 to 1. • The representatives were advised of their Appeal Rights. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE CO:• •:ISSION • • Recommendation Summary • UPTOWN FEDERAL SAVINGS cont'd Project Title: Date• June 12, 1980 • Developer: Chairman: D. Hardt • T�;ove3 by: Motion # 3 — Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Knaak I -move we approve the Uptown Federal facia sign on the West .side of the building with'these stipulations: a) the size of the Logo be reduced to twelve (12) inches, to be the same size as the letters: • b) the electrical disconnect Will be located in the interior of the sign; with said location designated on the front; • - - c) the can Will be affixed to the facia of the building and not as depicted on the first page of the drawing submitted tonight; ° d) the colors will match he other sign: 7 Brown wtih white lett�ring. Roll Call Vote was- taken as follows: Aye — Kirby, Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs and Hardt. . • Nay — None • Motion Passed 5 to 0. • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE VVa`iXISSIO1Y • • - Recommendation Su:n-iary Project Title : For Sale Signs — Two _Date: June 12, 1980 • Developer: Salvatore Santoro, property next to Shell on Lake—Cook Rd. Chairman: D. Hardt. Moved by: Coin' Knaak Seconded by: Corn. Gibbs I move we approve ,the signs as presented. • Colors to be as,presented. Locations as presented. Size of letters as indicated on the signed copy. . The back side of the sign to be painted out White. Sign subject to Sec. 11.2 of the Sign Code, with extentions/to be granted by the Village Administrator, if the sign is in good repair. Also, if the property is sold the sign shall be removed within 3 days of• the closing sale of the property. • Telephone numbers to be balanced. • Signs to . be set on 4 x 4 posts, with no back braces. Roll call vote: Aye —•Paolillo, Kirby, Knaak, Gibbs and Hardt. • Nay — None • Motion Passed Unanimously. • • str •