1980-08-14 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • VILLA E OF BUFF LO GRO�lE APPE J ANCE CC.•,XISSION • Reco;nme!ndation Summary Project Title : (Tan 7leuood) Date . Aug. 14, 1980 Model Area Land caning.. Dan Star . Developer: — Sheron. Covey Mr. Carl Midland - Landscape Architect Moved by: Com. Knaa1, Seconded by: Com. Carr LAN.DSCAPI:i'IG I make a notion that the Landscaping Plan for Pulte Model Homes (Tanglowood) be accepted as dei cted. That if Lot 3 is not used as a Parking Tot that the entire lot will be sodded. That the landscaping depicted around Lot 3 will then be utilized around Lot 4. which will then be • the narking lot. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Carr. Holland. Knaak and Hardt - • Nay - None . Motion Passed 5 to 0. • LIGHTING of MODEL AREA Motion made by-Con. Gibbs. Seconded by Com. Carr. I move we approve the lighting as depicted for thee Pulte Homes (Tangletiood) 'on the Landscaping sketch. Amendment: Should Green Knoll;:: sell Lot 776. and it becomes occupied by a non. - business; that timers be set on the four front lights and the rear lights be removed. Also. Pulte has the option to return for. re-consideration. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaa'>. Hardt. Carr. Gibbs• and Holland. . Fay ^- None Motion Pa-:od 5 to 0. • sb • F • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE J PEL.RANCE COMISSION • Recommendation Summary • Project Title Pulte (Tanglewood) Landscaping Date August 14. 1980 on corner lots. • Developer: Pulte Horses. rr. Dan Star lioved by: Corr. Gibbs Seconded by: Com„ Holland T move we accept the four (4) items for the blank elevations as shown in the drawing.presented: a) 1 Honeylocust: 2 inches Balled and Burlanned 'b0 1 Spruce: 6 — 7 feet - . c) Flowering Shrubs: 4 — 5 feet 2 Bushes for each lot. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak_ Holland. Carr. Gibbs and Hardt Notion Passed 5 to 0. • • • • sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE IkPPELR NCECOMY,ISSIOH • Recommendation Summary Pro ect Tit1.e : Northwest Community Hospital Date : August 14, 1980 Ambulatory Care Center ' Developer: Mr. Carl Hundrieser. , Architect • Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Knaak move we accept the screen option No, 2 for the refuse container at the Northwest Community Hospital— Ambulatory Care Center. 7 — 4 ft. Pyramidal Arborvitae Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland, Carr, Knaak, Gibbs, and Hardt- Nay — None . Motion Passed 5 to 0. • • • • • • sb • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE CO;Y:ISSIOPT • • Recommendation Summary • Bin Daddy' - Records and Video August 34, 1980 Proinct Title : Date . Developer: Owner, Mr. Ben Par-tell Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Corn. Holland •I move we approve the sign for Big Daddy's - Records and Video as follows: 1. That Big Daddy's he on one line, using twelve (12) inch letters, white internally illuminated, type ,t`yle as depicted in the drawing. 2. That, Records and Video be in eighteen (18) inch letters, White Helvetica style and • internally illuminated. 3. All letters to be white (individual) with black drop shades, internally . • illuminated with white bulbs. . • Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Carr, Holland, Knaak, and Hardt . Nay - None • sb . VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE CO:;:;ISSION • Reco;m`ndation Summary Project Tit? e : The Eyes Have It Date: August 15. 1980 -.,.. Developer; Dr. Barry Katznelson • Moved by: Com. Gibbs; Seconded by: Ctim. Knaak I move the sign for the Eyes Have It with the second line — Prescription Opticians — be approved without the Logo (eye) Also the can should be repainted brown. • The colors are as depicted, Red and Black. • The electrical disconnect to be painted out. i Roll Call Vote/ — Aye — Holland, Knaak, Carr, Gibbs and Hardt. . • Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. • • sb