1980-09-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE_COMNIRSIO1 VTLLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. TH URS e. SEPT. 25. 1980 1. -.CAL?. TO ORDER Chairman an Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. at the Village Hall. 2. ROLL CALL c.�. Onera Py sent 1 Zvi : Knack.. r (1U I P ES NT COr�rin.a i , Pre ,. I-Io'.l� o_j. K .�.�._ . Paolllle. Carr. �& Hai dt:. �. OBit1, _ Rom:>�:�,:,�. Cornmi ssi oners Absent: Kirby and Gibbs. Bldg. Dept. Represoi.tt.ti te: James D. Griffin. Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Nati on to Arprove the minutes of. Aug. 28. 1980 was made by Com. Knaak and seconded by Corn. Holland. Vol ce Vote :ras Aye — Kr aak, Holland. Paoli 1.l.o.Carr. Nay — None Abstain .w Hardt. Minutes 8/28/80 Annroved.. 4 BUSINESS .. CUD a) Pulto Tanglewood Subdivision Ms. Sharon Covey nre Son ted the nronosed directional si gn whi ch will real ace the billboard sir located at Busch and Green Knolls. Coin.: Tolland conducted ..the di scussi_on and reviewed the :previous nresent-ati on. Because the Flags are actually a form of signage the Commissi on had agreed that the Flags were more acceptable than the large billboard si go. Jack Metsgcr was present and descri bed the construction of the sim. lie pronosed a sign 2211 x 10,! (ox 18 1/3 square feet) to be set noon a berm. it would be a doubt e...fdced .s•i tm wI th landscaping ng around the base and erected vi th a four post decorative base. It trill be a sandblasted si an the same as the other si griagte for Pultee. No lights and Sri 11 be removed when the sub—di vi sion i s fi ni shed. The Gemini salon expressed annroval of the si ga and Flags and honed other devel— opers won]d take this annrcach for their advertising. Cost. I:na.ai; made the following rnoti on.: I move we accent the si mi. for Tanglewood as deni cted. Sin being ten (10) feet long by twenty—two (22) feet in s-ri dth and ei ghteen (18) i nches from the ground. Sign to be located neree/Kb eulrsr to Busch Road. At least. ten (10) feet from the lot line along Green Knolls Drive and at least ten (10) feet from the lot line on Busch Rd-, Sin to be in the colors deni cted.. Sign will not be lit. ALSO: We anorove the three aluminum Flag Poles IA th flags as follois: A) Center Pole to be no greater than 20' w American Flag B) Two other Flag Poles two (2) feet lower will d-i snl ay the Illinois State Flag and Pate Cornorate Flag C) Anion; can Flag to be t.ken down before sunset. Conetruotiten of the Tanglewood Sign end Flag Poles are to be co—ordinated trtih the removal. of the existing 8 x 15 foot Bill board si snr located nernendl cular to Busch. Road. i)and.seazing around the Tanglewood ga will be as de pi cted- r Pul to Motion cont d Com. Holland sece idedthe moti on. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr Holland v Knaak Paoli ll_o Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed W 5 to 0. Com. Knaak questioned. the Dlack/Whi to sign on the trailer being used for-dales. Ms. Covey explained that she did not knoU that a Permit vas needed for that sign because it was being used temporarily. She apologized and said she would return to have it revriewed. Another directional sign should al.'o be approved. Com. Knaak asked about the Tribune Festival. signs which builders leave on display after the show is over. Ms- Covey explained that a oacki ae is bought by builders and it would be up to them to remove the signs. The Com!rLssion ~rill discuss this at the end of the meeting. NEW ELEVATIONS Dan Star presented the plans for the New Models Noses. 725 (F & G) and 735 (F & G). He said that all previously approved materials would be used. The same color Pack— ages will be offered. The model with the mansard roof will be the same front and rear.. The right side window is standard but the front window could be a bay win— dow if the buyer so chooses. (Model F) Model G will have a rear elevation which is the same as the other elevations with gables. Masonary fireplaces are optional but so far all homes have fireplaces. The garage has brick on the rig:_t side but siding on the left because the homes are only 6 1/2 feet from the lot lines. Mr. Star did not feel brick is necessary. If brick is used the cost would be about r1,00 to 5500 for an 8'x 101 area. The Commi ssi on asked other basic questions but i n general approved the elevations. Com. Paolillo made the following notion: I move we accent theTaaiglewood Model /1-725 (F & G) with the following stipulati ons: a) The exterior shingles- paint etc. conforms to the materials we have already approved. b) The Left elevations of F and G when facing the corner will be treated with shrubbery we have previously annroved. c) Fireplaces will be previously approved- Com. Holland seconded the motion.. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland Paoli lbo Hardt Nay — Knaak Motion Passed 3 to 1 Nay and 1 abstain. Abstain — Carr Cora. Holland made the following motion: I move we accent the Tanglewood Model.;1/735 (F & G) Note: The roof has been changed to accomodate a Cathedral Ceiling over the living room- dining room and kitchen. cs>nts d APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sent. 25- 1qg0 - Pare TWO sb Pulte w Noti on. Conti d The ri ghi aides when facing corners w-;11 have l undo caning as nrcviously denoted. All materials will likewise be the same as Previously approved. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland Knaak Paoli hlo Hardt Nay — None Abstain .. Carr Moti on Passed / to 1 abstensi on. b) PopnintFresh Pies — Si gn No renresentative was Present. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Datsun -- Roof Units The developer decided to screen the units as previously arrreed. b) Northbrook Development Co.; (old Kaufman and Broad) Windfield .. Sisnage and Sales Trailer John Kumar'. presented the site plan and explained the proposed si gnage. The Northbrook Development Co. is retaining the name Windfield and plans to use the same si rose He explained then need the two dire cti onal signs in order to act started. Plans are to erect a large si gn on Arlington Hts. Road at a later date. Oom. Knack said he would Prefer to see all the si ans at one time in order to prevent too many si.rns being brought in at in the case of Pulte (Tan lewood). Mr. Kayman said that they only want to get the,Sales Trai ler open at thi s ti me and need to identify the entrances. He will Present a complete sign package. The Commi salon asked that the minutes from Wi ndfi eld be brought un so that they may be reviewed before the next Pre sentati on. Com. Knaak said he had visited the site and recalled the brick entrance with the name on the wall . Com_ Paolil.lo recalled that there was to be a bond posted to assure upkeep or removal of this wall when. the development was com— pleted.. Mr. Kayman agreed to stimulate they would not li f:ht the signs and said he expected to take the signs down within q0-150 days. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we approve the temporary si an. "C" as depicted- which is in exzstance: consistirzu of: Windfield colors Brown with a Yellow background: on Rose Court — to be at the end of the narld.ng lot — 15 feet from Property line. Si gn "B" to be placed at the North end at the rear of the gravel nar.h i ng lot -- by the Right side entrance as deni cted n the drawi ng. • Backs of both si ans are to be painted out to match the background color (Yellow type), Neither sign be ii ghted. Both si fa-is are to be included i n a total si on package to tin ff„ be presented at a future met'< APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 2 J.1980 _ Page Three Northbrook Dcv. Co. Motion cent'd Com. Carr seconded the moti on. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paoli l.o Knaak Holland Carr Hardt Moti on Passed 5 to O. Nay — None Landscaping of Trailer — Mr. Kayman described the temporary sales trailer. It is white — 12' x 561 and will be completely skirted. The entire entry way will be refurbished. The platform will be wooden with a railing. Com. Paolillo suggested something be used to break un the back of the trailer and it was agreed that into more Austrian Pines would be best. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accent the landsca.Ping presented by the Northbrook Develooment Co., for the Sales Trailer at the Wfl ndfi el.d subdivision: with the addition of two (2) Pine Trees at the Rear — Austrian Pine — 8 ft.' BB. Landscaping will be similar to that depicted.. Skirt to be around entire trailer. Proposed driveway shwon on Plat to be omitted. Old driveway to be used. Com. Carr seconded. the motion_ Roll Call Vote.— Aye — Paolil7.o. Knaak Holland Carr • Hardt Motion Passed. — 5 to Or Nay — None c) E. Albert Fantl — Architectural Review No representative were Present because they were not comnietely ready yet. 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS a) Ch. Hardt will send conies to two letters regarding the Northwood Project to the Commission with the next Packet.. b) Mr. Griffin was asked. to look at several signs: Li eberman's (Lights): Commons (Lights) : Steeple View (Phone No. changed with tacked on board) : c) It was mentioned that the Commissioners present at the Buffalo Grove Days dinner were not recognized with the other di gni.tar±es. 7. ATkT OURNI'EN T Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn at 9:25 P.M. Com. Carr seconded the motion. All were in favor and the meeting was adiourned. ResnectfuJ_7.y submitted- 4 Shirley Bat: '. Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 25,, 1980 -- Page Four sb