1980-10-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS., OCT. 23. 1980 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:38 P.M. on Thurs., Oct. 21. 1980 at the Vil 7 age Hall. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Kirby, Lou Paolillo, D. Knaak, L. Gibbs and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent: M. Holland and P. Carr. Quorum Present. Bldg. Department: James D. Griffin. Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sept. 25. 1980 — Deferred (Commissioners not present who attended the meeting.) Oct. 9. 1980 — — Corrections: P. 4 — Square footage should be 1,100 and 1,800. P. 4 — Strike Paragraph No. 2 of Mr. Hardt's statement. Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Com. Kirby seconded. Roll Call Vote: Paolillo, Kirby. Gibbs and Hardt — Aye Knaak Abstain Minutes of Oct. 9, 1980 aonroved-as corrected. IV. BUSINESS a.l Buffalo Grove Datsun — Banners and Lights Mr.Lloyd Fried presented photographs of the lights they propose to erect on top of the bui 7.di.nk. They mill be shielded from the Sidewalk and will light the area in front of the showroom about 40 ft. wide by 80 ft. long. There will be three (3) lights mounted at a 45 degree angle. They will be painted out the color of-the mansard and will be about 18 inches high. They are the same fixture as the security lights in the rear. The purpose of the lights is to allow appraisers to see cars. Com. Kirby made the following motion: Y move we approve the lighting presented by Buffalo Grove Datsun as presented: which would be three(3) building mounted lights — Stonco Line — Cool Cube Floodli ghtg, with High Pressure Sodium or Quartz Lights (Cool White) with the' following stipulations: 1 — The light will extend only to the Northern edge of the parking lot and to the East and West edges of the narking lot. 2 — They are shielded so that they do not shine to the rear. 3 — The lights are to be in operation only when Buffalo- Grove Datsun is open for business; and will be extinguished at closing. 4 — They will be on the front of the building. .. mounted on top of the mansard. and are approxi— mately eighteen (18) inches high. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was Taken. Aye — Paolillo. Kirby. Gibbs. Knack and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. • 0- . . Mr. Stavin asked that Buffalo Grove Datsun be permitted to display banners attached to the light voles for their Grand Opening from Oct. 31 to Nov. 9. This type of banner is allowed under the Sign Code-Sec. 6.7b - Com. Gibbs made the following motion I make a motion to allow Buffalo Grove Datsun to put un Temporary signare from Oct. 31, 1980 through Nov. 14. 1980 - 15 days. This temporary signage includes pennants to be installed as they desire: also Grand Opening Banner. if they so desire. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Aye - Paolillo, Knaak. Ki rby, Gibbs and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. b) Early Learning Center - Wall Sign Mr. George Woock of White Way Sim Co. presented nhotograohs of the ELC Bldg. as seen from Mc Henry Road. The building is barely visable. ELC is requesting a wall sign be put on the building made of 1/4 inch aluminum (baked-on white enamel), non illuminated mounted into the mortar ioints. The Commission asked if vandelism has been considered since the letters would be very low. Mr. Woock said that is the reason that his company suggested the type of letters presented. - The question of whether the letters should conform with the Strathmore Shopping Center Sim Package and if so then the letters should be Helvetica. After di s- C cussion it was decided that this is an entirely separate parcel and would not have to be the same as the rest of the center. Ch. Hardt noted that ELC has filed a suit against the Village of Buffalo Grove for the right to erect a ground sign on Rt. 83. Should he win the lawsuit, he would still be allowed (under the new Sign Code) to have a wall sign of up to 20% of the sign face. The sign requested is below the 20% allowed. The corporate name of the ELC is Rainbow Path Early Learning Center and Mr. Olson is changing the signage on his other buildings. It in not known for sure i f the parcel_ is a separate parcel, but the Commission did not obiect to the style of letters or the size requested. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I make a motion to accent the Rainbow Path • Early Learning Center wall sign as submitted. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby, Paolillo and Hardt. Nav - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. c) Pulte Cornoration - Signs on Trailer Ms. Sharon Covey presented the requested signs and explained that they need the sienaee to identify their models and the sales trailer. The models will be comnl eted by Dec. 16th (Hopefully' And the new si ens which were Trevi ousl y en- moved will be nut un then. The trailer i s located in the narking lot and will not be used after the models are finished. The signs being reviewed are temporary. Photographs of the trailer with two si gnaw the narking sign and new model signs were nressnted- APPEARANCE COMMISSION Pape Oct. 21- lo80 - Page Two I Com. Knaak obiected to the number of signs that are now within 3/4 of a mile: Ms. Covey said that when the new sandblasted sign is made the large billboard sign will come down and. They need temporary sigriage until the models are opened. Com. Kirby noted that this trailer has never been annroved. It has no skirt, is not landscaped as the Commission usually requires, and is in need of better stairs. Ms. Covey and the Sales Manager explained the need for the trailer to be identified. Since the signs were placed on the trailer,-.many people have come in to the office. Mr. Griffin explained that the original permit was issued as a construction trailer and electricity was requested. The photo showed the electrical wiring was very unattractive. Ms. Covey suggested they skirt the trailer, fix the exposed wiring. and being to put in the landscaping. The trailer is located in the parking lot (#4) and can be made more attractive by painting the stairs and entry platform. The Commission noted that the appearance of the trailer is not very condusive to selling houses as it is and felt it would be advantageous to Pulte to inprove it. Chairman Hardt asked for three motions — Trailer, Information Signs and Model signs. Motion No. 1 — Made by Com. Knack as follows: I move we accept the Pulte Sales Trailer with the following sti nul_ati-ons: a) That it be skirted b) That the stairs and porch be painted e) The Tanglewood Information sign on the rear is to be remoored & Sales Office sign to be removed- d) The electricals are to be fixed to look better. e) Landscapi.ng as approved for the parking lot is to be started. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: .. Aye — Gibbs, Knaak, Paolillo, Kirby, & Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Motion No. 2 — Made by Com. Gibbs: I move we approve the Information Center sign on the front of the Sales Trailer. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Gibbs. Knaak. Paolillo. Kirby and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Motion No. 3 — Made by Com. Kirby: I move we approve one (1) model sign (Under Constriction) and that it be placed between the two models on Gail Dr. • as presented- - Ch. Hardt seconded the mo+ion. Before the vots• was taken,. Com- Knaak expressed his concern that if the Commi ssi on APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 23. 1980 — Pare Three annroves this type of sign that other sub-di vi.sions will also want to identify their models while under construction. Com. Kirby added the following ng amendment to the moti_on: That this one (1) New Model Under Construction sign be erected for a period of time not to extend beyond Dec. 15. 1980. Com. Paolillo commented that the Commission should not be swayed by the fact that this sign is already un and should consider it as a new pronosal. Ch. Hardt seconded the amendment and called for a vote: Roll was called: Aye -;Kirby Nay - Gibbs, Knaak, Paoli.11o and Hardt. .Motion Denied - 4 to 1 . d) First Federal of Chicago Michael J. Wimmer and Bob Michalowski presented a model of the building which will be located where the Bonanza restaurant stands on Dundee Road. The Bonanza build- ing will be renovated. The red roof will be removed, but the basic structure will remain. The outside will be finished with Wyoming White Quartz which will give it the annearance of nre-cast nanels. The parapet will be about 15 ft. high. At this time, it is uncertain where the electrial units will be ocated. In the past they have drooped the roof in one area and nut the units there. ey will not le seen- The drive-in area and curb cut are so designed to create the least amount of traffic flow out on Dundee Road. It was noted that this is a Savings and Loan. not a bank. and they only have about 1C% drive-in customers.they hone to begin soon but weather is a factor because the quartz must be sprayed on in Food weather. `.1 The front of the building will be steel studding with exterior plywood with Quartz. Drainage may_ be interior. - They will meet the Buffalo Grove codes. They will tie into the sewers if nossible. The electrical and telephone lines will nrobabl.y be overhead; but if it is nossible they will be underground. It denends upon the other wiring in the area. In the older se cti ons it is overhead. Glass will be clear because dark glass does not give good exposure from the street. Frames around windows will be anodized bronze. No Logos on the door handles. Rear doors will be painted out. Trash will be stored behind a wall. The rear of the building will be nicely landscaped- No si.gnage or ll ohting was requested at this time. These things will be submitted later. Com. Knaak made the follouins moti on: I move we accent the Architecture of the First Federal of Chicago (Savings and Loan) as presented with the following stinulati ons: -White• glass will be used (not dark as indicated). 0 Uti li ties; roof ton units, and drainages/ will be clarified at a later date. 3— Wyoming White Quartz (as per samn]_e) to be used as submitted. Q- Si gnape, Lighting. Landscani.ng and Trash recent3.c].es will be considered at a late date. • Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call. Vote was taken: Aye - Paolillo. Gibbs, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION ' n(t_ 71_ i ostn — vD v Ch. Hardt commended the two gentlemen on the nroiect and added that the Pylon sign there now would need a variation from the ZBA in order to comply with the sign Code. He asked that they brine in a complete sign na.ckage. e) Village Fire Station — at 109 East Busch Road. Ch. Hardt noted that his comnsny Novak sod Dempsey did the soil borings for the nroiect but that would not affect his decision. 'Mr.Knoeppel Presented a drawing of the nronosed new Buffalo Grove Fire Station. He described the construction. The building will be monolithic. Facia — Drivit material. The brick is the same color as the Public Works Bldg. but smaller. Mortar will be the same color as the brick. The glass will be tinted bronze. Window frames and doors are a bronze, duronodi.c, anodized aluminum. Windows in the doors are clear glass. The doors are triple insulated and will be brown. Lighting will be purchased by the Village and will probably bethe same as at the Public Service Center. Small bronze "up and down" lights with white bulbs. The Village will landscape. There are no roof top units. All Air—conditioning units are self contained. Back louvers are all painted out to match the brick. Roof access ladder will be near the rear and will be painted out. Soffits also plaster material. Service doors will be minted out. The Commissioners had no questions, and saw no problems with the construction. Com. Kirby made the following motion: • I move we accept the plans for the Buffalo Grove Fire Station, 109 East Busch Rd., as submitted. Construction materials: Brick is Cimeron Blend from Cloud Ceramics Drivit Material (off white/cream) as per sample. Overhead doors to be a color similar to the brick. Tinted bronze glass except in the. doors which is clear glass Exterior lights on building to be duranodic bronze. Louvers at rear Painted out to match • the brick. No exnosed vents. Interior drains. service All/doors will be painted out'.to match the brick. Bumper posts painted out to match b]dg. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo. Kns+ak.. Gibbs. Kirby & Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 5 to 0. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 71. 1980 — Page Five V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Com.Paoli llo asked Mr. Griffin to check the Kaufman and Broad sign still on the post near the Oak Creed Condominiums. Ch. Hardt asked about the Lieberman sign. Mr. Griffin said they will be on the next agenda. Ch. Hardt asked that-. lights be turned off until then. The Commission discussed the Sign Code Section 6.7 — Prohibited signs. It was decided that until the Code is codified. only pennants aid string signs will be allowed Hermits without being presented to the Commission. Lights or curb signs must be reviewed. Ch. Hardt asked for two volunteers to meet with him to review the Sign Code: esnecielly to write explicit definitions. After a draft is finished the Arnepr— ance Commission can meet with the ZBA. Then after final changes a nubile hearing must be held before the Code can be adopted by the Village Board. Commissioners Kirby and Kneek said they would be on the Committee• The other Commi ssi oners should be reviewing the Si vn Code end meke notes so that when it is presented all changes will be considered before submitting it to the ZBA. The snec.al committee will meet at Ch. Hardtts on 'Wed.t Oct. 29. 1980. Mr. Griffin reported that Mr. Lou Shassian was issued a citation at the Commons for not removing the Home Show sign. VI. ADJOURNMENT Com. Knaak made a motion to adiourn at 10:10 P.M. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. The Commissioners voted Aye — Unanimously. The meeting adiourned. Resnectfully submitted, 11?).ZoLtti<2._... Shirley Ba Secretary Appearance Commission Village of Buffalo Grove. • sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION Oct. 23.3980 — Page Six