1980-09-25 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLA GE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPr AR.A'.' CE CU' ;iI•IU;d • • ' Recommendation Summary. KAmended • Project Title : TANGLEi•IOOD Date : Sent. 25. 1980 Deve7.o-oer: PULTE a Sharon Covey and Ilan Star • • Si.gnnage and Flags Moved by: Co" Knaak Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accent the si en for Tang1 ewood as deni cted. Si gn to be ten (1.0) feet long by twenty—two (22) feet • in width. Eighteen inches from the ground_ • Si= to be located Pernendi cul ar to Busch Road, at least ten (10) feet from,/the lot line along Green Knolls Drive and at least ten (10) feet from the .lot line along Busch Rd. Simi to be in the colors depicted. - Si toa will not be lit. ALSO: . We approve the three aluminum Flag Doles with flags as • follows: A) Center Pole to be not greated than 20 ft. — American Flag B) Two other Flag Poles two (2) feet lower will di splay the Ill;nois State Flag and Pul te Corp. C) American Flag to be taken- down before sunset. • Constructi on of theTenglewood Si im and Flag Poles are to be co—ordinated with the removal of the exi st;ng 8 x 15- ft. Bi Ltboard tnye sign located Dereendi cular to Busch. Road. • Landscaping around the Tanglewood Si. will be as depicted. Roll Call Vote: Aye•, Carr • Holland Knaak Paoli.11o . Hardt • • Nay— None - • Notion Passed 5 to O. • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO ROTE APPE.L.RANCE CO •;XISSION • Reeoni^%ndat?.oI] .cat. 'lam 7'V • • • ProlectT TANGT.l?WCOD Subdivision Elevations ,. Sent. 25 19 O Developer: PULTE — Dan. Star • Motion A — Model #725 (F Moved by: Com. Paoli_llo _ Seconded by: Co:n. Holland I move we accent the Tanglewood Model #725 (F & G) with the following stinulati.ons: _ a) The exterior shingles. paint etc, conforms to the materials we have already anurove. b) The Left/elevati ons of F and G when facing the corner will be treated with shrubbery we have nrcviously anrroved: c) Fireplaces will as previously avnroved. • `- Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland Paolillao Hardt - Nay -- Knaak • Abstain » Carr Moti on Passed. ' • Moti on i3 Modol ,773c —(F & G) ' • Made by Corn. holland Seconded by Com. Knaak I move we accept the Tanglewood .Models r735 (F & G) Note: The roof has been changed to accomodate a Cathedral Ceiling over the living room. dining room and kitchen. • • The right sides when 'facing corners wi.11.have landscnning as previously denoted. • . • Al) materials will likcwiSe be the same as nrevpusly aonroved. • Roll Call Vote: Aye - Holland, • ' Knaak. • Paol.ill.o Hardt Nay - None Abstain - Carr • �' Motion Passed 4, trb 1 abstension.