1980-10-23 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROT APPELRANCE CO:41iISSION • • Recommendation Summary • Project Title: Buffalo Grove Datsun • •Date: Oct. 23.1980 • • B. G. Datsun — Lloyd Fried , • • Develouer: - • • moved by: Com. Kirby Seconded by: Com. Knaak - I move we approve the lighting presented by Buffalo Grove Datsun as presented: which would be three (3) building mounted lights — Stonco Line — Cool Cube Floodlights with High Pressure Sodium or Quartz Lights (Cool White) with the following stipulations: • 1 — The light will extend only to the Northern edee of the parking lot and to the East and West edges of .the parking lot. • 2 — They are shielded so that they do not shine to the rear. . • 3 — The lights are to be in operation only when Buffalo Grove Datsun is • • _ open for business: and will be ex • — tinguished at closing: 4 - They will be on the front of the building, mounted on top of the mansard, and are approximately eighteen (18) inches high. • • Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo. ' • Kirby Gibbs • Knaak • Hardt . Nay. — None • • • • Motion Passed 5 to O.• sb . • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Recommendation Summary • Pro a e ct Title: Buffalo Grove Datsun Date: Oct. 23. 1980 Developer: B. G. Datsun — Lloyd Fried = I:oved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com Paolillo I make a motion to allow Buffalo Grove Datsun to nut up Temporary signage from Oct. 31. 1980 through Nov. 14. 1980 — 15 -days. This temporary signage includes pennants to be installed as they desire: also Grand Opening Banner, if they so desire - Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knaak. Kirby. Gibbs. V Hardt • - V \.d Nay - None V • Motion Passed 5 to 0. - - eb • •• • .v • . . • • - . •• • • VILLAGE OF 'BUFF:LO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • • • Recommendation Summary - Project Title: Early Learning Center Date: Oct. 23, 1980 White Way Sign Co. — Geo. Woock for . •. Developer: Early Learning Center t ' • Moved by: Corn. Paolillo Seconded by: Com.KI rby • I make a motion to accent the Rainbow Path Early Lerning Center . Wall Sign as submitted. • • • • - Roll Call Vote: Aye —. - Gibbs, Knaak. Ki.rbi • • - Paolillo • • Hardt . • - • Nay — None • Motion Passed 5 to 0. . • • • • .sb • • • • • • • • • • • • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COI' ISSION • • . Recommendation Summary Tanglewood — Oct. 23, 19R0 Project Title:• Pate Sales Trailer . Date: Developer: Pinta Corn — Ms. Sharon Covey • Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Paolillo Motion No. 1 (of 3) •I move we accept the Pulte Sales Trailer with the following stipulations: - a) That.it be -skirted b) That the stairs and porch be Tainted c) The Tanglewood Information sign on the rear be removed and the Sales Office sign to be - removed. • d) The electricals are to be fixed to look better. e) Landscaping as-approved for the parking lot - - is to be started.Nwi . . Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs. Knaak. - Paolillo - Kirbv Hardt • 'Motion Passed 5 to 0. . • • sb • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE . APPEJF►NCE COMMISSION • • Recommendation Summary • Tanglewood. • Pulte Sales Trailer • Project Title: . Date: Oct. 23. 1980 Developer: Pulte Corp - Sharon CoveY • ' • • Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Knaak • Motion No. 2 .(of 3) I move we approve the Information Center sign • on the front of the Si+les Trailer. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Knaak. Paolillo, Kirby, . Hardt • - • Nay — None Motion•No. 2 Passed 5 to 0. • , • • Motion No. 3 (of 3) _ - • Moyed by Com. Kirby Seconded by Ch. Hardt • s I move we approve one (1)model sign (Under Construction) and_that It be placed between the two models on Gail Dr. as presented. Amendment: • That this one (1) New Model Under Construe- tion sign be erected for a Period of time not to extend beyond 'Dec; 15, 1980. . Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kirby • • Nay - Gibbs, Knaak, • Paoli llo,, Hardt • Motion Defeated — 4 to 1. �./ _ _ • • _ .. • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPELRANCE COMMISSION • • • Recommendation Summary • • Project Title: Fi-st, Federal of Chicago • Date: Oct. 23. 1980 Wimmer and Associates. Architects . Developer: Michael J, Wimmer and Bob.Mi chalot•rski • • Moved by: Com- Knaak Seconded by: Corn. Kirby I move we' accent the Arch Lecture of the • First Federal of Chi caeo (Savings "and Loari) as nresen+ed with the foil cr•rine stipulations: 1 - White glans will be used • • (not dark as i ndi cated.) • • • 2 - Utili ties, roof tom units, • and drainage will be clarified at a later date.. - - • 3) Wyoming Whi to Quartz (as her • • samTJ.e) to-be used-as submitted, - 4 - Sipnaee, Lighting, Landscaping- • and Trash recenticles will be • considered at a later date. • Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo. . ' • -Gibbs, Kirby, • • • Knaak,. • • - Hardt • • • • sb . • • • • • • • • • • . . • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • • Recommendation Summary Project Title: Buffalo Grove Fi re Stateion Date: Oct. 23. 1980 Developer: Mr. Knoennel — Architect • • Moved by: Coml Kirby Seconded by: Com. Gibbs • I move we accent the nlans for the Buffalo Grove Fire Stateion, 109 East Busch Rd.; as submitted: Construction materials: Brick is Cimeron Band - from Cloud Ceramics Drivi t Material (Off white/cream) as ner sample. Overhead doors to be a color similar to the' brick. Tinted bronze glass except in the doors — Which is clear glass. _ • Exterior li.ehts on building to - be druanodic bronze. • Louvers at the rear painted out to match the brick. • • No exposed vents..Interi or drains. •Ail service doors will be painted out to match the brick. Bumper posts painted out to match . the brick. . Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Knaak • Gibbs • Kirby • Hardt • • Nay None Motion Passed 5 to 0. _ sb