1980-08-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMIS3TON VILLAGE O'f BUFFALO GROVE. IL. T".I P.S.. AUG. 28. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDE In the absence of Chairman Don Hardt, Corn. Kirby called the meeting to order at 7:35 P,M. at i:r e Village Balls on Thuisday. August 28. -J980.. 2, CALL TO ORD'.R Commissioners Present: Kirby. Knaak. Paolillo. Holland Carr. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: Gibbs and Hardt. Bldg. Department was represented by Yr. Dominic Saviano. 3. APPROVAL OF MIN-in-Ts Corn. Holland asked that the following corrections be made to the minutes of August 14. 1980: Page 2 - Paragraph 3 — Last sentence should read: He asked if the Half-eye with the glass stood alone. would people k^now......... Page 3 — Pulte Lighting Motion discussion - The Green Knolls office is the "only house across the street from" rOT behind the m_ocels. Page 5 -a Big Daddy's motion - It should be clearly understood that the first line - Big Daddy's - is to be in a straight line. Holland made a p , _ v r 95 � Minutes as e d Con. } ollund r:�:,s��., motion to a.,�,'��o.� the Aur�u: t ..L,, l,��G :: nu��. . amended, Con. Knaak seconded the notion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Carr- Holland. Kna k Abstain - Paolillo, Kirby �s Hay .� ion e August 1A, 1 8C i_inu��' approved. L1.. t-i 1)T}OlI'rr,)S a) DATSUN - Mall Sian Nr. Lloyd pried presented the Proposed sign for the facia of the building. The letters will be two (2) feet high. individually back lit. red - D21. According to the Sign Code, Section 5.3 - A business with a pylon sin may have a facia sign not to exceed 20 of th,, area of the facia. The proposed sign is boll ti i thin tams t area. The let e ,; „ii 11 he nuns Led as oar the moms l Con. Paolillo lb.0 r ade the folic-wing motion: I move we accept the facia sign for the Datsun dealership as submitted. Co-. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye .- Carr, Holland, Paolillo, Knaak. and Kirby Nay - None. Motion Passed 5 to 0. b) PLAZA VERDE - Vari ati on of Render Bonrd T:i mine 1'r. Marvin Hymen explained the problem they have with the Reader Board. At present there are 60 tenants. There is a li ini t of one char gge every twelve (12) house and since no one wants the night time. the ',len As only changed once a day. It costs ` 50.00 per day including electricity. and there are only about s:i,x. (6) tenants who can afford this. A traffic count for the corner of Arlin.g`ton Heights Rd. and Buffalo Grove Rd. showed 320000 carsreray butr Hymen this that day. '. . felt 1.I s is erroneous in the the same cars pass more than once. so .32.000 'aeople do not see the sign. In fact. Mr. Hymen felt that many people simply tune out the sign. Mr. !1ymen proposed to change the sign every 15 minutes. The total change will take about 1.1./2 minute and would not create a traffic hasard. In this way. all tenants v1.711 be able to afford the 2.00 to s`3.00 per message. The advertising messages will be '_n-teranur=ced with public service announcements. and humorous sayings. Its use will be limited to Plaza Verde tenants. Ch. Kirby expressed the concern of the Commission that in a few years, other requests would be made that wool d decrease the time until the siI becomes a flashing light. Mr. Hymen assured her and the Commissioners that the sipx. cannot change any oftener than fifteen minutes. It runs from a computer re. It would Probably be used 12 house nor day. He will have to hire a public realtions person to work the whole project, so he will probably not make money. but it will generate enough business to make it profitable. Power per year costs about `'1..7.000. The purchase trice was about ( 60.000. so they are not in demand. A business could buy several consecutive segments but it would be more to their advantage to have their message run at different times. The Commissioners discussed Vic project with Mr. Hymen, but there were no objections to the proposal. Comm Holland made the foll.o n !lotion: I move Ire accept the .- endrien'r, for the sig la.,:e in front of thoPlaza Verde Shoep1ng Center on Dundee oad: to alloy the reader board to 1:e chanted every fifteen (15) minu`.es; with the understanding: That the change ta':e^ one and one-half (1 ) r-inutes: That the sign will reed the sar:=eAboth East and Wert faces on Dundee Road. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Ch. Kirby called for discussion, A B. G. resident Pr_ Ron t°1i1n er, 560 Ther,eson Blvd. asked that the nofi on specify that Public ;erri ce messages be sought from the Community. Yr. i'inner vas assured that the oni ei rna 1- recommendation carried the st'mu-_ lati or_ that a minimum of 10, c^ the time be used for Public Service Messages It was noted that the Buffalo Grove Days has been plugged all. week. Con. Holland added the Poll ow amendment to his motion: This n o t on is only a variation of the original approval of the reader board w:ch so stipulated that 10% of the ti r e be devoted to mubl-i c Nei vicee Coin. Knaak seconded the amendment/ Roll. Call Vote was taken: Aye - Care_ Panli llo- Knaak. Holland and Kirby. Motion Passed 5 to 0. Nay - None APP'.7ARC-' C0;MI SIC August 28. 1980 Two. c) P1 LT{, - Model Signage. Flags and New Elevations Dan Star.. Sharon Covey and Jack Metzger were present to represent Pulte. V Ms. Covey presented the signs and their location an a site plan.. There will be one Parking si.en. one Sales office sign with data pertaining to the hours, and two (2) Model signs. The Sales office sign will be a wall sign. The signs are all 20" by 28" and an actual model of one was submitted. Mr. Met7, er described the construction and told the Commission that they would be installed on an angle in front of the Models. mounted on a post which is to be the same color as ;he background. (Redwood color) The Parking sign will be mounted perpendicular to the ground. No lighting will be used other than the Model lighting which was approved at the last meeting. Com. Holland Made the following motion: I move we approve the four (4) model si to signs for Pulte (Tanglewood) as depicted and presented. Each sign to be 20" x 28" in size: burgandy and white in color. AU signs shall have the same type of lettering Signs will be a: follows: One - Parking One - Sales Office Two - Models !Com. Paoli.11.o seconded themotion..- Roll Call Vote was taken Aye - Carr. Knaak. Faolille. Holland and Kirby Nay - Hone Motion Passed. .. 5 to 0. 2 Flan. - Ms. Covey described the three (3) flags that are to be in the Parking lot. One U.S. Flag: One Ill. State Flag: and One Pulte Flag. They will be flocs from stainless steel Doles which are painted white. The height of the American. Flag shall be 20 ft. and the others lower. The Sign Code is not clear concerning flags of this tyre. Sections 6.7 and 6.8 limit flags to openings. However.. the Commission favored the U.S. Flag and in general liked the Dresentati on. It was noted that the flags should have been presented as a part of the signage that was approved previously. Como Holland proposed a compromise and asked that the large billboard sign on Busch Rd. be removed and the flags be approved. Ms. Covey was willing to reduce the size of that sign to a small sign, on a low birm. The flags would be removed when the lot is sold for a house. At this point. Mr. Ron Wilner. 560 Thompson. raised an objection to the construction trailers across from his house. There is also much refuse. Mr. Saviano informed Mr. Wilner that the code does not prohibit the trailers. and that the Building Department would handle his complaint. Mr. Dave Duggan from Pulte also has discussed the matter of the construction trailers with Mr. Wilner. He informed the Commission that one trailer has been painted, weeks removed and has promised to shirt the trailer as well as speak to Mr. Green with regard to his trailer. Other i%oorvepents were promised. The Commission discussed the proposed flags with reference to the Sign Code. and decided that since the wording is so very ambiguous. it needs clarifi- cation. APPEARAz;M COMMISSION August 23. 1980 - Page Three Should the flags be granted, they should be considered temporary and a tine frame be specified with renewal permitted every six months. COMA. lin.aak made a motion on to Table the Flags s until Pulte brings in the coonlae Si F71 PP.Cl'S ga. The; directional Si Fri.t jri/ ia_ndscarring should be presented a1.sO. COIA. I'Cal rTnd ,seconded the not1 on. The COn7 ssi.On uneni ncusly armr e-rem• 3 New El evat-i ons Ils. Covey and 1'` e Star presented the nronosed new elevations •• They trt.l l be used as the models to be built on the F oriel Site — No ' /r73) (.r' and C) and 11 o. 72'5 (;lP end 00 A All materials previously averOved will, be used.. The new ci ovat'on_> are a Tudor and the other one has a mansard roof added. The Commissi0n agreed that they are well done and substantially di ffe_rentt. Because only- the _r o m t ele ati ens were presented and because the dovel.oners were uncertain lust exact',' what t' windows would look like in the rear. the Cori ssi.nn asked that the ratter be Tabled until the Kass are re—subAltt_d and the whole urolect be r,_'eented then. _n. `r r ct next 1e Pulte had honed to ber*r.,. construction�_ foundations , t r �.,1, t.,el:,_ and since all 5.:o-µl,< Saviano saidThatthepropersu }^. very �:i;u_.:_c?.�.'a l�lr. ��2�ri.110 if �1l�a,n are bT'Cufrli, in, a permit could be issued. Yr. Jame': Griffin should be called to be -placed on the rent A Frenc=a — Sent. 11 I28C. . Com made r_ T ( additi oral �.e ode / r 1 . Carr :-�c�e a motion to iab_.c the � it a. 1 F'ul."U. ?:��_. 1.s -�725 :�' and C) and y''735 (5' 6.. G). Corti. I'.naak seconded therotion. The Geari ssl oni unanimously approved. `/ 5. ANNOTTNGFVENTS It was noted that Si gal. Code Seca 6.7 should be cla.1-1 fled before Pulte returns. Also noted was the Dr. l,auter building sign on Dundee Road. west of the Bowling Alley is in disrenair. 6. A PJ C RDDENT Coy . Knaa.i made a moti on tO adi Burn at 9:55 P.M. Corn, Paoli.to seconded the IAot'i on. The Commi scion unani'noun]_y" approved. Respectfully 7 t d „,.....,Q. „.....e.„..., Shi rlev Bate. ) Secretary sb APPEAR.AI'CY CON3.assiON August 28, 1980 — Page Your